Avatar of Arcarius
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    1. Arcarius 8 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current I'm back and looking to get back into the swing of things.



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Mass Effect
Fantasy with a hint of modern
Gears Of War

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Down into darkness

The low glow of an omni-tool could be seen by anyone who walked passed an alley on baker street as Tiberius stood leaning against one of the walls, He was armored up in his light Phantom armor which was primarily a dark cobalt blue with a jet back trim, on his shoulder plates he had his units emblem and there given name underneath it 'Pouncer', he helmet was similar in color and even had a small external real time holo-net camera on the left side it for when he was synced up with friendly units so they could see what he could see, while on the right he had a flashlight attachment.

Tiberius had followed the message coordinates to a location near to where he was, but now he waited and watched the entrance to the subway, while simultaneously watching the news though a side feed on the HUD of his helmet. Hearing some of what was said he could help but scoff, some of these people had not where else to go and where just trying to start over, now someone was trying to kick them out of what some might call home.

"Give me a break, stop trying to take away maybe the one hope these individual's have" he muttered under his breath. Glancing around the empty streets Tiberius couldn't help but get the feeling he was in a ghost town, not a single soul of any kind, no sound this place made him slightly on edge "Spirits, Where is everyone" he whispered himself before getting the answer he was looking for in the form of someone in black "Well well, what do we have here?" he watched from a distance as the individual broke open the gate, what the actual damage was he couldn't tell from this range.

Tiberius waited for a moment after the individual disappeared down into the subway before stepping out of the alley and moving across the street towards the subway entrance, and once he was at the gate he knelled down and picked up the chain that had kept the gate open and picked it up to examine in for a moment before standing and walking though, but not before closing the gate behind him and placing the broken chain over the gate "Some people seem to have been born in a barn as the humans would say" he whispered then started walking down the steps, his left talon went for the M-3 Predetor on his waist but didn't draw it just rested near it.

It didn't take him long to reach the bottom of the staircase, stopping for a moment he listened carefully and could hear the faint sound so something being moved around, what that something was he couldn't identify. As he started down the tunnel in the direction of the sound he had heard moments ago he began to hum to himself which echoed quietly around. As he neared the location he stopped and leaned against the wall, out in the open "You know your not as quiet as you think" he called out and waited for a reply.

This is the tune he'd be humming - https://youtu.be/nuLT_qAqTU0?t=2m30s


Tiberius could possibly see something similar in his own mind.

But I think he'd skip step two.

Just got home from work, I'm going to get some food then I'll PM you the details once I have them ironed out.
Q - You say he has a need for vengeance, but a vengeance against whom?

A - Now that would ruin the secret, all jokes aside if you'd like me to add why he has a vengeance I don't have a problem with that, or we could leave it as a 'loyalty mission' if you'd like to go that route, either or.


What are your thoughts on this?, What would you prefer?

Thank you for the feedback, I realise the points you brought up and it has got me thinking as well

Q - He was the largest, and so felt the need to push himself to keep up? That’s a strange thought process. Did you mean to say newest, or was there some kind of bias against him for his size?

A - It was supposed to be newest, thank you for pointing that out. Sometimes I get so into it that i forget to actually read it aloud to see if it makes any actual sense.

Q - Why were Turian separatists hiding out on Illium?

A - Illium, well it's a beautiful planet, and I don't see to many people I guess for a better word 'explore' the non-poplated parts. As for the Turain Separatists, it was the first thing that came to mind, I guess it could be a large band of mercs now that I think of it.

Q - Whats he been doing in the year since the end of the war?

A - Good question, I will add something in, it seem I forgot a step.

Q - You say he has a need for vengeance, but a vengeance against whom?

A - Now that would ruin the secret, all jokes aside if you'd like me to add why he has a vengeance I don't have a problem with that, or we could leave it as a 'loyalty mission' if you'd like to go that route, either or.

Q - A minor gripe would be that he’s a vanguard with a sniper rifle. Would he not be better served by a shotgun? Leave the sniping to someone who doesn’t already specialise in close quarters combat.

A - I can see the problem, an easy fix.
@MrDidact @BlackSam3091 Character sheet updated, The Venom gauntlets are not a necessity so of you feel that they are too much I don't mind getting rid of them.
I will make a place holder as well.

Currently working on my ref sheet.
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