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I'm badfool,

I've been on this site for a while now and just became active using threads. Check out some of my interest checks and maybe we can work something out :).

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In Unto Dust 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Agh thank you @-@ I've been so out of it cause I just got back to the U.S. So much traveling completed! I feel bad I took so long but finally a post! Finn is too sacked to be a menace tonight, so Eli is in luck! Don't get too comfy with that though, Eli. It's going to be a priests nightmare.

But how have you been? How is your summer going? :D I'll definitely send a warning in case I plan to blip out like that again. I haven't slept in in sooo long I'm practically hibernating.
In Unto Dust 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Ah, you'd be too damn nervous 'round a lady anyhow when you ain't talkin' 'bout Christ. All shakey and stutterin' - come to think about it, I wouldn't mind seein' that now that I've got it in my head."

Finn spent the afternoon in a fit of giggles, but the day could only stand for so much teasing by the redhead and Eli could only take so much. Chatter wore thin as the hours passed, when the sun and the horizon pinched beautifully into a glorious sunset upon the flat lands. It was a waiting game with the last phases of the day between the criminal and the priest, dragging out from the moment he took a seat in his dining chair, all throughout a modest supper, until the two of them would have to rise from the table for bedtime. Finn knew better and Eli was too modest than to bark orders at him. Even earlier when his rules were employed did Finn metaphorically wipe the bottom of his boots all over, threw in a curse or two, and was just shy of spitting on the ground if he had an ounce less respect for the man who had saved his hide from swinging.

But Eli knew the kind of mess he meddled in by talking in a hardened criminal as though he were an orphan or a cripple, by feeding and sheltering him foolishly for nothing in return but perhaps a migraine and a few atheistic doubts. That, or bitterness towards a cruel God for damning him with the terrible man. Whichever was worse. It was by Eli's own choice that Finn was even alive and more importantly inhabiting his home as well as even entertaining the thought that he could be reformed. It was plenty foolish, but Eli would realize that soon enough.

By twilight Finn found himself a sore and tired slump, his muscles aching and stiff that perhaps it would have been better be died that day. At least then his body would be at ease and his muscles and eyes wouldn't burn so sorely. When he could take no more of the hard wooden chair, having exercised every possible position, he stood and followed with a prompt crack down his spine.

"S'ppose today was rough. I'm foldin' early, so we don't have to dance around the idea of watchin' each other till sunrise. I ain't gonna shoot you in your sleep or nothin' like that, not like I even could anyhow." Finn stretched tall, his long arms twisting over his head and up near the ceiling until he rolled his sharp shoulders with a billowing yawn. He stepped from the dining table and into the more personal area of the living room where he already worked at a lazy tug of his shirt over his head after the first few buttons were managed, with little to no regard of Eli's attention of his meandrous strip. "Where you want me? Hogtied on the floor where I can't do nothin' or do I get to sleep free tonight?"
In Unto Dust 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Yes! I was actually going to mention that. You've beaten me to it! I can totally set up a transition between then and the next day. I'm assuming time will go by a little quicker after then, and we can ah around with time skipping (:
In Unto Dust 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
So, Eli was abandoned by his own parents. Finn nearly whistled in awe over the fact that even his own mother could give her babe up as easily as a father could, but he saw how rigid Eli grew over the subject. If it bothered him, Eli was certainly lying to himself, and Finn kept his mouth sealed. Wasn't anything worse than stopping low about it; Finn made no comment aside from a wordless, somber nod and a quick jump to talking about his adoptive father. "Your Pa- your Father, must've been good to you. He as nervous as a rabbit like you are? You're mighty preachy in a crowd but as soon as I get you alone you're nothin' but shivers. All bashful, like a lady!"

Was there something to growing in a religious bubble his whole life that made Eli so...flighty for the refuge of prayer as soon as anything distasteful was brought up? Shooting down on his knees as if the second coming was happening and Christ Himself was knocking at the door. Did it calm his nervous soul down, truly? Finn had never seen such a thing in his life. It was endearing, oddly, that he couldn't wrap his mind around it.

"And don't you ever fancy yourself a woman? Anyone? Don't you priests get lonely about not wifin' a lady all your lives let alone bein' able to have one for a night?" Usually Finn would've been all teasing towards the poor little man, storming up laughter at the sight of him cherry-faced and stumbling at the mention of a woman. But oddly, he found himself more curious over the fact and perhaps it was one of the more genuine questions all afternoon. He'd had a wild go with a string of lovers as quick as he learned how two bodies worked, and in the mix of them all had taken up a few males too shameful to look him in the eye come morning. Supposing Eli would drop dead at the idea, Finn kept it to himself.
In Unto Dust 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I am! I'm dog tired though! (: I'll be working on my post now.
In Unto Dust 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I know. I'm so happy! Arizona raised the ban a few months ago but now it's everywhere. I'm in Paris now, and even ran into a pride parade. I don't really display a lot of pride stuff but it made me want to grab a flag n start twirling. I go home actually in a few days (:
No problem! Take your time! Hope you're doing well.
I was away for a bit unexpectedly! Forgive me when I happen to do that. I usually give notice. Anyways, bump since I'm going to be in an airport tomorrow.
"I figure I can do that." Declan smoothed his hand over the menace of a dent on his door. He grimaced at it, more out of annoyance than anything else. But he was quick to return to a more cheery demeanor, cool and collected despite the mayhem of the day. He may have gotten a face full of bruises, but Jack undoubtedly was having it more rough of the kid felt so urged to slaughter more men past the three some few minutes ago.

The engine of his car rumbled low, heaving the shirt below into a swirling, red fog. Frankly, he liked the rush of cities better than unfruitful farmlands and it seemed that they proved safer than a more crowded route. But for a man who traveled often it was the first time anyone had been so quick to jump him without much warning other than the scrape of a haunting buggy. Declan could hold his own any other time. He had a fighter spirit, the kind that rose to powerful flames if anyone gave him a reason. Other times, like now, he was chillingly calm. "You saved my life no doubt. I feel I owe you something for that. Don't I?" It wasn't much of a question so much as a statement. He then gave Jack an affirmative stare as if to answer himself.

"'m on my way to see an old friend. Asked me to fill a chair in his concerts these next few weeks and I shouldn't let a few criminals keep me from it. Thanks to you. Now," one foot was still grounded on the dirt, even as he sat in his car. A strike of a match had a fresh cigarette lit and he waved what was left of the pack in offering. Declan didn't suppose it would soothe any of Jack's afflictions, but it was the principle of the gesture that counted.

"These men take somethin' of yours?"
Same here! Delaying because I'm finishing up my final projects and heading home soon. But if the night ends early I may be able to squeeze in a post. (: hope you're doing well!
In Unto Dust 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Eli held the Bible like it were his child. Finn wasn't sure whether or not to feel unsettled by it or find it strangely endearing. He settled on a mix of the two, if at all possible, pulling a strange face that he wasn't sure how to place. It was short lived, the exchange came and went before Eli shot him a strained look of his own. Was it something he'd said? Likely. Finn had some distasteful thoughts that escaped him as often as they'd enter his mind. Filtering his words was a burden, for people like Eli who lived reserved lives devoted to Jesus or professional men and their families. And, if it wasn't obvious already, Finn wasn't like most men. He had no family of his own, and if he did have a child out there, somewhere, he didn't suppose he'd be welcome.

“Done deal, then.” Finn tipped his head in agreement, then rolled his eyes up to the ceiling, sinking as comfortably as he could in his seat. His two legs were long and gangly in front of him, stretched out and relaxed. Both arms were crossed over his stomach, fingers fiddling by cracking or picking beneath his nails. Despite an incredible appetite when presented to him, he didn't have too much meat on him, relying on lean muscle for such a lanky frame. At the mention of his family, he could practically hear his aunt going on and griping at him. 'If you're going to eat so much, you might as well bulk up and help around here!' her voice rang through his mind and erupted a sudden laugh out of him before sobering up. He got plenty of exercise as it was on the run, from being chased and swung at and swinging his fists back in return. But that wasn't the sort of activity or line of work he supposed she'd approve of.

“Don't have any babies 'n if I do I don't know 'bout 'e,. I got two sisters, Nora 'n Lizzie. Nora's gotta be all grown by now, 'n I bet Lizzie's still cute as a button. Shit, she knew how to laugh.” He'd seen them a number of years ago in their old family home, a tiny place on the outskirts and in the dusty land of the Kansas countryside. “Spooked Lizzie half to death when she saw me last. I came back lookin' for some of my things 'n she looks like I was gonna come after her with that scream of hers.” And for a moment, between his incessant grinning, something pinched downward at his lips if only for a brief second. It didn't faze him much, but something about the thought had a right to bother him. He made a brief return some years back and it had been the last visit since earning a warrant for his arrest. Word traveled fast, and it was not difficult to believe that the rowdy Finnegan Foster boy, who took a fondness to pick-pocketing and picking fights and skilled himself with the family gun was the very Finn Casey that harassed, looted and shot up towns following his disappearance. If there was a God above, he surely scorned his family as punishment. “Momma's gotta live with them still on account'a my Pa leavin'. Don't remember him much anyways... Lived with my Aunt for a few years once I started sproutin' up, she took care of me nicely. Suppose priests don't just grow out of the ground. What two sorta folks danced together and made you?"
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