Avatar of Beach Burrito
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    1. Beach Burrito 9 yrs ago


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I shouldn't get called in for Monday, so I'll probably be able to knock something out after my shift tomorrow.
I'll probably throw a post up later tonight if no one else was planning to. Ditto on the Engel situation
I was actually eyeballing this before the mention, having remembered it from the old boards. I'll give some thoughts to committing to this one Az, but I've already got two other IntChecks on the back burner.
I'm always happy to field questions:

@Sypherkhode822 - The easy answer is that tincts don't understand technology, they understand maintenance. It's a body of knowledge built up from observing the previous generation, staring at illustrated manuals they can't really read anymore and disassembling any non-functional tools they come across for spare parts. Imagine it like rediscovering magic in a fantasy setting, they don't know WHY most things work, just that the little rituals they've preserved over the years keep it working.

They're getting worse at keeping their settlements running with each year, not better. A combination of progressively more degraded machinery and that semi-literate people are rarer than albinos. Importantly critical maintenance is the domain of their Doyans, whom in turn teach other members of the community enough to keep a settlement from total collapse, meaning most are as unskilled as assembly line workers. (trained in doing just one thing adequately)

To go into a little more


Unrelated note: I'm happy the fourth school of cognoscenti even if I'm stumped as to what to call them. I'll likely be added an incomplete section on them to the main post soonish.
Always glad to have more interest. I've been ruminating on the place of women in society for the setting lately. Personally I feel as if they'd of returned to the "Women are special and men are replaceable" mindset. Arranged marriages are common, daughters are powerful bargaining chips within families and any job that's likely to get a person killed ends up being doled out to the men. Unlike their male counterparts potential wives and mothers would almost always be welcome into other households (Though not without their own struggles for power and dominance) and a tribe could always bounce back from losing most of its men--the same could not be said for losing their better halves.
There's still signs of life Darkmatter, you might find a pulse yet.
To be perfectly honest I'm surprised myself, don't know how I missed that in the OP. I probably read it, slept on it and then typed out a CS in the wrong mindset.
It's going to quickly escalate into something bigger, but for the first portion of the rp, we'll be pretty regular Joe's.

Well darn it. My initial interest stemmed from the thought that there wasn't going to be a bigger picture.
So to clarify are we mostly going to be following the exploits of a bunch of patrolmen? The 'Hey, weren't those the droids we're looking for?" sort of guys. Individuals that will never get thrust into adventure on the galactic scale or contribute in any meaningful way to the fate of the empire? Because that's what I'm hoping for...
It's downright abnormal that we have three gals in the squad at all. 121st will probably end up being called the girls battalion or something similar for the disparity.

@vietmyke Stormtroopers are like police AND military right? With the Empire basically being a military-police complex. Does that mean we get shuffled around as the brass dictates? Like a resource, as likely to be assigned to combat as peacekeeping? I ask because I think it would just be great to get called into a domestic dispute where the squad has difficulty distinguishing the wife from the husband from the pet--in the case of aliens.
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