Avatar of Benzaiten


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Woop! Shipden Peak RP has started. Can't freaking wait for this to unfold.
2 yrs ago
The Witches of Shipden Peak RP is starting this week! I'm equally excited and nervous.


💀 Welcome to this Hell Hole 💀
Also Known As
Ben, Benji

26 years

24 Feb


English, German

Roleplay Preferences
I mostly enjoy writing in the Casual section of the guild. Character development and exploring character relationships motivate me. I like to really think myself into my character and their view on others and the world around them which is why I prefer to stick to one character per roleplay. I love world-building but I am also easily overwhelmed with very detailed concepts I haven't been met with before. So you could say I love a decent amount of world-building and prefer original builds. Once everyone has settled, expanding that world and its concept is a great way to create more depth and keep me as a player hooked as I love to discover new things!

My favorite genre is and has always been fantasy. I guess you could say I love escapism to a point where I like to flee the mundane world entirely. I also feel drawn to sci-fi roleplays but I have noticed that those usually intimidate me. I feel like I am not adept at writing about technology and all that sci-fi goodness so I mostly just pine over how awesome some OOCs look and never apply to them.

When it comes to fantasy I feel right at home. For my mind, it is much easier to grasp magical concepts and worlds than sci-fi ones. As a result of this, all the worlds I write up (be it here as a GM or elsewhere) tend to be fantastical in one way or another. I especially enjoy adventure RPs and witch RPs. I like to see new magical systems and am always eager to learn more about the worlds I RP in.

Additionally, all my characters are queer, always. Since I am queer myself and can't imagine playing straight ^^

Latest Roleplays
Although the days of witch hunts are long past us, life isn't roses. While the upcoming election is threatening witches with a potential anti-witch politician claiming the title of president, unrest is stirring in the corners of the world. A rise in threats has been detected - unnatural beings, magical beasts, and other supernatural phenomena pull media attention and feed directly into an anti-witch campaign.

The Death Knight's Squire (GM)
A D&D One-Shot. A group of adventurers is hired to find the missing grandson of a wealthy couple visiting the town. He was taken by a mysterious knight who rode his horse into the deadly woods nearby, taking the young boy with him. But the knight is not a simple man, he is said to be a resurrected ghostly figure forever in search for a squire, kidnapping young boys who never return home.

Wandering Topside [1x1]
The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Lords' Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city. Meanwhile, Rhana, a drow rogue with a questionable past, and Salissa, a dhampir bard with flair, find themselves somehow involved in this as they tackle different missions aimed at stopping the cult.

Other Places of Interest
This is just my character archive. I have recently reorganized it. I made a whole new thread for it, moved the CS I wanted to keep for memories sake over and am now less ashamed to have people stumble upon my creations.

How To Run A Multi-Arc RP (by BlueSky44 and Morose)
Some helpful tips on running and organizing your roleplay and what to do when your story is concluded. This should help you when running a multi-arc roleplay. You will also find some tips on setting up an Interest Check and OOC here.

I always write my IC posts in gray due to finding the white color pretty straining on the eyes.

Most Recent Posts

@Guardian Angel Haruki In that case, I'll have Kida move 30ft towards the Bandits and then attack using a dart.

[Roll to Attack: 19; assuming that hits damage is 4]

As a Bonus Action I'd like to use Two-Weapon Fighting but it specifies it has to be a "different light melee weapon" but "if either weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon". So throwing a second dart isn't possible with Two-Weapon Fighting because it's not a melee weapon, right? It's a ranged weapon.

If that is the case, then I do not have a Bonus Action available to me this turn and shall just throw a single measly dart xD

Reminder to Self: Kida still has Bardic Inspiration from Ariel. But I think with a 19 to hit I don't need to use it for this roll just yet.
If Kida wanted to get into melee with a bandit, would she be able to without dashing? I feel like you said they're not within 30ft.
@Crimson Flame It could be. Atlantis was huge and when it sunk just the inner region of it was protected, the rest got flooded and people died. So it could be that those sunken parts of the city turned out to become the kingdom Atlantica.
DND was cancelled
In Hangman! 11 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
I might attempt to throw my hat in the ring.
@Guardian Angel Haruki Not trying to push but it's been a few days of silence. How you doing? We still going?

Sorry I held everyone up. I wasn't available most day yesterday.
@rush99999 In every party there needs to be one person who will just hit people first ask questions later xD

Edit: Dear GM, are we supposed to roll initiative now or do you wanna roll Initiative to speed up that process?
@Guardian Angel Haruki I was joking ;) Here is my perception check: 18
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