Avatar of Bonjour xx


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Current *casually strolls in years later*
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Returning to this site after a couple of years away :)
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9 yrs ago
Recovering from surgery now. Will check in but certainly not up to posting for several days!
9 yrs ago
If all the world's a stage, where do the audience sit?


Hello all :) I've been RP-ing for about 15 years and these days nearly everything I write is through PMs. I'm getting back into this site after taking a break and am mostly looking at starting a few 1x1s but I might jump into a group RP if I'm tempted enough.

Most Recent Posts

@ScarlettWaters16 Helloooooo?!
PM me :)
Did you have a plot in mind?
PM me if you are still looking please :)
Kahjo wiped her sweat-filled brow. The blazing sun, the heat and the humidity of the unknown planet she now found herself on were going to kill her within the next thirty hours if she didn't find a drinkable source of water. She might even have less time given that she had lost quite a bit of blood from her injury. The wound was cauterised and sealed now, but her body need rest to replenish the nutrients and ions it had lost. Furthermore, even if the notorious thief's body didn't give out, her wound and blood-soaked clothes could very well be attracting hungry predators from far and wide. Kahjo didn't like the odds that were piling up against her survival, but with no other choice, she trudged on through the desert towards the mountain peak that had only just come into view.

Kahjo paused, looking at the summit in the distance. She was hoping that there was a different landscape on the other side of the mountain, but even if there wasn't, she would be able to get a good idea of the lay of the land from the top of it and thus plan what her next move would be. There was a sickly feeling that made the hairs on the back of Kahjo's hair stand on end that had been with her for the past couple of hours now. She was been stalked, she knew that. She doubted whatever the creature was would make its move before the going down of the sun. No, it would wake until nightfall and then strike, attacking her when she was most vulnerable.

Looking back at the mountain, Kahjo knew there was no way she could reach it before nightfall. She had her equipment to defend herself - goggles, explosives, taser - but no real weaponry like a heavy duty gun. Not been used to confrontations as a thief, Kahjo didn't carry such things. Moreover, she preferred to travel light - it made for a quicker and more efficient escape. However, given that she had suddenly become the prey in a deadly hunting game, Kahjo was seriously rethinking her aversion to guns.

Kahjo filled her goggles down, to try and get an idea of just how many mysterious creatures were following her. They were stealthy and had she not been the same, she would have never known she were being followed. The technology in her googles picked up several heat signatures from trails, but not much else. Whatever the creatures were, Kahjo's goggles weren't picking up their data. Kahjo cursed and gripped her messenger-style bag filled with her chemical weapons a little bit tighter before setting off again.
Interested in demon hunter x bound and Canaries plots. PM me if you're still looking please :)
world war three
A war has broken out between countries each trying to get the upper hand. Though none were and civilians were advised to stay in doors, that was until a nuclear weapon had hit a guys hometown. Being thrown into the lake at the time of the explosion he survived though he wasn't taking his chances with anyone. Not trusting people, other cities had been hit as well. Meeting a woman through his travels while wounded, some sparks fly between them.

If you're still looking for a partner for this one, please PM me :) Also, let me know if you have other plots.
@DJAtomika I think it might be time for another roll call.

At this point the term 'body count' might be more appropriate.

Nah, Sevyn just broke out some naughty space grass and the team are all lying on the floor giggling about unicorns and wondering where they can find monster munch crisps :)
@ScarlettWaters16 Seen your signature message. Hope you'll post soon though :)
As you wish...

Haven't forgotten about this thread. Très, très désolé for being a hermit recently!!!
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