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    1. Breadngames 8 yrs ago


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Yup, sorry about that. Was waiting to pick up the slack after everyone made their choice.
Saito studied the names Mr. T had forwarded, musing over his options. Most of them sounded safe enough to shake down or negotiate with; a dealer, a worker and a hacker. As Oracle volunteered to approach Lil’ Red, he struck it off the list. No point double working; Saito was sure she could handle the lone hacker herself.

The yakuza lead could prove troublesome. He had no doubt that any one of his team members were a match for a Kyodai one-on-one, especially (as it turned out) if Grizzly was going to be the one dealing with Mao. But the underboss commanded considerable men and material by himself, not to mention the possibility that things could escalate and drag his superiors in.

I’ll back you up Grizzly. One does not simply walk into yakuza business. Two is a more auspicious number,” Saito chimed in before glancing over his teammate’s extensive arsenal. “Being literally armed to the teeth helps, of course.” Since the American had professed previous dealings with the yakuza, for once Saito would shut up and let someone else do the talking.
Receiving no response to his noisy entrance, Saito gave an exaggerated sigh.

“Tough crowd tonight, huh?”

He stacks the pizza boxes on a common table. They precariously balance on top of the assorted clutter. Retrieving his share, Saito reclines back on a battered couch and passes the time digging into his dinner. He finishes just as Mr. T begins the briefing.
Saito was bemused that he was conducting yet another extraction job. <This is almost becoming a daily grind> he thought to himself.
Hopefully, this target would walk on his own power. That said, if a team of armed Ronins weren’t persuasive enough to turn Mr. Howard into a team player, Saito had a few drugs to encourage him. And if all else failed, he would just let his stun knuckles have the final word. (The word being BZZZzzzt-HNNNNGGGH)

“Hope Mr. Howard doesn’t have a heart condition,” Saito chimes as he rolls the credstick between a handful of sparking, prosthetic fingers. “Nevermind, I better go find out myself.” He would have to trawl through several medical databases and sources, some less legitimate than others. But when 100,000 credits depended on the CEO’s wellbeing, Saito figured better safe than sorry.
>Did not spend points buying fancy transport
>Logical conclusion?
>Saito has to take the bus
Saito’s journey began from the clandestine, off-shore UAV carrier, to an unassuming jetty along Tokyo Bay, before hitching ride into the city proper in a company armored car, blindfolded of course. Unceremoniously dumped at the bus depot, he then had to navigate through Neo-Tokyo’s public transportation system, an anarchic mess of competing mass transit firms, locked in a constant turf war over bus routes, air-cab unions and mag-lev rails. Saito ended up sitting through four trains and several bus rides, half of which turned out to no longer stop at his expected destinations due to corporate warfare re-arranging the transit routes mid-journey. By the time he reached Kabukicho, 11 hours had passed since Saito’s shootout at Kasshin Towers (which were , incidentally,a mere 3 blocks away from the bar)

All things considered, Saito was genuinely glad that his commute had gone so smoothly.

Stopping by a vending machine, the weary Ronin tapped his e-wallet on its reader before ordering a trio of large pizzas. Several moments later, the machine dispensed his piping hot order, before thanking him in a recycled electronic voice. Saito cradled them under his shoulder, keeping one arm free while he walked past the front entrance of Tommy’s. A casual glance about revealed nothing suspicious, so he continued his way to its back alley entrance. He gave the distinctive motorcycle parked in the alleyway a wide berth. Saito had bad luck with zap-happy machines.

Saito gave three knocks on the door before boisterously entering.

“Pizza boy here! Got an order of extra-large SAUSAGE lover right here! Or does someone need help cleaning out their PLUMBLING? Maybe I could interest you with my selection of LARGE. BIT. DRILLS?”
Kasshin Towers is a glass and steel behemoth standing a hundred stories above the neon-saturated Neo-Tokyo surface. A honeycomb of office rooms, it hosts numerous small to mid-sized companies. Most of these legitimate firms were closed for the night, leaving behind empty corridors echoing with the low hum of the ventilation system.

In an anonymous room, behind an anonymous door, a man in scientist scrubs groans as his captors prepare another cocktail of drugs to administer. He struggles against his blood soaked restraints as they approach him with the syringe, but his movements are sluggish and ineffectual. One man presses down, forcing the captive’s hand deeper into the power drill impaling it. As he feels the mangling of his hands and the prick of a needle, all he can do is let out a wet gurgling scream.

The wind roars past a trio of figures as they glide between the skyscrapers. They soar on winged suits, navigating past towering billboards and expansive sky bridges. Moving with precision and purpose, making their way to Kasshin Towers like a trio of silent bats. As they approach, they apply their air brakes, allowing momentum to carry them the rest of the way.

One figure raises its weapon and takes aim at the glass surface they are about to collide with. With a muted cough, the weapon launches a breaching round into the glass, shattering it into the thousand glittering pieces. The three figures quickly follow in, guns blazing as dazed security personnel try to react to the sudden intrusion. While their suits fold in, the bat-like figures clear the office cubicle by cubicle.

They stack up beside a locked door.
Three heat signatures inside” one figure intones.
HVI?” the second figure queries.
Possible. One’s looks like he’s strapped down on a chair.”
Got it. Breach and clear on my mark. Watch for friendlies,” decides the second one. He turns around and taps the last figure. “HVI’s still alive.
Guess I’ll be earning my keep then,” the last man nods.
The second man chuckles, then begins counting down.

The door explodes in a shower of shrapnel. One interrogator fires his pistol at the doorway blindly, while the other ducks under a heavy desk. The lead intruder steps in and to the side, just as a haphazardly aimed pistol round skips off the surface of his armour. He opens fire and returns the favour, dropping his assailant. The second intruder scans for more targets, but is quickly hammered back as the last interrogator reaches over the table and fires blindly with his submachine gun. The last intruder quickly ducks below the line of fire before pumping shot after shot into the table. Mahogany is no match for rifle calibre bullets, and the last remaining interrogator joins his compatriot.

Clear!” the first intruder yells as he surveys the rest of the room.
The second, injured intruder gingerly picks himself off the floor, waving off the third’s extended hand.
I’m fine. Check the HVI.

The third man moves away to free the delirious scientist from his restraints. Laying him down on the bullet-holed table, he begins treating the injuries. The other two intruders begin rigging up the office, preparing for their extraction and to deal with reinforcements.

Sure enough, more enemies appear, their arrival signalled by the chiming of the lift. The two intruders begin shooting as the doors open, cutting down the first ranks of security personnel. A few who had the fortune of better grade armour and the presence of mind to stand behind a few cannon fodder, were able to escape the massacre, ducking out of the lift and into cover. A shootout between the intruders and the reinforcements begin in earnest, and as another lift full of armed men arrive, the situation begins to turn against the former.

Goblin, we gotta go,” the injured intruder orders the third member of his group. “Extract’s almost above us
Roger that, exiting the room. Give me some covering fire.

The 2 intruders half-stand up and fire into the mass of enemies. They endure the hits they receive, gambling that their armour would withstand the punishment for now. Their enemies are not so well equipped however, and are quickly suppressed by the volume of accurate fire. Goblin bursts out of the room, carrying the scientist in a fireman’s lift while shooting back with his rifle held in his cybernetic arm. He doesn’t stop running until he reaches the pillar behind which his team mates are hiding.

Is he stable?” yells the injured intruder over the noise.
Stable enough. I’ll strap him to me and we’ll extract on the same line,” Goblin replies.
You sure about that?
Yeah, trust the doctor on this one. Let’s go!

As the injured intruder begins yelling instructions over the radio, the other two inflate small balloons attached to a length of para cord. Hooking themselves up to one end, they throw it outside the open window they came in from. The balloons float up into the night sky, emitting a strobing light and dragging the cords with them. Satisfied that the lines were clear, Goblin wore a full body harness on the scientist before securing him onto his own rigging.

Giving one last burst of return fire, the intruders activate the grenades they had laced the office with. Explosions rip through the ranks of the security personnel, and smoke begins to pour out from every direction, flooding the entire area with choking smog. As the dazed enemies struggle to regain their awareness, a loud mechanical droning rattles the building, shaking loose debris and anything not nailed down. The intruders watch their lines, and the moment they feel them catch onto something, they leap out the open window.

A moment of free fall, then a jerk, then slowly being hoisted up into the belly of a drone aircraft. Once again, the Fulton extraction system proves its success.

Safe in the cargo hold, the intruders finally take a breather. Goblin unstraps his cargo from himself and lays him on the prepared stretcher. The company would take good care of their new information asset, hopefully better than the last bunch had. It would of course, depend on how cooperative he turns out to be, but that was frankly not Goblin’s concern.

Hey Goblin, good job there,” praised the injured intruder, patting the medic on the back. “Thought we’d have to leave the HVI behind after seeing how messed up he was.
It was touch and go for a while,” Goblin shrugs. “How about you? Got yourself any souvenirs?
The intruder grins and peels off his armour and undershirt, revealing a rigid plate of bullet-resistant material under his skin.
Sub-dermal armour, baby. If I’m lucky, it won’t even leave a bruise in the morning.
Goblin nods, impressed. “Good insurance. Pity I don’t need to treat that. I could have charged extra.

While the apparently uninjured intruder laughed, Goblin saw a message pop up on his helmet’s HUD. With a quick eye gesture, he opened it.

Why don’t you join our next gig? No HVI to protect, but a saw-bones is always welcome in our line of work.

Sorry Castle,” Goblin shook his head as he read his message. “Looks like I’ve got another hot date tonight.
Got a big job. Meet at the safehouse. –Mr. T

Subject: Saito Kurosawa (born Zhao Guoliang)
Age: 28
Gender: Male-male
Nationality: 2nd gen NJ citizen (born NPRC)
Alias: Goblin


Psych Overview:
Subject attempted to break ice with sarcastic joke. Psych Unit KLEO obviously unimpressed. Subject then made unfavourable comparison between KLEO and common household appliance (see:toaster). Subject pacified through mild electroshock. Review commenced without further interruptions.
Subject put through word association test. Abnormal responses observed, highlighted below:
4.Family: “tpk”
12.Government: “abandon”
49.Oath: “broken”
121.Day: “wasted”
133.Murderer: “fucking cunt stain”
150.Ronin: “*CENSORED*”
172.Snack: “holy shit how many of these are there”
173.Ramen: “are you fucking kidding me”
175.Fillet: “oh god please stop”

250.Aroma Therapy: “yessir yessir two bags full”

(see more...)

Subject displays tendency towards irreverence and cynicism. Additionally, subject is predisposed against demands of applied vocation as T3 asset (see response #133). Will require moderate persuasion to properly direct. Recommended prescription list includes four (4) class-b mood-altering drugs, two (2) psycho stimulants and two (2) vitamin supplements.

Additional notes:
Belay the prescription. Goblin is a trained medical professional and will probably figure out we’re dosing him. No point antagonizing an asset when we can simply direct him by selectively feeding him info on *REDACTED*. If he still has a hate boner for them, we’ll have our leash.
Interestingly, cross-referencing with his JSDF psych analysis, it seems Goblin has changed a great deal since. “Dour, humourless and serious to a fault” are not the words one would describe the man we just interviewed. Clearly, that shitshow at the clinic left quite the scar on him (PTSD?). This just adds credence to my recommendation. Anything that can transform a person that fundamentally is a raw nerve we can exploit.

Employment Record:

Born Zhao Guoliang, the man now known as Goblin fled what used to be China at the age of four. His parents had been political dissidents, and when a nation-wide crackdown turned for the worse, they sent him ahead to Neo-Japan. However, the young Guoliang was orphaned as pro-government corporations gassed the Zhao family home, claiming it to be an “unforeseen industrial accident” (begs the question of what’s a “foreseen industrial accident”). The boy was then raised by his sole remaining family member, his aunt, who renamed him Saito Kurosawa.

Saito joined the military at the height of a Sino-Japanese tensions, hoping that conflict would erupt and he could help retake his ancestral homeland. While corporate interests ensured that said war never broke out, his talents earned him a spot in the elite pararescue unit as a medical specialist. While a capable medic, life in the highly corrupt and ineffectual military caused him to grow disillusioned, eventually leading to an early discharge. Saito then used his training to set up a clinic and continued to serve the community with his expertise.

One night, a pair of Ronins, hired to silence a high-value individual, attacked the clinic. They killed indiscriminately, cutting down all the staff and patients in their path, hoping to disguise the assassination as a random massacre. Saito fought back and managed to kill one Ronin, but his resistance ultimately proved ineffectual, as the Ronin’s partner proceeded to incapacitate him. A second group of Ronins, hired to secure the HVI, eventually arrived to chase off the attackers, allowing the injured Saito to survive the event.

Saito's aunt was among the casualties. Having lost his homeland, his country and now his family, the despairing ex-medic abandoned his Hippocratic oath to pursue revenge. With no gods, kings or masters, Saito went down the path of a ronin, like the many abandoned killers before him.


A-grade right arm (10,000) - Saito lost his arm during the attack on the clinic. His new arm’s main function is to stabilize itself during trauma care. However, it also allows the user to absorb recoil from his weapons, and has a built in defibrillator (see Built-in Stun Knuckles equipment entry)


Trade tools (1,000) – A variety of gadgets for the discerning cybercorp merc. Of note is a medical laser-scalpel. It allows medics to cut open flesh while cauterizing the surrounding tissue. However, it has trouble burning through sub-dermal armour, but will eventually do so given enough time.

Stealth Cloak (2,500) - Saito throws this over himself and the patient as a last ditch measure to buy him time to stabilise and extract the wounded.

Medigel x10 (2,500)
Trauma Solution x10 (10,000)
Stun knuckles (250) - Saito's stun knuckles are unique in that they double as defibrillators as well.

Combat grade armor (5000)

B grade rifle (1000)

E-nades x4 (1,000) - Non-lethal Smoke, Flash, IR&UV Disruptive nades.

Jetmatic (10,000)- A combination of equipment which allows Saito to boost, wall-run, vault and generally get around the concrete jungle like a caffeinated monkey. (Imagine Titanfall parkour)

High quality forged IDENT (2,000)
Forged Firearm license (2,500),
Designer Chems x2 (2,000) - Medical Quality Drugs.

Subject: Saito Kurosawa (born Zhao Guoliang)
Age: 28
Gender: Male-male
Nationality: 2nd gen NJ citizen (born NPRC)
Alias: Goblin


Psych Overview:
Subject attempted to break ice with sarcastic joke. Psych Unit KLEO obviously unimpressed. Subject then made unfavourable comparison between KLEO and common household appliance (see:toaster). Subject pacified through mild electroshock. Review commenced without further interruptions.
Subject put through word association test. Abnormal responses observed, highlighted below:
4.Family: “tpk”
12.Government: “abandon”
49.Oath: “broken”
121.Day: “wasted”
133.Murderer: “fucking cunt stain”
150.Ronin: “*CENSORED*”
172.Snack: “holy shit how many of these are there”
173.Ramen: “are you fucking kidding me”
175.Fillet: “oh god please stop”

250.Aroma Therapy: “yessir yessir two bags full”

(see more...)

Subject displays tendency towards irreverence and cynicism. Additionally, subject is predisposed against demands of applied vocation as T3 asset (see response #133). Will require moderate persuasion to properly direct. Recommended prescription list includes four (4) class-b mood-altering drugs, two (2) psycho stimulants and two (2) vitamin supplements.

Additional notes:
Belay the prescription. Goblin is a trained medical professional and will probably figure out we’re dosing him. No point antagonizing an asset when we can simply direct him by selectively feeding him info on *REDACTED*. If he still has a hate boner for them, we’ll have our leash.
Interestingly, cross-referencing with his JSDF psych analysis, it seems Goblin has changed a great deal since. “Dour, humourless and serious to a fault” are not the words one would describe the man we just interviewed. Clearly, that shitshow at the clinic left quite the scar on him (PTSD?). This just adds credence to my recommendation. Anything that can transform a person that fundamentally is a raw nerve we can exploit.

Employment Record:

Born Zhao Guoliang, the man now known as Goblin fled what used to be China at the age of four. His parents had been political dissidents, and when a nation-wide crackdown turned for the worse, they sent him ahead to Neo-Japan. However, the young Guoliang was orphaned as pro-government corporations gassed the Zhao family home, claiming it to be an “unforeseen industrial accident” (begs the question of what’s a “foreseen industrial accident”). The boy was then raised by his sole remaining family member, his aunt, who renamed him Saito Kurosawa.

Saito joined the military at the height of a Sino-Japanese tensions, hoping that conflict would erupt and he could help retake his ancestral homeland. While corporate interests ensured that said war never broke out, his talents earned him a spot in the elite pararescue unit as a medical specialist. While a capable medic, life in the highly corrupt and ineffectual military caused him to grow disillusioned, eventually leading to an early discharge. Saito then used his training to set up a clinic and continued to serve the community with his expertise.

One night, a pair of Ronins, hired to silence a high-value individual, attacked the clinic. They killed indiscriminately, cutting down all the staff and patients in their path, hoping to disguise the assassination as a random massacre. Saito fought back and managed to kill one Ronin, but his resistance ultimately proved ineffectual, as the Ronin’s partner proceeded to incapacitate him. A second group of Ronins, hired to secure the HVI, eventually arrived to chase off the attackers, allowing the injured Saito to survive the event.

Saito's aunt was among the casualties. Having lost his homeland, his country and now his family, the despairing ex-medic abandoned his Hippocratic oath to pursue revenge. With no gods, kings or masters, Saito went down the path of a ronin, like the many abandoned killers before him.


A-grade right arm (10,000) - Saito lost his arm during the attack on the clinic. His new arm’s main function is to stabilize itself during trauma care. However, it also allows the user to absorb recoil from his weapons, and has a built in defibrillator (see Built-in Stun Knuckles equipment entry)


Trade tools (1,000) – A variety of gadgets for the discerning cybercorp merc. Of note is a medical laser-scalpel. It allows medics to cut open flesh while cauterizing the surrounding tissue. However, it has trouble burning through sub-dermal armour, but will eventually do so given enough time.

Stealth Cloak (2,500) - Saito throws this over himself and the patient as a last ditch measure to buy him time to stabilise and extract the wounded.

Medigel x10 (2,500)
Trauma Solution x10 (10,000)
Stun knuckles (250) - Saito's stun knuckles are unique in that they double as defibrillators as well.

Combat grade armor (5000)

B grade rifle (1000)

E-nades x4 (1,000) - Non-lethal Smoke, Flash, IR&UV Disruptive nades.

Jetmatic (10,000)- A combination of equipment which allows Saito to boost, wall-run, vault and generally get around the concrete jungle like a caffeinated monkey. (Imagine Titanfall parkour)

High quality forged IDENT (2,000)
Forged Firearm license (2,500),
Designer Chems x2 (2,000) - Medical Quality Drugs.
Roger that @vietmyke. Took part in an RP before RPG got revamped, and never really got back into it after that. But reaper told me about your idea, so I figured I could give it a shot again. I'll do my best!
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