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    1. BurningDaisies 10 yrs ago


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Daisy here!

Thanks for stopping by.

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Li Zhao

The explosion and ensuing shouts caught Zhao off guard. It seemed like the situation was getting worse by the second. At the mention of "kobold", her brow pinched together with confusion. "What is a kobold?" She wondered. Her eyes followed the source of the commotion. Small, beastly creatures fell upon the armored warriors one after another. She squinted to make out the details, but instead she felt her eyes relax, feeling a little warmer.

"Mystic Eyes Level 1 acquired."

Despite the several meters of distance between her and the front line, she could see everything in vivid detail as if she were standing next to them. Between the gaps in the soldier's ranks, she could see furry demons snarling, biting, and clawing their way through the soldiers. Their fur was matted and unkempt, and their armor was the shoddiest woodwork she had ever seen, but their small beady eyes were the color of molten iron. A sinister intelligence gleamed through.

The commander barked at her again, and Zhao wrinkled her nose with derision. It wasn't an act. Being falsely accused for everything little thing was tiresome enough, but her patience was running thin. Before she give a pithy reply, one of the girls nearby sprinted towards the sound of battle. She stared in awe as the girl beheaded a dozen monsters with only a decorative rope cord. "Unbelievable... Is that the power of the Goddess?" One of the foreign boys too joined the fray, walloping and freezing any of the creatures that broke through the formation.

She balled her fist and blinked hard. It took all of her self-control to not get carried away by the moment. She had heard of Taoist sorcery before, but until now believed it was only a myth. With how powerful they were, she wondered what blessing the Goddess Kaireth had given her. She had so many questions, each incessantly nagging at her for attention, but still Zhao remained calm.

She noticed the youngest among them, a small boy (@Sedjwick), retreating closer to her. His skin was a pale as white jade, but she recognized the tension in his face all too well. It was fear. Caught between a bevy of armed warriors and a raiding party of monsters, she would be scared too, if she wasn't still in the throes of shock. Seeing him reminded her of her younger brother, Li Huang. Her chest tightened. She crossed the distance between them, and knelt down to put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "The battlefield must be a scary place for a child." She said quietly, her expression softening. "Don't worry. I won't let them harm you."

Despite desperately wanting to prove that rude commander wrong, and prove her intentions by jumping into the fray, but she couldn't bring herself to leave the boy's side. Besides, the others seemed to be efficiently handling the raiders. She stared critically at the old knight. "As I said, we're not spies and we're not your enemy. We were sent here by the Goddess. Or is seeing Heaven's envoys in action, still not enough for you?"
@ERodeSo is Yue Ying a chinese-version of John Wick? xD
So...It's been so long since I played a character with superhuman strength that I did some research, and tried to get an understanding of what super strength would actually be like. The the results turned out to be... gruesome pretty interesting.

The average untrained adult can throw a punch of about 1000 Newtons. (Found this in a science journal from the 1980s)
If the average person in this world has a Strength stat of 100 (they probably don't, but let's be conservative here), then Zhao with her 2500 strength is 25 times stronger than the average person?
So, that means her basic punch exerts about 25 KiloNewtons of force.
A 3 cm thick, 10 cm long human bone can withstand around 20-25 KN of force before breaking. e~e

Obvious this varies wildly based on the angle of momentum, body fat content, diffusion of force through tissue, etc. For comparison, a crocodile's bite power is around 16-18 KN, and they break the bones of their prey on the regular. It also doesn't take into account any difference in velocity based on the Agility stat. I'm guessing agility at 1000 is about 10x more than the average person?

The net effect? If Zhao actually punches anyone, she's probably punching through their chest. >.>

If my mad science is correct, basically anyone with like.... a 1000 in strength and agility could cause serious fractures and rupture organs against an average person. A kick to the head would KO most average villagers, if not kill them. Double those numbers, and you could rip people's hearts out of their chest.

That's kinda fucking scary to think about. o.o

(Fair warning, this is total pseudo-science and I have no idea if this isekai world follows any of the same rules as Earth. ;3)
@Travesty Would it be safe to generally assume that these stats work like stats in D&D or something?
Strength being tied to things like physical prowess and athletics
Dexterity being tied to things requiring finesse like aiming, sleight of hand, and acrobatics
Endurance... Is this also some kind of defense or toughness? I'm not 100% sure how it would be used aside from determining HP.
Agility is probably being tied to speed, nimbleness, and reflexes? Seems like it at least
Intelligence and Luck you already explained earlier...

Li Zhao

Cheers and laughter filled the command tent. Despite her contributions, Zhao had not expected to be dining at her father's table among all the army commanders and generals. She had proven herself instrumental in defeating the Imperial Army, recruiting soldiers from villagers along the way and leading raids on their caravans and camps ahead of the rebels. When the two forces clashed, the Imperials broke rank and retreated after a single day of battle. She felt so honored by the recognition that she found it difficult to hide a smile. Even the stoic generals and retainers had a more relaxed expression, while many of the others wore merry grins and boasted about the greatness of the rebel army and Li Yuan, her father, the future Emperor of China.

Shimin, her older brother, rose his cup and began toasting to their recent victory, when Zhao heard a rustling behind her. She turned, catching a glimpse of an arrow tip through the fleshly torn slit in the wall of the tent. Her hand grabbed the sword resting beside her. "Assas-" The words barely had time to escape her mouth as she leaped to her feet to meet the assassin.

The last thing she remembered were shouts and screams, and the pale face of her brother, Shimin, as she looked down at the arrow buried in her chest.

Zhao awoke under a bright blue sky. She blinked and shook her head, feeling groggy as if she had slept for hours. Sitting up, she noticed the rolling green plains stretching out from her in every direction. Memories flooded into her, fresh and visceral. Immediately her hand moved to her chest. There was no arrow, no blood, nothing. She looked down at her clothes in disbelief.

"But I died..." She mumbled quietly as she looked back at the sky. "Have I ascended to heaven?"

Movement to her side caught her attention, and she quickly turned. There were several other people around her as well. All of them wore strange garb and many appeared to be foreigners. A few of them were having a heated discussion that Zhao didn't understand.

"Translator level 1 acquired!"

A smooth, sibilant voice chimed in her head.

"Welcome to Kairelith. Your new life begins here. Please accept the goddess Kaireth's blessing as a commemoration of your arrival."

"Goddess... Is this really heaven then?"

"Decide your path. A second chance was given to you by the merciful goddess, use it wisely."

Before she could even process what was happening, dozens of armor-clad warriors appeared in a rapid procession of flashing lights. One after another they materialized around her, quickly forming ranks into a small army. What she assumed was their leader marched down the hillside towards them.

"This place is under the jurisdiction of the Froviel Empire." Barked the man, one hand against his sword. "Explain yourselves! Who are you? Where did you come from? Are you spies from another country?"

Froviel Empire? She strained to recall any such place existing in China. Zhao had memorized many maps while serving in her father's army, and was well-acquainted with the neighboring territories as well, but this was new. Whatever the case, she was being stared down by a battalion of imposing soldiers and being barked at, yet again, by someone with an ounce of authority. She thought for a moment, unsure of what to say, or what the others would do, but she did remember the Goddess's blessing. She had never heard of Kaireth before, but surely anyone would yield to a messenger of Heaven. It was a gamble for sure, but it was all she had. There was no way she could escape that army.

She drew herself up, holding herself with the same poise and confidence she carried into the battlefield. "Spies? Are the people of Froviel so ill-mannered that they would disrespect an envoy of the Goddess? Only a fool would invite the wrath of Heaven." Zhao spoke calmly, but firmly, pretending to be annoyed at the leader's questions. "We have questions as well, so for the sake of your men and their families, I urge you to stand down."

"Charisma Level 1 acquired"

I'm still kind of baffled we had roughly the same idea and everything. o.o

Oh! I noticed HP had an extra zero tacked on. I'm not a math whiz, but I think 750 x 10 is 7500.

It'll be interesting to have two ancient chinese characters. xD
Uh... Great minds think alike, I guess? xD

I have backup characters in mind, if your heart is really set on playing that character.
Here ya go~

Let me know what you think. @Travesty
Oh? This looks interesting. =o

*starts working on character*
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