Avatar of CatBee
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  • Posts: 86 (0.03 / day)
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    1. CatBee 8 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Slowly getting back into it. Or at least, I’m trying to.
7 yrs ago
Trying to get back into the swing of things-- baby steps.
7 yrs ago
I'd argue this is the best Aquaman: m.youtube.com/watch?v=-qSNM…
7 yrs ago
I love my partners <3
7 yrs ago
Was hoping to get replies out tonight; sorry everyone, posts'll be up on the weekend


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I'm so sorry for all the waiting. My family is moving currently and it's just been a big mess.
Monica couldn't believe what she was hearing. He actually wanted to come over and spend the night. Sure, when they were younger they'd spent the night together, but never in the context of what had happened moments ago. In other words, she hadn't ever kissed him like she did, or ever, before having him spend the night. While she heard him above her upstairs, he seemed so much more calm than even she did.

Pull yourself together, Monica! He's Gray, there's literally nothing you can be nervous about. He's Gray, not some target coming for you. Gray, Gray, Gray, she held onto a piece of her hair in her frustration. Her feelings were bothering her, to say the least. Why had she even kissed him? She had to let him know how she felt, but it was stupid of her. She'd get tonight with him, and then what would happen? Chances were his family had a dozen girls lined up for him. She couldn't be with him for long. They were so different.

She forced those thoughts from her head. She had loved Gray since high school. Her dream was coming true, and she took a deep breath and resigned herself to try and enjoy the present. The future was important, but she had to take a step back, and enjoy life as it came.

Monica chuckled slightly as Gray took a seat on the couch with his bag, "You'd lose your head if it wasn't on your shoulders," she ruffled his hair, before dipping her head down to kiss his forehead. In an instant she had her arms tight around him, holding him as close as she could.

"But if you sleep out here, I'll be so lonely," she half teased, "And you know, my room is sort of dark and scary. I need someone to protect me," she gave his forehead yet another kiss, this time lingering there for moment and taking in his light scent. He had always smelt so good.

Oh my god I'm so sorry, I meant to reply to your last bump. Shoot. Anyway, I'm sorry for my lack of activity, it's been so hard for me to even start writing a decent post to anyone. I'm gradually starting to get less busy, so I would like to continue this is that's okay! Thanks for the reminder. I'll do my best to get you something tonight (:

Woah, I started on Neopets too!

Good times.

Monica's eyes flashed open momentarily in surprise; Gray was reciprocating, and she hadn't said a word. The woman leaned into his kiss, returning the gesture with equal ferocity. He wasn't messing around, and now she wasn't either. She backed off after a moment, smiling as her eyes traced the lines of his face and his gently curving lips before leaning in for yet another kiss. Not a gentle one this time, but a more aggressive, passionate gesture more like Gray's. Her hands found their way to his thick hair, made even messier than usual by her frequent ruffling. After what felt like only a short moment Monica leaned back, resting her forehead against her best friend's, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the sensation of being close to him. Before she let herself get swept up and went any further, she gave his hand a gentle squeeze and got to her feet. No easy task, considering her legs had fallen asleep from the knees down and her whole body was begging her not to get up, to cuddle up with Gray and never leave.

Say something, Monica. Don't just stand here staring at him like an idiot! she mentally yelled at herself, and finally stuttered out, all grace gone, "You can stay over if you'd like," she wrung her hands behind her back nervously, her face tinted red with what she said had implied, "I--I mean you don't have to and we definitely don't have to do that I mean you can stay on the couch and I can stay in my room you know," her words started blurring together near the end and she eventually took a deep breath to calm down. You're a grown woman now, you dummy, she scolded herself in her head.

"And you also don't have to stay over!" She blurted out, "You can go home and I'll see you in the morning! Don't forget my doctor's appointment," she almost awkwardly laughed. Not because of the situation, but because of her juvenile response to it.
Monica visibly flinched as she heard loud echoes from Gray's room, by the sound of which he'd run into some rather difficult obstacles while looking for a movie. He really was adorable, acting almost like a little boy sometimes instead of the man she knew he'd become. Sort of like a puppy, a puppy she wouldn't mind cuddling up to all night long. What was she thinking? Gray was a friend, a friend, just a friend. And she was happy with that. But, that nagging feeling that she had kept deep inside for all these years was dying to come out. Even if Gray didn't feel the same way, he had to know what she felt.

She couldn't stop laughing when Gray presented her with the disk of the cheesiest sounding horror movie she had ever seen as though it was some sort of award. Monica hobbled her way over to the love seat and took her place beside him, "I don't think I'll be getting too scared," she teased, "But if you do I wouldn't mind holding you," she ruffled his hair playfully before turning her attention to the screen.

Amid the classic horror movie screams and jump scares replete with heroic heroes and damsels in distress Monica found her attention wandering from the movie to Gray. From the side of her eyes she watched him watch the movie, a smile dancing across her lips with each of his Gray-like reactions to everything going on on-screen. Then she'd focus back in on the television, and then back to Gray. It went on like this until the movie was over, the credits sprawling across the screen as the main theme song played over and over in different variations. Monica took a deep breath, glancing over to her best friend.

It was now or never.

She gently grabbed his hand, a gesture that wasn't terribly peculiar between them, and smiled as she placed a hand on his face. Another regular gesture that had occurred often between the two. Her next move was completely new.

Monica leaned in, closing her eyes so not to embarrass herself should he react poorly, and placed a gentle, feather-light kiss on Gray's lips. She lingered there for a moment, softly tracing circles on his cheek with her thumb.

When she pulled away, she met Gray's lovely gaze with her own, not even the faintest trace of a blush on her face, "Well, I think that was long overdue. At least for me," she smiled softly.
Hey, no worries, and thanks! ^^ I've had some trouble posting anything in the past week or so, like I seem to have no motivation at all! So I'm working on it, haha. Take your time! (:
"Cheers, but you exaggerate," Monica smiled cheekily and gently pressed her glass to his. It had been ages since she'd toasted anything; she couldn't even remember the last time. Perhaps during her senior year her parents had let her toast champagne at a relatives wedding or something. She had never really been much of a partier, so the taste of alcohol was almost foreign to her lips, "About everything except me being a lovely woman," she laughed.

"I was thinking we could take the old TV for a whirl," the woman laughed, "I even bought some popcorn," she waved a couple bags of the delicious, terribly artificial stuff in the air.

"I don't have any movies," Monica blushed a little; she had forgotten to rent something, "But I'm sure there's something on! Got anything at your place you've been just dying to watch?" She leaned up against the couch's arm after making her way into the living room once more. It seemed that even the dingy little apartment felt so much bigger, so much better, with Gray.
Monica listened with a sloppy grin plastered across her face, her eyes never leaving his lovely ones. He had seemed extremely anxious, but perhaps she was just assuming he was because she was. And God, was she ever nervous. Monica was good at keeping her calm in a potentially embarrassing situation, but on the inside she wasn't at all as smooth as she wished.

"Normal stuff?" She teased him, "My my, you must be pretty popular with the ladies. At least the crazy ones," she chuckled before sipping her water, "You nerd," she smiled, and once more teasingly added, "I really need to find you a girl. You need some outlet for all that charm of yours," she flirted with him rather obviously. He might as well know how she felt, without her having to spell it out for him. However, she knew that men were almost always the same; oblivious to any hints, especially romantics ones, unless they came up and slapped them, or maybe kissed them, right on the face.

"I had a pretty good day overall," she began, leaning back jokingly and crossing her arms as though she had to really think about her words, "As usual, I busted into some random man's office, going on and on about whatever I could think up, and forced him to my house for dinner," she smirked and winked at him before adding, "I think tonight's catch was the best of all of them."

After finishing dinner, Monica stood and grabbed Gray's plate before he could even suggest helping with the task of clearing the table. She placed the dirty dishes in the sink before lifting the cake and the wine bottle from their places on the counter. The woman cut the cake into slices, a little on the large side, but hey, she was indulging tonight. She poured two glasses of wine, and hobbled the short distance to the table and placed their next course on the surface. When she finished giving Gray his dessert she grinned at him, "Voilà, monsieur," and gently ran her left hand against his back as she walked away. What was getting into her? Gray probably wasn't even interested in her as anything more than a friend, and here she was touching him as though she hadn't given it a second thought. She looked rather embarrassed as she took her seat once again, and stayed quiet for the first part of their second course.

"Oh, I nearly forgot," she piped up, "I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, on the other side of town, and I was wondering if you and Lucky would mind getting me there?" She added with a teasing smile, "You didn't think I cooked for you just because," she joked. She would've cooked for that man any day, whether she needed a favor or not.
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