Avatar of Ceta de Cloyes
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    1. Ceta de Cloyes 8 yrs ago
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The hella severe wall of rules and conducts are v off-putting, but it doesn't look like there's anything too unreasonable in there. My main concern is the vibe that basically says the GM can and will kill my character at their leisure and I can't say shit about it. It's understandable in certain contexts, like yeah if you barge into a forbidden room in a forbidden corridor and run into a cerberus then ya boi Harry shoulda got ate, but there's no qualifier here that says if you do something dumb or dangerous you could die, it just says you could die because the GM said so and I just want to gauge how likely that is to happen before I put anything down. I'm a soft dumbass who gets attached to my chars, and if, say three months in, they get AK'd in the back? I will probably cry :/
I understand, that kinda feel is deffo familiar to me lmao

I think I'd prefer option 3, and then if it never comes off hiatus oh well.
We deserve a bard. Someone make a bard. Gimme them fat beats.
z a s h

Zash groggily climbed out of his hammock, well aware despite the dark sheets over the windows that the sun was high in the sky. The sheer heat of the day was what had finally dragged him from sleep, and he grudgingly exchanged his pants for shorts and forwent his boots, instead slipping on a pair of soft wooden sandals. He pulled down the fabric from the windows and aggressively yanked the glass upwards, releasing a refreshing breeze into the main cabin. Relieved for a moment, he went back to getting ready for the day.

Normally he wouldn't sleep so late into the day, but the night before one of his previous customers had come knocking on his door, recruiting him for repairs to a platform that was sinking rapidly. It had been many hours before he finally trudged home and managed to get in a morning nap, but at least one of the city's outer neighborhoods wouldn't be dragged under the sea in the middle of the night now.

With a sigh he went to check on lunch, stepping out of the cabin and into the sun with a tired yawn and an exaggerated stretch. The moment he popped open the lid of the pan he was instantly alert, assaulted by the mouthwatering smell of roasting yimgai, a type of sea-chicken kept in Sigarmyth that had been part of his payment for the last night's work. He'd had it roasting while he slept and was now eager for a taste.

Idly he wondered, as he pulled off a few strips of meat to serve himself, how he was going to keep it fresh. He definitely wasn't going to be able to eat it all himself in one go, and he'd filled up his pantry already. A passing glance over his shoulder showed him the solution.

"Arvo Iris!" He called, for once on good enough terms with his neighbors to not feel awkward about getting their attention. "I've got yimgai if ya want some?" He offered politely, gesturing over his shoulder from where he sat on the edge of his little steam ship.
share him face !
I, for one, welcome our new leather daddy.
Usually I have no problem bashing out a CS in a day or two but for this RP it took me like a week. Maybe it's because the world is so in-depth and different and it took me a while to figure out how to make everything fit? What's everyone else's most difficult part of character creation so far, I wanna compare notes!
Okay okay, thanks for the answers!

I’m not suggesting you add more settlements or anything, just that maybe in the future it could be an interesting find for our chars that no one saw coming. I mean who would live on the bottom of the ocean right?

SOMA is spooky shizz and deffo worth a look at. Rapture is the underwater city from Bioshock.

Lowkey I want murlocs lmao.
I’ve started watching Gargantia on Netflix, and it’s a bit cringey at times but most anime is let’s be honest. Kinda enjoying it though, I like the setting.

I was also thinking about some other bits and bobs that might be fun to relate to this RP; anyone ever play the game SOMA? It’s a sci-fi horror game that takes place at the bottom of the sea, stuff happens but it’s starts with a base in a trench doing science or whatever, which was something I’d immediately started thinking of adapting for the RP. Underwater settles could face so very many problems but if there’s not one rapture reference what’s the point??? Oh and Subnautica. If we can mars base we can ocean base, also the ocean is literally right there and if rich peeps had enough advance warning to build a Dominus they very well could have done the same thing underwater as above- or even underground; make your doomsday bunker airtight and self sustaining, maybe some access to pull fresh air from a much more elevated point... you get the idea.

Also AI, are those a thing yet? Could they be a thing like say on the Syans or from Mars? What about new species of critter? I know my ambiguous venomous white serpent went down without comment, and while I vaguely based it on actual sea snakes I didn’t research it at all, and there are sea monster esque images on the Pinterest board, anything else like that around?

I wanted to ask about NPCs too, like who plays them and what does adoptable even mean really? Like is that somebody taking them on as a main character or as a minor secondary character?

And since I was chatting about Netflix I have a recommendation for everyone because Kipo is an amazing little show that just came out and it’s so good!
thinkin' an' awaitin' L:
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