Avatar of Damiann47
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1584 (0.44 / day)
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    1. Damiann47 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I’ve seen this argument before on the Internet. Pretty sure Drache is right because that’s literally the pronunciation found on the Nutella website.
1 like
7 yrs ago
Yeah... you just need to chill out. Look, you haven't been here for that long and you just gotta have patience. Throw your ideas and interest out there, that's all you can do to find good people.
7 yrs ago
Oh hey, someone who's not shitting all over Andromeda. It seriously fell short to meet its hype and animations were jank as hell, still wasn't a terrible game and I liked it.
7 yrs ago
Man... everytime Discord goes offline I'm reminded how important it is for my communications with people. All by myself now.
7 yrs ago
So I'm starting to feel sick, little bit of fever and all. That's the reason why I might not be too responsive.


Alright new bio because the one I had before was about... two... three years out of date? Basically I haven't touched this since I joined the site. Nothing fancy to say here, I'm a person who also happens to write stuff with other persons. Simple stuff. In a more serious note I mainly stick with 1x1s nowadays, but not for any particular reason other than that's how it worked out. I suppose the other major thing to note is if we do have an RP going, and I haven't responded for a while then feel free to get my attention. I'm also a fan of OOC chatter, its nice to have, but hey it isn't required either.

And... that's it.

Most Recent Posts

@SaintRice Going to make a post soon, waiting for something at the moment but after that I'll get to a post. I'll also mention you in the post itself, which is honestly a good practice so everyone involved with your posts knows their character is involved with it.
@aviendha I can't art so anything that is actually art always impressiveness me. Yeah, I'd definitely love to see either this get worked on, or something else.

I'm also very vain and just like to see my own characters get drawn, which by the way I like how you drew Silvia's little battle stance here.
Na you should go ahead. Silvia doesn't have any bearing in this fight, and besides I won't be able to post for a while. About to head to bed.

Edit: oh wait, damn it took me this long to remember who your character is. Yeah, I'll try not to keep you waiting for long.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. So I'll be sitting here and waiting for now.
Hmm, any post I make now isn't going to have much to it, it'll just be Silvia saying a few words and that's about it.
Well guess its time for me to actually say something in OCC now that I posted.


That is all.
As for Silvia, well she was there to enjoy the spectacle for what it was, and that was mostly just some friendly bouts. Rather than trying to pull out something to sit on, she was content to lay spread out on the ground, her arms resting behind her head as she watched the proceeding fights as well as to wait for her own match to start. Clad in some light leather and flowing cloth she certainly looked like an everyday villager, yet she was most certainly not one, still she could understand if someone were to make such a mistake.

The Pugilist strained her neck upwards to glance at Artura, the Guild Master, looking regal as always in her full plate. Silvia could never understand why anyone would wear such heavy armor, it slowed a fighter down so much, yet at the same time she recognized how much their fighting styles differed. Then of course Shandria was right there beside their master like always, and Silvia couldn't even start to guess how deep the relationship between those two really was, still just looking from the outside she could at least tell they were pretty close.

When Artura announced the next fighters, Silvia sat up to get a better look at the upcoming spar. Kaito was interesting and mysterious, mainly due to the mask he always wore. She also found watching him fight to be pretty fun, so to hear he was about to enter the ring was fairly exciting. Plus he was just fun to hang around, she definitely liked how he could joke around so easily. As for Gray, well honestly Silvia didn't have much to say. The half-elf has always kept to herself which didn't exactly facilitate friendship in a certain Pugilist's modest opinion, but maybe with time she could finally open up a little. Whatever the case was, Silvia was looking forward to seeing their little bout, although personally she hedged her bets on Kaito, not that she was actually gambling any coin.

Age: 23

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Class: Pugilist


Picture Reference:

Physical Description: Silva isn't visually impressive at a average height and build. Other than a large scar at her torso her body is generally free from any blemishes. Her clothing is simple and nonrestrictive, the kind of stuff that will allow a full range of movement. The difference between the picture and reality; she wears actual boots instead of heels, and she doesn't wear a corset.

Personality: Silvia is actually quite the friendly individual, not the happy go lucky type, but she isn't the one to brood. As what might be expected she is generally laid back, perhaps even lazy. While its true she would be perfectly content to lay about for weeks at a time, she can still get the job done when it's time. It isn't hard to become fast friends with Silvia, but it also isn't hard to enemies with her, then once that happens it can be hard to convince her otherwise. Along those same lines she has also been known to hold grudges, sometimes for years.

Extra Details: At one point in her life Silvia meant to be trained as a magician, but obviously she had long wandered away from that path.
Well, I'm already in to do this. Going adventuring across the world is always a fun deal.
@Rockette Hey, well thanks for the poke to get my attention. I'll be honest part of the reason why I have t posted is because I kinda already fell behind, or at least it feels that way. Like I'm not entirely sure how to catch up. Oh and the shitty part is I got what I call a maybe-cold. Have no idea if I'm actually sick or not, just somewhere in this weird in between, and that's probably the bigger reason why I haven't posted. I'm still interested in the RP, but I'm also considering maybe steeping out as well for the reasons I've said. That by no means is set on stone by the way.
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