Avatar of Darkmatter
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: It starts with a D and rhymes with sharkmatter.
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1233 (0.32 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Darkmatter 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Currently buried in a number of things which I hope will benefit the Guild.
9 yrs ago
In some ways, the guildfall was a blessing. It makes it harder for my original 2009 RPing to be found...
1 like
9 yrs ago
I've finally returned to the Guild. Many months of much RPing ahead.
9 yrs ago
A thousand things to be done; plenty motivation.


Aeronautical Engineer
TV and Film addict

Been here on the guild since April '08, seen a lot of change but still love it. I've been on and off, I've GM'd fantastic projects and train-wrecks, it all comes with the territory. I once tried to make a YouTube ad for the guild because I'm slightly insane. In a weird place with the Guild right now, seems like so many names I knew are gone, but more than happy and ready to meet new people. Been writing casually for over a decade, a lot of that practice has been here. I have some small short sci-fi stories printed in anthologies but those are so heavily edited they don't even feel like mine any more.

When not on the Guild I'm most likely working, playing FFXIV or the Souls series or (insert recent must play video game).
Anyone with a passing interest in sci fi needs to read Saga by Brian K Vaughan.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Darkmatter>

Oliver would probably publicly advertise himself as a mercenary, but would never admit to being a thief. Eolas may have heard rumors that Oliver has been involved in some shady sneakthievery, but Oliver would never admit to it and there wouldn't be any evidence one could really point to beyond those rumors. A good thief probably wouldn't leave behind much of anything that link them to the crime anyhooooooo.

My main point would be that Eolas would know he's done merc work and isn't so much so of an honourable knight.
In Request! 8 yrs ago Forum: The Gallery
Very simple banner request. Simply putting some nicely designed text (to be designed by you as I suck ) onto an already made wallpaper!

I feel like this does a better job than words of summing up my feelings towards this idea.

I think there should just be a natural flow, it makes sense for you to post now if you wish.

I'll consider having a WIP pirate pad, not to make posts but to feed each other information during rounds?
@Chanda Considering how Eolas and Oliver would have been put in contact by Eolas' merc contact, wouldn't it be safe to assume that the contact had hired or at least knew of Oliver's actual business?
@Lutalica Hector isn't a midget. He's an average sized man, which just means he's a lot smaller than the average Ventus.

I also think people may be slightly confusing Haljon and Bakk at times but that happens when rolling with a new group initially!
Can we get a quick list of what has been covered so far in terms of faction themes? I'm having a lot of trouble settling for something I'm happy with and think will keep me interested (ADHD is a bitch). I'm thinking I might rethink my faction altogether, while still keeping some of the elements I thought of (and the geography, 'cause I'd hate to be like "Herp, can you completely change my little corner of the map?").

It looks like we're covering the following:

- A Magocracy (I wish I had thought to do this one first; it's an awesome concept I've always liked.)
- A college of isolated nerds (huehue)
- A straight-up merchant city
- What may be the opposite of a Magocracy

There's a few others but I think I'd rather get a one (or few) line breakdown of the themes from the players themselves (even for the ones mentioned above), since some of the details that define them may not even be revealed in the sheets themselves.

EDIT: Reason is so I can avoid doing a repeat of someone else's idea.

Will check all the IC I missed now.
I'll take time after the football to read the replies and give some thoughts!
Hey all! I'm a weekend person so Friday-Saturday I tend to not even get a chance to see the guild.
I need to catch up on posts and reply to people regards history!

Anything immediately huge I've missed in the last 36 hours?
Hey guys, gonna catch up on the posts now as my weekend tends to be fairly hectic! I'm an guild-watch all week but Friday and Saturday tend to just melt away with other things when you work full time!
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