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Still very much a WIP, but this is what I've got thus far.

The Planets and Territories under the Protection of the Imperial Crown of Astrana

The Empire of Astrana

Brief Description

Astrana is a human-centric country that tries to balance a strong autocratic ruler with the protections of more liberal forms of governments. While not necessarily anti-xeno, it is exceedingly rare for a xeno, or any immigrant for that matter, to gain citizenship in Astrana. Astrana does allow some foreigners to live in the country under a long-term residency status and it does encourage foreigners, both human and xeno, to come as tourists, but its society as a whole shows little interest in allowing immigration and dealing with the issue of having multiple ethnicities. Astranan emperors of the past focused on conquest, but over the past hundred years there has been little interest in conquest, with the emphasis being on the expansion of the country’s economy.

Claim: (As stated in the OOC, keep it smaller than usual; the empires have fallen.)


Type: Constitutional Monarchy/Liberal Autocracy
The government is ruled by the reigning monarch, whose powers are limited by a constitution. A parliamentary body, elected by individual planetary populations, helps with the administration of the government while ensuring that the needs of the citizens are met without infringing upon their constitutional rights. The reigning monarch assigns viceroys to govern over star systems and individual planets; these viceroys in turn have a counterpart parliamentary body that deals with the system or planet’s laws and taxation. These viceroy assignments are held until the viceroy either dies, retires, or is recalled by the monarch.

Perhaps the single greatest power of the parliament (both Imperial and planetary) is its control over taxation rights. Constitutionally it is the parliament that sets tax rates, collects taxes, and sets the government’s budget. While reigning monarchs do have their own personal holdings to gather funds from, these are not nearly enough to meet the needs of the government, thus giving the parliament great leverage over the monarch.



Technological Overview

Astrana possesses fairly advanced energy weaponry in the form of particle beams which can even be used in strike craft and armored vehicles. Shielding for spacecraft is commonplace and even some infantry possess personal shields. A few choice pieces of technology, such as the zero point generator and widespread use of cyberware, does make Astrana stand out slightly.


Astrana’s military is divided into two general components: the Imperial Armed Forces (shortened to AIAF) and the planetary self defence forces (PSDF). The Imperial Armed Forces themselves are divided into three branches: the Navy, the Ground Forces, and the Aerospace Forces.The Imperial Armed forces have very high standards for recruitment and training that, while resulting in fewer personnel overall, ensure that AIAF troops are amongst the best. AIAF prefers firepower and mobility over defense. The planetary self defense forces usually end up with those who didn’t meet the high standards of the AIAF. As their names indicate, the PSDF’s roles include protection of planets, anti-pirate operations, and rescue operations.


There are three generally accepted classes in Astranan society: the imperial family, the nobility, and the commoners. As the name indicates, the imperial family is the ruling class in the empire. The nobility is made up of viceroys, military officers, and those given a permanent title by the monarch. Anyone can technically become a noble. This is accomplished by either progressing in rank to an officer position in the military, or being granted a title by the imperial family. The commoners are a bit different from the other classes as they are easily subdivided into other classes that include indentured servants, business entrepreneurs, and high level politicians.

Most people view the military as an honorable, and desirable, career choice. This is not only because it can lead to a title of nobility, but also because it was the military that held the Zuukid back, preventing them from wreaking havoc on Astrana’s worlds. The saying “Shield of the people, Sword of the Emperor” is often used to describe the military’s duel nature as the defenders of Astrana’s citizens, while also the tool by which the monarchy destroys its enemies. This mentality of the Astranan people, as well as strong traditions in the military itself, has allowed the military to serve as an important pillar of society while also preventing any kind of military coups or general corruption that stems from an overly influential military. Another interesting saying that has come from the military is “Its come to the cataphracts.” The saying meaning that ‘they have broken through and this is the last thing we can do to respond.’ It's a pragmatic and optimistic saying as it is essentially saying “there’s a major problem and its time for the real adults to step in and fix this.”

While Kineticism was once the dominant faith in Astrana, it is now practiced by only a small minority of the population.The dominant faith in Astrana is currently the Faith of the Children of the Stars. The Faith of the Children of the Stars is less a religion and more of a spiritual outlook and moral/philosophical framework. Important components of the faith involve viewing the stars as being the “birthmothers of all life” and reverence of the ancestors.


~98% Ethnic Astranans (Humans)
<2% Other species and non-Astranan humans






Just waiting to see what was up with everyone else.
“We fled as soon as word spread ‘bout the army.” The peasant began as he settled down next to his wife. She flashed him a smile that was not quite full of teeth as she handed him a bowl of soup. The peasant happily took the bowl and an offered spoon, letting out a contented groan as he shoveled a spoonful of the soup into his mouth. “Bes’ meat we’ve had ‘n days.”

“Only meat we’ve had ‘n days.” His wife corrected.

“Are you quite sure this army belongs to the Salishid?” Arlana asked as peasants had another spoonful of soup. She was beginning to regret going through the effort of catching a coyote in order to essentially bribe the pair into speaking to her. It would’ve been easier to simply threaten to have Carr eat them.

“Nope.” The peasant answered, an amused smile spread across his face. Arlana wasn’t quite sure what amused him so much. Was it her accent or mannerisms? “Bu’ they come from the Rainlands. Who else could they be?”

“You believe they are headed for Zar Vorgal?” Arlana pulled a map out of her bag. “Couldn’t they be headed to Zar Endal instead?”

“Mayhaps.” The peasant answered before bringing his bowl of soup up to his lips and tipping it back to drink.

“The guardsmen seemed certain they were headed our way.” His wife answered.

Arlana let out a soft sigh as she pondered the situation. If her understanding of the situation was correct, even if the tribe traveled with all due haste it would arrive at Zar Vorgal well after the battle had ended. Of course she wasn’t sure that fighting the Salishid at this point would be in her tribe’s best interests, so perhaps that was for the best. It did offer an interesting opportunity however. If they arrived shortly after the battle perhaps they could scrounge up some tools or weapons from the battlefield. How many more kukris or falcatas could they make with the metal left after a battle?

“Anything else we can do fer you miss?” The peasant asked as he rose to his feet, having finished his meal.

Arlana shook her head. “Thank you.” After a moment she added “You can have the pelt.”

“Fer real?” The peasant’s eyes light up. Arlana had barely nodded in confirmation before he had snatched up the pelt. He would need whatever goods he could scrounge up in order to start a new life with his wife. Wherever they decided to try and settle down.

Arlana watched as the peasant couple left, heading West. Once they were a good distance away she wrote a quick note and gave it to Gwri. “Take this to the chief.”

Gwri gave one happy bark before bounding off towards the West as well, although his destination took him on a more Southern route than the peasant couple. Arlana wouldn’t lead her tribe straight to Zar Vorgal. That would be too risky given how little she know. Zar Endal, however, could prove to be a good place to gather some more information.
I should probably throw up a solo post first anyways.
That sounds like it could be fun. =P
I'm kinda in this awkward situation where its probably too late to position myself to get involved in the battle, so I'm not entirely sure yet if I'll set myself up to arrive shortly after the battle has ended or just go someplace else.

@Flagg Is everything looking good?

Here's the character that'll go along with my tribe.
Sorry for the lack of activity on my end. Something came up RL that I had to deal with. Now that that is out of the way I'm free to actually RP. Since my faction is approved I'll focus on making an actual character today and assuming that sheet is approved I'll have a post up tomorrow or the day after.
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