Avatar of Delta44


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4 yrs ago
Current I'm going to try my hand at drawing my gf as a Pokemon trainer with her six favourite Pokemon for valentine's/our anniversary. Wish me luck!
4 yrs ago
Got a drawing tablet, time to draw porn
4 yrs ago
Seeing actual bushfire footage looks straight out of Hell... It moves so quickly and so powerfully, literally the trees just ignite. You firefighters are absolute legends, but please, don't die.
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Today ain't Christmas, it's garbage day!


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T H E N E R D / T H E L E G E N D
You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side;
D E L T A 4 4
together, my love, we shall build a peaceful world.
Just you...
and me.

Welcome to my little personal den of Hell! Sorry, sorry, I meant my personal profile. Same thing, right?

I'm a roleplayer, same as any around here. I've been doing it for about five years now, coming up to six in September. Its been quite the time, thinking back. I started out fresh as can be, understanding the basics of writing but never quite knowing how to become better, or become as great as those around me. In the end, I did the only thing I really knew at the time:

Write as much garbage as possible and hope for the best!

As you can see, that particular tactic fucking failed.
Jokes aside, I like to think I've developed a lot over the years, both as a writer and as a person. However, absolutely nothing can dissuade my weeaboo ways and supporting my OTP with all that I can freaking muster! If you haven't already guessed, said OTP is Chrom x Robin (Chrobin) from Fire Emblem: Awakening. Highly recommend the game, there's a reason (other than nintendo's cheapskate attitude) that it hasn't dropped in price, it's honestly the best place to start off in the series. And hey, maybe you'll end up addicted like me and want to buy every game on the 3DS like a fucking loony?

Speaking of loonies, the Fire Emblem Chrobin Comic Dub Project has recently finished, so for those of you who also appreciate the best ship in existence, I highly recommend it. Hell, even if you're not interested in that, I do highly recommend watching it for those into fantasy love stories. The quality improves drastically with each episode, so trust me when I say by the end of it you should be thoroughly impressed. It has helped motivate me in ways I can hardly describe with words, and so I thought the least I could do was put this out there. Maybe it's not for everyone, but I know it was the perfect thing for me.

"Do you think you can tip any of the scales in here?"
"Chrom, for the love of Naga, I'm thinking..."

"So I heard."

"There are better places
to take a nap than
on the ground, you know."

Most Recent Posts

Well... diplomacy was out the window. Zueche had warned them beforehand, but if it had to come to slaughter, then he would oblige nonetheless.

He raised the twin skulls before him, projecting them towards the Gleivnir footmen, and muttered in an irritated tone a small chant: "Summon forth." As expected, the skulls began emitting an ominous purple fog, bringing with it whatever creature might come through, and quite possibly pausing the Gleivnir charge out of fear of the unknown. Zueche had used this tactic a great number of times beforehand, allowing the creature from another dimension to deal with the problems alongside him. He tended to befriend those who came across, funnily enough, however that was not always the case.

Of course, presently this was not a time for pleasantries. In knowing this the Dark Mage revealed his most revered tome, Cleanse, and opened it without another word. Without looking toward what he had summoned, Zueche spoke the necessary statement. "The creatures before you are trying to kill you. I will assist you in slaughtering them and send you back to your home, unless you wish to stay. I'll point out important figures who should avoid being harmed, if possible. In this case, try hurting those which look the same." With that said, Zueche used his free hand to 'extract' the knowledge of the tome and materialize it into magic, as he had done so many times before, and took aim. His enemies were far too close to miss, however also far too close for his liking, able to reach striking distance in a matter of moments. Without a second thought, he hurtled the spell forward, allowing the magic to crash into an opposing Gleivnir footman.

He needed space more than anything, for Zueche was not a fan of taking hits similar to those he dished out. Aforementioned hits were typically rather bloody and painful, as what his book tended to do - tear the opposition to shreds. Having himself be cut to pieces wasn't something he was a fan of, and so Zueche broke off to the right in an effort to try and circle around towards the young girl and her royal escort. He would glance behind him occasionally to see if his opposition continued their advance, or had been taken out by his summon. One such glimpse caught him valuable information: the thunder wielder could also summon creatures. It made Zueche grin.

'I wonder what happens when two people summon an Otherworld creature in the same place...?'

For some reason, the Dark Mage couldn't help but wonder that question, as it lingered in the back of his mind.
You give the crystals in and you can choose any of the 5 gems that appear. They all correspond to a type and you hope for the best

@Delta44I'd recommend saving up 20 orbs beforehand, however; they're very hard to come by.


If you guys are talking about the RP then that went right over my head XD
@PaulHaynek Dude that sucks :O You have my sympathies <3

Also, mind if I ask how summoning works? :D Do we get to create the summon orrrr...?
Sorry for the late post :3 Embarrassed Ren is embarrassed! :D

As the duo made their way about Pureplain, Shyn eventually spotted the Super Contest dome, guiding Ren towards it. She was discontent with the number of people in the vicinity, finding the place far too crowded for her liking. However, with a mission objective in mind to see all of Pureplain before she left, Ren pushed onward, into the building. She was surprised to find such an expansive marketplace within the contest dome, thinking such things were only really outside from her past experiences, and she continued to wander about, looking at items and whatnot from a distance.

"What... is this...?" She found herself muttering unconsciously, looking around at the numerous stores selling their wares and items. "If it isn't a contest of battling skill, then it must be something else... Perhaps it's... some kind of performance?"

It didn't take long for Ren to get her answer.

Joshua and Ewan had entered the vicinity with her, and were wandering about. Thankfully for Ren, Joshua was something of an outgoing speaker, and thus told the world all of the information she conveniently needed to know. 'So it's more akin to a celebrity, where one with their Pokemon does performances... That would explain the categories...' Her eyes quickly darted over to the 'categories' section of on a board, listing the various categories of the system, then back to Joshua and Ewan to stalk watch over them. After all, Joshua's Pokemon already appeared to have changed dramatically, or at least it was a different Pokemon all together. She pulled out her Pokedex and scanned the electric mouse.

'The same one from the statue, huh...?'

Curious, Ren opted to follow the two in order to settle herself in and see what was going on in the area. After all they appeared they had a better idea about the place than she did, and she wanted to see what exactly if the contest thing was worth her time. She knew for certain that it definitely intrigued Shyn, whom was really interested in being put into a cool contest to show off his magnificent style. He also appeared pretty excited to see the electric mouse, trying to call out to the Pikachu a few times, ignoring the advice of it's trainer. "Shyn!" With an excited bounce, the small electric casanova jumped from his trainer's arms and over toward Ewan and Joshua, bouncing up and down in front of them excitedly, as though to say hi to both them and Pikachu. Ren was forced to follow to try and quiet the Pokemon down, however she found herself right in front of the two as a result, nervously trying to get Shyn to be a bit quieter. "Sh-Shyn, please be quiet, or I will be forced to put you back into the Pokeball..." The threat apparently worked, however Shyn was still very excited. Ren, on the other hand, was nervous. "O-oh, uh... hi... S-sorry if I disturbed you..."

In other news, who else has given FE: Heroes a shot yet? Personally enjoying my team of Robin, Fredrick, Lon'qu, and Azama running about being awesome. Even if its a heavily simplified FE game.

I'm considering giving it a try :P Though I'm more excited for Fire Emblem Echoes: Heroes of Valentia (hope I got the name right there) :D Not sure if I want to get that or Fates: Conquest (or Smash Bros), and I'm debating with myself which I should get :3


Location:Some random alleyway.
Interacting With:Judge, creepy shadow things.

'W-what the...?'

Spencer stares upon the scene with horrific fascination. Her eyes dart about between the darkness and the light, trying to make out different shapes and tie them to persons, however with such differing extremes in light and shadow, it was hard to make out such details. Ears grating from the loud commotion, Spencer couldn't help but wince as the bright lights and loud noises temporarily flooded her senses, and she had to take a step back to let her vision and hearing adjust. 'Fighting... way too loud... too bright...' Her senses gently lower from their explosive spike, gradually allowing Spencer a greater insight into the situation, though not by much. She could at least make out that the ground was giving way from the heavy strikes - she thought it better if she didn't get involved.

Unfortunately for her, things didn't look like they would be going Ira's way. Due to one of the locals running outside and shouting, it drew the attention of one of the shadow creatures, whom rushed right past Spencer and likely tore the man to shreds. Spencer could only watch in terror. She backed up slowly against the wall, only making quiet, panicked noises to signify her existence, as well as resting her hand on her sword in self defence. Sweat drops from her brow as she watches the dark creature as best she can within the darkened space, fumbling with her free to reveal her sun stone. As it is revealed, a gentle, orange glow falls over the area, though it's less for seeing the dark creature and more-so for her own comfort.

'Oh god... Oh god, no...! P-please go away...! Please don't h-hurt more people!'

Spencer prayed with all her might that the creature before her would not continue on...
@PlatinumSkink Holy crap! :O that post is huge! Nice work, big boss!
Just getting back into the groove of school rn ^-^ Might have something up tomorrow! :D

Dragonrage Pass. The gateway between the Concillium and the Moon Kingdom. It was one of the last places on Zueche's list to search for Mihaela and Iya, however it could not be overlooked. It also served as a noteworthy place for him to return to should his quest to find his family go beyond the borders of the Concillium. It was also possible Mihaela and Iya had passed through this very passage, however Zueche had no means of knowing before. All he could do for now was look around.

Unfortunately, his search would have to wait, for he happened upon a peculiar scene: several armed footmen and an armed warrior at the lead had surrounded someone who looked to be of importance, shielding a young girl. It intrigued Zueche enough that he did his best to tune in on what was going on, though it was hard to hear from where he was, amidst the trees and all. He felt the desire to help - after all, he was a father before an exorcist, and if it were his daughter up there, he would waste not a moment in rushing in to save her. The little girl shared his pointed ears, though he felt the two weren't quite the same. Even so, he wanted to help; he had to. If only because it selfishly reminded him of Iya.

As Zueche was about to step in, however, he heard footsteps and voices to his left. 'A king, huh? Then that would make their attackers either stupid or sinners.' He waited a moment longer, wondering if anything else would happen before he had to intervene. Thankfully for him, his patience was rewarded - a young man had stepped into the fray and attacked, though likely only to stun, the Gleivnir warrior, and made a short speech about attacking royalty. Alone, he perhaps didn't sound all that intimidating. With Zueche alongside him, perhaps they would be more inclined to listen. His reputation seemed to precede him, after all, and the skulls generally terrified those who weren't familiar with how he actually summoned other world creatures. At the very least he would be able to stall for time, and perhaps grant the royal and the scared little girl beside him an escape.

With a sigh, Zueche began walking forward, making his presence known to all in the vicinity. With his hands behind his back, he attempts to look as non-threatening (and noble, as he tends to accidentally imitate) as possible, all the while sending a threatening message. "I am not one to be judge, jury, and executioner, however there are instances wherein the accused are, without fault, guilty. It is very clear to even a villager such as I that the two in which you're trying to prosecute do not match your accusations. Do you have sufficient proof to make such claims? Or are you blindly trying to execute those whose alibi and even defense have yet to be established?" Zueche knew he could be very imposing when his anger rose high enough, and right about now he felt fairly angry, not that one could tell considering he almost always held the same face. As he drew near, Az reached down to his side and grabbed both of the skulls, stopping several meters before the Gleivnir people and lifting the skulls up. "I do not wish to use these, but I will if I must. Allow me to take them into custody. You have my word as a member of The Church. Soldiers such as yourselves need not bloody yourselves with that of a royal."

It wasn't an amazing proposition, true, however Zueche didn't see much of an alternative. With what was happening so quickly, the opposing party needed to understand that he was not a threat, and neither was the young man who shot the Arcthunder at their leader, nor those who might come from the trees. Perhaps he could even use their lateness as an excuse to better their odds of taking back the girl. "Also... apologies for what my friend did to your leader." Spoke Zueche with a polite, yet short, bow. "He must have mistaken you for brigands - he's new to the party, see, and hasn't a whole lot of experience with these kinds of confrontations. I believe our comrades, whom were originally with these two, escorting them, are soon to arrive. In fact..." The young man turned around briefly, only to yell: "Come, my friends! The girl and her escort have been located!"

If there was one thing you had to know about Zueche, he was an effective liar...
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