Avatar of DemonMiyu


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current New site update. Oh my goodness everything is weird 😳
1 yr ago
Why is so hard to find decent manga? I feel like I've read everything twice xD
1 yr ago
New Thing I learned about my partner: He mumbles in his sleep :P
1 yr ago
If anyone is interested, I edited this yesterday: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 yr ago
not me finally back after a long hiatus and wanting to roleplay like it's my lifeline T-T
1 like


God, I haven't edited this in forever.

Hi, guys, I'm Demon_Miyu! I'm 22, going on 23, and I am~

And damn proud of it. I've cultivated my tastes over the years and thanks to college, I've learned how to plagiarize without getting caught hone my writing craft. Thanks for checking in, there's free coffee, tea and hot chocolate on the way out. Water bottles are 3$, because I am master of my domain and you follow my logic, damn it!

Most Recent Posts

@NecroKnight *breaks down the door* I heard Walking Dead~? I need my fix, maybe you can supply?
@Navigator I may have some ideas that are right up your alley.
@AnchoredFantasy Shot me a PM, we'll talk.
@Dillinger Bits of it, I rarely watch TV. If the summary interests me I could add to my watchlist, because I'm currently watching GoT right now.
@Dillinger I could try a Z Nation rp if you give me a detailed summary of it.
@Jenn As a RP partner, you seem to fit what I'm looking for. I mostly (almost always) do PM rps, if you're interested to RP with me. You can find my IC via my profile.
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