Avatar of DriveEMOut
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  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1230 (0.44 / day)
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    1. DriveEMOut 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current SUH DUDE!
7 yrs ago
If anyone's interested, I'm trying to start up a horror RP.
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7 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
I am sorry to any RPs I am participating in, but I will have to take a break from Roleplays for a while. Life has just gotten hectic.
7 yrs ago
The seasons don't fear the reaper...


Hey, I have no idea why you're here, but you are...Stalker. Anyways, things about me.

I'm 23. Or am I 30? Maybe 49? I'm an anonymous roleplayer, so you shouldn't know these things.

I joined this site a year ago.

The roleplays I am taking part in are the following:

DC New Generation Of Heroes

Guild of Dishonor

Who Will Survive? (It's a zombie roleplay. If you're into that, please come and join! We need people!)

Things I like:

Most Recent Posts

Posted a CS.
Thanks for understanding. I'll get a post up soon.
Name: Aaron Lakeland
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nickname: None
Personality: Aaron is the more athletic of the two, being very physically fit and combat-savvy despite his wiry frame. He is very social and can sweet-talk almost anybody.
Back Story: Adrian and Aaron had good lives before it all went down. Aaron was bound for a sports scholarship because of his athleticism, and Adrian was brilliant, and set his sights for Harvard. But once the infection reached their town, it all fell apart. At first the teachers thought they could keep the infection out. But then one was bit. And it spread like wildfire. Friends biting each other, making them bite others in return. Eventually, Aaron and Adrian were able to fight their way to their home. When they got there, the family decided to barricade themselves in. Little did they know, Aaron and Adrian's father was infected. He killed their mom, and then their sister. They eventually had to leave their home, and make their way to Seattle.

36 rounds for his pistol.
22 Gallons of water.
Enough food to last two people 32 days (Maybe 36 if they ration.)
Fuel for 44 miles, but they hope to find more along the way to Seattle.
Name of Group: Alone.
Rank: None.
Location of group: Heading for Seattle.

Name: Adrian Lakeland
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nickname: None
Personality: Aaron is the more athletic of the two, being very physically fit and combat-savvy despite his wiry frame. He is very social and can sweet-talk almost anybody.
Back Story: Adrian and Aaron had good lives before it all went down. Aaron was bound for a sports scholarship because of his athleticism, and Adrian was brilliant, and set his sights for Harvard. But once the infection reached their town, it all fell apart. At first the teachers thought they could keep the infection out. But then one was bit. And it spread like wildfire. Friends biting each other, making them bite others in return. Eventually, Aaron and Adrian were able to fight their way to their home. When they got there, the family decided to barricade themselves in. Little did they know, Aaron and Adrian's father was infected. He killed their mom, and then their sister. They eventually had to leave their home, and make their way to Seattle.

98 rounds for his rifle.
33 rounds for his pistol.
22 Gallons of water.
Enough food to last two people 32 days (Maybe 36 if they ration.)
Fuel for 44 miles, but they hope to find more along the way to Seattle.
Name of Group: At the moment him and Aaron are alone, but they are seeking out the Paradise.
Rank: No Group.
Location of group: Heading for Seattle.
I apologize for not posting, my brother's been at the hospital and I've been focusing on him. I'm still in, if I'm not too late to stay.
Thomas watched the clock eagerly, waiting for the bell to ring. "Come on..." His teachers tended to drone on and on about the particular subject, and typically half the class was asleep. Unless it was last period. Everyone was tapping their feet, tuning out the meaningless lecture of the professor. "Thomas?" Thomas looked towards the teacher. "Hm?" Someone in the back snickered. "What is Newton's second law, Thomas?" Thomas almost laughed. This guy's teaching beginner level stuff. "The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object." His teacher nodded. "And do pay attention next time, okay Mr. Richmond?" Thomas nodded, and rolled his eyes. What a buffoon. He could probably teach a better class in his sleep. After what seemed like an eternity, the sweet, sweet chimes of the bell rung.
He practically flew home and once he was there, he rushed into his room. He strode to his dresser and opened his shirts drawer. Underneath the false cover was his gun, his baton, his mask, and finally his bulletproof vest. He threw on his jacket over the vest and jammed the rest into his bag. Time to go to work. He was prowling the city rooftops, when something caught his attention at the docks. "Oh...crap." A fire was blazing at a warehouse, and he was about to check for people who could be trapped inside when a figure flew up and began spraying water at the fire, extinguishing it. "Interesting."
Name: Riley O'Connor
Age of Death: 24
Appearance to Humans:
Appearance to Reapers:
Gender: Male
Personality: Riley is very quiet, often opting to listen, rather than speak. He is very cold when it comes to his job, offering no consolation or words of encouragement, simply getting it done.
Cause of Death: Riley's death was very painful and agonizingly slow, which is one of the reasons he is so quiet. When he was hiking with his father during a family reunion, they reached a summit of a mountain. While Riley's back was turned, he shoved his son off the edge of the cliff, sending him falling toward the ground below. Rather than breaking his neck or back, Riley was impaled on a rock, immobilized. He was unable to pry himself off, and he dangled, bleeding out slowly, waiting for the end.
Other: Doesn't like to talk with other Reapers, mostly because he despises almost everything.

They say your life flashes before your eyes as you die. For Aaron, there was no life to speak of. He had no girlfriend, no friends, no money, nothing. He was a fucking ghost. Well, at least no would be sad about him after. And so, all of this going through Aaron's mind as the maniac himself stepped up, he charged. "DIE!" He shouted, a primal roar with no internal meaning. "DIE YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
@Azure Sea
I edited the CS, what do you think?
Reeve looked at her in surprise "I suppose that a blacksmith would be of great assistance, even with such a strange metal." As she started shuffling cards, he watched her for a bit, then realized how strange he was being, and looked down intently at his notebook, eventually shutting it and clearing his throat. "What games of cards do you play?" He asked while putting he notebook into his backpack.
@Raccoon Eyes
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