Avatar of DruSM157


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2 yrs ago
Current Jokes on everyone I just look like a sad Travis Touchdown who has really really loud shits
2 yrs ago
You status bar people sure are a contentious bunch
2 yrs ago
Adding to that, unless you are exhibiting life threatening symptoms (unable to breathe, etc) go to a rapid test site in your area than going to the ER. Local ERs are swamped and overwhelmed here.
2 yrs ago
As someone who has been stabbed in the past knives are not kinky
2 yrs ago
I'd rather just...never take a lewd of myself.


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<Snipped quote by DruSM157>

They are now!

Got a couple more for that weapon list:

-The Wolfe Tracker The first shotgun of it's kind, using a lever mechanism to load each shell. Larger ammo capacity over normal shotguns, but with poor range and slow reload.

-The Wolfe Sentinel Rifle A rifle aimed at wardens and trackers, this was the first lever-action rifle created. Stable, accurate and with a fair fire rate, the weapon is only hindered by its slow reload speed.

Also weapons like the coach gun can be modified with a sawn-off barrel and sawn-off stock, more than likely used by bandits trying to keep the usually large weapon hidden.
Davis Loren

“If people 'round here knew who I really was? I don't know if I'd have a bullet in the back of my head or a ransom sent back home.”

| The Fool |

| AGE |

Human, Argosi/Etherian Parentage

Davis was born and raised in this new era of technology and prosperity, though living the life of a merchant's son, he's naive and unaware of the nature in the outside world. Growing up in Tricot, he's never seen the dangers and the struggle of frontier living, nor has he been trained in any sort of fighting style.

  • Merchant
    • Charisma - Davis was raised to follow in his father's footsteps as a spice trader in Tricot. Because of his upbringing, he is skilled in both diplomacy and bartering. If words can kill, Davis is as deadly as they come. Sadly, words aren't as effective as bullets, which isn't as useful.

  • Fast Talking - Davis is an exceptional liar, and uses his quick wits to defuse situations, or to throw blame onto another party. His silver tongue and surprising charm do come in handy in these situations.

  • Dumb Luck - Not much of a skill per say, but more of a natural ability, Davis has had surprising luck surviving out in the wilds on his own so far. This doesn't make him bulletproof or safe, however, as it seems that he constantly gets in worse trouble the deeper he goes.

Davis IS skilled with speech, he has very little skills anywhere else in his repertoire. He has absolutely no training with firearms or normal weapons, making him a bigger danger to himself and his allies in a firefight or a brawl. He also has very little knowledge of how life works outside the big city.

Due to his family's history with the Argosian Empire, Davis has very little love for Argosian nationals and the Imperial Government. His quick temper due to his family's own background with the Empire can get him in deep trouble, especially when he lacks any strength or skill to back himself up.

  • Dragon Series 1 Single Action Revolver-As basic of a revolver as a man can find. Common across the land and used by ranchers, outlaws and lawmen. Balanced, albeit slow firing.

  • Steel Hunting Knife-Simple, metal, good for cutting, skinning and cooking. Just don't stab yourself.

  • Shipping Manifest-A piece of paper with particular items, owned by the Loren family.

Born and raised with the aim of being the next in line to inherit the Loren shipping business, Davis was never exactly trained or taught in the ways of the frontier. He spent all of his life in Tricot, enjoying a good education, wealthy friends and a comfortable, albeit uneventful life. Still, he found his relationship with his father constantly being strained due to his more gregarious activities such as gambling in local bars, chasing after young dancing women and drinking a little too much. Brought to task and threatened to be thrown out of his family's home, Davis was given the opportunity to redeem himself in his father's eyes: assist with a new shipment being brought into the docks, and prove he could be a responsible man.

It was going well to begin with. Whatever his father was having shipped in from the west was important; and important enough for a group of bandits to rush in, killing several dock workers and taking off with the cargo. Ashamed of failing his father, Davis purchased a gun, a train ticket to Blackwood and began his search for the cargo and the men who stole his livelihood. He has no information save that the man who led the group had a large scar over his left eye, a black hat, and wore a white bandanna. Sadly, with the amount of rough characters into the east, it's difficult to go on looks alone. This is a place where the name is what matters, and sadly Davis has no name worth mentioning--unless he wants to end up at the wrong side of a gun.

Davis will do anything to redeem himself and his family, even if it puts himself directly in the line of fire. While his lack of ability, his smooth talking ways and his idiocy may make him out to look like a coward, his refusal to let this incident go puts him somewhere between the realm of bravado and stupidity. While he constantly finds himself out of his element, fighting to both learn the ways of the world and save whatever innocence he has himself, he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and get intro trouble--even if that means getting his companions into deep trouble as well. Beyond his own personal aspirations, Davis does have a good heart as well. He hates seeing suffering and injustice, as it's something he's barely experienced in the safety of the capital city. He's also a skirt chaser, but what young rake isn't in these times?
Davis Loren

“If people 'round here knew who I really was? I don't know if I'd have a bullet in the back of my head or a ransom sent back home.”

| The Fool |

| AGE |

Human, Argosi/Etherian Parentage

Davis was born and raised in this new era of technology and prosperity, though living the life of a merchant's son, he's naive and unaware of the nature in the outside world. Growing up in Tricot, he's never seen the dangers and the struggle of frontier living, nor has he been trained in any sort of fighting style.

  • Merchant
    • Charisma - Davis was raised to follow in his father's footsteps as a spice trader in Tricot. Because of his upbringing, he is skilled in both diplomacy and bartering. If words can kill, Davis is as deadly as they come. Sadly, words aren't as effective as bullets, which isn't as useful.

  • Fast Talking - Davis is an exceptional liar, and uses his quick wits to defuse situations, or to throw blame onto another party. His silver tongue and surprising charm do come in handy in these situations.

  • Dumb Luck - Not much of a skill per say, but more of a natural ability, Davis has had surprising luck surviving out in the wilds on his own so far. This doesn't make him bulletproof or safe, however, as it seems that he constantly gets in worse trouble the deeper he goes.

Davis IS skilled with speech, he has very little skills anywhere else in his repertoire. He has absolutely no training with firearms or normal weapons, making him a bigger danger to himself and his allies in a firefight or a brawl. He also has very little knowledge of how life works outside the big city.

Due to his family's history with the Argosian Empire, Davis has very little love for Argosian nationals and the Imperial Government. His quick temper due to his family's own background with the Empire can get him in deep trouble, especially when he lacks any strength or skill to back himself up.

  • Dragon SA Revolver -As basic of a revolver as a man can find. Common across the land and used by ranchers, outlaws and lawmen. Balanced, albeit slow firing.

  • Steel Hunting Knife -Simple, metal, good for cutting, skinning and cooking. Just don't stab yourself.

  • Shipping Manifest -A piece of paper with particular items, owned by the Loren family.

Born and raised with the aim of being the next in line to inherit the Loren shipping business, Davis was never exactly trained or taught in the ways of the frontier. He spent all of his life in Tricot, enjoying a good education, wealthy friends and a comfortable, albeit uneventful life. Still, he found his relationship with his father constantly being strained due to his more gregarious activities such as gambling in local bars, chasing after young dancing women and drinking a little too much. Brought to task and threatened to be thrown out of his family's home, Davis was given the opportunity to redeem himself in his father's eyes: assist with a new shipment being brought into the docks, and prove he could be a responsible man.

It was going well to begin with. Whatever his father was having shipped in from the west was important; and important enough for a group of bandits to rush in, killing several dock workers and taking off with the cargo. Ashamed of failing his father, Davis purchased a gun, a train ticket to Blackwood and began his search for the cargo and the men who stole his livelihood.

Davis will do anything to redeem himself and his family, even if it puts himself directly in the line of fire. While his lack of ability, his smooth talking ways and his idiocy may make him out to look like a coward, his refusal to let this incident go puts him somewhere between the realm of bravado and stupidity. While he constantly finds himself out of his element, fighting to both learn the ways of the world and save whatever innocence he has himself, he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and get intro trouble--even if that means getting his companions into deep trouble as well. Beyond his own personal aspirations, Davis does have a good heart as well. He hates seeing suffering and injustice, as it's something he's barely experienced in the safety of the capital city. He's also a skirt chaser, but what young rake isn't in these times?

And yes, I know that as Co-GM I can probably go ahead and post it, but I DEMAND YOU TO ACCEPT ME FOR WHAT I AM
Awww, that huge list of firearms we created isn't on here yet? Well, I guess if anyone needs specific names, we can answer.
Writing slumps can be the worst, whether it be normal solo writing or in a RP. It's scary falling into a creative slump in RP because you tend to have people depending or waiting on you to post, and that doesn't help the anxiety, the stress or the motivation to post. And honestly, it's a mixed bag when it comes to dealing with slumps. Everyone deals with it differently, and it'll take some time to figure out what works best for you.

Me? I usually take a day for myself and relax or find other enjoyable activities. This works especially well when i'm doing long form writing, where I can waste hours on a word doc and feel like my soul is slowly being drained out of my body. It sucks. Doing something fun also helps, whether it's going out for a nice brisk nature walk, watching a few episodes of your favorite TV series or just sitting down to play a game.

Sparking the creativity is also a good way of reinvigorating yourself-though be wary as you can burn out twice as fast if you keep pushing yourself to write/post/etc. Hitting a slump is one thing, but completely burning yourself out is another (and it can be bad pulling yourself up after that).

Find things that inspire you, make you happy, or just relax you. If you don't have any pressing RPs going on right now-even better. You can take as much time as needed to relax and let yourself rest before jumping back into RP. If you need to take a break while in the middle of a RP, it might be good to contact the GM and other writers, and let them know what's up as well.

I hope you can get some rest in and feel reinvigorated for writing! It's one of the most demanding, draining and mentally exhausting hobbies out there, but I wouldn't trade writing for anything in the world!
So where's space Australia?
I will update/start contacting people this Friday. Sorry for the long waits guys, it's just been busy lately. This is finals week, and next week begins Summer Vacation for everyone (including me, since i'm only a sub Haha!) We'll get this train back on track asap
Esailia said
Sorry about my sudden disappearance. Real life stole me away.

It's alright, Real Life has been hitting me hard this month. Lots of work for me.
I'm here. Just been working. And sleeping
I've got 3 ages of Fedosi history I have to BS D:
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