Avatar of Emu
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 82 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Emu 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Finally getting started on my Bulma Briefs cosplay! I'm so excited, I love the character, so this is gunna be fuuuuun brah
1 like
7 yrs ago
why are all my characters grade-a dickheads?
7 yrs ago
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Hello, hello!

I've been roleplaying since I was in 6th grade, probably traumatizing all my roleplay partners in the process with my cringey writing in the process. I've improved, though, and will hopefully continue to hone my skills.

I have a fondness for stories and characters that are incredibly hammy and cheesy. The more over-the-top, the better. My favorite roleplays are usually in the fantasy or sci-fi genre, although occasionally I'll dab in horror if I think it looks interesting.

I'm a big fan of both western and japanese animation. Some of my favorite anime are Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, One Piece, Puella Madoka Magica, My Hero Academia, and Sailor Moon! I also really enjoy Futurama, Pinky and the Brain, and Rick and Morty. There are tons more I like, just can't think of 'em at the moment.

Most Recent Posts

@Mr Allen J Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon!
Finally done, sorry it took so long! I tried to make him fit under a specific trope, so if he seems overly campy that's why. If there's anything wrong with the CS let me know!

OOoooh, me likey! I would love to join if you'll have me. I'll get started on a character sheet as soon as I can.
" Ah, finally! Didn't I say we would make it, fellas?" Craggard hollered thunderously as he pushed and shoved his way to the front of the gate. Leaning against it, he waited half a second for a response from his party.

" I did. And here we are," he said smugly, despite the fact he had been complaining the entire journey. His fellow Onxyites declined to respond to him, and the suffocating silence of the two factions settled once again. A flicker of annoyance passed on his face as he shrugged. He looked around him for something nice to look at, to no avail.

The least the journey could have provided was some nice scenery, but his surroundings, the gate included, had the aesthetic quality of his grandmother's rotting corpse. The journey had been especially tiring, and Craggard still refused to admit he had trouble keeping up with his fellow Onyx, considering they were mostly seasoned soldiers. And now, he was exhausted, irritated, and starving. The thrill of the journey's end quickly soured as these thoughts settled in. Now that he thought about it, the people here had some nerve making them wait outside, among commoners no less. Was Craggard not a guest? Shouldn't he have recieved a sum of diamonds and grub by now? A rare moment of reason graced Craggard's mind.

Ah, but this isn't a party, and you're no guest. It's a negotiation among respected civilians for a say in which two broads gets to be head honcho. Or something. Craggard slumped a bit where he stood. That didn't sound like much fun.

I know the history portion is rather bare-bones, so if you need it longer, I can fix that. Here goes!

Hey, I'm interested in joining if you need one more! It might take some time, but I can definitely find the time to get started a cs tonight.
You guys still open? I would love to join, if you would have me.

I like the sound of Taurus, I'll go ahead and tweak the background.
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