Avatar of Emu
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 82 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Emu 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Finally getting started on my Bulma Briefs cosplay! I'm so excited, I love the character, so this is gunna be fuuuuun brah
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7 yrs ago
why are all my characters grade-a dickheads?
7 yrs ago
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Hello, hello!

I've been roleplaying since I was in 6th grade, probably traumatizing all my roleplay partners in the process with my cringey writing in the process. I've improved, though, and will hopefully continue to hone my skills.

I have a fondness for stories and characters that are incredibly hammy and cheesy. The more over-the-top, the better. My favorite roleplays are usually in the fantasy or sci-fi genre, although occasionally I'll dab in horror if I think it looks interesting.

I'm a big fan of both western and japanese animation. Some of my favorite anime are Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, One Piece, Puella Madoka Magica, My Hero Academia, and Sailor Moon! I also really enjoy Futurama, Pinky and the Brain, and Rick and Morty. There are tons more I like, just can't think of 'em at the moment.

Most Recent Posts

Elias looked up in surprise at the driver of the carriage. He hadn't heard him even speak since his arrival, and Elias hadn't even noticed the man, who seemed to linger behind lady Valtoris like a shadow. Elias glared at him from behind, but gingerly shut the book as he was told.

Staring down at his lap, he muttered " I know that..." He did not, however, move from the edge of the carriage, not minding the driver's suggestion. The young nobleman's eyes wandered to the girl on the other side of the carriage and her little toy. Regardless of what the others thought, he still was convinced there was a mistake. He wasn't impressed by her little meek act- no matter how apologetic or shy she acted, that didn't change his suspicions about her. For now, he would keep his distance from her, and the same went to the thief, who had made himself at home in the carriage, sleeping away. Not a bad idea, sleeping the trip away, except for the fact that Elias could be robbed blind.

He found himself bored without a book to read or a task to complete. Elias's mind was never at rest, and he felt uneasy without something to do. He could only hope for a quick arrival to their destination. He wondered what the party intended to do after dark, when rumored beasts came out to prey on weary travelers and children. Elias could think of a variety of terrifying monsters, and none of them brought comforting thoughts. He shivered, thankful that he could be protected by defensive spells.
I mean like boy genius or our thief. If they don't reply soon, then I guess I will to simply move the plot forward, but >_<

I'm on it, sorry! I started a post last night but have yet to finish it.
@AmbraOkay, quick question. I know you aren't wanting trans/gay/nonbinary characters, which is understandable, but what about a woman in a position of military power? In history, it's definitely been uncommon, but there have been a few instances of that, right?
I actually really like the lore you've built up here, and seeing how dragons are freaking awesome, I'm totally game for this! Maybe expect a character sheet sometime tomorrow?
Upon getting into the carriage, Elias had edged himself as far away as possible from the others, pressing himself against the far end of the vehicle by a small window. The boy was not pleased with being stuffed inside a carriage with the same people he had just squabbled with, and he found himself even less pleased when a filthy looking girl and a dog crammed themselves into the carriage. Elias wished he had brought a horse- although the Beauvallet's horses were more like pets than transportation. His mother spoiled those animals rotten anyway. He doubted she would let him bring one for the journey.

Elias did his best to ignore the others, pulling out a large leather-bound tome from his bag and positioning it up to his face so he couldn't see the riffraff near him. He looked quite uncomfortable, even ridiculous, pressed against the edge of the carriage with the huge book covering his face, but he found it quite convenient. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend he was outside on horseback with his fellow nobles, impressing them with his knowledge and expertise.
Elias folded his arms over his chest, his face flushing scarlet as Lady LaMontiya talked down to him. How humiliating, her treating him like he was a small child throwing a fit- he was a mage just like her, age didn't matter! He was just, if not more capable than her. Evn worse was that charmed toy, although at this point Elias was sure it was cursed, with all its backtalk. To drive the point of the rabbit home, the slender thief demonstrated his own supposed abilities, throwing a stick into an apple in a man's hand like it was a dagger into a heart. When Elias looked at the man again, he was completely different than his previous appearance. Was he a shapeshifter? Elias's anger temporarily defused as he eyed the man with more curiosity than malice.

Elias opened his mouth to say something, anything to defend himself, but was thwarted by Lady Valtoris's authority.
"Alright, so as much fun as all of this is, showing off and making surprises no longer surprises, our map is actually wandering off, so unless you're on a horse, shut your mouths and get in the carriage. Or we will leave you here, gladly, and then you can dare to go tell the council you disagree with them, boy," Lady Valtoris stated sternly. She then turned and mounted her steed at the front of the carriage.

Elias wanted to scream and thrash and hit something. This wasn't at all how he wanted the journey to start out. The young mage had been made a fool of, and he was clearly out of favor with the group leader now. He would have to work twice as hard to earn her respect now! Rather than hysterically scream and pull out his hair in rage as he so wanted, Elias instead found himself muttering his apologies to the noblewoman as he climbed sulkily into the carriage.
Elias was surprised they were leaving so soon- the moment the last person to arrive- a young woman with brown hair in long braids arrived, they were off. Elias gripped the straps of his bag until his his knuckles turned white. This was ridiculous- he hadn’t managed to introduce himself and he didn’t know anyone! They should at least exchange names, for God’s sake. And while he could understand the presence of some of them,

He flinched as what appeared to be a lumbering suit of armor shuffled past him, to a frail looking girl clutching a stuffed rabbit. The creature spoke for Elias as well when it mumbled “ Doesn't belong…”

To his alarm, the toy actually jumped out of the girl’s arm and started talking to the man in a manner that was far too civilized for a child’s stuffed animal. Elias found this quite amusing- was the rabbit charmed, or had she trapped a wisp soul in the toy as a vessel? Either way, it made more sense to do such a thing with a sword or a shield- not a clump of rags and fluff. This was all the more reason for him to quickly agree with the strange beast. Finally, maybe he could voice his opinion. Clearing his throat, he glared at the rabbit.

“ No, he’s absolutely correct. I have no idea how such a frail thing was chosen by the Sage. There must be a mistake! I mean honestly, what are you going to do in a battle? Throw that toy at it?” Elias chuckled, despite his tone getting increasingly annoyed. He turned to the others, looking for their support.

“ A-and what about that?” He pointed to the suit of armor, a touch of fear in his voice.

“ And you! Who even are you? A peasant, a thief?" Elias pointed at the slender man checking his bow.

“ Please, my Lords and Ladies, forgive my outburst. But doesn’t anyone think it’s a bit odd for us elite to be bundled up with them like an awful soup?! Let's turn back and sort this out with the council before we allow these miscreants to join us.” His eyes darted from each of them, his eyes pleading for someone to agree with him.
Alrighty guys, I should have a post up before the end of the day, but I'll be pretty busy for awhile.
In Aria Bay 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Diamond655 I think you already know, but I'm all ready!
@CherrywitchMy God, Eir is precious. I'm kind of terrified to see how she'll fare when danger pops up, though.
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