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update on approval for Dr Strange?

Heya, sorry I was just waiting on a completed sheet to be able to judge it. If I've missed it can you link and I'll have a look :)

Edit: found it now, all good
@ErsatzEmpress I don't know exactly what your plans for Senator Kelly are, but i was thinking of maybe Norman working with him behind the scenes. Alternatively, i'm good with Norman just playing to the masses in an attempt to garner votes and their Anti-Mutant rhetoric's being unrelated.

Kelly is actually gearing up ready for a second shot at the republican nomination for the 2024 election so there'd definitely be at least an unspoken sense of rivalry there. In the meantime though could definitely see him making use of Osborn as long as their interests are alignned.
Edit: double post

Ok. I did just come up with another idea, since the FF building is in New York, they might interact with New York heroes quite often. That being the case, Luke Cage has a power set similar to The Thing, so I think it might be a good fit to recruit him as an FF member. Let me know if this is acceptable, if not I'll go back to looking for an Inhuman to fill the spot.

Again, Luke Cage is a pretty well established character in his own right so I'm going to have to veto that like She Hulk and Kamala. If the goal is just to have a character with a similar powerset to The Thing, I would think that the easiest choice would be to just use The Thing. I'm not entirely sure what these changes really bring to the story beyond power sets.

Feel free to correct me here, but from the outside looking in, it does kind of seem as though things are being changed for the sake of change, which isn't really the kind of thing I'm looking for here. Like there are a lot of very sweeping changes to the lore in this concept, which isn't bad in and of itself, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of justification for why beyond some aesthetic factors.

I reserve judgement until a formal application's infront of me, but just food for thought.
<Snipped quote by ErsatzEmpress>

This is reasonable. However I would still like to keep the number of members around four, so I think I'll poach some members of the Inhuman Royal Family (House of Agon), since I don't think they're that popular, and although they were former enemies of the FF, they soon became allies afterwards and collaborated often. Let me know if this is acceptable.

Yeah that would be a better fit for this
Attention @Master EffeX @Byrd Man @Supermaxx @udonoodles @TGM @mattmanganon:
The IC is now live - feel free to start posting now!

May 15th 2023
1 RVN Centre
Atlanta, GA

Good evening, RVN viewers. Today, we commemorate the 6th anniversary of the completion of The Raft, the maximum-security prison constructed to house the world's most dangerous criminals with superhuman abilities. Situated off the coast of Ryker's Island, The Raft has proven to be a critical tool in the ongoing efforts of law enforcement to keep our communities safe and free from crime. The facility faced significant opposition in its early days, with calls to prevent its construction coming from all sides of the political spectrum, chiefly from human rights watchdogs and from conservative advocates of decreased government spending. Despite this, the project went ahead and six years on, it's hard to consider it to be anything short of a resounding success. Boasting a virtually unheard-of 0% escape rate for prisoners, The Raft has ensured that our communities remain safe from super-powered criminals.

The prison currently houses approximately 600 prisoners, each possessing powers and abilities deemed too dangerous for an ordinary penitentiary. One such resident, and a prime example for the need of this facility, is Magneto, real name Erik Lehnsherr. This infamous mutant terrorist was the leader of the group known as 'The Acolytes' and possesses the mutant ability to control metal. Understandably, such abilities would prove a minefield were he to be jailed in a regular prison.

Following the devastating M-Day attack of 2018, government contractor Trask Industries got to work on a seemingly impossible feat: building a plastic prison to house the ferrokinetic Lehnsherr. Buried deep beneath The Raft's surface, his bespoke cell is a technical marvel, serving to cut off his access to his powers by replacing all metal with perfectly harmless plastic.

Magneto is just one of many dangerous individuals within The Raft's walls who pose a significant threat to society if left unchecked. With ongoing support from lawmakers such as Senator Robert Kelly, we can expect to see continued progress in the fight against superhuman crime.

Earlier today, RVN News had the opportunity to speak with Kelly, one of the early backers of the programme, and a vocal figure among the growing movement to push for stricter restrictions on the growing mutant population.

"Six years ago, The Raft was a large but necessary step in our fight against the dangerous individuals who threaten our way of life, and this is as true today as it was then," Kelly began. “The first-of-its-kind facility is a testament to American ingenuity and it has allowed us some much needed breathing room in this conflict. However, we cannot rely solely on containment to keep our communities safe. It's clear that we need to do more to be able to react to growing rates of super powered criminals and the mutant phenomenon."

The senator continued, "We need to invest in further research and technology that can help us identify and neutralize these threats before they can do us harm. This means working with experts in the field of superhuman abilities, such as the capable scientists at Trask Industries, to examine the risks we face and develop strategies to mitigate them. It also means providing resources and support for law enforcement, to better identify and respond to superhuman crime, and growing instances of mutant activity. This is why it is so important that my MRD Bill is signed into law."

The Mutant Response Division Act, as proposed, would mandate the creation of a new federal agency, the MRD, which would be responsible for responding to mutant threats. When asked about potential criticisms of these measures, Senator Kelly responded, "I understand that some may see these efforts as invasive or discriminatory towards mutants. However, our ultimate goal is to protect all members of society, human and mutant. By working together we can create a safer and more just future for all."

Following Senator Kelly's comments, RVN News was able to secure an interview with Professor Charles Xavier, mutant rights activist, and founder of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Known for his failed 1984 presidential bid, Xavier has been a vocal detractor of The Raft since its inception. He was happy to address his concerns about The Raft's legacy with us today:

"The Raft does not offer rehabilitation, nor any true path towards redemption," he explained, “This facility’s sole purpose is the incarceration of these super powered individuals. But incarceration alone does not solve the core problem."

Professor Xavier, a well-known advocate for mutant rights, was the target of what is now believed to have been a coordinated assassination attempt, in the same year as the prison’s completion, which left him reliant on the use of a wheelchair.

He emphasized that investing in prevention is crucial.

"While The Raft has been effective in containing dangerous individuals, it's a solely reactive measure. We need to focus on prevention by addressing the root causes of criminal behaviour," he stated.

When asked what measures he would favour to stem the tide of super powered violence, Professor Xavier shared his work with mutants as an example. "At the Xavier Institute, we help mutants control and understand their abilities. We teach them how to harness their powers, to use them for good, instead of resorting to violence or criminal activity," he explained. However, he emphasized that this approach requires resources and support. “It is my great wish that other such facilities such as mine be created, to give our mutant children the best chance to flourish. For this to happen there would need to be a push for greater government funding for research, education, and outreach to the mutant community," he said. “We can’t do it alone.”

“By creating a society that values and supports mutants, rather than punish them for the crime of existing, we can prevent the isolation and desperation that so often leads to criminal activity."

As RVN News commemorates The Raft's 6th anniversary, it is clear that the conversation around the facility's legacy and mutant rights is far from over.
<Snipped quote by ErsatzEmpress>

Okay, I just wanted to make sure the current roster I have in my mind will be acceptable.

1. Sue Richards The Invisible Woman is the leader of the FF
2. Johnny Storm The Human Torch is the second member
3. Jennifer Walters She-Hulk replaced Ben Grimm The Thing when he regained his human form and retired
4. Kamala Khan Ms. Fantastic (canonically Ms. Marvel) fills in for Reed Richards' missing stretching powerset.

In my reimagining, Reed Richards died saving the other founding members in the space accident that gave them their powers. Reed Richards also previously befriended Dr. Doom, who was inspired by Richards' death to turn a new leaf and become one of the founding members of the FF. Over the years, the size of the FF has fluctuated, and it made sense when it was the Fantastic Four or the Fantastic Five, but if it ever fell to 3 or went to 6, the alliteration didn't work, so the team eventually got renamed to the Fantastic Force. Due to Doom's increasingly socialist views, NATO labels him a threat to global peace, so he eventually officially leaves the FF to focus on running his nation of Latveria, but still continues to support the FF through finance and intelligence. So I will be including Doom as a supporting character, but will not apply for him until villainous/anti-hero slots open up.

Is this all acceptable? If so, I will start working on the application sheet proper.

So, I'm not going to be able to okay Jen and Kamala as members of the F4, sorry.

They're too popular in their own right to be bundled together as one "character". I know Jen has appeared in incarnations of the Fantastic Four but so have half the Marvel cast at this point.

In regards to Doom, I would be inclined to see how you put this idea forward in the application; to my tastes a heroic, socialist Doom does seem less a reimagining in keeping with the core of the character and more bordering on an OC with a shared name. However, I fully hold my hands up and say I may just be being unnecessarily precious. As long as the idea is developed well there shouldn't be a problem
Edit: the IC should be all ready to go live in the next few hours everyone
<Snipped quote by ErsatzEmpress>

Ok, let me flip this around instead, my original idea was that Doom ends up becoming a member of the Fantastic Four, so I could instead just apply for the Fantastic Four, while including Doom as part of their supporting cast, and apply for him later when villain slots open up. Would I be allowed to apply for the entire team, or would I have to pick one of them? I would pick Susan Storm ie. The Invisible Woman if I can only pick one.

Yeah, more than welcome to apply for Sue, or to apply for the team as a whole.

Congratulations! Polaris is now

Please feel free to add her to the character tab!
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