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    1. Everett 8 yrs ago


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I haven't had that many fights on here. Maybe...3? And about one of them I heard Devil, Pollen, and some others I can't remember were talking smack behind my back. Which I will address here and now, since it seemed to be an issue. I was waiting for Doc Doctor to reply to me but he hasn't got back to me. Yes, in the fight between my character Sky and Doc's character Gonad there was a portion of the fight I did copy and paste something from the previous post. It was done out of frustration and one of the only times I have done so without someone deliberately asking for it, it's not something I usually do. It was a point in the fight where the fight itself was going no where, we were just reiterating ourselves over and over, and the frustration got to me. I only did it once and afterward I realized I was trying to be too complicated with my approach and things went smoother after that. Truth be told I didn't like how that fight ended.
(Quick Edit: It was also almost a year ago, I'd have to go back and reread to see what I did exactly. But it's not something I do all the time. As you'll see in the other two fights.)

Just, in the future guys, if you have a problem with me come to be about it so that I can address it in a collected and polite manner. Please.

Here are the fights:

I won the first one, but like previously mentioned I didn't like the victory. The second one stopped because the tournament fell apart and the third one my opponent forfeit.
Oh, cool. Melon's stepping in. Can't wait to see your first match.

My schedule looks like this (I'll include driving time as well.) I operate in EST, I live in Florida.

Thursday night 11pm to Friday morning 6:30am My free time is between 7am and 2pm
Friday night 11pm to Saturday morning 6:30am My free time is between 7am and 2pm
Saturday night 11pm to Sunday morning 6:30am My free time is between 7am and 2pm
Sunday night 11pm to Monday morning 6:30am My free time is between 7am and 2pm
Monday night 11pm to Tuesday morning 6:30am My free time is between 7am and 2pm
Off Tuesday through Wednesday, usually try to be asleep by 2pm Thursday.
Go back to the top.

Name: La lluvia
Age: Appears to be about 30
Height: Six foot
Weight: Two-hundred and some odd pounds
Race: Appears as a man of Spanish descent
Weight Class: Heavyweight
Alignment: Tecnico
Wrestling Style: La Pelea

Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzw6A2WC5Qo Skillet - Feel Invincible

Appearance: Due to his height and weight La lluvia is a very fit and lean fellow with just enough bulk to make him look imposing. Each muscle and muscle group that his body has is, for the most part, well defined. In particular the muscles upon his front and back torso are particularly well chiseled and can be seen flexing with every movement he makes. Overall there isn't much to him. He has tan, smooth, skin and wears only pants made of an especially durable fabric. This same fabric makes up the gloves upon his hands and the mask that covers the entirety of his head. Any hair that he had was lost under the all encompassing mask. The only things visible upon his head are his eyes and the general area around them, the tip and some bridge of the nose, and his mouth. As a Luchador he takes great pride in his mask and to that end its quite stylish.

-Mask & Costume
The mask overall seems to be made out of a leather material and is black in color. The slightly ovate eye and mouth holes are outlined by thicker leather accents, with the accents around the eyes forming points that reach up over the forehead. The thicker leather accents are a dark, royal, blue. Over the entire front of the face of the mask flame like designs constantly churn but upon closer inspection it wasn't flames at all, but water moving and shaping itself like flames. Upon the back of the head, from the base of the neck, almost to the top is tight lacing which keeps the mask secure. Upon each hand, and running up the forearm to stop at the elbow, are gloves made from the same leather like material. The gloves are black, like the helmet, but thicker, dark royal blue, leather like accents outline the back of the hand in a square and run along his forearms as two parallel lines. Within the outlined squares images of water, burning like flame, can be seen. Hanging from the forearms of the gloves are a series of black tassels, five per forearm, and are about three foot in length. Over his lower body he wears black pants made from the same leather like material and rising up from the hem of each leg are those watery flames that constantly dances, the tips of each tongue stopping at about mid thigh level. Laced up black boots are found upon is feet.

Weapons or items
He carries no weapons. But he is an experienced wrestler in both traditional styles and the high flying style that's typically associated with a Luchador. Other than this La lluvia is also proficient in non-wrestling hand to hand combat forms. In particular both traditional Boxing and Kickboxing. He's also a skilled acrobat.



La Pelea
La Pelea represents the very nature of what La lluvia does for a living. As a freelance Luchador La lluvia puts everything into what it means to be a wrestler and integrates it into every aspect of his life. It's his fighting spirit, his soul, the very concept of his being. La Pelea, as an ability, is what gives La lluvia his powers and abilities. It passively effects the world around him in a non-aggressive manner making everything more vibrant and lively. The very presence of La lluvia is enough to excite the common man and during competitions it's infectious enough to cause cheering and excitement. Le Pelea also is the root of the various abilities and techniques that La lluvia demonstrates and is capable of, all of which will be detailed later. As much as it is an ability it is also a concept, a fundamental principle, for a wrestler. Excitement, Entertainment, and non stop action. La Pelea, and by proxy La lluvia, gets stronger the more fired up its user gets and often manifests itself as an aura of different colors depending on the wielder. During times of extreme excitement and stress the aura effect of La Pelea can extended itself to the surroundings, creating forces that mimic slightly increased gravity.

Teatro de Lucha Libre
This is an effect that's a result of passive influence being exerted upon the surroundings whenever La lluvia steps into his character. It's non-combative and thoroughly insubstantial but at the same time it's flamboyant and loud. Drawing from the concept of his being Teatro de Lucha Libre brings into effect rowdy cheering, applause, yelling and other vocalizations of excitement. Along with that music can sometimes be heard playing from out of thin air with nothing around to produce such a sound. Pyrotechnics also find themselves brought into existence and flare up in a random display around La lluvia. Overall it's grandstanding at its finest complete with falling confetti or other celebratory expressions of a grand entrance. Consequently this can also effect others in the area if they're susceptible to it and fired up. Manifesting out of seeming nothingness will be a grand display that perfectly accentuates who they are, what they do, and how excited they are to be doing what they're doing.

Physical condition
The intensity that La lluvia puts forth in his training and conditioning is nothing short of astounding. Although he had started out as a normal human his sheer determination and fighting spirit have allowed him to approach the superhuman. Everything about him is reinforced through his strict regimen. He is incredibly strong. This manifests itself in an ability to lift up medium to heavy vehicles which can range from 10 to 15 tons. He is incredibly fast. His reaction time allows him to respond to things that normally happen faster than the eye can see, accompanied by a heightened perception. He can also run faster then your average highway speed limit and swing his limbs at speeds that would render them blurs to the human eye and in some cases can dodge bullets. He is incredibly durable. His body can withstand tremendous punishment and his skin can only be pierced by the finest points and edges, even some low caliber ammunition will bounce off of his skin leaving only a bruise. His has incredible stamina. He can fight for hours if possible without tiring. But his physical condition comes with a quirk. If a contest is lower than his maximum output he can subconsciously scale down to match the playing field in which he is participating, acting within the spirit of competition.


Energy Projection
La Pelea and his martial discipline come together to form the ability to project his bodies natural energy into the world around him. These aren't astral projections. This manifests itself as physical representation of his intent. Whether you call it chi, ki, or spiritual energy La lluvia is able to draw upon his body and soul to deliver a wide variety of energy attacks. The most common type of projection comes in the form of concentrated blasts that have a wide range of power and effectiveness. It can take the form of disconnected spheres, waves, or solid streams or connected augments. When utilized in a disconnected manner the projections are usually destructive and are packed with power. They are all able to inflict enough damage to destroy a vehicle or portions of buildings with relative ease and can wreak havoc on a body. Especially a body that isn't tempered enough or ready to receive an attack of that nature. There are times when destructive force is not required. In these cases the projections that manifest usually are meant to accomplish as single goal. They can be designed to just inflict blunt trauma or gather around an area in order to exert kinetic forces upon the surroundings. These are less destructive than other types of projections and only meant to inflict some kind of specific effect.

The other method that La lluvia can use is a more connected approach to his energy projection. Instead of disconnecting it from his body to launch at a distance he can use it to surround and enhance parts or all of his body. This concentrated form can have one or two applications. The first of which is augmenting his physical strength in times when he needs a bit more 'oomph' to accomplish his goals, even adding a more destructive aspect to an otherwise normal punch. The second is through a strengthening of his body. This allows a specific portion of his body to withstand a greater physical blow and/or adding metaphysical defenses, mostly against other abilities like his own or magics and other foreign energies. In both cases where his energy is more connected to his body a higher concentration can lead to greater effects, IE more strength or damage resistance.

This ability is facilitated by his fighting spirit and his mind. Which is why in some cases what he can do might resemble Telekinesis & Biokinesis.

Spiritual-Elemental Conversion
Linked to La Pelea this allows La lluvia to alter the nature of his energy projections. These alterations take the form of an elemental affect of the Water,Fire, or Lightning types. Through a concentrated effort both the disconnected and connected types of energy projections he is capable of can have effects like one of the elemental types listed. It isn't creation as much as it's true conversion, using his energy reserves as a supplement for the materials necessary to create the effects. Instead of throwing out a projected wave from one of his punches, for example, he can instead throw a ball of fire. Instead of a simple kick augmented by one of his connected energy projections along with it comes a crashing wave of water. A simple grapple with parts of his body that are augmented by his connected energy projection can deliver shocks to fabrics and exposed flesh. The types of energy projections he can perform and the ways he can augment them can vary wildly. Multiple attacks that are performed in the same way can be vastly different from the one that came before and after it, with no two attacks being the same for quite some time. He is limited in this regard though and can't put two elemental types on the same attack and the elemental attribute removes the effect that the original energy projection would have accomplished.

For example. The aforementioned augmented kick on its own would just increase the kicks actual power, allowing La lluvia to hit harder and potentially break through a defense or deal more damage. If he were to add the water attribute onto the attack the additional power behind the kick in lost and instead the enemy is hit by the crashing wave instead.

Signature Moves:
Although he likes to keep his style open and flexible there is a list of techniques that have found themselves common place within his fights.

Onda de falla: The internal energies granted to him by La Pelea are augmented and channeled into the element of water in a connected manner. From one of his limbs, it can be any including the head, the energy condenses and forms a hefty volume of cool water that follows the motion of the limb while keeping up with whatever speed it is moving at. When the physical strike of said limb connects with the target a the water, which gained momentum over the course of the strike, gains incredible momentum and crashes into the target. Not only would the target have to deal with power behind the punch but they'd have to deal from the kinetic energy built up within the water that'd hit them like a wave and wash over their body. Threatening to not only deal considerable impact damage but also attempt to throw its way against and over their form with the risk of knocking them off balance.

Viento de barrido: After dropping down low to the ground, in a near crouch, with one of his legs stretched out a quick and powerful turn of the body sends the extended limb toward his targets legs. The sweeping leg targets anywhere below the knees and powers on through to take an opponents legs out from under them. What sets this apart from a normal leg sweep is the fact that the extended leg is augmented with his internal energy. After the leg sweeps an opponent a power burst of kinetic energy spins around La lluvia in a quick tempest to lift the opponent off the ground.

Cuerpo fuerte: After channeling all of his internal energy into his body his skin takes on a bit of a blue hue. While under the effect his physical defenses are increased well beyond their already supernatural limits, allowing La lluvia to take his body farther than he would normally be able to. While his internal energy is enhancing the whole of his physical form he can then augment it to get various effects, a full list would be too long for a profile. The longer preparations are made for this technique the stronger it is.

Some of the effects one can expect from Cuerpo Fuerte:
-Fire Resistance
-Lightning Resistance
-Water Resistance (Impact/Blunt damage resistance plus water breathing)
-Pseudo-Elemental Physical State of Fire, Lightning, or Water

Rayo de arco: A special technique within his tree of augmenting his internal energy into lightning, or electricity. After a significant charge as been placed into each fist both of them make contact with the target is some form, doesn't matter which parts of the body. From one fist to the other an electrical current runs through the target's body in an arcing path. On the way through the electricity deals damage to tissues, flesh, and muscle and can even temporarily interrupt electrical signals traveling through the body. The intensity of the electrical charge increases depending on how much of a charge has been put in.

Fenix ​​ascendente: From a standing or knelt position internal energy is gathered into the entire front of the body and then projected into the space in front of him. After either a leap forward or a small lunge the disconnected energy bursts into flame starting at a position relative to La lluvia's center of mass. It then cascades from there into a plume about five feet wide and six feet tall. The fire rushes forward and swarms the enemy, detonating upon contact with skin while Le lluvia comes through the smoke with one of many physical attacks.

Gota de martillo: Executed from a higher vantage point then his opponent La lluvia descends upon them with one arm in the front serving as a guard and the other cocked back into a high chambered position. When close enough the chambered limb is enhanced with internal energies and shot forth toward the target. Adding gravity to the momentum of the strike along with the amplified power due to the added energy this strike can easily flatten vehicles of all sizes.

Escalada de araña: Although this is one of his signature moves it is not an attack at all, at least up front. Due to his background in Lucha Libre La lluvia is a high flyer among high flyer's within the sport. Despite his matches normally taking place within an established ring, complete with corners and ropes, there are those battlegrounds that don't come with such luxuries. So to compensate he created a technique that allows him to use his energy to stick to any surface, allowing him to climb it and use it in the same manner that he would use a top rope.

Finishing Move

Tormenta caída: To achieve this final state of victory La lluvia must have already beat his opponent into a weakened state in which fighting back is either not likely or next to impossible. Internal energies are gathered into the right fist which is then jammed into the stomach of an opponent with more than 100% of what La lluvia is capable of, forcing his target to bend forward. He then steps to one side of his opponent and wraps both arms around their torso from the back, so his hands come to rest upon their general abdomen area. He then lifts the target up over his head, now holding them generally under the arm pits, and power bombs them onto the ground with enough force to shatter concrete and pavement. He then stands perpendicular to the downed opponent and does a single front flip only to land knees first onto their abdomen and releasing stored internal energies, releasing devastating power down onto his target.

Young La lluvia wasn't always a Luchador. In his youth he was a dutiful son who went to school and did his chores like any other boy. He had a beautiful mother and energetic father who took up the high flying, Luchador, profession. His name was Tormenta del Este and he was one of the original members of the group that formed the Luchalliance after Rey de la Oscuridad II rose to power on the backs of fallen Lucha Libre. He was always told tales of the alliance and its fight against one of the strongest and most evil Luchador that the profession had ever seen. The members of the Luchalliance were heroes to the young man and he looked up to them like Idols, he aspired to be them and thanks to the tutelage of his father the young man eventually started his rise to becoming La lluvia. Unfortunately for the young man his father was taken away from him before his time. It seemed that old age and damage taken from past fights was too much for Tormenta del Este to overcome. One night he passed away in his sleep which left his family devastated.

La lluvia had all the motivation that he needed to shotgun his way through the ranks of Lucha Libre. He climbed his way up to the top echelons of the sport and took his place right next to his father in the Luchalliance hall of fame. One day though La lluvia heard of the resurgence of Rey de la Oscuridad II and sought to meet him in the ring. He wanted to face the threat that his father faced and triumph over it like his father did. But El jaguar found the young man first and offered him a proposal. A tournament was taking place in another part of the multiverse. From it a champion could rise and the implications of such were unknown. So for a short time La lluvia, along with other members of the Luchalliance, would follow the jaguar into the battlefield side by side, only for the chance to fight him personally and prove that he is just as much as a Luchador as his father.

I'm in, character coming soon.
Yo, sorry for how long it took to reply to this. I have been getting more and more busy since we started this. So whether Gonad wants to keep fighting or not I'm having Sky leave the scene, hopefully stopping Gonads bleeding before hand. I personally dislike trying to kill characters even if my characters personally don't care whether their opponent lives or dies. Anyway, thanks for the brief match.
@Doc Doctor

It had happened so quick that to those like Sky and Gonad the brief moment that the spear passed through his body would have been in the blink of an eye. But like stated before the spear would disappear once it had passed through the Barbarian. Sky was hoping that it'd be enough to put the barbarian down since everything up to this point hadn't been able to do a damn thing too him. Sky was trying to avoid potentially lethal measures. Afterall he had been told to track down potential opponents in order to spread the word of the ShinRa Corporation, not try and slaughter the population. A man like Gonad Sky had hoped would be able to survive the hole blown through him, at least for a time. The crunching of the metal car that Gonad had slammed into caused Sky to wince slightly due to the sharpness of the sound. He immediately started running over the Gonad's point of impact. When he was about five foot from the car he stopped, he could smell blood in the air.

"If you be awake, I am coming over to you. It was a good fight, you pushed me to extremes to try and find a way to actually hurt you. But your bleeding must be stopped."

Sky was cautious as he made his way over to Gonad, of course. And unless the barbarian did something to attack or interrupt him Sky would get as close to the hole in the mans body as it could. His right hand would be held up so that his spiritual energy could be channeled into it. A white aura would shine around his right hand before all of the energy would seep up from his skin and form into a sphere in the air. It gathered above his finger tips and would be about 3 inches in diameter. Once it was of substantial potency he'd fling it into the hole in Gonads body, where it would sear the wound shut in order to stop him from completely bleeding out. In the distance sirens could be heard, more than likely the local authorities would be here soon along with emergency responders.

If Gonad had been coherent he would talk a bit more. "I am no healer, this is all I can do. Last until the sirens get here and you should find proper medical treatment. Farewell."

Regardless of whether Gonad wanted to continue to fight or not Sky would leave, running into the distance so that the local authorities wouldn't find him.
It seemed that standing within the vacuum that had been created inside of the rubber wrap wasn't enough to put the big man down, which was the point of the trap itself. The wrap never did damage, it wasn't suppose too, it was only meant to hold him in place long enough for the Barbarian to fall unconscious so that Sky could go back to the Shin-Ra headquarters and find out what else he needed to do. It came after the spear was thrown, after he had already been blown back by the shock wave its break into Hyper-Sonic speed had made, that his metaphysical grip upon the rubber cocoon would release. Gonad would find that he'd have no resistant, what so even, at this point to get free. But, looking at the time table, Sky had thrown the spear as Gonad started to pry the thing open and get out. Meaning that his Spear would be meeting Gonad head on as soon as it would open, if not moments before. Gonad could clear keep up with the speed, but could be keep up with the unexpected?

In the world they both lived in it was hard to tell when something was homing and non-homing. The spear though, as previously mentioned, was attracted to the spot on Gonad that Sky had previously landed a blow. Meaning that even as Gonad instinctively peppermint turned away from the spear it would turn on that dime and continue it's course. The tip was brimming with spiritual energy, focusing its blade so that it'd nearly deconstruct matter as it touched it just as much it would usually cut it. Considering his strength Sky thought that Gonad had physical defense to match it, he didn't know the barbarian was susceptible to his spears normal head. As Sky watched everything unfold he thought, in the thousandth of a second this all played out, of whether Gonad would have the faculties to avoid the spear further. If he didn't it'd bore that hole straight through him, six inches wide, and disappear as it fully passed through his body.
@Doc Doctor

It wasn't like Sky didn't know what was going on within the rubber cocoon that had wrapped itself around Gonad. Not only could watch Gonad struggling under the surface of the rubber he could also feel his movements and sense the levels of power that Gonad had within him. It was true that the Barbarian had force in spades, beyond that really, but Sky had planned for the eventuality that he could get stronger. The harsh truth about the situation was that Gonad didn't have tools on hand to get out of the trap that Sky had planned out, meticulously, in the moments that their fight had occupied since its start. Even though he'd feel Gonad stop struggling as much within the trap he didn't think the Barbarian was done. If anything Sky had to commend him on how long he could hold his breath in a complete vacuum. There wasn't any moving fast in the position like this, since both weren't moving from their positions, and lack of oxygen was lack of oxygen.

He'd feel the increase in power as Gonad tapped deep into the reservoirs of his berserker roots and allowed the latent power within him to surge forth and fill his physical vessel to the very brim. It was a power up, giving Gonad more of that untapped physical output that he was soon hell bent on using, but it didn't seem to afford him any additional benefit other than allowing him to use more force. Perhaps it made him more resistant to effects like loss of consciousness and potential death, perhaps it allowed him to fight beyond usual parameters, but in the current situation it wasn't going to be enough. As it was stated before when the bouncy castle deflated and started to wrap around Gonad to trap him it did exactly as described 'wrap'. So him trying to reach for the flap that would have been the entrance would have been almost impossible. Since, at the moment, the entrance was wrapped around him dozens of times in efforts to constrict the much stronger gentleman and prevent him from moving. But this was the glorious thing about this particular trap. Gonad's strength would have to find against itself.

Since the rubber of the bouncy castle had 'wrapped' itself around Gonad that means that any attempt to pull on one section would find resistance in another. If Gonad did manage to find a grip somewhere it meant that when he pulled a different section or multiple would tighten against him and then snap the rubber back into place. So it was Gonad's own strength, along with Sky's machinations, that worked against him. His strength in one area would neutralize his strength in another so that he constantly nullified his own attempts to free himself. But that wasn't the only thing he'd find was troubling. It was also previously mentioned that Sky could move rubber from one area to another, in order to account for Gonad's attempts to burst out by overstretching one portion and make it burst. Essentially moving more material so that it could extend safely without breaking and allowing Gonad to get out. It was that same principle that found itself manipulating the rubber that Gonad tried to grab away from his hand, moving away from his fingers in order to prolong his stay within the trap.

The Fae saw where this was going though. If the berserker could stave off the effects of a vacuum through the use of the power up that he had activated then it was going to take far too long for the trap to effectively put him down. So Sky enacted his back up plan. While Gonad continued to struggle within the rubber, his body more than likely suffering from the effects of lack of oxygen regardless if the man could feel it, he'd summon his spear once again within his left hand and funnel some of the energy he was manipulating into it. It was gripped at about mid shaft with his arm stretched out to its appropriate side, elbow bent and pointed toward the ground with the curled fingers facing the sky. He'd quickly bring the spear up over his shoulder and adjusted his position to a crouching stand. He'd then rocket that Spear forward in a sonic javelin toss that'd cause the houses around him to literally shatter. A vapor ring manifested as the spear immediately hit mach 10, wood splinters from the houses around him flying in all directions as they disintegrated, the spear was on a mission as Gonad fought on the inside of his trap.

Now, what about the spear itself? Sky's strength wasn't enough to throw it at the speeds it reached, that was a manipulation of the spiritual energy. Remember that body blow that Sky had landed on the Barbarian earlier? It was attracted to that point, like a super magnet, accelerating the moment it left Sky's hand. The head of it was blazing with power, the edged focused to such a sharpness that not much could stand within its path. It wasn't even a 100th of a second between the time that Sky through it and the moment it'd hit. Since Gonad was stationary the target was easy to hit. Since it homed in on the point Sky landed the body blow? It was practically guaranteed to strike true. Meaning that Gonad would have a hole blown through him and the rubber that surrounded him, one that was about six inches in diameter, straight through his middle torso. But that wasn't he only effect that he had to worry about. Moving at high speed generated extreme heat, so there was a possibility of being disintegrated through the friction alone as it passed through the body, not to mention the trail of kinetic force that followed it. Something that sky scrapers would have a hard time withstanding.

The spear itself, once it penetrated Gonad and exited his body, disappeared. Sky had taken the blowback of the shock wave generated by the throw of his spear head on and was now a good fifty feet back from his original position, but he was still manipulating the rubber. It had been protected from the heat that the spear generated so it didn't disintegrate. But the force Gonad would feel in full force, it passed through the rubber as if it wasn't there since it and the attack itself had been generated from his own usage of spiritual power. It wasn't dulled in anyway. Sky hoped that getting rail gunned would put the Barbarian down. It wasn't that Sky didn't fight with his weapon from the beginning. He had just been looking for an opportune time to use it. Considering Gonad's mindset, the fact he couldn't sense energy or see it coming, it was almost a sure fire way to close out the fight. Whether Gonad died or not was to be determined, his will would dictated that, Sky just wanted to end this.
@Doc Doctor

Even though Sky had no direct knowledge of it, he suspected that his opponent had certain traits, Gonad scaled to meet his foe if such a person was stronger than him. It was clear that Sky wasn't stronger, when it came to physical capabilities, than Gonad. The only true leg up that he may have had over the Barbarian was that he could manipulate his own spiritual energy in ways similar to that of mages who could wield magic. So if Gonad's unique power held true then he wouldn't scale at all, unless it was to make himself weaker so that he'd be on equal footing with Sky. But even then what he was being assaulted by was much stronger than the one who had created it. And considering that Gonad wouldn't likely effectively scale up, since Gonad was naturally stronger than Sky, this meant that the attack he now faced would pose a considerable threat to overwhelm his natural physical potential.

Raw force is, simply, force that isn't diluted by anything else. Meaning that Undiluted force was the same as Raw force, something that Gonad had in spades. It may have been the bread and butter of his entire being, he may have been strength and power incarnate, but this was a trap that raw strength and undiluted force wasn't going to be able to get out of. And since Gonad was effectively sitting in a vacuum devoid of air the more he struggled to try and muscle his way out of the enveloping rubber bouncy house the quicker he'd bring himself to a point that he'd run out of air. Ignorance to ones situation was one thing. But a living body could not continue to live without oxygen. As Gonad flexed his body against the rubbery substance that was the bouncy house it'd flex and move, bending around every fibrous muscle that sought to subdue it.

Since Sky was on the outside he had absolute control over his spell. If any part of the bouncy house came close to breaking via being stretched beyond normal capacity he could alter its properties even more to allow it to stretch more and more. He even went as far as to pull material from other parts of the entire surface area of the bouncy castle in order to compensate. Gonads fingers wouldn't be enough to puncture the rubber either. Sky was monitoring the whole thing, watching the struggle ensue as Gonad did his damnedest to try and break the rubbery cage. It was a simple case of Sky matching Gonad's embodiment of strength with an embodiment of ingenuity, even though the fae would never call himself that.

He was also going off of what he knew. Gonad had no weapons, he merely brought himself and his strength to the fight, so Sky had crafted this specific trap to try and seal the Barbarians fate. This wasn't something one could brute force through, it was intended that way, if Gonad wanted out before he fully suffocated he was going to have to try some critical and imaginative thinking. It wasn't just an immovable wall Gonad faced, in fact it wasn't immovable or unbeatable to those that were equipped for it, but it was highly flexible to counter Gonads method of dealing with problems. But the rubbery cage forged from the bouncy house hugged everywhere it could. Sky sought to keep the Barbarian entangled until he fell unconscious, at which point he'd release it and walk away.
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