Avatar of foxygen
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  • Posts: 233 (0.08 / day)
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    1. foxygen 8 yrs ago


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Hello are you still looking for people to join?

yep! if i do make the thread i'll post it here but for now i'm just making sure people would actually be interested <3
would anyone be interested in participating in a thread based inside a psych ward?

this would be rather strict on realism, i.e. none of the cliché 'escaping from the institution' stuff. it'd be focused on interactions between characters mainly, and the primary goal for each individual character would be recovery/getting discharged.

also wondering which would be more popular: adult or adolescent hospital, so any input would be nice (-:
ditto slyph, and it seemed like u were anticipating some response; she gave u one
hehheh she calls me boo n pet names
its Endearing
it makes me feel precious

in any case she wasn't intending to be rude
@Dirty Pretty Lies
u deserve better
@Cynder Hey! If it's not too much trouble I'd like to use your service! November 15 ^.^

Also, I personally dated a fellow guild member (which I consider a mistake lol), and have crushed on 3 others: @Melo, @SgtEasy and another person that those who read my status one time already know about (and so does he lol).

throws up in my mouth

WHERE DID ALL OF YOU COME FROM? Welcome, the large horde of you that just arrived.

<Snipped quote by Wade Wilson>
Not exactly how my offered service works, but I'll dissect what I can. Based on the fact that September 13th lines up with Virgo, then that's what you are. Virgos are Earth signs and are fairly tricky. Out of all the Earth signs, Virgo can be one of the more "difficult" OR "easier" one to work with depending on how you spin it. Virgos only have one major keypoint of compatibility which is water. Unlike Taurus, Virgo is compatible with all three water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. This is where Virgo tends to be unique - they are flexible to almost ALL OTHER SIGNS although Fire and Air are typically hit or miss. For Virgo, your astrological partner might be Libra, another Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn or Scorpio.

Hope that was a fun read at least.

being a libra finally pays off
@Wade Wilson
im coming out as a Full Blown Gay and i love you
(a haiku?????)


Emily could be even snarkier than Spencer sometimes. Annoyed, Max returned her mischievous look with an obviously aggravated eyeroll. Her comments about a pop group brought an excruciatingly clear image to his head: Emily could be a drummer with all her pent up energy, or, for better mobility, the guitarist that scrambled around onstage revving up the crowd and making bodyguards' jobs even harder when she leapt into the crowd. Not that he was contemplating becoming an actual musical group, but it was just entertaining to think that most of the kids here were likely made for the spotlight. Sucks that they skipped out on any potential opportunity in favour of a life of crime. Spencer, particularly, could sing. Hell, he could do anything musically. Anyway. No point entertaining such useless thoughts.

His eyebrows raised at her mini-assault of Spencer, but he didn't try to mediate. Jabs between those two never turned into personal attacks, thank god - couldn't have the two most feisty at each other's necks. When they were off the train, Kat was quick to retrieve a cigarette (Max made a mental note to inform her of American lingo that very much differed from her London slang), and he didn't blame her. It never seemed like Kat had a shitty family or any torrential home life, but the fact that there was no comment in the newspaper from those people... it could be insulting to anyone, especially so if their relationship with their parents was all right. He breathed in the smoke, pulling the group tighter around her lest they get yelled at by some conservative opposed to teen smoking.

Feeling practically blessed by Emily's avoidance of making some rough comment about their choice of stay, Max just nodded at her. Not surprising that she broke into some 1%er hellhole. More surprising than that was Jace actually speaking, in a few more words than one - which usually was his record unless you got him onto a particularly uninteresting subject. Max turned half-towards him, following his gaze to the newspaper in hand. The suggestion was a good one, really, but he couldn't help the amusing mental image that arose. Jace with bleach-blonde hair, Emily a brunette instead of her signature red? He gave Jace a funny look, trying to shut his own imagination up, and nodded slowly in an attempt to maintain composure. "That's actually a good plan, if you're all game," he agreed, keeping his voice low. "I'm sure there'll be a convenience store along -"


Jesus. And Em thought Spencer was bad at subtlety. To be fair, Addie was pretty quiet in approaching them, and thus Max had no idea she was approaching - or even that she wasn't here the entire time. He stumbled away a little, running a hand over his face like he was wiping away all his irritation. In response to her very loud question, he gestured vaguely towards the pamphlet still in Emily's hand. "Just thinking about staying at a campground for a while, Sprock, that okay with you?" It wasn't a genuine question, judging by his condescending tone. He didn't bother asking where she'd even been, considering the myriad of worlds Addie could've easily lost herself in. He was just glad her picture wasn't in the newspaper - then they'd be in real danger of recognition.

Speaking of... he brought the newspaper back up, making sure to keep it invisible to outsiders' eyes. He moved towards the end of the station, manoeuvring around the short building and towards the nearest navigation signs. They were on the right track north, so far - the info on the pamphlet told them it was five minutes by car, so surely it couldn't be much more than fifteen by foot. The newspaper had a fairly recent image by the looks of it, but still one where he didn't look too hot. "Was I drunk?" he wondered out loud, shaking his head disbelievingly. The lack of comment from his family wasn't as surprising. His father wasn't so easy to communicate with, and they likely couldn't track down his mother. As for Spencer, he had a good picture and a statement. Lucky fucker.

Jace, though, looked plain goofy with his thumbnail of a picture. "What's this, Chip? Myspace pic?" Hey, at least he didn't make a Grindr joke. Even if Katie had a picture up, he wouldn't be too concerned; she could easily change her look and blend in more than any of them, despite the fact that she had very distinct facial features. As for Emily... that was a damn shocker. She must have fifty mugshots floating around, or so Max assumed; maybe they were just too inappropriate for a family newspaper. Addie, he wasn't so sure about. She'd probably had hers taken before, but that girl was a gigantic question mark. In any case, all of their descriptions were far too vague to nail them entirely. There wasn't even a 'last seen wearing' section, amateurs.

Even more than social media or outsiders in general, they were worried about Michaels. Max's mind went through a roladex of his people, wondering who they could run into, who they should be wary of, and landed on one in particular. "Spence, Michaels doesn't do the dirty work. He's gotta have the blue-eyed kid after us, right?" Hunter-something. Max didn't care enough to remember. He turned more towards the rest of the group. "When we get there, we need to think of a plan of action for if we do get caught out." He narrowed his eyes cynically. "Emphasis on if."

i love my new gf sprocket
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