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    1. FrozenEcstasy 10 yrs ago


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Gay, single, more than ready to mingle

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Reverante, the last name was Reverante, the surname of reverence. You could not simply be a Reverante and not have reverence for the world around you. Even while suffocated by the Efertide the world was still rather deserving of the reverence of hedgewitches all around the country. Levranelle pondered these things as he fiddled with a daisy he had in his hand, sniffing at it and inspecting it for imperfections like the slight browning of one of the pretty yellow petals. Over his shoulder was a large sack that made the light tinking noise of glass. He was wondering into the town square as he needed to do a little bartering for some meat of some kind.

Not long before actually entering the square Snuffles began some rather loud mewling, with his fur standing on end. The magical connection between them facilitated by Agatha, Lev's grandmother, caused the hairs on his neck to do so as well, which of course caused his head to jerk up and look to see what Snuffles was going crazy about. "Gods have mercy on our poor souls Snuffles, at least stop meowing when I figure out what's going on, you're going to wake up the dead. The townspeople don't like me too much when I'm talking with their deceased grandparents." He lamented as Snuffles walked in and out between his feet as he walked, the two traveling in a rather unified fashion.

Lev finally found out what Snuffles was mewling about once they were actually in seeing distance of the cages hanging in the middle of town. Brutish Legionaries and their cruel, insufferable hangings. To kill was ignorance, there was so much to learn from the societal deviant, it'd just be better to lock them up and poke them with a large stick and make them tell you about their lives and thought processes. Suck the wisdom from the living before they become the dead and the living are a lot less ignorant for it. No, the Legion can't possibly be that intelligent, especially if they're going to imprison a ma...gic user.

Levranelle locked his eyes on the woman with two irises, almost seething in the cages. In the full day his own eyes were only different in color than others, not something people notice off their first or even second glance. However, if it became darker they'd become slits and be a lot harder to hide. Either way they were a blessing compared to this woman's curse of gemeneyes. Lev began laughing at the joke he thought of rather loudly as he walked to another corner of the town square, the one where he normally set up his little shop. All the while his laughter, knowable by most of the townfolk, would've been noticeable by the mayor and the legionnaire he just passed.
It's gonna be interesting to see what ties us all together. A convenient trade caravan that doesn't mind mages? A run in with the legion gone bad?

Look at the character list, read who's in cages


<Snipped quote by FrozenEcstasy>

note that most apart from the wee voidlings and voidspawn, all void champions are named individuals rather than species, so are more boss monster than random encounter fodder. The lore has swarms of the things, the game, less so. unless everyone plays Malzahar and buys Zz'Rot portals.

also there's Xer'Sai, which are smaller versions of Rek'Sai, who is a cool land shark.

If you where going to add anything from the game it might be the shop item pool and maybe some of the champion's equipment, depending on whether you have unique items in the pool

Rek and her babies were the second one I thought would be a decent encounter. See I thought that some encounters would be "defeat said boss monster."

Rek'Sai and Cho'Gath would be the most dynamic, while Kha'Zix and Vel'Koz would seem different.

Id kinda like to see Kha'Zix go all Alien on 2Fort with his stealth and make the RP briefly horror based lol.
Void champs are in fact combatants.

The best one among them for an encounter would be Cho'Gath who has the ability to grow to monstrous sizes.
@FrozenEcstasyTo be fair Kaiser only convinced me to add League of Legends recently. I wasn't sure at first since I'm very unfamiliar with the game and mostly know it from bad first hand experience. So I apologize if I forgot to mention it was being added, I'm still working on adding stuff from the game into the lists.

<Snipped quote>
What are void champions? They sound pretty kickass.

<Snipped quote>

We're going to be doing a point system like I talked about in our PMs. When Kerrigan siphons essense from an enemy she gets points towards evolving and gaining a new ability. It'd look like this:

Kerrigan's Essense Level
0/5 /////

Certain enemies give certain degrees of essence. Unmodified humans and animals wouldn't give Kerrigan much essence because she's genetically superior to them. While aliens, mutants, and monsters would give a lot of essence due to their diverse nature or potential genetic superiority to Kerrigan's current form. Certain enemies wouldn't give any essence at all like robots, certain types of undead, and the like.

When Kerrigan reaches the point she can evolve you get the choice between developing a new Psi-Power (I'll roll up three randomly and you can pick one power from the results) or assimilating an ability from one of the enemies she drained (I'll generate viable options and let you pick one).

Every time Kerrigan evolves the amount of essence needed to evolve further will increase. Let's say that it starts out as 5, and then goes up to 7, 9, 11, est.

How does that sound?

<Snipped quote by FrozenEcstasy>

Solo and duo missions sounds like a really neat idea. Having missions tied to plot points or relating to certain characters worlds is another neat idea. I'll take that into consideration when working out missions and the like. Thanks for the suggestion Frozen. No need to apologize for posting a lot, I've been pretty antsy myself and love to have something to do here while I wait.

1. In LoL lore the void is a dark dimension of eternally hungry creatures that are loosely based off of Zerg and a few other things. In lore they can be pretty devastating and one or two in particular could prove enough of a fight for half the cast to be needed. Along with the Shadow Isles faction and the Darkin they serve as a sort of world-threatening antagonistic faction. I'm super into league lore if you need help integrating it. League also brings a lot of interesting loot to the table that could be mission rewards too.

2. That point system sounds great. I'd assume though that there might be some enemies that will almost always account for an instant level up like a select few of the Monster Hunter hunts.

3. On another note, what about a system for biomass conversion so that she can create a few zerg pets like we talked about? I feel like her pet-based abilities should be on a different, stricter scale.
Also, since we have a fair amount of players/characters I think that in the future I'm going to generally split things between two missions, that way we don't have a dozen characters to bulldoze their way through things. Right now it's not an issue since everyone is pretty under equipped and under 'leveled' but later on that'll change.

I'm posting a lot forgive me.

We should have solo/duo missions as well for plot points sometime! Maybe relating to a character's homeworld.

Like a swarm of zerg infest an area and Kerrigan refuses to let anyone help her tame it cause she don't want peeps to die.

Or like, Draugr are swarming an area we gather food in, familiar with the undead both Tam and Cedar are sent there to take care of it.

Or Poppy's case, a Noxian warband has been setting up base not far from town, afraid their ruthless nature would mean they try and invade 2Fort, she takes a few played characters with her to make peace or squash the potential invasion.
Stop, hammer time.

Whoa, wait, League was acceptable??????????


Or Leona, or Teemo, or Ekko, or Alistar...

Oh and as an added aside. If Poppy is accepted please add void champions as encounters so Kerrigan can access cool abilities.

Speaking of Kerrigan's ability to siphon essence and not really needing much loot, would she roll for the abilities of a creature she has slain? Or are we gonna do a points system where every so many creatures she gets to choose on of their abilities?

Okay I updated the personality. Sorry I've been mostly absent and not doing what I said i was going to lol.

Kerrigan kept her boiling rage inside of her as the robot asshole put her down. In any other world she'd rip him to shreds for even attempting to go near her with ill intention. She could puncture goddamn steel with her pinky finger and could put enough force in it to shatter whatever head-like hunk of metal was on his shoulders. "You'd be good to never do that again." she whispered to herself, scoffing at herself for how reserved she had to be in this world. She looked to Quiet right afterwards and smiled. "Imbeciles don't know I could kill them in half a second" Kerrigan projected to her, so that only she could hear, confirming that thoughts could be heard, and projected. She'd look back to where Lily and Julian ran off to and send another thought, just to shock Lily, being unable to communicate with Julian. "I used to be human, I'm not the monster you two think I am. I was used by alien xenomorphs and transformed into this. I made the best out of it and made them my bitch. Don't make all my work for survival be for naught."

Several more consciousnesseses entered the room one by one. The little weird thing known as Abe, nervous and anxiety ridden so much so that Kerrigan wanted to reassure him he was safe for some reason; then there was the Batter figure, monochrome and alien to even her, his conscious was nothing like she'd ever encountered, and she couldn't get a solid read on anything but eerie white noise; there was a short fat man who's arrogance was the first thing she noticed, without missing a beat she could determine that he wanted to beat Jack out for leader and use everyone here for his own benefit (it would suck for him that this reminded her far too much of an Emperor Mengsk, she wanted to play with this man and make him cry before everything was over); lastly there was a detective pop up, a certain Max Payne who seemed all too uninteresting for her."I can hear, detect, and transmit thoughts. I'm trying to be amicable in warning you so that you can learn how to block me from doing so. Do not betray this trust, cause I will kill you if you pose a threat to this settlement, and I won't care if I die doing it." she relayed to each of them in the area, and the others that hadn't heard it already.

She began to think about what they could do for this mission for Jack. The more obvious option for her would be to pick the highest point at 2fort and try to psiionically detect any mass gatherings of life. If she could find a herd of animals somewhere they could feed the settlement for weeks. The second option would be to get a poll on the direction the party wanted to travel in, travel it, and hope the stumbled upon something. She kept thinking and began walking to where the group was headed through. Everyone else looked for treasure in the trash, Kerrigan knew nothing here would benefit her, only get in the way. No, what would benefit her would be local flora and fauna to collect essence from and adapt to whatever enemies awaited her here. She may still think like a human, but she was far more Zerg now, and she'd be damned if a zerg wielded a weapon over becoming one themselves.

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