Avatar of Ghost Butt
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 85 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Ghost Butt 9 yrs ago


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Hey, hey, hey there everyone! The name is Ghost Butt, but you can call me Ghost (or Butt.) In case you're wondering, and I'm fairly certain you're not, that's not my real name. The guild asked me for a username, so I gave them one without thinking too hard about it. If you would like to know my real name, you must answer this riddle: I am used to bat with, yet I never get a hit. I am near a ball, yet it is never thrown. What am I?

(lol, jk. Just ask me and I'll tell you.)

So I've been on RPG for almost a year, but I've been rping since I was maybe 14? I've never really taken it seriously, it's just something fun I like to do in my spare time. I love writing, always have, and anything I can do to keep my creative juices flowing is great. I'm currently a student at a university in a state which I will NOT disclose to anyone. I'm all about being safe on the internet and keepin' it low key so not predators try to stalk me and kidnap me, ya feel?

I don't really have much else to stay, just thought I would leave some general info here about myself. Ta ta, loves, I'm gonna leave y'all with this gif of the great Snoop Dogg being his Snoop Doggy Dog self:

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Please let me know if I need to change anything. I haven't had the chance to go over everything I've written but I really wanted to get her out before work tonight. I'll be back on in a few hours!

Oh jeez, there's been so much action while I've been gone. I'm working on fixing up Ariadne right now. She'll be done shortly ^.^
<Snipped quote by Ghost Butt>

OOOOO! I remember her from the time before last that Poka tried SWL! :O

Ayyyyyyyy you're back!

Yep I'm still using my dear Addie. She's going to be pretty different this time around though.
So I couldn't get rid of Ariadne, but I'm going to be changing a lot about her and her personality. Probably going to do something different with her background as well. I'll probably finish her up later tonight.

Also I love Jane Levy too much to not use her as a face claim :)

Hi there.

@Joshua Tamashii @Ghost Butt @Pirouette @GoddessSophia @Prints Avoid @Random Kitty

So, here's the lay down:

I am a horrible GM.

That's pretty much it. That's the reason why the RP has been so static - because I am inexperienced in GM-ing, and I apologize for my incompetence. I had no direction in which I wanted the RP to go and the immersion has been damaged because of it. I was so focused on the world-building, I didn't bother with the plot when I should have. And I apologize sincerely, especially to those of you who have been here since the very beginning and have had to restart over. and over. and over. and over again.

But like I said, I do not plan to give up on this RP. I sacrificed literal sleep over this and have put too much work into it. A such, I am going to be remaking it - with a plot - and will be placing it back in casual where it can attract more players and give us more variety. I plan to be ditching Aella all together and focusing on my twin characters that I have been working on, because I feel as if I have grown as a writer and want it to show in my character.

I would like to also note that the acceptance standards will be changed slightly and as such, I will not be automatically accepting your characters. As of right now, I see no problem in writing with your characters, but I personally would like to change up the characters and chemistry. Of course, if you don't want to do that, I understand, but I will not accept it automatically and will review it again.

Inexperienced does not mean horrible. I think, even though it's been rough, you've done a really good job with this RP. You've put so much effort into it and created a beautiful setting that I'm sure even JK Rowling would be impressed by.

That said, I would still like to be apart of this but I'm probably going to be making changes to my character (maybe even making a new one altogether.) It's too bad that you're going to be getting rid of Aella as I really liked the idea of our character's friendship but that's alright. Hopefully this time the RP will be more successful :)
Hey, sorry I've been absent. My laptop was recently destroyed by a cup of tea (and my roommates cat is very lucky I did not chuck him off the balcony) but I just got a new one! It's a tad bit slower than my old laptop but it'll do until I can save up enough money to get a nicer one.

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know I'm still here...and hopefully this roleplay is still alive?
*cough*gilderoy lockhart*cough*

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