Avatar of GreivousKhan
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  • Old Guild Username: greviouskhan
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    1. GreivousKhan 10 yrs ago


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My character can be literally anywhere that won't shoot her on sight due to her current occupation. I'm thinking we start in the capital but I can easily have her anywhere she is needed if we do make this split group due to high player count. Which you kind of have to do in some cases since larger numbers mean longer wait times in certain group interactions.

Also, kind of tempted to make an Eerum character looking back at my collection of pictures. Funny enough, plague doctor was one of the few arch types I did not have in there.

@Liseran Thistle What if he stumbled onto the main plot without even realizing it regarding the hidden road? Shoot, that's good. Guess I know how I'd rope him into the main plot if I were writing this in a book.

@Mistress Dizzy Wish I could help you there, I can help you find good African American portraits that fit the time period and setting if you still need them. Aside from that my only advice maybe create a town that would make sense for your character's background, maybe someplace steeped in magic or has a school for it. The GM did mention he left cities blank for that very reason.

@GreivousKhan considering the emotional baggage of like 90% of the cast having Darth try her hand at a bit of psychology would be a pretty interesting sight to see lmao

I had it in mind her three areas of expertise was going to be, philosophy, medicine/phycology, and alchemy. Though given how interesting of an idea that would be, I might replace philosophy with psychology which would have made her apart of the second talon of Ravensworth (who specialize in that field) for a time before switching over to the Shroud to help with the blight.

I'll have to think about it, a very different set of skills than what I planned on but one ripe for interesting RP.

@Ink Blood

@Roman@Liseran Thistle An interesting note in that regard is the middle ages treatment was often entirely backward and ineffective due to a mixing of pagan beliefs popular at the time and religions of the time (not saying anything against religion mind you.). Sometimes treatment was more deadly than the disease, as an example being they used to think someone with a mental disorder could be 'healed' by drilling a hole in their skull to release the demon... or drinking mercury was a good idea due to its importance in Greek mythology.

Often you'd not even have anyone interested in finding a cure since only the gods could genuinely heal, so doctors only ever dealt with the symptoms. Or trying to get rid of a plague by inflicting pain on themselves (Flagellants for example). Now, where this is of any interest to this RP is that the kingdom is interested in finding a cure, already a significant departure from most of medieval Europe mindset of our world. So without having part of its base in Greek pagan beliefs (regarding the four Humors of the body based on the four elements in nature), or solely relying on prayer/god to heal (since I THINK the setting has no established deities.) that means the practice of medicine would be unrecognizable to our own time periods advancements/treatments.

In fact, it could reasonably be more advanced or at least more effective. Never mind the number of outbreaks the kingdom has already endured and learned from. Of course, we'd still have no idea about pathogens and the like even with the help of magic. Anyway, it's only a thought and could make for interesting brainstorming and is reasonably crucial for my character at least.

I think I'll mostly be playing it safe with the use of tonics and reliance on potion brewing, though at the very least surgery for the equivalent period was shockingly good. At the very least removing anything like a crossbow bolt is undoubtedly possible. No effective painkillers though (aside from ether) so... tough it out if it does happen. :P


Is it wrong I'm already sizing up the other characters for treatment? Little Timmy needs his cough medicine, old man Jenkins needs a tonic of feverfew for his joints.

At least I'm getting into the mindset of a doctor...

So many patients so little time...

@Liseran Thistle

I actually imagined the Barbed Church would probably have negative views on Ravensworth as a whole anyway since the latter places emphasis on discovery, knowledge, and science over having a reliance on magick.

We'll see what happens though. :P
That does make me wonder, assuming my idea is approved. Would Lowe have even heard of the raven masked preventive doctors while in the church, or the short time he's been out and about? I can see other characters at least being aware of them. Might even be possible they had a hand in the destruction of Gaius's home village. But who can say?


Hopefully, Lowe can avoid any trigger-happy harbingers who might mistake his cold for something worse.

@Liseran Thistle He kind has someone close to his age at least. Too bad she's probably not keen on making friends.

All these great characters, and with tragic backgrounds to boot. I was almost tempted to make my own bleaker but that would cheapen it if its common for everyone.

I don't mean to gush, though, I think we have a lot of creative writers in this already. Makes me excited to see this play out. We also have like two thieves (and one wanted criminal) and with Drath logging around so much gear that can easily get misplaced...

Going to be a good time.
@CollectorOfMyst Lol, no problem man don't worry about it. Personally, I commend the communication, a good habit I need develop myself that's good for collaborative RP's like this. Also, it's kind of nice seeing this blow up so much. I guess I GM so often I give that vibe. :/

I hope Roman doesn't think I'm trying to steal the show or anything. XD

I myself might be gearing up for a couple releases (to much good stuff coming out o.o) this coming month but I don't think it will affect my activity to much. In the meantime, I guess we can all talk shop, though perhaps we won't be able to plan much IC wise without the GM present. I might be too hyped for this- I blame the tea which I think was loaded with far to much sugar.

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