Avatar of GrizzTheMauler


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current I come and go like the wind.
3 yrs ago
Been a long while, huh...
5 yrs ago
Today's order: Neotokyo, The Tower, Tower Review
5 yrs ago
Feeling so tired that the coffee isn't working anymore e.e
5 yrs ago
Posts coming out slower than expected. But they'll be done by tonight e.e


So... I'm a writer... A gamer and an anime nerd... Uh... I love fantasy ans Sci-fi. And I have a weakness for romance. I'm also gay.... My best friend and I joke around and say that I caught the ghey. My best friend is also a trash talking dwarf. No lie. He's 4'9 has longer hair than most women and a beard. Anyways.... I ramble about stuff often... I'm pretty socially awkward but get me on a topic I like and I'll talk for days....


Grizz the Mauler

Most Recent Posts

Marlon City, 4:48 pm
Lower East District, The Wharf.

An MPD transport vehicle is en route to Black Box 3, located next to the bay. Several dummy trucks are being sent all over to delay any attempt at jailbreak for the two Level 4 paras inside. A modified Faraday cage keeps one's power contained and the other is in cryostasis. The guards are alert, but relaxed as this is just routine. They expect no threat tonight considering that their intelligence completely kept this off the books and compartmentalized, and MTF Ibis is on standby in the Vertibird in the sky. They chat about sports and other things as they drive the armored vehicle to it's destination.

"So… This is surprisingly easy for a transport job." One grunts. "Jones said it would be dangerous."

"That's because these damn Paras crawl all over the place like bugs. You don't know where they'll come from next. All you can do is just try and survive. Especially the bitch in the trunk. She's killed several hundred if the reports are right."

"Damn…" The other whistles. "Jeminson was killed by that other one… Called himself the King in Yellow. Still don't know how we got him."

"It's classified." The other one looks out the window and scowls. "We might have company." He picks up the radio. "Fortress this is Transport 6, we have potential bogeys."

"Roger, Transport 6. Mobilizing Ibis." The response came. "ETA in six."

The guard went to respond as a flash of purple light cut through the engine, a speeding blur charging through laughing.

"Damn… This was almost too easy!!" The man stood up, sword in one hand and obsidian lightning crackling in the other as the transport vehicle flipped over, crashing.

"Transport 6…- reading a crash… Do you copy?"

"Bryce… Why is my arm in the street…" One guard stared as blood sprayed from the wound.

"Oh hell… Fortress… We've been hit… Its Obadiah."

"The game's Obsidian Edge, copper." The man sneered as he opened up the doors of the transport, killing the guards who were trying to unstrap themselves. He noticed that one held something labeled Subject 9, Taylor but the screen was too cracked to read more. He slashed it open anyways and turned to open up Pestilence's pod. The gaunt woman fell into his arms with a soft oof. Obsidian guided her to the two guards in the back, so she could feast, stepping back as he felt her hunger rise. She hadn't consumed in a while her hunger grew. And she touched the dead men, their flesh seemingly melting under her touch as she filled out.

Obadiah walked to the front to kill the last two when he dodged a bullet, scowling as he looked up and saw the members of Ibis.

"We'll, I'll be damned…" He sneered at them, blades reforming and he readied himself as Pestilence ate. He could deal with the other guards later. Hopefully she wouldn't attack the other Para but she wasn't in her right mind yet.

Task Force Ibis:

Detective Commander Ingvald growled at his squad as they loaded the carrier. "Shut it and get your asses on. We've got two Level 4s that need to be contained. Machai, as soon as you are able, engage the enemy. Hank, assist. Jorgen and I will provide support. Drones say it's Obsidian Edge who caused it. Keep in mind that they are less than a mile from the Exclusion Zone 3. No heroics, we're all going home." He nodded to the pilot who was taking off. "Get us there."

It was a quick ride and Chrysander had Kingsley take several shots at Obadiah to keep him from the cabin of the truck. They all got a good look at the contents in the back, namely the unnatural feeding Pestilence partook in as the Cryo pod warmed up. Chrysander grimaced at the scene, Hank beside him shaking his head as they closed in.

"Ready team! Go, go, go!!"

The Tower

Tiberius Lorne looked down at his city. He stood above it all, a glass of brandy in one hand as he scowled at the Exclusion Zone closest to the Tower, Site 2. Gravity there was never the same after one of the Aggrieve tore it up in a rampage. He scowled at the sight, sitting down at his desk to over some reports when the lights flickered for a moment as the backup generators took over. In every screen, all around the city, a blinking eye glitched into view. The voice was garbled at first but grew stronger, forming words that rocked the city to the core, and was gone just as fast as it had come.

"You are not alone… The Change comes to all things in time. Break your shackles and embrace true freedom."

Collab between @GrizzTheMauler & @MK2

Takashi was in the middle of a relaxing shower in his room; when he was messaged about Bell's arrival. Not only that but an incident report was filed about him and some kids. "Not even a day and he has a demerit. Why is this our team?" The man grumbled. He looked over his file to refresh his memory as he dried off and dressed. He had hoped that he could bond to the American over similar interests. They both served in the military and in black ops. There was a certain rapport between those who were in that field. Sighing, he left his suite, tablet in one hand and hat in the other.

He was alerted that the man was currently eating in the mess hall so he mourned over there, appraising the man he saw sitting with Chelsea at a table. A bit disheveled and quite ravenous, Takashi noted that he looked the part of grizzled mercenary. Father would probably like him. He walked over to introduce himself. According to Intel, he only spoke English. He arrived at the tail end of Chelsea's tangent and he shook his head. Focusing on Bell.

"Good Morning, Bell-san. I am Special Officer Takashi Skygge. I am here to give you a base tour and Intake interview. Apologies, O’Connell-chan, but I must send him through Intake. We have a few confidential things to discuss but I will deposit him back with you. Though he might choose to sleep seeing as he's been on a long flight." He sat down across from him, putting his hat next to him as he looked at his tablet.

Chris looked up at the man in between taking bites of his breakfast. He would quickly glance between Chelsea and Takashi from where he was sitting. Leaning back into his head and placing his fork down onto his tray. He sighed and rolled his shoulders, the fatigue of his travel slowly creeping into him.

“Sorry Sweetheart.” Chris would say, glancing over at Chelsea and flashing her a grin as he continued.

“There's no rest for the wicked it seems. I’ll catch you later.” Chris would punctuate these words with a wink as he turned his attention to Takashi standing up with his half completed food tray. He sized the man up for a moment as he nodded and gestured with his free hand toward the door.

“I hope your tour comes with a free gift card Skygge, I got jipped for 5000 yen on the way over here.” Chris said with a smile as he waited for the man to lead him along.

Takashi shook his head. "One should learn to negotiate. You are American, the locals tend to take advantage if you cannot speak the language. You'll get paid soon and we will reimburse your travel expenses." His voice was smooth and flowed over the words he spoke. He picked up his hat and started along the tour. "We have many facilities here. Pools, training rooms, an advanced medical wing staffed by some of the best in the field. There are engineers who can adjust any augment you have. Though getting new ones will be taken from your pay."

Takashi showed him to the various places, noting that the blood in the training room was freshly cleaned, the smell of chemicals in the air. He skipped past the armor and showed him to one of the meeting rooms. "Have a seat, Bell-san. I would like to begin the interview. Any questions about the facilities can happen after."

Chris released a loud Yawn and cracked his back and knuckles as he pulled out the chair in the Interview room and sat without much Preamble, he was tired and eager to get through the formalities and talks so he could find a rack and catch up on some sleep. He did however, note the interior of the interview room, reminding him a little of the Cop shows Claire and Junior liked to watch sometimes.

“Say Chief, Am I goin’ to need a lawyer here? Right to remain silent all that shit?” Chris asked with a grin as he waited for the man to sit down in front of him and begin asking his questions.

“I know my rights!”’ Chris exclaimed as he held up his hands and chuckled.

"You've already signed the waivers. I'm here to finalize my folder on you." He taps his tablet, drawing up a folder with a picture of him. This one shows him holding up the kid. "And award you your first demerit for use of excessive force." He raised an eyebrow at Chris. "You are on foreign soil, Bell-san. We do things differently. None of the others will see this. Only myself and Shumei-dono will be seeing this. I handle all duties in relation to Assets. Please do not cause more trouble for me. It will not be pretty. I already have to deal with several troublesome agents."

He shook his head, tapping the screen and pulling up a file written in japanese and a stylus. "Now… I have some questions to ask you…. What happened, in your words, in Syria.

Chris leaned back in his chair and looked at the photo of him with the guy he jumped. He grimaced at the word demerit, shaking his head in disappointment.

“Pictures don’t always tell the full story there hoss. If saving a kid from two thugs is demerit worthy in this outfit, be my guest.” Chris would then fall silent at the mention of Syria. He figured things like this was going to happen, just maybe not on the first day of his time here with the NSF.

Chris managed a smile still as he answered the man's question.
“I was a Staff Sergeant in the Marines, Squad Leader. I did my job, but I figure that’s not what you want to hear, huh?” Chris paused as he drummed his fingers on the table before continuing.

“I made a judgement call in Syria, one that I thought would save the lives of my men. Turns out I didn’t need to make that call, and an innocent woman got hurt.” Chris sighed and looked at the man across from him.

“Do you really want details? It’s all in the file I’m more than sure. Maybe we move on? Talk about it over some drinks at a bar if you really want to hear my thoughts and feelings on the whole deal?” Chris kept his smile as he watched Takashi for his reaction to the answer, hoping he’d accept it.

Takashi watched him as he spoke. He'd read the report but they rarely told the full stories. He made a note to block the demerit until further investigation. He mulled over the offer for drinks. "It would have to be on a day off. Though I doubt you know of any places so I'll have to show you around."

He moved on to the next point of interest in his file. "It says here that… You have a son. Tell me about your family, Bell-san."

Chris relaxed when the man moved on from the topic of Syria,he half expected he’d spend the next hour being grilled on the subject, thankfully this guy seemed alright.

“Yeah sure, day off, I didn’t know we had those.” Chris said with a grin as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, opening it and pulling out a photo of himself,his ex wife and his son at an event for Junior.

“Yeah, I have a 10 year old and an ex-wife that hates me, but loves my money.” Chris said with a chuckle as he slid over the picture.

“Take a look. That picture is from Junior’s Karate class. He got his Orange Belt, kid likes combat sports, and video games.”

The Picture displayed a young, pudgey looking boy standing in the middle of the frame smiling wide despite the visible missing baby teeth in various spots of his smile. He looked a lot like Chris, but absent the features and wrinkles of the man today. To his left, a slender, beautiful woman who’s also smiling. She has shoulder length red hair with a strands of it Tied behind her head in a pair of short braids held together with a frayed hairband. To the boys right was Chris himself, but less messy. He stood tall, his blond hair cut short, and clean shaven. He had a proud look in his eye as in the picture he ruffled his sons hair.

“Kid really wanted that Orange belt. I think he’s close to Blue now.” Chris smiled as he thought of the memory in that photo.

“What about you? Got any minime’s running around?”

Takashi nodded at the picture. He marked more notes in his tablet. He seemed honorable and loyal. "I do not have any children. I am not opposed to it. There are a few… Reasons."

He examined the photo noting the woman. "Do you mind telling me why you got divorced? From what I can see, you would make an excellent provider. Most Mercenary incomes can allow them to live much better lifestyles. Especially at your level." He had received a copy of the divorce papers, and several red flags had shown up to him, though he doubted Chris would know about that. He was discreet in his inquiry.

“Well, take your pick boss.” Chris said as he leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair as he recalled.

“Married right out of highschool, Back then I was supposed to only be joining the Marines So I could pay for college, ended up doing ten years. Away for months at a time, wasn’t there when Junior was born.” Chris paused then, the memory of him missing Junior’s birth bringing an uncharacteristic frown to his face. He continued after a moment.

“Listen man, I kept leaving. And She got tired of waiting at home for me. That’s life. Now she makes me miserable with every one on one conversation, and I'm still an excellent provider. I go off and do what I do.. And she and by proxy her boyfriend benefit off the money I send to Junior.” Chris cleared his throat before continuing.

“But uh, thanks for the compliment hoss. Glad to see my reputation precedes itself.” Grinned at the man before asking.

“Hey, so how am I doing? I see you scribbling, are you intelligence folk goin’ to take a quiz on Christian Bell? Or am I in trouble here?”

Takashi nods. "Much better than Jeong. I scared him too much apparently and he quit. He was supposed to work under me." He shrugs, continuing to write. He sets the stylus down and looks Chris in the eye. "I don't plan on showing anyone other than Shumei-dono my report. I have verified the data that I have collected. We'll go get your weapons checked and I'll show you to the dorms."

He stands up, holding the door for Chris and leading him toward the armory. Along the way he gave Chris his ID card and badge, telling him not to lose it. "The dorms are this way, through the main garden." He led Chris through the grounds, showing him the various sights. He pointed out the walled off garden calling it the Kotei Garden, or the Emperor's Garden, where High Tea would be had at 2 every day and he explained that the dress code was formal. "You may use the formal dress uniform if you must. It is part of our culture here and I will be providing Japanese lessons. So that you don't let a child scam you of your money again."

Chris listened as the man led him along. All in all this was probably the easiest debrief interview he’d ever been a part of. He couldn’t really get a read on Takashi, and as it stood Chris didn’t know if he cared to. He walked beside the man the entire way commenting.

“Tea? In Formal dress attire. Everyday. Is it mandatory? And is the weepy one we met in the cafeteria going to attend? I tell ya hoss, I don’t know what sort of layers her onion has, but hooly shiit. I don’t know if having her naked in your bed is worth finding out huh?” Chris patted the man on the back as he commented on the blonde that tried to talk to him earlier in the day.

Chris then sighed as he cracked his neck, clipping his badge to his belt he would ask.

“Tea time and easy interviews are all well and good. But uh, how do I start to get work here huh? Is there a spook I talk to to get the names I need to cross off? Do I need to go.. Door to door and ask the citizens of Japan if they happen to have ridiculous Imperialistic leanings? Could never happen by the way, but that’s not here nor there.” Chris refrained from getting political further as he looped his fingers around his belt buckle and waited for an answer.

“So what’ll it be?”

Takashi grunted. "O'Connell-san is not my lover. I do not sleep with women… And It has been a long time since I've slept with a man. I haven't had the time. My work keeps me busy. She will likely attend. She said she was interested in learning about Japan."

Takashi stops by the entrance to the dorms, showing him the Task Board. "This is where your shifts are located. You will be notified on your tablet any changes. Do not lose it. We already had a soft beach in the last week. Your room and mine are down this way. Your luggage has already been brought in. I understand you've been up for a long time so I will let you rest, unless you have any questions?"\

“Nope, no questions boss. Thanks for.. Taking care of my luggage, and uh, sorry about any misunderstanding there.. Tried my hand at guy talk, guess it doesn’t land when there's a language barrier. My mistake.” Chris stepped forward toward the Task-board and turned back to Takashi, holding out a hand.
“I’ll set an alarm for two.” Chris smiled at the man.

Takashi nods, shaking Chris' hand. "I haven't spent enough time in America with my grandparents to really catch up on the complexities of English. Forgive me, Bell-san. If you are unable to make it to Tea, it is not a problem. I'll let you know when I'm free for those drinks. Probably the weekend. Sleep well." Takashi left him there, heading to his office to finish his report. Always a new one every day. That never changed. But he was confident that Chris would make a good addition. His records showed that. Only time would tell, and Takashi was a very patient man.

Move em over

We start tomorrow folks.


Everyone else:

Due to my laptop deciding to crash harder than Eden when it hit earth and made the moon, deadlier the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, I have to push back the start date as it yeeted my OS into the Singularity.

Should be Friday night or Saturday. Greatest apologies.

It depends on several factors.

1) Character Faction- Power/Threat level and starting position.
2) Ability: There are some abilities we don't allow PCs to use. Specifically:

Universal Powers
Spatial Manipulation above Telekinesis
Soul Force abilities

3) The world is Scifi, there is no hardlight yet, it's in the works. There is minor kinetic shielding, limited to the Factory faction.

If you can come up with a good reason for an odd ability, it's fine. The tower gave birth to amalgamates so as far as body mods go, it's all within reason.
Zion scowled. "Who are you? No one would be foolish enough to idly trespass on a Vampire Lord's domain." He appraises the woman, a bit of his aura seeping out. "State your purpose."

Rex nodded. "The Seidkonna keep their secrets close to their chest as regards to the tea, Star Dew, Frostleaf and Boiled Nocturne. Surprisingly the normally poisonous root is reinvigorating when boiled with Kingberry."

Rex pulled out his pouch of runes. "They are quite useful. Back in the past there were some who could evoke the Wyrd with more words. The Norns apparently stopped allowing that though. The Hunters were supposedly the reason." He shook his head. "We have a lot of work to do, so rest up so that we can go kick that that Lich's ass."

I'll PM you my review

I will review it tonight. In the meantime feel free to join the discord. We ha e more information on things there.

The Senate approves.
Just waiting on some sheets so I can review them but we will begin for sure Wednesday.
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