Avatar of Heap241
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 505 (0.18 / day)
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    1. Heap241 8 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking. -Ayn Rand(Atlas Shrugged)
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7 yrs ago
"Without effort, acheivements and rewards have no value. An accomplishment is something earned not something given." - Someone, sometime.
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7 yrs ago
“Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.” - Aldous Huxley (Brave New World)
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7 yrs ago
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do." - H.Jackson Brown Jr.
7 yrs ago
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln


Hello! I'm Heap!
Welcome to my little corner of the guild.

My current life status and availability:

I live in the Western area of the US in an apartment I work 2 jobs and 50-65 hours (Not exaggerating) a week to pay for. I work primarily as a professional graphic designer and part time at a local family owned shop mainly as a favor to the owner who needed the help. Aside from that I'm relatively active in my social life and non-role-playing activities so while I'm still online everyday the hours are usually really early in the morning and really late at night. That being said, if you find me in chat and I randomly disappear, I'm not trying to be rude, someone probably just showed up at my door wanting to hang out or go out.

My Roleplaying style:

When it comes to joining a role-play I usually go for a more adult themed type. Not necessarily intimate just more of a mature context. The genre doesn't typically matter so long as the idea is somewhat original, that to say, I don't go for role-plays based on any specific media very often. The exception being if the role-play is based off an already well established story that it's not completely following the canon of it.

Who I am:

Curiosity is my blessing and curse. I must know as much about everything as I possibly can and often will never take a simple answer to a question without either inquiring further or doing extra research on the subject until I know it's origin, current political and monetary state, how it's used and if in any way it could influence my own life. So far as I know I'm a pretty easy going, fun loving, person, I'm not afraid to go against the grain or do something that seems a little odd. In the end I genuinely just want to be a happy person and in turn share that happiness with everyone around me.

Side note:

I've made a few friends since being here and truly cherish my friendships with each and every one of them (you know who you are). If you guys ever need anything, ever, I'm there, you never need to ask twice or feel like you are any less important to me then you really are.

The Ibrus Clan is also a thing consisting of myself, @Vashonn, @Caster and @Big Dread. We are a group of miscreants and are all really good friends. I would do almost anything for them.

Most Recent Posts

@Landaus Five-One Yes.. Damn barbarians thinking they know everything.

Also thank you! =D
@Masterkeun Sounds great! Go for it!
@Zverda Because life is busy and I can only spread my attention so much and still understand what I'm doing hahaha

Sorry guys, not a super long post considering it involved two characters.
Lorenzo and Fiona Delorano

Fiona watched her son as he entered the room with the eyes of a proud parent basking in the success of a child as well as the eyes of a lioness watching her growing son. His mannerisms and accomplishments in his knowledge and abilities were evident those paying attention. As Lorenzo shook hands with his friends and comrades, Nalia made her announcement of Lorenzos new position and seat in the hall which took many for a surprise including Lorenzo whose face lit up slightly at his name being spoken in such honor. When he took his place next to his mother, Fiona caught his eye and smiled gently at him her eyes screaming with victory behind the fading tears and then returning her expression to normal as she faced to group once again. Watching the drama unfold under the Delorano roof as she sipped from the edge of her wine glass with all the grace of a noble lady.

She was no longer surprised or shocked by Luciens childish temper tantrums though now, she was almost gracious towards them due to their influence in the advancements of her sons position.

Fionas eyes found Junipers in cold content at her outburst during the summoning of her brother to honor him in a wake. The scorn was apparent to anyone watching and the disapproval was evident. Had Otto and Nalia not spoken first, she would no doubt have stood and spoken, instead she rose a glass of deep red wine to Nalia in honor of what she said and how she spoke then took a sip upon the conclusion of her speech. Fionas eyes no longer bore evidence to her distress and sadness towards her brothers death, they were instead filled with calm disdain, mixed with a solemn kindness that was known to others as her neutral expression.

As Juniper stood and came around the table, speaking words of apology, Lorenzos face immediately fell into a soft smile he nodded at her understandingly and sympathetically, "I understand cousin." his voice was compassionate and warm as it often was. "By my honor, my fathers honor and the honor of my beloved uncle and second father, I will never disgrace them or give them any reason to believe their decision was not a sound one. They are wise and noble." Lorenzo's voice showed no evidence of mockery or sarcasm, his words were genuine and honest. When Fionas eyes met Junipers she simply nodded approvingly before turning to face the room again.

The crack of the gunshot disturbed the subtle murmurings of the gathered group. Lorenzo stood instantly, hand on the hilt of his sword ready to draw it at any moment. Fiona did not stand but she did shift her eyes towards the balcony where the doors rattled then opened emerging The Crow from the shifting air. The others spoke singularly and all at once, Lorenzo's sword now being drawn from it's sheath before Fiona's hand lifted and touched Lorenzo's arm with her fingertips. Lorenzo looked at her with a small face of confusion as to why she had stopped him.

Fiona rose from her seat with elegance and walked towards the balcony door, walking past the other members of the house and standing in front of them towards the uninvited guest. "Crow, why have you come here? If I remember from our last encounter you were told to never appear unless called upon. Was I unclear at the conclusion of our last engagement on this matter?" Her eyes watched the crows firmly and unmoving. Disapproval and scorn marked her face as she spoke to the man she seemingly had known for quite some time. "Speak!" Her deep, noble voice was loud and demanding her fingers were laced together and draped low in front of her waste standing still, her beautiful eyes and face marking him for death should he fail to comply with her demands.

Lorenzo's eyes shifted from his mother to the crow unsure of how or why there had ever been an alliance between the two, unsure of how they met, or when, or for what purpose. He made his way as well and stood somewhat behind but next to his mother his hand still wrapped around the hilt of his sword in case of a scuffle.
Saida stood before her new friend and comrade Rhindani she heard her words and her voice and nodded at her almost sympathetically. At the shutter of a gunshot and the large wooden doors to the estate opening a few of the fellowship marched in and began their divergence through the gates, arrows being flown and swords being slashed. The sound of the air being obstructed by the clattering of metal and the screams of pain.

Saida stood still for a moment, as if pausing time within her taking in the scene. Heavy running inwards, gunners falling distances to their death as arrows artfully pierced their skin, ending the light that once filled them and silencing forever the never to be accomplished dreams of their past. The wind picked up her long hair and brushed the exposed skin of her torso as if speaking to her in a language only she understood. She clasped her hands together for a moment and held them close her chest below her chin, whispering quickly in elven tongue a prayer for herself and her comrades to Deus Lucis and also praying that the announced enemies lives would end quickly should they end, without too much pain or suffering. Her hands glowed in an amber golden light for a moment as she muttered, her voice sounding almost as if singing a lullaby.

After the moment end and time seemed to resume, the wind calmed it's gust as Saida strode towards the large and thick wooden door, carefully stepping over the broken splinters that released themselves upon a large impact that no doubt smashed into it to gain entry. The rubble under her feet was grey and lifeless, telling a sad story of misfortune and echoing a warning from a past no longer known. As she crossed the threshold of the gate the voices and cries of many unified, slipping past the point of single recognition.

She watched as elf known as Thirodaen used his bow with extreme accuracy, watching his foes drop stories below sometimes with a final desperate cry, others without a word, all shattering at the mocking steps of the manors building entrance. The one named Veryon, causing catastrophic damage with his axe, splattering pools of blood in a trail that marked his path. Smeared red paint and broken bodies lying here and there. Nicholas working his way through the small weak points in the armour of his enemies, going in head first and attacking with a calm fury.

Saida kneeled down and touched her fingertips to the floor, hearing the vibrations of footsteps echo through her body, feeling the whereabouts of friends and foes and placing them in their locations on the map of the estate slowly forming in her mind. She felt the rumble of heavy steps and the gentle touch of light steps, the steps of a small group no doubt attempting to flank from around the left side of the building that sat within the large courtyard.

Saida stood from her crouched stance and with swift soundless steps waited at the corner of the building for the group to emerge, their steps growing less faint with each step forward they took. She pulled a throwing knife from her hip and held it at the ready by her side, her other hand pressed against the wall of the manor feeling for movements and sounds echoing off of it. As the first of the group stepped from around the corner, Saida quickly placed a hand over the bandits mouth, pressed her knife to the man's throat and in an elegant and swift motion sliced, spilling blood like a malfunctioning fountain from the wound. The man fell as Saida quickly worked her way towards the next of the five men in the group.

The second man who was aware of Saida presence dodged the first advancement of Saida and retorted in a thrust of his sword, managing to graze her skin enough to cut it but not cause any real damage. She moved in again, this time from the side and jammed the knife up the jaw and throat of the second man, causing a gurgled scream of pain as a response before the blood of his throat pulled in his mouth and dripped down his chin and through the slit in his jaw, tumbling him to the floor at Saida's feet. With the fast approaching of the third man, Saida twisted around to avoid a spear tossed her her direction avoiding it by inches as her hair danced with her twirl, throwing the knife in the mans direction and smashing it's blade square in the center of his forehead. The third man was down and Saidas skin was drenched in blood that wasn't hers aside from the cut on the left side of her torso that caused her little to no pain.

Saida began to approach the fourth man as the others in the fellowship began entering in the fight as well.
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