Avatar of HeartsCollide
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    1. HeartsCollide 9 yrs ago


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Interested in a roleplay? Probably so am I. Send me a PM!

Pansexual Pride Forever

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@Dirty Pretty Lies Vegas is a LONG way from Tennessee which means lots of travel expenses. Haha! Especially hard for a college student!

@Savi I'm so jealous. I've been wanting a tattoo for 5 years now. I just can never seem to save enough money to get the ones I want. My cheapest estimate was $650.00 for the one I want first. Haha!
@Savi Happy, Happy Birthday!! The big 18! ^^

I will be 21 this year also! @Dirty Pretty Lies
The feels. Oh the feels.

Definitely, we could be soap opera writers guys.

Sadness everywhere. It's like Oprah Show- giving away free sadness here! Sadness for you and sadness for you, sadness for everyone!
Amelia smiled, happy she could help her friend. The smile on her face was real until Hunter faced her once again. It was heart breaking to stand here before him and her heart and mind pulling her two different ways. Her heart wanted to kiss him, to tell him she still loved him and she forgave him. Her mind reminded her of the pain she went through and that she was best off putting up her wall that she was so good at utilizing to protect herself from hurt. Amelia watched Lila walking toward her room and called out, "Lila, I'll meet you at the lounge chairs. Okay?" And walked out the door after Hunter. Once in the hallway he took a deep breath and let out a soft sigh. "Hunter? Wait, please," She said in a soft, sweet voice.

She waited until he stopped then walked up to him. She stood close to him, closer to him then she had been since before their split. The small of his cologne filled her senses. He was still wearing the same cologne as when they were dating. She would never forget it. She use to steal one of his shirts that smelt like him to sleep in at night. She stood there for a moment with her eyes cast downward, collecting her thoughts. She had so much she wanted to say, but she needed to be careful and not hurt him or her in the process. She let out a sigh and looked up to connect her hazel eyes with his and lost her train of thought again. Suddenly they were so close she could smell the champagne on his breath. Her thoughts melted away and suddenly they were back at the college's winter banquet- dancing slowly hand-in-hand to classic songs, looking into each other's eyes like they were the only ones in the room.

Amelia snapped back to reality, standing in the hallway of a condo, the smell of his cologne and champagne, and tears staining both of their faces. How did everything go so wrong?
So 2 sure A's and 1 B and one in between and one no answer yet. Haha. ^^
@Remipa Awesome@Silent Observer@Dirty Pretty Lies@Meridian@Savi

Okay everyone, tell me whether you would:

A- want me to draw names at random to be the troublemakers that hook-up

B- vote in a private PM to me which boy and girl you vote for and I will tally the votes and send a private PM to those two who are the lucky winners!
@HeartsCollide, as the GM are you going to decide what pairing hooks up at the party? I kinda like the idea of it being a random thing like that, even if we all have our secret motivations as writers... ;]

#JarethXGrant #OTP

I can choose, if that's what everyone agrees on. I'd like to hear what everyone wants. ^.^ I can choose or everyone can PM me who they think should be the girl and guy to hook-up and I can tally the votes and choose that way.

How would you prefer me to chose the couple to cause to drama?

Yes, there will be someone who sleeps with one of the other friend's exes tomorrow night at the beach party. Bum bum bum. I haven't figured out who yet, but I will. Haha.
Completely in love with that post@Silent Observer
Amelia smiled softly when Huter came back with a blanket for her. It made her head momentarily spin. This was the caring Hunter she remembered, the one she cared so deeply for before the incident happened. She was glad he hadn't said anything about it yet. It was just easier to let go then to try and hold onto those feelings she still shared for him. At first she simply rolled her eyes. It was the alcohol, the alcohol caused all of this. Amelia hadn't dated many guys, she was very selective. In fact, Hunter had been her first actually relationship in over a year. Amelia hugged the blanket tighter around her just as he said the two words he had yet to say to her face since that night. He was sorry? Sorry that he got caught or that it happened or that it completely broke her heart?

Amelia looked down to where he sat then averted her eyes. It was now or never to say what was on her mind. "You have no clue how much I cared for you, Hunter. I may not have openly expressed it every moment of every day like some girls, but I fell hard for you. That night I was waiting for you to get off work. I had rented all the old scary movies in black and white that we use to laugh at, and picked up sushi. I waited for you. I waited by my phone for you to return my 1,000 calls. I never heard from you. Not even the next day did you call me back. You will never understand how that felt. And I apologize Hunter, but until you know just how deeply that hurt I can't forgive you," Amelia ended her spill just as Lila opened the door.

Amelia walked behind her and stopped to stand in the kitchen as the ball hop have Lila her milkshake. Amelia put her hands on Lila's thighs as she sat down. She laid her head on Lila's shoulder lovingly. "Lila, you don't mean that. Love Dove, you deserve the world. Don't let him get you down like this. You have to look at the positive- this can either break you or make you stronger. And i know you, you are strong Lila, you won't let this break you. I know right now feels like your entire life is crashing down, but please understand that this is not the end of the world. Over time things will get better. Not because it doesn't hurt, because it does hurt, but because you get stronger and facing the pain gets easier. I love you, you know I'm always here for you. You are gorgeous and smart. You do not want to let him ruin your life." Amelia softly smiled and with her thumb wiped away Lila's tears running down her cheeks. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Lila's cheek gently, brushing her hair from her face. "Now let's go get cleaned up. We came here for beach therapy and that's what we are going to do."
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