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[h3][sup][sub]S T E V E R O G E R S ♦ S U P E R S O L D I E R ♦ H E L I C A R R I E R A E T H O N ♦ A V E N G E R S[sub][/sup][/h3]
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I can do this all day."

Steven Grant Rogers was born a small, frail child on July 4, 1922. His parents, Joseph and Sarah, were Irish immigrants with little to their name, and were often persecuted for their immigrant status. Still, they loved their country, warts and all, and Steve grew up with patriotic pride, and his parents instilled in him a strong sense of honor, hard work, and justice. But Rogers's early life was not to be a happy one. His father died when he was very young, and his mother followed in his teenage years.

While Steve lost the only blood family he ever had, he luckily had his best friend, James Buchanan Barnes, and the Barnes family to fall back on. James, or Bucky as he was known, was the complete opposite of Steve. A strapping, strong boy, he was the high school's star third basemen and all the girls wanted to be on his arm. Still, Bucky and Steve were like brothers, and were inseparable, with the Barnes family taking Steve in after the death of his parents.

While the two were attached at the hip during their early years, the onset of World War II tore them apart. Bucky went off to war, while Steve, desperate to join him, was rejected over his frailty. Steve went from recruiting station to recruiting station, being rejected at each one. At least until he was approached by a Doctor Abraham Erskine who offered him a chance.

Erskine had developed a serum that could turn a man into the pinnacle of human possibility, and he believed Steve, a wholly good man, was someone it would work on. Together with the Strategic Scientific Reserve, an Allied secret organization headed by Agent Peggy Carter, Erskine hoped to create a squad of super soldiers to combat Hitler's dreaded HYDRA and its leader The Red Skull.

In the end, Steve would be the only one transformed, as a HYDRA mole killed Erskine and destroyed all samples of his serum shortly after Rogers's transformation. In turn, Rogers was dubbed Captain America, and was given command of an elite squad of soldiers called The Invaders. Along with the super powered Rogers, he was joined by Namor, a mysterious man who could breath underwater and swim at amazing speeds, and the Human Torch, an android that could cover itself in flame. Not all faces on the Invaders were new ones, however. Bucky, now a crack sniper, joined to Steve's delight, putting brothers side by side on the battlefield as they always dreamed. Bucky's squad, dubbed "The Howling Commandos", were also part of the new Invaders. Agent Carter also joined the team, and soon her and Steve fell madly in love with one another.

The Howling Commandos went to work dismantling HYDRA, forcing The Red Skull to launch his doomsday device earlier than he wanted. During a climactic showdown, Steve defeated The Red Skull, though at a huge cost. Peggy fell to her death, and Steve and the doomsday machine crashed into the Arctic Ice and were lost to time.

Decades later, SHIELD scientists discovered Steve's frozen and perfectly preserved body in a melting portion of a glacier, and were able to revive him. Cap was amazed at the world of technological wonders he found himself in, and the amazing new powered individuals that filled it. He signed on with SHIELD, folding back into the military style life he was accustomed to. He was put at the head of SHIELD's Strike Team Alpha, known as A-Team, the organization's first response unit. There, he teamed with heroes from across the world in order to portray a globally unified front against super-villainy.

He also found one remaining link to his past, in that Bucky had survived into very advanced age. Still sharp as a whip, Steve often visited them man he considered a brother, and Bucky help fill him in on everything he had missed during his time in the ice.

A-Team came into constant conflict with Advanced Idea Mechanics, a technocratic terrorist organization that sought to use their incredible technology for world domination. Through the years since he had been unfrozen, Cap and his team has clashed time and time again with AIM and its various agents.

But terrestrial threats were not the only thing Rogers and SHIELD had to contend with. The emergence of Starro and in turn the Justice League told SHIELD director Nick Fury he needed a response team of his own that was answerable to a chain of command. So he started the Avengers Initiative.

This all came to a head during the Chituari invasion of Earth. While the Justice League attempted to stem the tide in space, the aliens opened a portal above New York in a surprise attack that threatened to destroy the city. Instead, the newly minted Avengers, comprised of A-team as well as the heroes Iron Man, the Hulk, and Thor, managed to close the portal and destroy the Chitauri mothership.

Now, Captain America stands at the head of both A-Team and the Avengers, while forces in the shadows plot the world towards a collision course it may not recover from.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Obviously I love playing Cap, but this is a setting I've never really played before. A more matured universe with heroes already aware of one another, and more interesting interplay between factions. Cap will still be a man out of time, with one singular link to his prior life. He'll be a man of duty, but one with lingering doubts about whether there is a place in this new world of Gods and Monsters for someone like him. There will be revelations that shock him to the core, but will mold him into being someone the universe as a whole needs.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

Steve could feel the beads of sweat forming on his forehead, the pressure of the situation getting to him, no matter how unflappable his public persona seemed to be. He studied the table in front of him, knowing that his next move could very well be his last. All the while, the timer ticked down to the moment where all this thinking would be for naught. He was running out of time.

Holding his breath, Steve winced, reached down, and made his move.

He barely had his eyes open, waiting for the sign that he hadn't just made a huge mistake.

After a few seconds which felt like eternity, a small clink and a chuckle told him it was all over, "Checkmate."

"Are you kidding me?" Rogers groaned and inspected the chess board as the bright, late-summer sun shone across Central Park. He searched for any possible move he could make to escape his predicament, but there was none to be had. There never was. His opponent was far too good at this.

"You know, for someone who supposedly had their brain juiced by a magic serum, you really suck at chess," the old man across from Rogers smiled, the lines in his face getting deeper and more plentiful as he did. It was moments like these that Steve could hardly believe that this was Bucky Barnes, his oldest friend. Back in the day, when they were both just boys, Bucky had been the handsome one, the one full of life and boundless energy. Now he was nearly a century old, and though he still had all his mental faculties, physically he was a shell of his former self. Still, Steve was more than happy he had his friend for as long as he had after coming out of the ice.

"Hey, it didn't implant chess in my head," Rogers shrugged.

"It made you a strategic genius," Bucky's deadpan response drew a laugh from Steve. "You just never pay attention when we're playing. You'd stomp me if you weren't thinking about one terrorist or another."

Rogers narrowed his eyes at his old friend, who hit the nail right on the head as always. AIM had been quiet lately, to the point where Steve was worried about what they were up to. On and off for five years they had been causing trouble across the globe, but for the last three months SHIELD hadn't heard a peep. Some were sleeping better at night because of it, but Steve Rogers just assumed they were in the calm before the storm. And the longer the calm, the worse the storm.

"You're worried something's coming, huh?" Bucky roused Steve from his own thoughts.

"Call it a hunch," Captain America shrugged, and looked over the park. It was packed, as it should have been on a beautiful day. Steve saw a pair of joggers, possibly a couple, laughing as they exercised. A mother pushed her child in a stroller, smiling as the baby cooed. In the distance he could see a group of teens playing football. It was like a postcard, the kind of day a cynical man would find stereotypical and trite. But not Steve, he saw everything he had fought for in WWII, and what he continued to fight for.

He caught Bucky smiling at him slyly out of the corner of his eye. He turned to his old friend and raised and eyebrow, "What?"

"See a life you'd like to be living out there? One you could have if you gave all this up?"

Steve rolled his eyes, "No. The chance at that ended when Peggy fell and I went into the ice."

The words sting Buck as much as they do him. He still thinks of Peggy Carter often, and it's never easy. She was his one true love, the one chance he had at true happiness. But that was gone now, and duty was all there was.

"There's too much craziness in this world for me to even try, Buck," Steve added with an apologetic tone. He realized the last answer was far too harsh. "I'd never be able to sleep if I gave it all up and something happened I could have stopped."

"Steve...there's a guy flying around now who can lift ever HYDRA tank we ever trashed over his head with one hand. I'm not saying you're not needed...but there are people who could pick up the slack," Bucky smiled, but with a sadness. He knew no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn't live to see his friend settled down and happy. Really happy.

"And not even he can do everything," Steve winked, but the playfulness he hoped would be in the gesture was absent. It was nothing but a reflex to try and assure his friend that he'd be alright.

Before either of them could say another word, a gust of air slapped them in the face. Steve gathered up Bucky's chess set before it blew away and handed it to him.

"Speak of the devil," Buck muttered.

From above, the whir of an engine could be heard, and a black shape like a giant bird blotted out the sunshine. In a clearing, a Quinjet set down an out stepped a man whose skin radiated back the light. Piotr Rasputin, the mutant known as Colossus, approached the two men, "Captain Rogers. Lieutenant Barnes."

"Pete, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Steve?" Rogers sighed with good humor.

"At least once more, sir. We have an issue."


"AIM," he confirmed.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
ok! I think I got a good idea! Could I be Black Widow?

edit: Yeaaah put me down for Black Widow I'm excited about that

Go for it!
<Snipped quote by Hound55>

Let us play villains, you cowards.

For the record, I don't have an issue with that.
<Snipped quote by HenryJonesJr>

Yes, his name is actually Bucky Barnes.

Not in this reality!

Could I have a Frank Castle with a cybernetic arm? If not regular Punisher is fine.

I mean if there's a reason for the cybernetic arm, I don't see why not
I asked elsewhere but I'll restate the question here for visibility. When in the timeline would the Starro and Chitauri invasions have occurred? These are defining moments in the RP's history and could be crucial for several character's backstories.

Starro Year 3, Chitauri Year 4, unless the other GMs have issue with those times. Basically the Avengers are very new, League has been around a little longer
Captain America here...maybe someone else too. We'll see how the cards fall

The Bug. Gotham City. New Jersey.

Even flying over the city, Gotham gives Ted the willies. While the pandemic may have affected New York to a greater extent than other American cities, causing a spike in crime and a breakdown in order, Gotham was in a permanent state of collapse for as long as Kord could remember. Its streets were a maze of twisting alleys and winding paths, owning to its Gothic design inspirations. When you walked its sidewalks, it was as if the buildings themselves hovered over you, their gargoyles peering down like hungry predators.

He had never liked to visit the place, mostly because of the Wayne murders back in the day. His father had told him all about them, and the similarities between his family and the Waynes led Ted to be paranoid about his father coming here for business. After all, if it happened to one rich family, why couldn't it happen to another? He had gotten over that childish fear, obviously. He came here himself on business often. But there was still something in the back of his mind whenever he was in the town, like an itch he could never quite scratch.

Crime was rampant here, and always had been. It got worse when New York started to clean itself up in the 90s, displacing a ton of, for lack of a better term, goons. What easier way for an out of work criminal to get gainfully employment than to move across the river? So as New York began to rise, Gotham just seemed to get worse. It was tragic, but the city seemed to bring it on itself, continually emrbacing its seedy and corrupt nature.

Whatever was going on at the train station, however, had nothing to do with Gotham's normal level of crime. A terrorist takeover was not the norm, and someone taking a bunch of hostages screamed bad news in Ted's mind. Terrorists didn't take hostages, at least not ones inside a huge, easily breachable building in the center of a city. These guys, whoever they were, wanted to put on a show.

As the Bug made its way towards Gotham Central Station, the proximity alarm started to blare inside the ship. Ted panicked, thinking it may have been an attack from some sentry the paramilitary terrorists had left on the roof, but instead he found that another aircraft was hovering over the train station.

"Kha, any heat signitures inside the aircraft?"

"No, sir."

"So it's hovering there automatically?"

"Why are you so surprised, sir? That is what this aircraft will be doing shortly."

"Yea...I know...I just...thought I was the only one who could do something like that," Blue Beetle was obviously crestfallen at the realization he was not as brilliant as he had hoped. He studied the readout of the aircraft, and saw it had a striking profile. Swooping crescents on each side gave it the appearance of a...bat? Yea, something like that.

"Man, he's even got a cooler gimmick than I do," Ted sighed. Why did he pick a bug?

"There is a heat signiture on the roof, sir," the AI program informed him. "Possibly the owner of said aircraft. Maybe you can ask him on some style points."

"Seriously, I don't know where this sense of humor came from, but I'm going to have to look into it," Ted sighed again and made his way to the center of the Bug, where in a few seconds he'd drop down towards the hostage situation. Before he did, however, he had another trick up his sleeve he wanted to try out. "Kha, dispatch two of the mini Beetles. Have one disrupt the power into the station, have another take out the generator back up the place turns to in emergencies. I want to make sure we're the only ones who can see well down there."

"Understood, sir."

With that, the bottom dropped out from below Ted, and he hung onto the drop rope tightly until it stopped a foot above the roof of Gotham Central Station. He stepped off lightly, and made his way to where Kha had indicated the heat signature was on top of the roof.

What Ted found surprised even him. Hunched over, peering down into the station through the large, glass-domed parts of the roof, was a man dressed, if Ted was being generous, as Dracula mixed with a SWAT officer. A long, flowing black cape hung off his shoulders, a pointed cowl obscured his face, and black and grey tactical armor covered his frame.

Blue Beetle approached, but before he could say anything, the man in black moved like the wind. He swept Ted's legs from under him, and pinned him to the ground with a knee to the chest, fist ready to strike.

The Beetle waved his hands, "Chill, dude! Same team! Same team!"

IC: Kobra Soldier
So far, everything had gone as their leader has predicted. The pigs of Gotham were oblivious as Kobra slithered into their presence, the glorious soldiers of the true order coming in through multiple entrances, all dressed in their green and gold. Once they were inside, every soldier found their weapons exactly where their grand leader had told the security guards they had paid off to put them. Gotham was rotten to the core, and there was nothing easier than finding someone in the city to bribe. It was the perfect place for their sacrifice. They would wash the world of the filth of these people, showing the true God that it had servants ready to make the world ready for it.

He only wished he was on the kill floor when the sacrifice happened, not patrolling the outer corridors of the train station. Even though his master assured him he would reap the same benefits in paradise, he had his doubts.

But suddenly, the sound of broken glass behind him drew his attention. He turned to find a door opening slowly. Without thinking, he fired a round wildly into the door, hitting the top corner, and called out, "INTRUDER!"

@Master Bruce@Polyphemus

The Kobra Cult has attacked Gotham Central Station and have taken a large group of hostages with the intent to ritually sacrifice the innocent people.
Gotham Central Station. Gotham City.

Noel Wright muffled tears as the men in green and gold tactical armor walked around their hostages. The men's heavy boots echoed through the cavernous atrium of Gotham Central Station, the only real sound outside of the small sobs of the other would-be passengers. She hadn't been able to count all of them in the madness that had just occurred, but she estimated there were at least two dozen, probably more. They couldn't all be inside. There would have to be some patrolling the roof and outside. This looked like a professional operation, and that's how it always was in the movies.

She had come to leave Gotham for a bit and visit with her sister down in Metropolis. When she was in line at the coffee shop to get what she assumed would have been the worst cup of coffee in existence, the men in green and gold had burst through the doors, firing their automatic rifles into the air and herded everyone they could into the center of the atrium. Some people had been shot. Some of those ones had been killed. Noel didn't see that first hand, but when screaming stopped after a loud bang, it didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what had gone down.

The uniforms the men wore bore no flag or insignia that Wright was familiar with. The gold on the outfit was odd, almost like they wanted to stand out. Each wore a masked helmet, and each one was painted to look like a snake. If they were terrorists, they certainly weren't shy.

Noel sat comforting a girl no older than fifteen. She had told Wright that her grandmother dropped her off for a quick trip back to her parents in New York. Noel's heart broke for her and her parents, who must be worried sick by now.

Suddenly, a man, in his twenties from the looks of things, stood and rushed at the nearest stormtrooper. Before he could get there, a shot rang out and his head exploded like an overripe melon. Noel pulled the girl in tight, shielding her eyes from the horror. Screams and cries rang out in a wave, as people truly began to panic.

"ENOUGH!" a voice rose above the din, and somehow managed to quiet the panicked people. Noel looked up to see a man in the same colors as the men with guns, except he wore a long, flowing robe instead of tactical gear. The hood of the robe covered his head and made him appear like a large cobra, matching the snake motif seen in the soldiers.

He made his way up to the level above the atrium, and opened his arms wide above the terrified crowd, "Fear not, my children. For you have been chosen. With your deaths, our god shall rise and this world will begin again. For all time hereafter, your names will be spoken with the utmost reverence on this, the holiest of days. So, I promise you, your deaths will not have been in vain."

At that moment, Noel couldn't keep the tears in any longer.
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