Avatar of ImportantNobody
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: NobodyImportant
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4592 (1.21 / day)
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    1. ImportantNobody 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Working together with a team to try and reboot the forum's arena into something greater. Check it out and get your input as well! roleplayerguild.com/topics/7..


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Can the pigs keep multiplying like that indefinitely or would they get tired and need to recharge for a bit? If that is the case than her sacrifice would not be in vain, holding off the guinea pig invasion for a long time before they can recover from the devastating losses. Maybe the last few guinea pigs manage to kill her. Like, she thinks she won but the very last one alive finishes her off and is all triumphant.
She couldn’t help but think how clever she was when she saw the pigs dropping like flies. Her body’s surface area to volume ratio indeed allowed her to survive up here much more effectively, as was her hunch, although even she began to get very light headed once she attained a certain height, the exact extent of which she was unable to determine. She began to hyperventilate and could feel confusion setting in. With that her powers began to waver. Not good. Although more not good for the guinea pigs, all of which who followed her seemed to either be dead or near death, she had hit her limit and she dropped back down at near freefall speed.

To the panicked townsfolk below, it was now raining a mass amount of pigs like a hailstorm. Thanks to how long Nillie had managed to stay up there, there was more than likely thousands upon thousands of the little guys making this the most morbid of hailstorms in all of existence. The young woman broke the cloud cover next, her senses returning as her lungs filled once again with the oxygen that she so desperately needed. She made an attempt to stabilize herself with her magic and scan her surroundings to see if there were any survivors. She was panting heavily, her magic quivering. She knew that the game was almost up so was hoping that she had managed to end them all with that last gambit. If not she feared she would be soon suffering the most adorable death ever.
(Roll 72)

Rather than avoid the man’s body being thrown at her, she instead released her left hand from the handle of her sword mid swing, extending it palm outwards to stop the man’s body dead in it’s tracks, no pun intended. She didn’t move back at all from the force of the impact, remaining rigid while the man crumpled and fell like wadded up tissue paper at her feet. By the time she could attempt to execute another swing her target was once again fleeing out of range off the heads of civilians. Curses. On one hand she was impressed with his abilities for managing to evade her thus far, but on the other hand she knew that she was failing at her primary objective of limiting casualties. That should be all she was concerned about. She knew it. However, she could feel a tingling sensation of anticipation when observing this man that was bubbling up, like he was capable of giving her a fun battle more so than simple cat and mouse play. Did she secretly want to prolong this as long as possible? See what would become of this feeling that she had?

She gave chase after him through the panicked crowd; even the heavy clanking of her armor being nearly drowned out by them. The muscles of her thighs in the tight fabric underneath her armor bulged, a radiant glitter of holy energy surging through her lower body to aid in her quick physical exertion, carrying her faster than the man had been moving and faster than she was previously. Even still she had tons of untapped power within her.

(Roll 4)

Unfortunately for her, although she could easily clear the distance without incident, the others around her weren’t in the proper mental state and awareness level to spread to the side and give her the proper room to do so. She had to slow down as a panicked young woman fled right in front of her out of the blue. She sidestepped this intrusion gracefully, only to find herself lunging face first into the rear end of a startled pack mule. It galloped forward as fast as a donkey could go, dragging the screaming owner behind it from it’s leash.

She stumbled back into a run, only to slow down yet again to weave through the oblivious crowd, not able to make proper use of her increased speed like she had planned. Despite the slow start, once she managed to break out of the dispersing crowd there was nothing stopping her from closing the distance with breakneck speed. She surged forward, leaping up onto some crates, and then spun in midair to land in front of him with a loud clattering noise. He was once again within range.

“You’re a slippery one, aren’t you. Any more tricks up your sleeve?” She said. “I’ll give you the first move, just so long as it isn’t as annoying as attempting to run away again.”
I'm almost done with my post. Just for fun I rolled a dice for giving chase to him and got a 4. I won't have her epicaly fail that bad just from running after someone...but could add a miss step or two of bad luck. My first roll was a 72 for a part I was going to have her succeed no matter what on anyways.
@ImportantNobody sounds good! And for the record..... m/f? I just have no idea lol sorry!

@Blueflame perfect. Just post after ImportantNobody.

Male, sometimes mistaken as female online. Think because I use a lot of female characters and tend to be better with them. I don't like playing macho personalities besides a few of mine, like my joke character whose chest hair can light on fire.
I'll make my post after work. Flame's character could come in after that post.
Let met know of any problems!

And just for the record I assume your character is faster than Xavier right now, or can be at any rate. So it would be fine if she were to come out ahead of him in the alley or something like that to start another fight with him.

Yes, she's faster. I'll have her cut him off there.
@ImportantNobody wait I'm allowed to be evil yeeeeeesss

I would say so if @Xavier Bloodbayne is okay with it. He probably wouldn't want his character's grand entrance to be overshadowed by another villain, but he or she could likely provide surprise that turns the battle in his favor.
She couldn’t dodge all of them even with bursts of rift firing out of her hands at all angles to try and wipe them out before they could reach her. No matter what she did some of them always managed to get through and more were generated outside of her range to easily replace lost numbers. She knew the full extent of how desperately serious this situation was despite how absurd and, perhaps even adorable, the opponent. It felt like she was getting pelted by a hailstorm. Her barrier flickered more and more across her entire body, signaling she was almost at her limit. Plus she was beginning to pant as she was using up a ton of energy in her attempt to fend them off. She couldn’t keep this up.

She tried a new plan, zooming up as high as she could into the sky to try and see if she could go higher than their max altitude, whatever that might be for a rodent of their size and capabilities. Perhaps they couldn’t even reach her max speed of 100 miles per hour, she hoped, and if that was the case than she would be able to bank back down to a safer altitude and fly away from the carnage in order to rest up and warn the others.
@Xavier Bloodbayne oh then I may not be able I'm not too good.

You could probably do it but it requires more effort even from me when I post, which adds on a day or two per post. If your character joined the bad guys it would make more sense to explain how mine would loose. If the good guy side, it would likely be best to happen after mine gets killed.
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