Avatar of Kibaro
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    1. Kibaro 8 yrs ago


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"Find me", a voice, heard from the glowing hand as it touches her head, moments after, suddenly, Kuvira wakes up, with beads of sweat running down her forehead and breathing hard and rapidly, scanning the area around her before taking a minute to collect her thoughts and calm down.

"Friggin dreams, I hate dreams, why can't you just let me sleep peacefully.." she thought to herself as she grumpily got out of bed and started her morning routine before embarking on her way to the next town, Sunfire of Vrondi. She was not alone, there were another three soldiers from her division traveling along with whom she's been quite buddy buddy with and her dragon Ryko, who hovers above them scanning the area.

On their way to Sunfire, one of her friends noticed her grumpiness and decided to ask her about it. All she said was that she had a weird dream and didn't sleep well because of it and let it at that, not giving too much thought about a random dream she had one night.

After a days worth of traveling, they finally arrived at Sunfire and set down at an inn to relax, while Ryko was stationed at some sort of dragon pen right outside of the town. They had the usual grog they always have when going out drinking, Kuvira having her favorite strong rummy drink. After a while, the cheerful chattering and typical inn bustling was instantly broken by the appearance of a tall silver knight who then proceeded to nail a poster on the inn's wall and giving the announcement of a curfew implementation starting tonight. After the characters departure the inn slowly went back to life.

"Wat waz dat ol about, who doz he thnk he iz?" asked Krox, one of the soldiers travelling with Kuvira, already quite tipsy, loud and quite talkative.
"I think he was some high ranking soldier of the Vrondi, he looked like he meant business, we should probably listen to him while we're in their territory. No reason to make a hassle out of it." said Kuvira while taking a gander at the poster.
"H-hey...we're military, we're soldiers, albeit Gaian soldiers, ma..maybe we can help them with the...problemmms they're having" muttered IInua, another one of the soldiers also quite caught up in alcohol.
"Now, now, let's not be hasty. Kuvira is right, we don't need any trouble with the Vrondi. It's better if we stay put for now and see how the situation progresses." the third soldier, Urukeh the one in command of the squad, spoke his mind, who doesn't seem too affected by the alcohol compared to his peers.
"Bah, non-snse...if therz a curfw, 't means they'r havin a hard thime with dhis one.." commented Krox, still pissed for whatever reason.
"Maybe, but we don't intend on staying too much here anyway, so again, no need to cause trouble.", closing in for a whisper to Urukeh, We should leave soon, I think they had enough alcohol for today.. as he nodded in agreement.

They paid their tab, and left the bar, the two drunk soldiers walking slow and uncoordinated, still muttering between them about the curfew topic. "Hmm...let's take a walk in the town until the curfew begins..should help these two clear their heads a bit." advised Kuvira as Urukeh agreed with her proposition and the four set on throughout Sunfire, checking the local places around, chatting about trivial subjects.

- explore the town until the alcohol subsides;
- keep an eye on the two drunken fellows so they won't cause trouble or do something about the curfew;
- go back to their rooms before curfew;

@Rai what the? sorry guys, i also didn't saw i was mentioned and that a new thread was open, will post sometime today...was confused there why people stopped posting on the other thread :))
Waiting for his and Fangs food to arrive, Vandred ganders around the establishment, making a quick scan over the faces that fill up the room, noticing quite a mixed atmosphere. Lots of happy and cheerful though loud small groups of townfolk chattering away, others more quiet and in thought, not disturbed by the typical pub-ish noise and some even eyeing Vandred, either with a serious glare or with a nervous, intimidated worrier look, most probably due to Fangs presence.

Sighing, he starts talking to himself in silence as he usually does when he tries to think in a less calm enviroment.
"Now..let's see, what options do we have?...I guess we could get something else to work besides herbalism, hmm I don't like hunting, and I'm not fit as a miner either." Vandred furrows his brow, just having noticed his somewhat lack of capabilities when he remembered a rumor he had heard not long ago. "

"Hmm...the mines, miners have been disappearing, some say it's some kind of Drow society that kidnaps people and execute them. Others say ... it's the damn dead...disgusting monstrosities" said Vandred with a slight chill running down his spine. "Hmm there are some options... should also ask the waiter or barkeep if they have any leads or can point me in the right direction..yeah..I should do that" as he waits patiently for his order to arrive and proceed with the questions.
i'll post later today (11:19 AM as of now) since i need some furniture relocation done, if not tomorrow morning 100% will post, but I'm pretty sure i'll have time today :) have a nice day guys
Question, do Catfolk and actual feline animals have anything with each other? Like, can they understand each other, do they respect each other or not or how would it go?

@vosenedich also just so i get this right, you gave the halfling waiter your business card?:)
@Rai over 18, no problem, hit me with all you've got mate :)
@Speedwagon two days passed from the last IC post, if @Yamazaki@Asura don't write, what happens?:-? just wondering :P
@The 42nd Gecko just curious, you put 30% in 2 bloodlines, any reasons for not using 20% extra on something else or just wanted avoid blood weakneses? :) also i think of the blood % is to let one know what powers they can have, at least that's what i understood, so that would mean the tryo 30% can give you hot blood only, 20% seraphim only give soul detection, 20% sol gives bright light resistance and 30% nayu gives night vision, that if you pick to have only the 4 power/abilities, or spells that involve said powers @Rai might need to confirm this

also i like appearance picture :D looks so shiny

@Pineappletumble i'm guessing it's something along the lines of what snake's have or earth benders (if you've seen avatar), they can feel presence of lifeforms through ground vibrations or some such, that OR you can feel where dirt is located :)))

well i consider the panther more like a friend than a "tell me what to do npc", as in i let him do mostly what it wants, except when things get serious then i "boss" it around, that's why i kinda wanted to "let" it choose if it wants to come with me or prefer to stay at its desired shelter

that and wanting to remember how rolls function early, plus i like rolling dices xD

anyway if that's the case, i'll let the panther come with me, thanks for the clarifications :D
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