Avatar of KoL


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So, here's my CS/Application:

Write your name legibly:
Rhea Heimlich. Is that enough for you? I'm certain that I can add more if you feel that's too unbefitting.

Hmm... isn't this a too personal thing to ask of people, especially ladies that come seeking membership? That said, I guess it won't harm to tell you I'm at least of legal age, fufufu~

Home Address (or where you might often be found):
Have you ever heard the term stranger danger? Because I'm thinking this form is a bit too personal for a job application. Either way, you can usually find me in Comet-by-the-Sea, at a lovely book café called Cybele. Of my own ownership, nonetheless. Ara, this does not count as self advertisement, does it?

Why are you filling out this application?
For fun. Is that an acceptable answer?

What do you know about the Tin Dragon Detective Agency?
"Tin Dragon, in the old days, was an alchemists' guild known for its adventurous members and historic discoveries of new plants, minerals, and mythical creatures. Eventually they expanded their specialization into trailblazing and field research, until the archaic pursuit of alchemy was all but forgotten. Members today wear a tin badge etched with an ouroboros to honor the agency's origin." — Excerpt of the History of the Kingdoms.

You're investigating the death of a young nobleman at his mansion. His wife tells you he had fallen down drunk after coming home from the pub. The butler tells you he'd never gone out, and simply dropped dead after his tea. The postman tells you he'd seen the young nobleman in an argument with a fairy earlier that day. What do you do next? Why? There is no wrong answer.
Dissect the corpse, of course. If there's alcohol on his stomach, the wife is saying the truth. It it's tea, then the butler is right. Either way both are likely to contain the poison that came in postman's latest delivery. If you can find who sent it, the answer shall be obvious.

The officer's son you're sworn to protect and your mother are both hanging from a cliff. You have time to save one before they fall. Which do you save?
The kid. After all, his father would arrest me if I let it die, right?

What is your favorite tea?
I'm more of a coffee person, if you ask me. If you want to know about that, I like a freshly brewed steaming latte better than anything else.

Please fold this application into an envelope and drop into your city's Tin Dragon tip box before midnight. You will receive our response within the week.
<Snipped quote by PKMNB0Y>

Well, since Richard is going after the chimera and golems, do you mind if I say there is a stables near the walls for him to use?

I need a substantial amount of excrement for....reasons.

This statement is nothing but a lot of bull.
Bwaaaaah, that was wordy.

Anyways, Babylonia crew: Split up however the heck you want. Anti-Army's gonna have lotsa fun this round.

Atalanta's eyes are already shining.

"Hehehe, you have a good sense of humor. I like guys like you," Taura replied to Ascot, grinning heartily. "Here you can have it," The bull girl replied after taking the paper and pen, signing and returning them to their rightful owner, "is that all you wanted?"

Having replied to Ascot, Taura was about to turn back to the talking gun when Drasil's sharp statement froze the horny girl in place, "Ah, come on, can't we have a little break every now and then? Thinking about breaks, I guess it's about time to go to our rooms and then, probably, for class." Taura tried to divert Drasil's attention by gently nudging her o so jealous 'friend'.

"You too, Death Gun and suspiciously silent cat, we should get going, don't you think?" Taura tried to usher the rest of everyone together as well, knowing that she had little time before Drasil would burst... literally.
Oh. Well, I was hyped up to fight that tank but nevermind I guess.

That should be no problem. The vehicles will go out after the next time skip, to not generate anymore inconsistencies (to avoid inconsistencies). You still can have your fight, until we decide when is a good time to move forward.
So long as speed posting is not going to be an issue here, I'm fine with this.

In a mystery story, the last thing I want is to be unable to follow the plot. I'll still keep a look at this, but now I grew slightly more skeptical.
@Flamelord, @Mega Birb, @Awesomoman64, @Lord of Evil, @Jedly, @Lonewolf685, @RoflsMazoy, @Ryonara, @Caits, @McFazzer, @ReaptheMusic

Given the issues that happened in this RP for quite some time, but took unforeseen proportions these last few days, we have a message to all of you.

First of all, let us say that the circumstances which led to this declaration are too unsavory to expose publicly. Likewise, there's no interest to ruin the image and relationship between certain members of this group and the rest of it. Suffice to say that the behind the curtains behavior of a certain individual greatly disappointed us. This person can step forward and reveal what was happening if they feel like it; we just don't want to force it.

That said, we will strive to do things right from now on. We are going to assume a compromise on our part, but we would like people who have any kind of problem with anything happening on the RP, even if it relates to complaints about our conduct as GMs, to tell us. All of us. Secrecy had a heavy price on this RP for many people who are part of it either in the past or present. We want to avoid that at all costs from now on. I hope this bit of the message has been clear enough for all of us.

The first measure on this attempt to get things right again will be the removal of combat vehicles from DGO. It became a problem serious enough for us to decide on this route of action. Vehicles for transportation purposes will still remain around the world of DGO. Any form of war machines will be banned unless the permission for its use is granted by us for very specific situations.

Other alterations may come in the future, but for the time being that's it.

As a final note, here are some words from myself:

I apologize for my behavior in these last post months, being erratic and changing between depression/snarkiness and being harsh beyond the necessary/exploding with bolts of unpredictable (many times uncalled for) rage. There may be circumstances that validate my conduct as an understandable reaction against the same events that are mentioned above. Even so, that doesn't make it right which is what I'm apologizing for. I'll do my best to not let it happen again.

Finally, as it turns out that my wording of certain terms cause some unintentional problems a lot of time, I'd like to apologize for that too. English isn't my first language and, while I'm proficient in it, I have my shortcomings. I'm constantly seeking to improve in this regard. I just ask that you don't assume that my words are meant to harm when it might just be differences between cultures and translation.

While on that matter above, I also happen to live on a different time zone. If it feels like that my replies for important OOC discussions are either delayed or coming after some other resolution had been reached know that this is the cause.

To conclude this message, let us ask for your forgiveness once more. We are all humans we commit mistakes be it for lack of skill to defend one self without causing harm to others, lack of foresight and judgement or overzealous behavior. Working these things out and trying to do better with the lessons learned is the duty of us all.

Let's just hope nothing of this nature happens ever again and try to keep on having fun, right?

Your last IC post contains a serious inconsistency that makes me think that either you aren't paying attention even to what you write, or are trying to subvert the facts to gain some unfair advantage.

Namely, a few OOC pages ago, you wrote this:

@KoLErm, I think the Stryker cavalry has yet to leave the premises of the guild hall. Or is this 105mm gonna be able to pen a sanctuary too? (Not quite sure if the guildhall is a sanctuary).

to which my reply was:

<Snipped quote by Jedly>

Some of them left after Cypher's last post. They are the ones being attacked. Your post and his are just confuse in establishing an action flow. Either way, the gun does have range to shoot almost anywhere within about half of the city, when combined with the aircraft's movement.

All of this on order to avoid being within the firing range of the gunship.

Thus, I avoided attacking Paper Moon or any of the War Machines that weren't under fire on my 1st post using the attack plane. All of them which, as I remarked, were piloted by NPCs and none within Paper Moon's sight, given that (as per your own declaration) he's still at the Black Sanctuary during that post. In fact, Paper Moon isn't even close enough to Arms Slave to see the War Machine teleport that building into the sky.

That post of yours is basically 100% invalid.

You won't use word tricks to gain an advantage that's unjust over the rest of everyone else.

The fact that is not only you, but a sizable part of the players here who are blatantly not reading others' posts before replying, twisting words, not paying attention, trying to do obviously illegal actions, plain out cheating, etc, makes me think that you guys really don't care for the story at all beyond your own full of cool things and unhealthy need to always win.

It's becoming grating to have to do this at least once per most of everyone's posts. To come here and call an edit, I mean. Especially when this annoyance could be avoided if people decided to do 02 simple things:

Pay attention/Read before posting and play fair , is that really that much to ask for?
@KoL, one last thing; what will happen if Ascot copies Edward and sleeps naked, only with his wings unfurled?

Do you really wanna know that answer?
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