Avatar of KuramaaaZ
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    1. KuramaaaZ 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current I'm back and I'll try to rp for once now


Hello, my name is Tim, I'm a 21 year old amateur with too much fantasy that loves imaging stories while listening to music. But I'm not a great writer so yeah I tried way back then but gave up being overwhelmed by how good the rest was. I recently came back to try again. I also play LoL and some other games so feel free to message me if you wanna get added

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This fireball was powerful enough to destroy a boulder of about 200 kilogram. Usually fire isn't explosive, but Vlad learned to mix another element into his fire through his magic resulting in the fire being explosive and unstable. If he didn't have these scars he would able to destroy whole buildings with such fireballs. But for now he was really restricted in what he could do since that attack back then, and the scars were a reminder of it, like some sort of curse. He will have to find someone that is able to help him get rid of them eventually and he had hoped he could find the answer at this academy, but so far nothing... Fire was like second nature to Vlad, he could control it like it was an extension of his own body. But the witch mostly focused on its destructive power and his fiery and power hungry nature helped him in that. And although he was severely restricted by the cursed scars, he was still powerful enough to stand on his own against most opponents. He had improved considerably since that night and often wondered how powerful his fire magic would be if the curse was lifted. The witch often lamented how weak he was back then and how little he could do to protect his loved one, resulting in this obsession with power.

As he was about to create another spiral of fire, a familiar voice disrupted his concentration. It was that tall man from before, which was along that crazy catbitch. That man also knew his name, like the creepy long haired reptileman from before, and this baffled the witch. "How do they all know my name??" he thought slightly annoyed. The man was on a horse and another muscleman was behind him, on a horse as well. Not in the mood to be bothered or wanting another fight, Vlad kept his cool and answered loudly in a rather cold tone, "That's none of you business, what do you want from me?"


tfw I fell asleep :/ I'll try to post asap
@Silent Observer Only 2 years younger then you! 22
@Fetzen Yeah but was far from burning it this time lol. But I love you maaaan, gonna post after my league game
I should join more rp's then one q_q
I don't know how to be entertaining :'( and jeez I do look tired indeed
@FallenTrinity Maybe, I suck at this whole streaming thing hahahah and at the game
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@Fetzen Up to you, I dont mind :p
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