Avatar of lady horatio
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 219 (0.07 / day)
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    1. lady horatio 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Sorry I haven't been on in a few days, guys! I'm feeling sick, so going to retire, but will hopefully have time after work tomorrow.
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7 yrs ago
Plans for today: clean, reply to Guild messages, work on belated Christmas gift. Repeat. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon!
7 yrs ago
Ah, 3a.m. We meet again. My sleep schedule's become really screwy, and it's messing with my ability to keep up with things. I promise I'm keeping a running tally of my PMs; responses may just be slow.
7 yrs ago
Today's agenda: 30 minutes of cleaning, 20 minutes of crochet/reading/Guild time; repeat until either house looks less terrifying or it is dark outside.
7 yrs ago
Yesterday, was dispirited because my interest check wasn't getting any hits. Today, bumped it and came back to three messages, TWO of them referencing The Princess Bride. [delighted cackling]
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This bio is a work-in-progress! For now, here are the basics:
  • Marcie
  • 29
  • Hamlet fixation
  • Lover of all things fantastic, supernatural, and just plain cool
  • Sucker for character-driven stories
  • Terrible at plot, but always happy to brainstorm
  • And, most importantly: very friendly, so please say hi!

Most Recent Posts

Shiloh’s entrance pulled Mandy’s attention away from Cat, but didn’t hold it for long. Mandy had barely managed to process what Shiloh was saying—and all of its implications—before Emma appeared, almost as suddenly.

The urgent tone of her voice brought Mandy to attention, and Mandy found herself complying with Emma’s request almost before she’d decided to do so—once someone told you to think about something, it was almost impossible not to.

Because she could guess why Emma had singled her out, Mandy focused on things no one else was likely to notice. First, the scattered, less-frequented rooms at PHI that housed most of her favorite napping spots; then, the way that, no matter where she was in the building, she could usually hear the cadence of familiar voices from the next room. Next came more immediate details: Emma’s confident posture, the way she practically thrummed with energy. The still-strong smell of Cat’s grief, overlaying everything else.

And then she heard Emma’s sharp inhale, and she knew they’d done it.

Mandy relaxed.

She had braced herself at the sound of footsteps, though she recognized the cadence just before Shiloh (and then Emma) had strode through the door. Cait sidhe were hard to surprise, but easy to startle, and Mandy had never managed the bored mask that her mother and uncles had worn so well. Her mother could recline languidly against a wall, cool as cream, and only someone who knew what to look for would ever guess that she was afraid. Mandy could make her face blank of expression, even hide what she was feeling, but she would never have that impossible air of nonchalance.

At least she wasn’t alone in being uneasy. Cat looked so very small, curled up in her chair while information flew around the room and over her head. Shiloh had been so caught up in what she was saying that she didn’t seem to realize how much she was scaring their client.

At first, Mandy was at a loss. She’d already given Cat the water, which pretty much exhausted all of her unobtrusive kindnesses. She couldn’t very well give her another one.

Glancing at Emma and her athamae, Mandy decided the kindest gift she could give right now was an explanation. “She’s doing a tracking spell,” she said quietly. Mandy made herself meet Cat’s large green eyes, though only for a second or two. “Whatever happened out there, Emma’s trying to trace.”
I'm late! But working on my post now, so it will be up before I go to bed. In the mean time, how is everybody? :)
I'll try to get a Mandy post in when I get home from work tonight, but if you beat me here, @Naril, I am more than happy to see what Morgan and Co. are up to! :)
I'm so sorry, all--I haven't been around much, and I just got terribly stuck. I realized too late that Alex may not have been the best choice for this role play, and I haven't been able to get her past the first post.

@Antarctic Termite, thanks very much for including me! I think I'll retreat into a lurker position, if that's okay. I'll take Alex out of the characters tab, and I can also remove her IC post, if you like, so there aren't any loose plot threads hanging around.

Have fun, all you crazy godlings. :)
Have now read the new post--Shiloh is sassy and I love it!--and responded to Austronaut's PM. I don't want to get in the way of what she's going to do, but @Naril, if you're still here, want to do a brief collab dialogue post, since we're both on? :)

Also, congrats, @vietmyke! That month of freedom has got to feel great (and it sounds like it was well-deserved). My Halloween was quite fun, though not at all quiet, as my friends tend to get loud if you gather too many of us together. :P We're very competitive at charades.

Edit: I have to go to work, so Naril and I will do a collab post another time. If anyone else wants to post, please, don't wait for me! I'll check in when I get home tonight.
Hi, everyone! Sorry, I wasn't on at all this weekend with Halloween shenanigans and whatnot! Catching up on messages and such now and excited to read the new post! :D
Ooh, Naril, that sounds so nice! In FL, we barely even know it's fall.

I'm good, Habibi! Hung out with the bestie yesterday and went to my first Halloween party for this season. I was supposed to be Velma from Scooby Doo, but didn't get the pieces together in time, so I pinned some felt to my orange dress and went as a pumpkin instead xD
Sorry, so sorry, but my post is finally up! My perfectionism was kicking in hardcore--I wrote about five different splintered versions of the damn thing--and I wasn't feeling well yesterday. But I was determined to get something up tonight! Might edit it a little later, if that's okay.

I promise in the next post Alex will start interacting with the rest of the world. She's had a long day; she just needs to take a beat.
Every nerve in her body was screaming—and then it wasn’t. The pain didn’t just fade; it disappeared so surely that it could have been a dream. She might have been dreaming for a while, her self somewhere else while the rest of her figured out what to do about a body.

Alex came back to herself like waking up, like opening her eyes—the world was gone, and then it wasn’t. Making sense of it took slightly longer. It began with the feel of gravel digging into her side, the weight of her body against the asphalt. Next came heat against her back, out of place in the cool November air. Finally, the sounds of disaster: the cacophony of screaming and sirens.

Now that she’d taken stock of her surroundings, it was time to look closer to home. Alex eased her way, slowly, so slowly, into a sitting position. Heavy curls slid over her shoulders, familiar and comforting.

Her body looked just as she remembered it should, not a single limb out of place, no cuts or broken bones. The brown skin of her arms and legs was smooth and unmarked, save for the expected scattering of freckles. Though it felt like she shouldn’t be, she was whole.

Alex remembered, belatedly, that she’d skinned her knee last week, running late to an audition downtown. The scrapes on her palms had been superficial and were already healed, but she’d come down hard enough on one leg to draw blood. There should still be a scab there.

The moment she thought it, there was.

Alex stared. I’m in shock, she thought, and then, It’s too loud.

Immediately, the noise lowered, as muffled as if she’d closed a door between herself and the rest of the world.

Alex swallowed.

There were people nearby. The ones who were screaming, or the ones who hadn’t gotten up. There was a fire raging. And all she could focus on was the way the world dimmed when she wanted it to, the way bile climbed her throat when she spotted a man holding up a charred skull, or the unavoidable fact that not too long ago, she been inside that husk of a vehicle, sitting right behind the driver.

She could hear her mother scolding, Alexandra Denali, never take one thing in this life for granted, and her father saying, gently, Alex, don’t just look for the helpers; follow them. And still, she couldn’t make herself move. Jericho would say she was in shock; Ravi would say it was her underused sense of self-preservation kicking in.

Her grandma would say she was being self-absorbed, and that was probably closest to the truth.

Chasing the voices from her head, Alex took a deep breath, forcing herself to focus on the way the air filled her lungs. (Clean air, because she coughed once on smoke and willed it to go away.) She exhaled just as carefully, feeling a little more at home in her body as she did so.

In a moment. She’d deal with it all in a moment.
My apologies for the delay! I started a draft of Alex's post, but haven't had a chance to polish it to better fit in with the posts that have already gone up. Tomorrow's my day off, so I'll try to have a post up then as well.
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