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"It's ok. We all have a breaking point. You just reached yours." She said still holding him. "It is part of what makes us human." She kissed the top of his head again before letting him go.

She reached for his hand running her thumb over his knuckles. "You're going to be ok. I know right now it seems like this never gets better, but it does. You have to allow yourself to process, to grieve. If you ignore it, it doesn't get better it gets worse." She said as she sat back down in her chair still holding his hand. She knew he hadn't allowed himself to grieve his losses. If he had, talking about it would have brought sadness, and maybe a few quiet tears, but not this kind of break down.

She slowly pulled her hand away from his and picked up his abandoned dinner, handing it to him. "Eat." She said firmly. "There will be time to talk after you eat."

She waited for him to take the food she held out with one hand while she reached for the call button with the other. She pressed the button to call the nurse. He needed another dose of pain medication. She sat with him her attention unwavering until the nurse came through the door. She turned to face her letting her know to bring another dose.

She waited until the nurse brought his medication and left before talking again. "Have you ever really talked about what happened with anyone?" she wanted to know.
Shit! She thought to herself. I broke him. She jumped off the edge of the bed and hurried closer. She was terrified to hurt him, but she gently wrapped her arms around him drawing him to her shoulder. "Shhhh, it's ok. Let it all out." She wanted to rub his back, but his ribs were going to be paining him enough with the crying, she certainly didn't need to touch them. She kissed the top of his head holding him as he cried. "It is all going to be ok."

She mentally debated with herself on calling the nurse. She had to find a way to calm him before he caused himself serious pain. She smoothed his hair and just held him as gently as possible. "I am here hon. It is going to be ok." No wonder the Doctors were taking an interest in him. He was likely depressed. She should have seen the signs, the isolation, the lack of friends and family. Looking back she could clearly see it, she couldn't help beating herself up a little, she should have seen this before.

"James. I need you to take a deep breath for me, as much as you can. Slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth." She spoke softly. "I need you to calm down as best you can, so listen to my voice ok? We're going to do this together." She began to slowly count for each breath doing her best to keep him focused on his breathing. It wasn't going to be easy to breathe deeply with his ribs, so she shortened the count to five rather than the normal ten.
Her heart broke for him. She wished she could say something, anything to make it better. This was one time when there really was no right answer, she had to just sit silently and watch him be absorbed by his memories. They ate in silence as she kept sneaking glances at him. She had no idea what she was looking for, she just needed to reassure herself that he was still there.

She didn't eat much, her concern for him overriding her hunger. She pushed her food away and looked at him. "Do you want to talk about them? Sometimes it helps to remember the good things, and not just the way they died." She said quietly. She rose from her chair, and moved to sit on the edge of the bed putting herself closer to him.

"We don't have to talk about your family, but it sometimes helps." She said quietly her hand resting on his uninjured knee. "Just let me know if there is anything you need. ok?" Her eyes searched his face, looking for something, some clue to tell her what to say or do. She couldn't determine if he needed to talk, or to forget.

She herself was no stranger to loss, certainly the loss of friends, and even grandparents was not nearly on the level of watching your family die, but she did know loss. She wanted to tell him about her friends, good men who were lost in a large apartment fire a few years ago. The fire itself was not an accident. There had been a local slum lord who needed to eliminate a particularly pesky property. When the roof collapsed, several fire fighters were caught inside. She had not trained as a firefighter, she could do nothing but wait until one by one they were brought out. She and Marc tried desperately to do what they could, only one man made it as far as the hospital.
Either is fine. I see positives to both sides. I am thinking though that if he makes up a story, then we can play off his desire to tell her the truth as they get closer.
Sorry I feel asleep early last night. Had sick kiddos yesterday, it wore me out. :)
I have been RPing for about 17 years on and off. I enjoy all types of RP. I am not familiar with any of the Anime or Manga fandoms, but if you have a really great idea, I do have google and internet streaming. I can fake it. I don't have any particular pairings in mind, but I prefer FxM or FxF. I prefer to play females as my males are not very believable, but I can double if necessary.
She just laughed and shook her head as he talked about mistaking her cat for a stuffed animal, Lucky was a strange cat. She had found the poor orange tabby when he was just a few weeks old. He had been living under a neighbors broken down vehicle. She managed to catch him and he had been her constant companion for almost four years now.

He mentioned picking up a few movies and she nodded reaching to gather the movies he had already watched. "After we eat I will run across the street and pick up some new ones. Just let me know what you would like to watch."

She handed him the carton with the beef, and opened the chicken for herself. "you know you honestly didn't have to do this for me." She glanced up at him and shrugged as he spoke. "I wanted to though, besides this kills two birds with one stone. You get to eat real food, and I for once don't have to eat alone." She said with a little smile picking at the chicken. It wasn't the greatest chinese food in Houston, but it was at least edible.

She ate in silence for a few minutes until he asked. "Have you ever had the moment where you thought you were the only one on this earth with how alone you felt?" She looked up in surprise, her eyes widening. She was quick to swallow her food and she reached out to grab his wrist.

"Believe it or not, yes. Everyone feels that way at one time or another." She lets go of his wrist, but doesn't drop the subject. "It gets easier, but sometimes you have to work for it. Make a few friends. It doesn't always help, but it sure as hell makes it easier sometimes."

She watched him put down his fork, showing no signs of wanting to eat. She could hear the sadness in his voice as he said. "I'm as good as I can be today." She sighed softly.

"Talk to me James. There is obviously something wrong. You can tell me what it is." She said setting aside her own meal and scooting the chair closer to the bed. "I know you don't know me well, but you can trust me."
She thought about the problem of him getting upstairs and chewed her lip. "ok, totally weird offer, but I have a ground floor apartment. You are welcome to crash there for a while." She said with a small shrug. Their entire friendship was strange, so this seemed to fit in. "I mean it's not huge, and the cat might try to smother you in your sleep, but it's not too bad."

She shrugged when he asked if she was planning on sleeping at the hospital. "I did until about 3 this morning last night, so I figured better safe than sorry." She said reaching for his hand. "Did you want me to run out and grab some new movies after we eat? There is no telling when they will release you tomorrow so you might need something to do."

She handled the delivery and returned to her chair next to his bed. "I have no idea what you like and don't so I ordered a little of everything. Chicken, Pork, beef, veggies, rice It's all here. Oh and I don't know about you, but I can't use chopsticks to save my life, so I had them send forks too." She started pulling out the cartons. "Just let me know what you are in the mood for." She handed him a plastic fork, and paper wrapped chop sticks.

When they had both been served she settled back in the chair folding her legs underneath her so she was sitting cross legged. "So aside from the doctors driving you crazy, how was your day?"
"Glad you're home now what food did you get?" She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Ahhh I see how it is, it's not my smiling face you enjoy, but the food I bring to the table." She teased as she glanced at her watch. "Chinese should be here soon. I ordered it while I was on my way over here."

She sat down and leaned back in the chair. "You can always tell the doctors to fuck off. Or... there is another option" She said getting comfortable. Today, she had dressed even more casually than the night before, but she figured she was going to be spending a good portion of her night sleeping in the chair tonight, and wanted to be comfortable. She had settled on a pair of black leggings and an over sized H.F.D. t-shirt.

"You can always sign out A.M.A. Against medical advice" She explained. "Basically it means you promise you, or anyone who knows you can't sue if you go home and die in your own bed. Although I would figure that they should probably let you out tomorrow. They only wanted to observe for head injuries right?"

She turned her head as the door opened and a different nurse from the one last night showed the Chinese delivery guy in. She hopped up out of her chair to handle the transaction. Once he was tipped and sent on his way she turned back to James. "Dinner is served"
After he fell asleep, she wrote a note and left it for him. "James, Sorry I had to run for a little while. I have to go into work, but I will be back as soon as I get off work. Call if you need anything. -Sam"

Fortunately today, things were calming down. Today was not nearly as busy as the last several days had been. She could think of nothing more than getting back to the hospital. She hated that she had to leave for work today. Marc had been teasing her mercilessly ever since one of the ER nurses had spread the gossip that she had been upstairs until the wee hours of the morning. She rolled her eyes and tossed a package of gauze at his head telling him to shut up. Her shift finished uneventfully, but she still felt an urge to hurry back to the hospital.

She called in an order of Chinese food on the way to the hospital, she knew that he probably hadn't eaten again today since the food was horribly disgusting. It should arrive shortly after she did. She parked in the garage again, dashing across the street. Traffic around the medical center was always insane, she should probably consider herself lucky that she didn't end up in the room next to his.

She made her way to his door knocking gently. "Honey, I'm hooooooome" She joked as she poked her head in the room first before walking in. She grabbed the chair and moved it back near the bed, and sat down. "How are you feeling today?" She wanted to know.
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