Avatar of LChris314
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    1. LChris314 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Must. Read. Lovecraft.


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Sorry guys I was on a trip for the past week, but I'm finally home and should be able to post more regularly.
As Mistletoe was sitting almost listlessly and recovering her consciousness slowly, she heard Kenza ask "Stupid question, but could you try slipping out of it? And see if the attachment if firm on the wall -- if not, we could keep wearing it away with pulling so that it eventually separates." Mistletoe wanted to answer, but was unfortunately still under the combined effect of shoulder pain and drowsiness after a long, comatose sleep in the dungeon and unable to speak.

Kenza then went on to inspect the chain that shackled Mistletoe to the wall. At the same time Mistletoe had recovered enough to speak, but before she could open her mouth, heavy footsteps interrupted. Before she could react, Kenza told Mistletoe a certain plan, which she silently followed. She kept her breath soft and listened carefully to find out clues about the footsteps' source. Hmmmm, very bulky. Maybe equipment, or sheer body size perhaps?

Sorry I didn't notice and posted something inconsistent. Just fixed it.
A shockwave of pain rippled through half-awake Mistletoe's body and made her jerk up screaming.

"Don't move too quickly," a female voice told her. "Dislocated shoulder. I popped it back in, but we’ll need some sort of makeshift sling for it."

She sit back up with the help of the woman with that voice. Kenza, one of her partners in the hunting group for Wolfwing, popped her dislocated shoulder back in.

While Mistletoe was still breathing erratically and trying to comprehend the dark, threatening surroundings, she found her left wrist chained to the wall. She heard Kenza talking to someone, a man, probably Derrick, but couldn't really understand the conversation.
As he was walking towards the bar just behind Czurem, David saw Zzubus launch someone up to the black jaguar while chatting quite casually with the woman who left the carriage ahead of him. The dragon-girl talked to the demon before getting teased in return. Zzubus seemed, contrary to his imposing physique, to be a friendly bartender; still, David could not suppress his innate fear completely, but managed to put on a calm masquerade.

"I'm the archdemon Zzubus, bartender of the 'Edge of the World' Tavern. You must be David. You came with Rebecca, correct?" The archdemon said, extending to David a single finger, clearly to be shaken the 'usual' way. The politeness further calmed the mathematician, but not enough to prevent him from hesitating.

Sadly, the finger was there only for a split second. The bar was inundated with a growing crowd of various creatures and Zzubus couldn't afford to wait any longer. "It's good to meet you." David finally greeted the bartender (@Gutshot) with a raised voice, lest it be lost in the clamour of the tavern.

He ordered another glass of ale, then turned to Czurem (@medalliah) again. "He's a well-mannered bartender. Very likeable, don't you agree?"

"Sure. Let's go." David stoop up and followed the cheerful dragon-girl. The ale was stronger than expected, as the floor seemed to be rocking gently once he left his seat. "What a good drinker I am." He murmured with self-mockery.

While listening to Czurem, David hurriedly swallowed all the ale. A pale shade of red appeared on his neck. He wasn't the best drinker.

"Ah, I see. I see what it is." David showed a mischievous grin. He's normally quite rational and would avoid jumping to conclusions at all costs, but alcohol made him jump far this time. "Introduce me to him, you said? Well, never a bad idea to know the one in charge. Please."

"Chaotic, yes, yes. Things are a bit stable in my time, but yes, still chaotic. I think you'll get furious trying to help, or even just observe, them. Not a good idea." said David with a cynical smirk. He then gulped down some more ale.

"So Zzubus manages this place. I guess he's someone I can reason with then?" He took a quick glance at the demon.

Czerum seemed genuinely proud of her world, which made David show a relaxed smile. "It's always good to hear someone's living in a good place." He then took a sip of his ale.

"Some people rule other people in my world, since there aren't any being smarter than humans. Well, at least that's what we think." He said with a somewhat annoyed voice.

Then a sudden realization struck him. "Actually, could you tell me more about this place? And about that... demon?" He couldn't stand being ignorant.

"Of course I don't fight my dragon lords. There are no dragons whatsoever in my world!" He burst into laughters.

"We know almost nothing about magick. It seems a few people are born with the potential to use it; but to actually realize that potential requires strong capability in abstract thinking. That's why most magick users are scientists and mathematicians." David gave a mini lecture.

"Now it's your turn to tell me more about your world. That should be much more interesting than mine, I assume."
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