Avatar of LeeRoy


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5 yrs ago
Current Discord crashed lads. Can't get back in.
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6 yrs ago
I've opened art commissions up, anyone who wants relatively cheap art PM me here or on Discord: LeeRoy#8459
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9 yrs ago
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"If you kill a man, you scorn his wife. If you kill his wife, you scorn her child. If you kill her child, you scorn his village. If you kill his village, you scorn the kingdom. If you kill the kingdom you scorn an empire. If you kill an empire, then who is left?"

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No need, I'm gonezo.
I don't quite see how it matters if it's the same base model.

Lunar Templar's is the Exia.

Which was used in the final battle of Gundam Build Fighters.

Don't you worry.

My main mobile suit will be a modification of the Burning Gundam.

[The Monkey King]

Also to make it more appropriate I'm gonna add these:

As a joke on the extending staff.
I've made my decisions for my mobile suits.

Any unit ability is acceptable, correct?
Usually I stick to Advanced and Arena, they're slow as molasses so slow moving casual is right up my alley right now.
Heyo, hol' up. Is this RP still accepting?
@Albatross City
So you're saying the masses should be punished for the actions of the few.
@Albatross City
Oh yes, let's make the public FEEL safe instead of MAKING them safe.

A+ logic there, Iron Man. No, the only way it works is if either-

A: Every Hero and Villain simultaneously stop doing what they're doing, universally. Universally as in THE UNIVERSE. And lay down their arms.


B: If every Hero and Villain continue doing exactly as they're doing, because power attracts power. And the superhuman arms race is already in full swing.

A is impossible, because that would require a level of divine intervention that would be so much of a lazy deus ex machina that it'd be the worst selling story in history.

B is basically whats' actually going on. Other than collateral damage, most of the Superhuman antics are pretty self contained, it's the humans that try to interact with them that cause the problems.
@Shoryu Magami
I'm patient, one post a week is an acceptable metric.
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