LegendBegins is a Moderator. They assist users and keep the forum running smoothly. They have power across all forums.
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2 mos ago
Current The ad issue is resolved. Feel free to disable your adblocks to support the Guild!
10 mos ago
Testing something rq
10 mos ago
Yeah, we should. I’ll need to jump through some hoops to defeat bypasses, but that sort of thing is doable.
10 mos ago
Sorry all, our antispam system accidentally went offline. Carry on.
1 yr ago
@Ambra Would you believe me if I told you they’ve already started rolling out? =)


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Yep, done.

Yep, done.
For anybody following along at home, I checked the database and IP addresses are a data point the server records, but it's outside the scope of what mods or site admins can access (the only way to get it as far as I know would be to log into the database directly and grab that info). IP addresses are constantly changing, so it's not a permanent value attached to you.

That said, on the internet if someone wants your IP, it's not a huge challenge to get it.

Yep, done.
@The Muse

Got them!

Next time this happens, please click "Show Certificate" and send me what it pulls up.
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