Avatar of LetterA
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: LetterA
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 721 (0.19 / day)
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    1. LetterA 10 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
hah hah h hah hhah h o k itS fuCK I gn d oNE LOOk I waStED 5 hOURs on mAKiN G BIO sPEci fIC ART r YO BAgELS R SO FUCkin HARD 2 DRAW
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8 yrs ago
ok take a good look at my bio bc im finna change it in the next few hours and i put 2 mcuch wor k into this bc im a fucckin idio t
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8 yrs ago
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# W A S T E M Y T I M E 2 0 1 6

Most Recent Posts

the Seiryuu students buzzed to life
as four years came to close
the Dragon Fang was dying soon

a chance at ruling
r o s e

Akira, the Wild Dragon Fang of the East, has finally graduated, leaving the unruly delinquents of Seiryuu High at a dissaray. Despite the craziness, Akira and Hana made the shitty school have a slight semblance to something organized, and with just one graduation ceremony, everything went into chaos. Three different factions rose up, one trying to match the psychotic legacy Akira left behind, gathering followers that simply wanted to have fun and fuck up the North kids, another one that was more dedicated into shaping up the shitty school, the final one being the trump card:

the new kid.

As winter starts to creep up and autumn starts winding down, the new school year is met with fist against fist-- yet despite the infighting, Akira's mark has been strong enough that the other schools aren't taking advantage. In colliding fists and shedding blood, however, blooms romance, friendship, and first degree murders.

The Two Headed Dragon
The Tranquil Dragon
That New Kid

reminddner these ex i isi t bi T HCh im wodnderin if i shoudl u h,, , change the first post 2 this one iddkk

Scully "Babyface" Vagabond

At the wild child's remark about the view, Babyface's eyes went from the nest down below, the autumn scenery coming in to view. It was nothing special, it was the sight he saw many times, though-- his eyes made a sideways glance towards the Other Scully-- this was the first time he was watching with a friend. Ears immediately tinting something hot, Scully's eyes focused on the greenery around him-- or the lack thereof. Vibrant hues of autumn with reds and yellows and everything warm seemed to collect before his eyes, the afternoon sunlight creating constellations of summer day on the forest floor.

"Yeah," Scully found himself agreeing-- maybe because he'd taken it for granted, maybe because he made a friend today, maybe because who knows but he actually did agree. The view was kinda pretty amazing. His heart skipped a beat when their hands separated, as though either of them were about to fall, but Babyface held his mouth, trying to keep his eyes on the forest below him, unable to help himself from glancing beside him now and again, as the wild child looked over his blistering wounds. Children having a tendency to mimic others, Scully found himself staring at his own hands as well, his palms red and welted, softened by the tree's pressure.

It took a moment for Babyface to realize he was being spoken to-- but of course, who else was the other Scully gonna converse with? Not to mention he was looking right at him. New friend or not, his furrowed brow and naturally intense gaze made Babyface want to flinch away as a sort of fight or flight response. "Uh, yeah. Well, no. I mean--" His right hand gripped his left forearm tightly, nails digging in as nerves made him flush in embarassment. He couldn't even carry a conversation properly. "I do it sometimes. Not a lot because... of uh, school, and weekends I don't really...."

He could feel his face melting from the heat. Sentences in papers he wrote for school almost always came out articulate and mature and well thought out, but god forbid he tried to say words with his tongue. "How bout you? D'you uh... climb a lotta trees? Or, uh..." He didn't want to say what was in his mind, especially because the other Scully was definitely thinking it too, but as he turned aside avoiding eye contact, playing with the bark by his legs, he asked, "....like... skipping school... and stuff..."
Winter "W" Gabriele


When Ash's phone buzzed, Winter was the one to move first, reaching for his own phone before realizing it wasn't his that was buzzing. Nonetheless, he continued to pick himself up, making his way to seat himself on the side of the bed as the dark haired model behind him moved about as well. Reaching for his cooling coffee on the floor, Winter lifted it to his lips, tentative sips warming the back of his neck as the sweet heat of the coffee made it's way towards his chest. The enveloping warmth almost made up for Ash's missing warmth-- almost. The older photographer continued to sip at his drink, glancing to the side as Ash frowned over his phone.

Resting the coffee mug once more on the floor and glancing discreetly at the time on Ash's phone, Winter decided the other man's licentious attitude finally got him, laying back and letting the back of his head hit fabric. A single eye opened at the feel of lightly warm plastic resting on his chest, an arm propping up behind his head as his other hand reached for the phone. He tapped it as the screen dimmed, barely reading the first word as his eyes wandered up to Ash's face.

"I don't think you'd make a very good drag queen," commented Winter with a grin, a huff of air leaving his nose in laughter, "I've seen you walk barefoot, can't imagine how you'd handle heels." His eyes went back to the phone, his focus switching between the way Ash ticked nervously to the words detailing the job offer. It had been a long while since Winter had been nervous for a job, but perhaps it was how intimate Ash tended to be and how close they'd become, but Winter almost felt the anxiety from every brush of skin they had. It made him comment, "I can teach you tricks if you want, though," nonchalantly, as though a joke, but underneath it an assurance that he was beside him.

As Ash asked for his professional advice, Winter fell quiet, putting the phone down and shutting his eyes, the hand that wasn't behind his head making their way towards Ash's and just holding them. He stayed like that for a little, pale thumb lightly caressing calloused knuckles, the morning light starting to harshen as the day began to truly start.
"I think you should do the commercial," said the white haired photographer, opening his eyes and glancing towards Ash. "You have a good physique and you should show it off for now. You should ask Mike the scheduling though, there may be a chance you could get them both."
He pulled himself upright and placed the phone beside him on the bed, reaching a hand to mess Ash's hair-- "And there's nothing wrong with being greedy now and again," he added, another lazy grin on his face. Pulling the coffee mug from the ground once more, Winter stood as he took a drink, resting it on a nearby table as he made his way to his closet, pulling out items of clothing meticulously, as though he'd planned the night before what he was going to wear-- which of course couldn't be true given he'd been rather preoccupied.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower-- your coffee should be done brewin by now," he said, wrapping a tie around the hanger of a black button down before hesitating and putting it back. "I think I accidentally left my creamer out, too. Just put it back." Carrying the items of clothing with him to the attached bathroom, he added, "I'm coming out in ten minutes. If you're still in bed, I'm not buying you your coffee." It was an empty threat, and Ash probably knew it, but it was at least a bit of motivation. As Winter shut the shower room behind him, as though it was timed, the jazz faded to a stop, and the apartment was quiet.

After a heartbeat, it was replaced by the muffled sound of the shower on the other side.
@Altered Tundra

edi t e d hOw bO UT N OW

hello, my name is jade and i do commissions!!!
to find more examples of my art, feel free to wade through my mess of a twitter (^:

Feel free to commission me through PM here or a DM over twitter!!
I accept payments upfront only and over Paypal
All pieces come with a free of charge transparent/plain single color background

Oukami Amehime

As Ame headed out with his team, he couldn't help but be a bit comforted by the fact despite the awkwardness, the tension between his group wasn't as bad as having Toraboru in tow. He didn't say anything about it, though, and a quick glance around made him twitch his eyebrow similarly to the others, as though slightly disapproving, but also a bit amused. Before he had time to have a thorough look over the other teams, however, they were off.

They paused right before the refinery, and as Sutematsu warned them about being on their own as well as the mist, Ame took the time to slip off his cloak, wrapping it over his waist. Quickly readjusting the rigs on his spools, he practiced his polite smile in the safety of the mist before jumping after after them, keeping up as they made their way towards the compound. Though the mist was indeed thick, Ame having spent much time in the darkness during Basement training helped, his attention relying more on his ears as his eyes failed him.

Leaping after Sutematsu and company, the group landed on the other side with much ease, without getting caught. It was Ame's first big mission, and honestly speaking he was kinda nervous, but he made pretend that it was just like the small shit his family made him do, trying to focus on the situation at hand. He sneaked behind his teammates, fingers twitching readily as they approached six other shinobi, knowing as his foot passed the threshold shit would be going down. And he was right, Sutematsu dashing forward to knock the fuck out of the furthest one, following it up quickly before the other guy could get in a word edgewise.

Already Ame had shot two wires across the closest ninja towards him, weighted balls allowing them to wrap around two nearby pipes and just as he heard Kasumi warn, "Get ready," his light feet were already leaving the ground, his body lurching towards the enemy. He overshot in the rush, flying over the enemy rather than kneeing him in the fact like he wanted to, quickly pulling back his wires. He turned midair, aiming his wires once more at another set of pipes, focusing chakra on his feet to lad solidly on the wall, pushing himself off and using the momentum to pull himself around the pipe.

The enemy was rushing past to make a counterattack, but in maneuvering his wires, he used the wire to spin sharply, allowing himself a kick to land solidly on the enemy's face---- or. Well.

It was supposed to.

"Shit--" he hissed as his foot met air, somehow his calculations having been fucked up yet again. It wasn't his fault this time though-- he was focused and his eyes had been paying attention and--- ah fuck, that Kasumi girl slowed the other guy down. Focus, Ame, he told himself, as he quickly used his kunai to snip at his wires, unable to be salvaged as they'd wrapped around heavily against the pipe, his feet skidding as he landed on the ground. So far, he'd just done a really good job of missing, he thought to himself as he parried kunai thrown at him, their physics being of normal speed despite the owner of them having been slowed down.

Alright, alright, get your shit together. He aimed for something simpler this time, wire stretching past the enemy he was focusing on, careful to aim it towards the rig and not in a way where his teammates would accidentally cut themselves on. He made a running start towards his enemy and just as the shinobi readied himself for defense, Ame tugged the wire, pulling him up and quick, timing it just right to use the kunai in his hand to cut the string, his free hand reaching back to grab a second kunai. As momentum propelled him over the shinobi, he aimed his kunai downwards, letting gravity be a helping hand, sending the weapons down the enemy's shoulders and pushing him to the ground.

Nice, one down. Only took him fifty years.
Oukami Amehime

The morning had started out normally enough for Ame-- he was in a dark room, not knowing what time it was. He spent a good amount of time taking shallow breaths of the thick air, his sight blurring before him, the noise of his blood pumping ringing in his ears. He didn't know how long he'd been in the room, or what air he was breathing, but boy it didn't fit right in his lungs. He was sweating just sitting there, his calloused hands uncomfortably scratching at his face as he tried to wipe at it. And just as he commented another, "I don't know," to a question he could barely hear over the ringing in his ears, the door opened.


"Ame! Your sensei's here for you!"

After a quick breakfast and shower, his aunt's call from the entryway disrupted Ame in the middle of strapping on his flak jacket. "Coming," he called back quietly as he hastily did his arm guards, slipping on his light jacket over his shoulders. Sure, he didn't expect his new teacher to pick him up today of all days, and sure his eyes were still kinda seeing spots, but it's nothing he hadn't had to put up with before. Slipping his shoes on as he made his way to the door, he hugged his aunt and traded kisses on the forehead and cheek before leaving with his new team.

Three other chuunin besides him, it seemed as though Ame had been the last stop. There was a thick and awkward air around two of them, but overall Sutemasu seemed nice and everyone else-- awkwardness aside-- seemed decent. When introductions came, there was a short inner debate within the boy as to whether to speak second or third-- two of the least memorable parts, only to debate too hard and Reiji speaking up before he could. If there was also another thing that made Ame itch it was the fact that he seemed to be the youngest. And here he'd thought he was behind, given he missed the last exam. Nonetheless, Ame offered his usual smile, and added--

"Oukami Ame. I specialize in wires and traps and I'm a bit bad when it comes to close encounters."

Though all introductions had been speedy enough, the group still managed to be early in meeting at the gate, something that Ame assumed would be happening more often. Readjusting the tightness of his guards, he busied himself while his ears listened in on the awkward conversation between Kota and Kasumi, not really wanting to participate in the small talk but nonetheless keeping an ear out for anything interesting. He glanced at Reiji who'd taken a seat, smiling a smile the moment he caught his eyes-- the sort of smile that paired a quick pointing glance to the two beside them as though saying: 'Is this weird or what.'
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