Avatar of Liberator
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 100 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Liberator 8 yrs ago


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@FateWeaver Accepted!

That's me going off for the night folks, see you all tomorrow!
@TheWindel I don't really get the nickname but accepted!
@Mercurial Accepted! Great app!
Just to clarify again, but color names only refer to first names and not surnames, yes?

I promise I'll expand upon Jaden later. Give him a story.

But, with all these characters, I'm starting to reconsider whether or not I should make a lot. Maybe I'll make my earthbender since I'm drawn to that idea.

If we end up with an odd number, then that could come in handy.

That being said, when do you think we should close applications? Also check the GM Chat brah.

Is this RP taking place in an alternate timeline in the RWBY-verse? The Faunus Revolution took place much later than the Great War.

*Facepalms internally*

I knew a part of my history was wrong. I'll fix that just now. The only thing at the moment that is different from the show is that Beacon is a different academy called Illuminate.
My character is going to mainly be a ranged fighter, so I was planning on having her use dust a lot. What would you say is a good limit to how much dust one uses?

This much.

I wouldn't really know how to quantify it to be honest, I'd just say use it as much as you think you can without it becoming a nuisance. I'm sure me or one of my GM's will tell you if it starts going overboard.
Finally got my app finished!

@MechonRaptor Maybe you could add a limit to how much they can use it within a certain timeframe?

@Vongola_Hasayo Oh I see! That's cool! They didn't really mention specifics, it might just be the amount of weapons, but again I'm not entirely sure.

@Raijinslayer This looks good, but I'm a bit iffy with how good he is with that plethora of weapons. Could you possibly cut it down to 2 or 3? I mean for the dust ones by the way, Savage Arcana and Dark Destiny look fine on their own. Do that and I'd say he's accepted!

@FateWeaver Looking good so far!

@LokiLeo789 Wow great app! Definitely accepted!

@Aquaknight It'll probably be us deciding them, if only so that we can make team names that don't sound like total trash.

I'll get to everyone else in a little bit! Just spell and grammar checking my app.
I'm thinking of making like a mobile tankish character, one who has a massive shield as their melee weapon, and she plants it in the ground so that it turns into a stationary turret/machine gun. I want it so like, she blocks attacks for others, but then is forced to stay still if she has to have any kind of ranged attack.

That sounds really cool!
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