Avatar of Little Eden
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 68 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Little Eden 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current The past month has been strange. I've been diagnosed with something completely out of the blue and I've been feeling quite low about it. I'm not ghosting on purpose, I'm sorry.
7 yrs ago
Sorry for leaving a couple of my partners hanging. In between running a group RP, getting a new dog, and restarting university, my head's been everywhere and nowhere. Tomorrow is a soft mental reset.
7 yrs ago
Partner came home with a little wrapped box for a "super early Christmas." Inside was a gorgeous tartan collar. He's finally agreed to let me adopt a dog and I'm hyperventilating
7 yrs ago
@Feyblue a tedious pre-RP discussion is usually a sure sign of failure, I'm afraid
1 like
7 yrs ago
Group RP is up and running and replies to my private RPs are almost finished. Sorry for keeping my partners waiting for a couple of days, I didn't realise how wild being a GM could be


Currently Hosting


Private RPs: 3/5

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@Ardent Dawn Hasn't it just? I'm really glad it's blown up; I was initially worried that no one would be interested. Um...

Alright, since the group is so large and still growing; here's how I'm gonna work it:

All main plotline events will be initialised by myself. This means that the storyline will be driven forward over time with major events and encounters.

Between said events, feel free to conjure up your own "side quests." Explore the facility, get into trouble, go and fight some Hydra. Want to go on a rampage and need putting down by other Children? Go for it. So long as the basis of your actions doesn't alter the storyline itself (but feel free to maim and change your characters as you wish,) all scenarios are fine. If you're unsure of a certain action, drop me a line! If you don't see me online, you can contact me on the discord server.

[edit]On a side note, I'll also be making healer of sorts.
@Evil Snowman I like her! The possession could be pretty interesting. Possessing a hunter and using it to slaughter the rest of its pack? Sounds decent. Put her in the characters tab ~

@Drazah Chameleon ninja. I like it. You have my approval.

@jynmi88 I like that idea a lot! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

In other news, good mornin all. I'll have that opener up soon. I bloody love free Sundays.
shy pre-bedtime bump.

i've spent most of the day setting up a group RP, but my couple of private RPs will have their replies in the morn ~

always looking for more partners!
@Zoey White Oh goodness! Glad to have you, and I hope you like it here.
@Zoey White Our resident sharpshooter. Accepted ~
@SilverDawn A well-thought and very appreciated analysis. I like the subcategories of mutations and abilities.
@Verdaux See Alma's opinion sheet for an idea of what she thinks about his mummy issues. ;)

Alright everyone, I'm gonna hop into bed and finish the IC when I get back on PC in the morn.
@DracoLunaris Missed one again! Dostya is approved. I bid welcome to our first cyborg Child!
Most impressions have been edited onto the end of Alma's sheet; I'll be adding to them over time.
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