Avatar of LokiLeo789


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6 yrs ago
Let me taste you.
6 yrs ago
The Hierarchy Shall Crumble.
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6 yrs ago
"No one man should have all that power."
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6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
"Well as far as brains go, I've got the lion's share. But when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool." - Who?


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Added a wack history to CS. Finished now.
XD Alright alright, I'll disassociate you from this hard rejection I'm gonna hold soon.

Damn bruh I was kidding didn’t have to evict me from the whole family. I thought we was related G. 😢
@Blackstripe, well, here goes nothin.

Rawr xD

Oh look my sonic OC

@LokiLeo789 And yeah, that would be fun! I'm working on her character sheet now, so you'll have a better idea of what's she all about soon.

Bet, looking forward to seeing her.
@LokiLeo789 I LOVE this character! I'd love to hire him as my ultra-famous song artist's bodyguard! She's got lots of creepy fans who need to lose some teeth, and travels the country regularly performing concerts. And to answer your question, everyone has to start in the Eastern Half of North America, which limits how far apart we can be.

Eyyy I’m glad you like it. If you fr fr that would be a plot I’d love to explore. As long as the money right it’s definitly the sort of job Grandmaster Jones is accustomed to preforming. He’s an accomplished man in the world, so many lost teeth.


A majority of people are starting out in New York, so I that'll probably be the hub of activity. I don't know what the people who started outside of New York will do, but Blackstripe mentioned in the first OOC post that they'll be posting events and challenges for everybody to keep the story moving. Who knows, Blackstripe may force us together somehow.

Grandmasta Jones ain’t forced by nobody. But that make sense. As it is I see people gravitating to where everyone else is.
Hmm, wouldn’t it be prudent to have all the charterers in one or two cites for interactions sake? Unless we running diffrent plots in diffrent regions.
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