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I'll have to get a banner another time. And I fixed the tags.

The night was special even amidst the mundanity of their task. Rare was the time they could welcome a new member to the club, and rarer still were the as contentious and twisted as Nyxia with a vulgar tongue to boot. Schrade had acted as both bait for the trap and chef in one, setting the table for a nightly feast that could sate the most gluttonous of Magical Girls if they could but take a bite for themselves.

Between the hailstorm of lasers and one Magical Girl already breaking off to flirt, that seemed far less certain then Earthshaker knew their nominal leader had planned in her head. While they had never spoken of it per se, from one Club President to another, the seams in the plan were naked before her level gaze and she let a small prayer drift away on the chill air in commiseration. Were it only so easy to wrangle the magically endowed as it was their school Track Team, they'd likely be less a motley gathering of twisted souls and something more akin to the Yakuza.

With a heavy exhalation, the shamanic Magical Girl stepped before her partner, her shield interposed with the barrel of the Omega Obliterator as their magics met in a sudden and vibrant clash, the laser rebounding off a shield of stretched animal hide as though it were the densest of metals. The lines of magical ink across her skin swelled with luminosity as the force of the Laser was absorbed, producing a wind of force that sent her cloak billowing from behind the glare of the laser.

"You are new to a team setting, but you should learn on your first day the difference between ally and enemy. Evil Eye's creations are the former." Still holding the shield in place she pulled one hand away without visible strain, pointing up to the nightmarish creatures that one could be forgiven for mistaking as their natural foe, were Nyxia not showing a complete disdain for even judging her targets.

Really, they were less partners and more a sitter and their nightly charge, but given this was their first night meeting proper Roche was willing to concede some initial friction was reasonable. Just so long as Nyxia realized the error was hers alone and conceded without condition. The Rule Keeper would accept little else.

"You will kill far more Miseria as a group then you ever will alone, and whether you realize it yet or not, you will find it requires inordinately less effort and risk on your part even if you glut yourself less in the short term. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and you can afford to pace yourself and not make it impossible for the rest to even approach the alley." She said evenly, at last withdrawing the shield and letting the beam pass unbarred to scour the city of monsters. Having charged herself aplenty she needed only a single strike.

Tossing her hide shield before her, she lashed out with an open palm and sent the Devil Arm spiking downwards at an obtuse angle. The air cracked as the force of Nyxia's laser was enhanced and transferred, turning the tall shield into a ballistic projectile that pulped the creatures of darkness with nary resistance to be found. It left a crater that was pleasing to Earthshaker's eye, and with energy still brimming across her skin she vaulted over the rooftop to retrieve it the old fashioned way.

Her arms met the swipes of claws and responded with destructive bursts of countered force, living up to her name as she kept her indomitable stride through the feasting hall towards her planted Devil Arm.

Sees N.Corp Don Quixote. I would kinda have liked to have seen it even if she'd be trying to nail Roche and not in the horny way the other Dark Magical Girls would be.
Reads post. Jesus, Nonsuch is going to be the cause of at least a dozen Dark Magical Girl origin stories if she keeps this up.

And I'll see about posting Sunday. It'll give me something to do while I have pound cake cooking in the oven. I love me office potlucks being an excuse to bake more~
The clear answer is writing the tug of war as two magical girls fight over kriegspiel IC ;3
Kiyo and Suki: "Oh no, we're both Tops!"

Let the games begin.
Funny how most of the dark magical girls have powers built for team work with only three being direct damage dealers in lasers, blood claws, and crushing gauntlet claws
Yeah I don’t think they will be amazing friends but Earthshaker would be the only one confidant enough to wrangle an outside element even if she would sympathize with her goals and intentions.
Wanna be magical girl partners?
Great to have you back! As much as I mess the eldritch tentacle gentlemen I hope to get comfy with the only magical girl who can use “Killer Queen” as their theme song…actually she’d be the second since we have a Chess Magical Girl, but she’s not dynamite with a laser beam.
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