Avatar of MayLien
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 51 (0.02 / day)
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    1. MayLien 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current So, how many people here are playing Fire Emblem Heroes? I just pulled two Roys on the same summoning stone.
7 yrs ago
I've recently picked up Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links on my phone. It's a nice nostalgic game that I loved since the game came out back in 2002.
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Most Recent Posts

"I've finally found ya!"

From out of the bushes with gun pointed at Steven, an official looking agent ambush this poor lad. "Took me about six years. I've been tracking you. Do you know how long of a journey its been? Do you know how much of a pain it was to find you again? Jeez... Well, I'm here to bring you back into the guild. You can't simply sell your soul to us and then ditch us. That's not how it works. Policy is that I'd put a bullet in you, but I'm going to give you a chance. I'm welcoming you back to the guild. There's no turning back this time. If you go AWOL again, well, you'll know what's going to happen."

A couple of men, cloaked in black, walked up to this unknown soul that had wandered into their territory. The two gazed upon this soul, wondering if this soul was friend or foe. Either way, that soul was a perfect tribute to appease their God. One of the cloaked men spoke out this stranger.

"You there. Welcome to the cult for role playing. By stepping onto our alter, you've consented to offering up your soul to our God. Prepare yourself for the eternal realm of fantasy that awaits you. Hone your skills as a writer and convert those around you into our cause. The sacred text to guide you are found in every room. Imagination awaits. Heh heh." What started as a slight chuckle, turned into a maniacal laughter.

I had a quite a lovely experience with my inner circle of RP'ers. Most of my favorable experiences came from MSN/Windows Messenger Chat RP. I liked more of the rapid posting with one or two paragraphs. We do a lot of silly RPs and some duel RPs. It was quite nice and some were complete RPs, though short. My prouder moments were actually completing RP topics on forums. It's satisfying to complete a chapter of your characters and embark on another journey or struggle.

There are some RPs where I had to think a little more. I do enjoy thinking outside the box. Though, I must say that I'm not the smartest RP'er in the bunch when it comes to that. I do always try to get more of an understanding of concepts and such. I always get help and often get help to think in a certain way and get an answer. But, I struggle quite a bit. I have a love / hate relationship with frustration. Hehe.

Another thing I'm proud of is using big vocabulary words. I try to look up word-of-the-day words on dictionary to help me out, to help me look somewhat smart. I'm not a reader. I don't read many books, which I know hinders my ability to write and articulate well. I like to try to bring words to life.

Oh. I do take simple pleasures in turning intro topics into short RPs. Hehe.
NOOOOO! Businessman #1! He had such ambitions for life. He was only doing this for the money for college and get a degree in engineering. Such a sad fate. *cries* Oh, the cruelest of fates. *dramatic* ...Wait. Why was the space station in the sky? I thought it was in space, in orbit. Such a mystery.

@Shoryu MagamiThat my friend is the power I wield to turn even the intro topics into a potentially full RP all to welcome our honored new member. You've got my creative river flowing. The hype. I've haven't felt this way in a long while. Inspiration charge!

@HankHail! Oh wait. That's for May Lily. Teehee.

Welcome Friend. This shoppe houses 31 flavors of role play and switches every month. Try your taste buds with the writings of various fantasies. Ask for a sample. I'll give you a small wooden spoon to try.
"Ahem. Here is the contract." A shady businessman pushed forward a piece of parchment in front of May Lily. As he cleared his throat, he continued. "This contract is where the mind is translated by your fingertips, therefore using your mental prowess to spread the joys of imagery over the vastness of cyberspace. It's a busy life, but your must remain vigilant and dedicated to the cause. The people will feel inspired by your works and learn to love it. It's a life to inspire. It's a life that temporarily transports you from reality into fantasy. Anything is possible as long as you put your mind into it. Please sign this contract."

"Welcome to the Guild. Live life and inspire, my friend."
In Hello 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hail Role-Player! You've have crossed into uncharted lands. You reach the beginnings of a dense forest. A single dirt path lies before you as you contemplate on entering. Equipped with a lantern and a short sword, you brave the adventure of unknowns. What experiences will this player, dwjonez, encounter? Will he survive the onslaught of various imaginations or be overwhelmed and devoured by it?

Welcome adventurer for Fate is a fickle Goddess. Hehe.
The collection? What is this collection you speak of? A bank? A cookie jar? A back pocket? Hmmm... It all seems so troublesome. I don't know.

What a coincidence, Neko! I know that guy too.

So, when exactly is crunch time around here for people to gather?
Ooh! I did get your name wrong, Sho. *edits* Yes, I started to get drunk with the Z's and drifted off to slumber. Sometimes when I get drunk, I dream of being my characters. *hic* I wanted to at least get an introduction out there so I can see how many enthusiastic members would reply to this thread. Though, it's only been about 5-6 hours since I made the post and woke up. *yawns* I'm a little hung over. So, I'm excited to see a whooping one member replying and giving feeding me a word! Yay! *hugs*

So then, I've checked today's word of the day from the dictionary. It's funny to see this word and meaning. I hope forum members don't give a dilatory response or welcome. *smiles... Edited that several times*

DIL-uh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee


1:tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy.

2:intended to cause delay, ... More definitions

More words! It's fun to build a little vocabulary. I wonder if there's a thread for words. Time to do some searching with my trusting metal detector machine that sniff out vocabulary words.

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