Avatar of MechonRaptor
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.16 / day)
  • VMs: 2
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    1. MechonRaptor 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current It's... been so long. Life sure has a way of screwing with you and getting in the way. I'm so sorry everyone for my sudden disappearance! Hopefully I'll be back from now on if you'll have me!
7 yrs ago
There will always be a song out there that fits how one can feel, though unfortunately it seems life favors sad songs the most.
1 like
7 yrs ago
That boy is staring and I feel a chill...
7 yrs ago
Nothing like making a pointless status update after 4 months!
8 yrs ago
It's good to get back in the swing of things after a couple weeks away. And hopefully, this time, I plan to stay!


I'm just your average, everyday roleplayer who mainly resides in Terraria's community forums.

Lots of stuff has happened in my life the last few months that I needed to dedicate my time to until I could reach a stable, well, time again. I'm so sorry if I worried anyone here, I made a lot of friends that I feel I abandoned with no explanation as to why. But what matters is, I think I've reached enough stability to RP again!

Anyway, generally speaking, I try to be a good person. I do my best to improve, I try to listen to criticism with an open ear, and I don't like to argue. There's so much potential here... It's awesome really. I just hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Most Recent Posts

Our GM has probably been busy lately December, as she hasn't been around for the past 5 days. I'm sure things will pick up when she returns.
Heyo guys. Sorry I haven't been that active lately, it's been busy to say the least xD Still kinda am tbh.
At least Rayes isn't very needed atm!
Gem: Ivory

Name if your gem goes by a different name: Ivy

Appearance: I also have other outfits ready for when she ultimately poofs!


Psammokinesis: Psammokinesis, as shown in the picture, is the ability to control sand and is a crucial part of Ivory’s being. Further explained below.
- Alone, she can generate enough sand from her gemstone to create a weapon of her choice, though this is more often than not a single crescent sword. Or, if she chooses, the sand is used to create tools that she can use to fix various Homeworld tech, being more effective in this manner than with regular tools that Homeworld has created.

- Often, she can also use the sand as a means of transportation, enveloping her feet with the sand and simply directing it around instead of having to walk. Though, she doesn't really remember this.

-When in the presence of sandy areas, such as a beach or desert, things can get hectic. She has a decent control over sand, similar to Lapis, but not as strong as Lapis as she cannot drastically shift around the sand such as Lapis did with her water, along with creating clones and being relatively unstressed. More often than not, she’ll instead create temporary cover from attacks with the sand in these locations, or simply use them as a faster means of transportation by carrying her around. Or, she would simply create sand weapons or tools that are more intricate for herself to use. All of these creations, however, are just temporary solutions, as they will eventually collapse back down and resettle.

Items: More often than not, Ivory will attempt to create a surprisingly sturdy sword made of sand, however, she can change the weapon or tool so long as it isn’t extremely complex or long, as she requires more sand the more she wishes to add. So, she can create things like compact gauntlets, or substitute her sword for daggers, maybe a hammer or screwdriver, but since she isn’t used to such a concept nor has she tried, it’s out of the question.

Backstory: Ivory’s are created as one of homeworld’s pathfinders, meant to scout potential gem-worthy planets and see if the planet is a suitable gem colony location, along with being navigators in space and simple engineers. This makes them adept at exploring worlds and explaining various aspects that a planet can have, and more importantly, how or if it can be important to homeworld. This particular Ivory was chosen to help assist the group by finding a suitable location to land safely to check on the cluster, and if trouble were to occur to fix it. And while she has little to no real combat experience, she is more than eager to try and prove herself like Ivory’s before her.

Writing example:

Today was the day… Oh boy, today was the day. A sole Ivory gem had begun the long walk, or at least she felt it that way, from her current station towards the ship that would be departing for Earth soon. And, she was going to be on it! It was like a dream come true for her. Exploring new worlds was what an Ivory was made for, and while this one, or at least in the reports she read, wasn't particularly new, it was in terms of recent knowledge and she would get to see it firsthand. It was going to be an adventure, at least if the gems in charge would let her have one that is. In fact, she wasn't really sure who would be involved in this mission to check on the cluster, and all she knew was that they'd be useful in locating it, herself included. And, while that was somewhat scary, it was that tense feeling, that fear of failure, that made this entire situation memorable for her.

Lost in thoughts, Ivory had not been paying attention when she ran into one of the doors on her station, causing her to jolt backward from surprise, only to facepalm moments afterward at her own lack of awareness. "Shake it off Ivy... You got this, you'll be fine." She told herself, taking a couple moments to regain her composure as she opened the door, revealing an elevator esque design that would take her to the docking bay. As the door closed behind her, Ivy stared off into the beautiful abyss that was gem space, taking notes on the station design that she had seen a thousand times in her head. She definitely wanted to compare whatever Earth had with what Homeworld had, that was for sure.

And, in these moments, it let her look at her notes one last time of Earth. There wasn't much, really. This station had a lot of new gems on it, and those that had existed in Era 1 never really talked about Earth, or dared to for that matter. And those that did didn't have much to say except that it was an awful place, with awful things and awful actions... The only thing they ever agreed on, she learned, was that one of the Diamonds, one that existed before she existed, was shattered there on her own colony. Ivory was certain that, if maybe they had sent an Ivory to investigate the planet and solve issues, this wouldn't have happened. But, she supposed that was why she was being sent now, right? To keep the spirits up and stay positive, to remind them that the diamonds are counting on them, and to get some firsthand experience out on a foreign planet. Who knows, Ivory thought, maybe she'd get to explore an extremely new planet if she did well here! Ah, the thought just made her happy with anticipation to get praise. And if things went south, she was basically made to fix problems anyway so they'd be fine.

It didn't take her long to be snapped back into reality when the door opened in front of her, making a loud ding sound as it did so. Taking several deep breaths before exiting the elevator, she strode off to her destination, looking up at the gem who had been guarding the ship... It was most likely an amethyst or something, she didn't really know. Creating a diamond with her arms, as per custom, the seriousness faded from her face as she gave a confident smile at them instead.

"Ivory, reporting for duty. This... this is the right ship, isn't it?"

Anything extra you'd like to add: The diamond she was made to serve was White Diamond.

I hope this is all alright. I had originally just made her a pathfinder for the group, but we have several scouts already that I didn't really want to lose that part of her or change it, but I thought we needed a little bit of variety so I made her somewhat savy with technology, using her sand manipulation to create tools instead of homeworld tech, if that makes sense.

Though, if that isn't fine, I can change it!
I'll throw an interest in this!
Sounds interesting. I've always thought about joining a Harry Potter RP, so I'll definitely look into this one.

Location: Abandoned House
Interacting with: Everyone

Kestin stood a little off to the side of Ignatius, staring at the seemingly abandoned home. To him, it had to have been abandoned just by looking at the shape it was in! Though, that wasn't what made him interested in the place, but rather, it was how he could have missed such a place! Sebastian and him had explored these woods countless times beforehand, so he was a bit puzzled as to how such a brightly colored house could have shown up without them knowing. Or... maybe they just hadn't explored this section of the forest yet, he didn't know. The forest always looked the same once you were inside, so he supposed it was plausible they could have missed it before...

But whatever that case was, he really didn't care how they could have missed the place. And when he had heard Georgina's offer to investigate, instinctively he began searching for something off to the side of the group as they discussed what they should do. He heard Isaura's concerns, and while she could be right that it would come crashing down by yanking on the door, it seemed stable enough to still be standing. He was certain that it was in decent enough shape to not collapse immediately they got inside or at the very least daring enough to want to tempt fate like that. Besides, he thought to himself, she needed to break out of her shell anyway and have some fun!

He bent down, grabbing hold of a decent sized rock, only to frown a bit when he felt it wasn't big enough, proceeding to chuck it far into the forest instead. It seemed Ignatius had a bit of his enthusiasm, and it fired him up to continue to search for a bigger rock, maybe a large enough tree branch, anything really for his plan. Though while he listened to his friend, he felt as if Ignatius were attempting to cling to Isaura as she clung to Sebastian.

Speaking of which, it seemed Sebastian at least shared some of Kestin's desire to get in, but he was way too passive about it. Or, maybe he was just messing around, Kestin couldn't really tell with how he decided to ask if any hobos were home. If it had taken the group this long to find such an interesting place, he doubted anyone else really know of it... Well, besides the people who probably lived here beforehand. But they surely couldn't be around with how run down the house currently was.

But luckily for Kestin, he managed to find a rather large stick, the largest one he felt he would spot in the area no less, and picked it up. While was surprisingly heavy to him, it could still be held and moved with just one hand, and that was all he needed for the remains of a window. It even seemed Connor had a similar idea, which didn't surprise Kestin at all.

"Yeah! I love it when you guys are feisty and wanna have fun, especially you Connor! just give me a couple seconds to..." He said, pausing near the end as he began to shatter the remaining glass that remained with the branch. He did his best at attempting to remove the jagged window pieces that had remained, and soon, it seemed relatively safe to go through. With a job well done, he tossed the branch off to the side, turning to face the group.

"And there we go! Who wants to be the lucky one to go in first? If we have no volunteers, I guess I could venture into this awesome place myself." He told them, giving off a confident and rather excited smile as he spoke.
I love what you've done with your app by the way. It's so pretty and beautiful looking!
I'm sorry I'm being a bit slow to post guys, but my finals are tomorrow and Thursday, and then I'll have a free schedule for awhile to post xD
In the meantime, those of you who haven't already pmed me for relationship ideas, feel free to send me a pm and I'll check it when I can!

Oh, @MissCapnCrunch, I did notice that you kept Kestin's old relationship sheet. We'll need to update that, he isn't as secretive as you once knew :P
Actually, do you mind if I switch to 7 now that there are more options? I'm rather intrigued by it :P

Kestin Zane Alderson

June 9th




Relationship Status

Scars, Tattoos, Piercings

Likes & Dislikes
• Winter weather
• Video Games
• Acting/Musicals
• Iced Coffee
• Jokes or puns
• Dramas (They bore him)
• Shakespeare’s Tragedies
• Assholes
• Being bored
• A lack of motivation

• Singing
• Playing the violin
• Playing Video Games

• He likes to use hand gestures, such as a thumbs up instead of saying thanks or cool.
• Has a habit of saying crapbaskets instead of swearing.
• He'll sometimes sing song lyrics during regular conversations.
• He doesn't really like hugs or high fives.

• Acrophobia: The fear of heights. He hates heights with a passion.
• Athazagoraphobia: The fear of being forgotten.
• Atychiphobia: The fear of failure.

• Considerate • Impulsive • Adventurous • Patronizing

Kestin doesn’t really know about his real parents. He’s only heard rumors and stories that his new family has told him about, but they never would give the full story. All he knows is, it’s better this way to be away from them.
In his eyes, his journey into life began when he was adopted by Richard and Carolyn Alderson, who, due to recent events, decided to foster little Kestin due to his previous parents rather dangerous and disturbing behavior. It didn’t take long for them to get attached, and when his real parents were thrown in jail and deemed unfit to raise a child, the Aldersons eagerly jumped at the chance to provide young Kestin with a decent life. They treated him like he was their own child, and Kestin would have never guessed that he was adopted had he not been told when he got older. His siblings were still young when he joined the family, not fully aware of what was going on but accepting of him nonetheless. After all, they just assumed another stork had visited and delivered a young baby brother, partially past the infancy stage.

Growing up, he's always done his best to accomplish his own goals in a fun way, wanting to take life by the horns and steer it in the direction he chooses. He's grateful that it gave him a better chance of doing what he loves and the ability to pursue his own dreams or desires by being adopted. He may not know who his biological parents are, but he doesn't care for them anyway nor think of them. He often shudders to imagine what his life would be if circumstances had played out differently, but he doesn't dwell on it now that he knows he's adopted. If anything, it makes him more determined to make something of his life and really have fun with it. And while living in a small town for a majority of his life hasn't been the most amazing experience, he does his best to make the most of it. With his siblings in college and him practically being alone a majority of the time at the house due to his parents both working now, he's starting to find a lot more free time on his hands...

Family Members
Adoptive Father: Richard Alderson: 42, Works as a Doctor.
Adoptive Mother: Carolyn Alderson: 43, Works at a local diner.
Adoptive Brother: Skyler Alderson: 21, at college.
Adoptive Sister: Jennifer Alderson: 23, at college.
Biological Parents: Unknown

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