Avatar of Meiyuki
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 532 (0.18 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Meiyuki 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current The moment you realize you spend more time working in titanpads than... anything else. Not sure if I should be proud or concerned.
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8 yrs ago
@Gaviloquence Yes, you've just arrived. ;D
8 yrs ago
Puncraft! The darkest of arts! Burn the witch!
8 yrs ago
TMW you realize that's your most current search history.
8 yrs ago
@PaintLynn Does that mean I can eat you now? I've been getting hungry...
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My current baby

Spells in the Dark (18+ For dark and suggestive themes: Join the witches or the hunters and they circle each other in a bleak world on the edge of annhilation. Can they come together long enough to hold back the great dark? Or will they fall to the void?

Stuff I'm in

Wolves of Redlake: A lovely little romp as a teenage werewolf. Run by the lovely @Nallore
Various 1x1's: I love the flexibility of a two person story. Group RPs will always have my heart, but they can be difficult to get off the ground. Feel free to PM me with any ideas you may have. I generally post once per week minimum and like high-casual to advanced as far as quality is concerned.

The Rest!

Hi! I'm a twenty five year old lesbian with alot of time on her hands! I've been role playing for about ten years now, although I'm new to the play by post format. I'm a pathfinder and Chronicles of Darkness veteran and still play with my group most weekends.

I'm generally pretty easy to get along with. My biggest pet peeves are:

Not informing me if you'll be away for an extended period of time. A PM or something in the OOC will do nicely. I understand life kicks all of us once in awhile, but try not to leave me hanging.

Negative people. We all get down, and that's fine. Happiness, however, is an outlook. I don't mind spending time cheering up a friend when they're usually a cheerful person. Optimism is a hell of a thing folks.

Metagaming. For obvious reasons. This has been the downfall of many a fun 'secret' plot. I usually opt for transparency, and like to surprise characters more than players. Metagaming makes that difficult.

Things I'll love you for:

Enthusiasm! This is the driving force behind any RP. When players and the GM are excited magical things can happen.

Adding to the world. I like a fleshed out world. Often times I'll leave things ambiguous so players can add to it with backstory or anything really.

Hatching your own subplot. The 'main' plot isn't the only thing going on right? Write me a story about some characters getting into hijinks. It gives the RP an organic feel that can't really be replicated otherwise.

Most Recent Posts

”What will I do today?” The Castle of Hearts was bustling, as usual. Her subjects flitted about her throne room with stack of paper that were undoubtable important, as usual. Her card soldiers kept vigil over her, lining the wall behind her throne and surveying the skittering throng with soulless eyes, as usual. Some nameless performer played some nameless tune that, while pretty, was entirely too familiar, as usual.

Scarlet suddenly drew herself to her feet, causing her servants to pause in their tasks, and the unfortunate musician to miss several notes. She gazed at the poor man, smiling sweetly. ”You missed a few notes there.” Her features turned icy as she turned to her soldiers. ”Flog him.”

He protested meekly as two of her card constructs drug him out of the room. ”Where’s Julius? Bring him to me.” She declared as she strode out of the room.

’Wonderland’ she scoffed internally. In spite of its name the land held no wonder for Scarlet any longer. Every day brought more of the same, brightly colored, drivel to her doorstep. Her ‘Collection of Hearts’ was a small comfort, a personal harem of adorable Alices to regale her with stories of their wondrous homeland.

Earth, they called it, or the ‘real world’. They seemed overawed by the luxuries of her castle, and the beautiful landscapes of her kingdom, but Scarlet didn’t care about that. She wanted to follow them home, to see this ‘Earth’ for herself. Witness their strange customs and eat their strange foods. To spread her influence across a new nation, with new challenges, and new enemies.

Speaking of enemies. ”Julius?” She called from her new perch on the railing of her balcony. ”Are you here yet? Or should I flog you too?”

A man’s voice came from behind her. “Yes, your majesty. I arrived moments ago, no need for flogging.” She turned to face her General.

Julius was a man carved from rose quartz, black highlights running like veins through his stony complexion. He bore a spear whose head was an inverted heart, and was clad in gleaming black armor spotted here and there by red hearts. He, just like everything else, had been around longer than she cared to remember.

”Hasn’t it been awhile since we attacked Reggy?” She asked, her lips curling into a pout. ”I’m bored, and I’d hate it if he thought I was mad at him.”

“Aye, it has been awhile.” Julius had long ago learned not to discourage his Queen’s whimsical battles. Card soldiers were easy to make anyway, and she didn’t really care about victory so much as being entertained most of the time. Other times she’d lead the charge, and Julius was pretty sure this wasn’t one of those times. “I’ll gather the soldiers and the men. We’ll march out in a day or so.”

”Do I really have to wait that long?” The Queen’s voice was low and dangerous, her eyes sparkling with what a more foolish man might have considered amusement. ”Are you trying to get flogged?

“Of course not your majesty.” He quickly bowed. “I’ll see to it that everything is ready as quickly as possible.”

”See to it my palanquin is available and ready as well.” She added before waving him off and forgetting he existed.

She cast her gaze out from the balcony over her lands. ”Maybe I’ll snatch up a few Alices on the way.” She sighed. ”Maybe something cute will alleviate the dreadful banality that veils my thoughts.”
I'd rather join something else...but sure, hands.

Like... feet!? That would be weird, but I'm down.
in collaboration with @Whoami

"Peace Attempt Re-deux"

Coraline walked behind Lorelai and Elizabeth as they left the council. She was silent with one hand resting on the hilt of her longsword. Their footsteps echoed down the hallway along with the quiet conversations of passing witches who were in greater hurry. The knight had been quiet for nearly the entire council. But her mind had been active, some of it bled over to her pactmate walking just ahead of her. Confusion, duty, and envy were but a few of the feelings travelling through her thoughts. Coraline just took a deep breath and walked on in silence while Liz and Lorelai mumbled between themselves.

Lorelai bid farewell to Elizabeth as they passed the woman's new office, continuing towards her personal tower. Her footsteps slowed untill she and Coraline were side by side. "What troubles you? I don't think it's the obvious war pending, although that would be cause enough for some of it." She asked simply, breaking the silence between them.

Coraline raised a brow to Lorelai when she spoke. She figured there was no point avoiding the conversation and sighed before speaking, "I couldn't help but notice how I managed to attend that entire council without even being acknowledged. Perhaps it's because I'm not trusted around here, but regardless I feel... Under utilized. Wait."

Coraline stopped and looked to Lorelai, "I feel like you're keeping me tucked away here because I wont allow you to have this sword. Almost like I'm some sort of exotic collector's item or something. Your succubus and a score of other witches watch my every move. I didn't make this pact casually, Lorelai, I sacrificed more than one thing for the greater good."

The knight ran a mailed hand through her hair, "So Elizabeth is your general, Medusa your ally, Triss your confident, and I'm what? Your trophy? Give me a reason to stay. A reason to fight."

Lorelai stopped in suit with the knight. "You want a reason to fight? To stay?" She gestured to the witches passing them. Removing a small token from her pocket she tossed it to Coraline, on the front was engraved a portait of two very familiar little girls, and the back bore their names; Lotte and Abby Von'Strauss. "These are mine, I fight for family, I'm sure you can understand that."

"I don't know what you are to me Coraline, I like to think of us as friends most days. You've made no pledge to my cause, so far the only thing we share is each other's thoughts and a mutual fear of the blade you bear." Lorelai explained calmly. "Tell me what you want to be. Do you want to be my champion? Do you want to be a simple soldier? Or would you prefer to flee this castle before the bloodshed begins?"

"Would you bind yourself deeper into a legacy of flame and darkness Coraline? Our enemies will be many, and we may never know peace." Her eyes bored into the knight's as she awaited her answer.

"I'm not going to leave this castle behind as long as there are children in it. If you want me to be your champion than aye, I will be. But I'm not going to put an end to my goal. When those hunters come, I will turn them back. There will be no bloodshed, I swear it." Coraline paused, "But I'll never pledge myself to you, Lorelai, and here's why. This pact we've made doesn't place one above the other. You are not my master just as I am not yours. And we are bound in such a way where we should be watching over eachother to preserve ourselves. I've already made my intentions clear to fight with you, but not for you. I need to know this is going to be returned."

"I understand." Lorelai fetched a small crystal rod from her robes, it pulsed with a deep red light as she handed it to Coraline. "This is a psycopomp. Go make your attempt at peace, tell them we're no threat to them or their's. When their hatred gets the better of them, and they try to kill you, break this and it will return you safe and sound to the castle."

"When you're satisfied that what we do here is neccessary I'll send you against Baga-yaga." Lorelai offered the knight a small smile. "I need to know that you trust me, and that you believe that what I do, I do for the reasons I say."

"I trust you, Lorelai. And if I'm going to make peace, I'm going to need your trust back. This wont be settled simply with me walking into Seren's Folly and talking to them. They're going to want something as proof that you're serious. Give them something you normally wouldn't, an artifact or information. This wouldn't be the first war I've averted, Lorelai."

Lorelai thought for a moment. "... What would you recommend? Hector Digard's Holy Blade? Or the location of an infamous mind witch that has managed to escape my ire, what with multiple wars threatening." She saw the wisdom in Coraline's words, and while she didn't extend much hope, satisfying the knight's wishes was reward enough for parting with either offering.

Coraline had felt a confidence in herself that she hadn't felt since she first arrived in Seren's Folly. When asked about what to give, Coraline responded, "Both. The blade would appease the Digards in the wake of Flint's death. And if this witch is that much of a problem, then it wouldn't hurt to tailor the story in such a way that she is manipulating the entire conflict. It would diver the hunters' attention. I will oversee the hunt myself to act in your presence."

Coraline took a breath and looked around the corridors, "If this conflict is something you truly want to avoid, then no price is too great to see it done."

"Unless I begin to hemorrhage vital resources to appease ever increasing demands." Lorelai cautioned, but they were both aware of that. Nodding she turned towards her tower again. "Both it is then, should I send a letter to the Digards along with the blade? To explain that I'm just trying to raise a family and live in peace?"

She chuckled. "Diplomacy has never been my strong suit, hard to bargain down from murderous intent. I'll be leaning on your expertise in this."

Coraline nodded, "Aye a letter would be good idea."

The knight took a step closer to Lorelai to speak in a quieter voice, "And between you and I, Medusa is not a trustworthy ally. Perhaps it would be a good idea to include in your letter that the Von'Strauss coven wont act alongside them if the time ever comes. she paused, "These terms will, at the very least cause, the hunters to reevaluate the situation. If you, Lorelai Von'Strauss, are wiling to go through so much strides to stop this. Then surely there is more at stake; which you and I both know there is. A war like this isn't a good idea when the greater threat approaches."

"I'll... consider selling out Medusa. I agree with her trustworthiness, but her supporters are my sisters too, and I'm loathe to see them die if I don't have to." Lorelai matched Coraline's hushed tones. "The issue it to present it in such a light that it doesn't seem like an ill-advised bid for survival. I think selling out a fellow would do a great deal to confirm their opinion of me as a manipulative survivor with no sense of loyalty. If I could fight that I'd have made an appearance myself." She chuckled bitterly.

"For now I'll ask you to read over my letter, and ensure that it's effective." Lorelai paused as they reached the stairs up to her study. "I'm sure you're aware that I don't put much hope in this Coraline, but don't mistake that for a lack of confidence in you. I do wish you the best of luck."

Coraline agreed to her and went up the stairs at Lorelai's side. "I will see this through. But I have one last request, and it might hurt. If we're going to paint this witch as the one pulling the strings behind this conflict, we need to sell it. When I leave, injure me. It will make everything seem more desperate and real."

"Sure, I'd love to, you've been driving me batty for weeks." Lorelai winked, giggling at her joke.

"I think I've had it worse." Coraline grinned, "Yours and Liz' activities in the bedchamber aren't exactly secret to me, and it's practically been torture since that began."

Lorelai laughed. "It's cute you think we restrict that to the bedchambers, but I won't burst your bubble, Coraline." She smiled mischievously. "Besides, you're getting all the fun with none of the work. Although I suppose the unpredictability might be vexing. Just consider it... training... or something."
in collaboration with @Wildeyes, @SunsetRoses, @Fetzen, and @Shagranoz

"Rumors & War"

Rebecca roused herself from her studies as one of the vast numbers of servants tapped her on the shoulder. "Medusa has called for a meeting of the entire coven in the Great Hall. Immediately." Rebecca's skin started to crawl. Most likely, this was to be an inquisition to figure out who had let Mat escape, and she did not desire to be within a hundred leagues of the coven matriarch. Regardless, it was an equally stupid decision to disobey her, so she wearily got to her feet and headed out into the halls.

Coraline had opened the door to her chamber just moments before a lesser witch was going to knock on it. The young woman looked meek and nervous in Coraline's presence; the knight had armored herself and wore all three of her swords. The witch put her hands behind her back, "Erm... Lady Toph..." she started.

Coraline cut her off there, "I'm not a noble, don't call me lady. That just doesn't sit right with me."

The witch nodded, "Oh... Okay. Well I'm sure you've heard the summons."

Coraline nodded, "I have. And?"

"Well... The matriarch doesn't want you to attend." the younger witch said, looking worried.

Coraline shrugged and moved past her, "Well she isn't the boss of me. If Lorelai is going, then I must as well. She'll have to deal with it." she paused and glanced back over her shoulder, "And relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

The witch still looked nervous, Coraline assumed she had done exactly what the lesser witch was worried about. It didn't bother Coraline much, it just told her how intimidated the bloodroses were by her. That was fine in her books.

Triss woke slumped in her desk chair, a quill still in hand and a smeared parchment tucked underneath. In bold cursive, she had been writing what she saw in Andri's mind, she had a separate page for Khan and his curiousness. She picked her head up off the paper, peeling it off as it stuck then proceeding to crumple it and toss it in a sizeable pile in the corner. Someone had knocked on her door, and she needed to see who it was.

Caring little about how presentable she looked, Triss opened the door. A small, blonde witch stood before her, her hand poised to knock again. Triss tilted her head, waiting for an explanation from the girl.

”Triss, have you been announced of the summons?” The witch asked, her voice sheepish as she chewed on her lips. ”To, er...the grand halls?”

”I have not, but I'll be getting ready for them at once. Shoo, girl.” Triss took a step back, and just as the girl was about to explain something to her, she slammed her door. Triss quickly washed her face and changed into a new dress, waiting a few heartbeats until she heard the sound of soft footsteps escaping down the hall.

Triss opened her door, making sure the blonde was gone, then she took off to the Grand Hall, braiding her hair as she went.

Clarissa's feet drug through the hallways of the castle. Sure enough, within weeks of Rebecca's successful bid for peace they'd found themselves at war anyway. At least it was just hunters they'd be killing, and not her sisters.

Her face curved into a sudden grin as she spied the lich on her way. Running up to her she called out. "Rebecca! I haven't had much of a chance to talk to you since you left. You simply must fill me in on how you managed a miracle."

"It wasn't me, so much as Andri. He was the one who pointed out the stupidity of fighting a war when we know that something big is stirring. I just gave him the opportunity; he did all the hard work." She shrugged. "And what of you, Clarissa? What have you been doing these past few weeks?"

"Oh you know. Running letters between mommy and mommy, making sure everyone is aware that there's no war, stuff like that." Clarissa grinned. "Oh, and keeping an eye on one of Lorelai's pets, some knight chick that has some relic blade that Medusa's concerned about. Coraline, if you've met her."

As if on queue, Coraline had walked from another corridor and was headed the same way as the two witches. She was quiet as she strode only a few paces ahead of them. The presence Coraline gave off was imposing, like she was still on edge about being in the castle and was ready for action at a moment's notice. Her greave clanked on the stone floor of the castle, the chain armor underneath her light plate rattled. The proximity to Charon's blade made the air feel colder, it was a wonder that Coraline wasn't shivering in that steel armor.

"I haven't met her, but I've heard of her." Rebecca turned her rotting head at the sound of a newcomer clanging towards them. "In fact, judging from the descriptions I've heard, that must be her." She glanced at the armored woman. "Coraline, I take it? It's a pleasure to meet you, but... why are you armed? You are under Lorelai's protection; one would have to be suicidal to harm you here."

"You know... other than Lorelai." Clarissa added. "Do you need an adult? Is big bad Von'Strauss abusing you?" she chuckled, but her eyes belyed her concern. The older witch had been collecting hunters recently, and rumors flew about their purpose. From strange sexual urges, to blood sacrifice, to demonic vessels. She wasn't dumb enough to stick her nose where it didn't belong, but she didn't envy either Elizabeth or Coraline.

Coraline glanced over her shoulder when the first witch greeted her. When asked why she was armed, Coraline shrugged, "This is a war council, is it not? Where I'm from, being dressed for battle shows what you're capable of when war comes." There is a pause, only the armor's noise fills the hall. Eventually Coraline speaks again, "And Lorelai isn't protecting me."

When Clarissa decided to poke fun at Coraline, she stopped and turned to face the two witches. Her eyes locked onto Clarissa, "Everything you say, Lorelai hears, I wouldn't go provoking her when you think she isn't present. Keep your childish comments to yourself." Coraline turned and began heading down the hall again.

Triss rounded the corner and scowled at what she found. A woman armed to the teeth, Rebecca -who was rotting very nicely- and Clarissa. She thought about backing up, but by then they had probably already seen her. So, with a small forced smile, she began walking towards them.

The closer she got, the colder she felt, a weird sensation that must've been rolling off of one of them. She assumed it was little miss swords, because Rebecca and Clarissa didn't threaten her with frostbite the last time they met. Triss caught the edge of a retort from sassy sword lady, before she scampered off down the hall with a fresh dosage of ego. Triss watched her walk, then slowly made her way over to Rebecca and Clarissa. ”Morning, you two.”

"And a good morning to you as well, Triss. I take it you are heading to the meeting as well? At least Coraline dressed properly for the proceedings." Rebecca shrugged her shoulders and spoke to Clarissa. "I wouldn't worry about what Lorelai knows, if only because Lorelai knows everything that goes on around here already. " She walked down the halls after Coraline, beckoning Clarissa and Triss to follow her.

"She's still kinda scary though, I just don't like being alone with her." Clarissa picked up her pace, linking arms with Triss if only because she was pretty sure the young witch wouldn't appreciate it and she was feeling capricous. Once they'd caught up with Coraline she grinned at the knight. "You have to tell me... is she fondling your lady bits? I need to know... for my role as the castle gossip." She chuckled. "Very offical stuff."

Coraline walked ever forward, listening to the witches snicker and giggle behind her back. She rolled her eyes once or twice at a few comments but decided to not react again; it only satisfied them more. Coraline's temper had never truly recovered, even with her constant training with Charon's blade. The knight was amazed that she even made it that far down the hall without losing her patience with the women. Then Clarissa had to ask about Lorelai's other urges. Coraline kept a calm voice, but she sounded disinterested with the conversation at hand, "Is that all you care about? What Lorelai does in her bedchamber? I shouldn't need to remind you that your very way of life is threatened by a horde of angry hunters right now. You might not like it but I may one of the few people left to salvage the situation. Don't go burning that bridge."

"Yes, my only concern is who's fucking who, and who's pissed about that." Clarissa said sarcastically. "I'm just trying to make conversation Coraline, cut me some slack huh? Considering you've been woefully remiss in holding up your end." She winked a peace offering at the knight. "Now dish."

Triss tried to pull her arm away from Clarissa’s, but the other witch wasn't having it. To be difficult, Triss dropped her weight and forced Clarissa to drag her around. She stopped and straightened her stance when Clarissa approached ‘Coraline' and caused an explosion. Triss scowled at the Coraline, staring at her with a glare as sharp as the swords on her hip.

”The bridge is already burned, little one. Ever thought of discussing this with Lorelai, before you go making assumptions?” Triss said to the witch, who talked proudly but with a tone that gave off nothing. Triss wanted to investigate into the girl's mind, see what was really going on there, and what she was hiding. The thought made Triss want to drool, until she remembered she was supposed to be healing. Lorelai, always having to limit me. She thought, slightly irritated.

Triss didn't know if something had changed, she was going off of what Andri had told her during their time together. In an instant she had relaxed, and turned to Clarissa with a giggle. ”I already know who Lorelai is fucking, it's the little blonde one...Elizabeth. I helped her in the act a couple nights ago.”

"Elizabeth? Really?" Rebecca quirked an eyebrow. She hadn't been much for castle gossip, but this caught her off guard. "I'm surprised, to say the least. She and Lorelai didn't seem like a likely match, at least to my eyes. Still, you can never be sure when love will blossom, or when it will wither. It's a curious thing."

"Eh, she's blonde, and hot." Clarissa looked dissapointed. She doubted Lorelai 'loved' Elizabeth, surely a witch that old wasn't really capable of love anymore. "Makes enough sense if Lorelai's looking for a bedwarmer. Although the thought of stiff knight lady writhing was more amusing."

She looked to Triss. Petite and ill-tempered, just Lorelai's type if Vespa had been any indication. "You... helped? How did that work out? Please tell me that means what I think it does."

Coraline sighed as she overheard the conversation behind her. The topic had lost Coraline plenty of hours of sleep because of the blood pact. She rolled her shoulders and pressed on quietly, trying to not listen to the talking behind her. The hallway felt like it would never end.

Triss sighed, shaking her head at Clarissa. ”It doesn't, I just made Blondie lustful. I'm sure they had a swell night.” Triss smirked, before adding an afterthought to tease Clarissa. ”I did sleep with someone though.” She bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing, surprised when a blush found her cheeks instead.

Oh, it was too much, simply too much. The opportunity to mess with Clarissa's head (and Triss's too) was far beyond her capacity to pass up. "And you were very good at it, too. That thing with your fingers and tits... I'd have never thought of it myself." She winked in such a way that Triss could see it, but Clarissa couldn't. Hopefully, that would be enough to prevent mental torture in retribution. But she somewhat doubted it.

Clarissa immediately squealed in delight. "Yes! Oh yeah, now that is good." She released her hold on Triss and patted her arm proudly. "Lich and the mind witch, I couldn't make that up! Spare my stomach the details, but I must go and inform anyone and everyone of this most joyous occassion." She immediatly turned and skipped down the halls, stopping every witch she found.

Triss growled at Rebecca, as Clarissa went running down the halls to tell everyone they had sex. Andri, Alphonse, everyone would hear the lie. Someone had hell to pay, and that someone was the rotting redhead in front of her. Her eyes swept over Rebecca's frame, glowing a bright green. ”Why did you do that?” She asked simply, her voice sickeningly sweet as she tried to lock eyes with the witch

"Because it was a great story. I do not regret it in the slightest." Rebecca caught a green flash in Triss's eyes and realized just how deep in trouble she was. Still, she was ready. If Triss wanted to root around in her deepest, darkest moments, she hoped the other witch was prepared for what she'd find.

”If you say so.” Triss replied, calm and collected as her eyes found Rebecca's. It took her only a moment, and she was in. Surprisingly, there were hardly any walls for Triss to go around. Triss liked this, the fact that Rebecca was ready to face the consequences of her actions. She had wanted to make the witch scream and jump like a fool, but she figured she could lesser the punishment. Who was she kidding? Of course she wouldn't do that.

Triss traversed the planes of Rebecca's mind, rubbing her hands together in preparation. There was happiness, anger, sadness, all things one would expect in a normal person's mind. Triss was ready to back out, disappointed but still furious, when she found it. In the deep recesses of Rebecca's mind, hidden by a thin veil of acceptance, was the perfect subject.

A ball of agony, panic, and fright, in a concentrated mass so large it made Triss look like a cowering ant. The screams coming from it were priceless, potent and extreme. Was it too much, to draw this out? Triss knew it was, but she could care less. She took a small amount, something that would only last a few agonizing minutes. With the saddening realization she could have taken more and made it worse, Triss planted the memory in the front of Rebecca's thoughts, and pulled out.

Triss stood there, arms crossed in satisfaction, as she waited for the effect to kick in and take hold. She would consider Lorelai's possible explosion later, for now she would enjoy her small victory.

The pain. Oh god, she'd almost forgotten what pain felt like, not having dealt with it in her new state. Almost. Rebecca crumbled in an agonized heap, as the excruciating feeling made her vomit a black, fetid substance. And that was only the beginning.

Next was the fear. What if... what if it didn't work? Would her mind and soul be trapped in the crystal, in the darkness, for all eternity? She only had one chance at this, and the consequences were terrifying if she failed. She whimpered uncontrollably, reduced to a truly pitiful state.

Triss’ eyes widened, as Rebecca collapsed in a heap one could hardly look at. Triss felt disgusted with herself, an emotion she didn't know she was capable of feeling in such a heightened state. She was becoming soft, she realized, as she ran to Rebecca and cradled the panicked mass in her arms. ”Oh drat...look what I've done.” She muttered softly, looking around her for someone who was good at comforting people.

The moonlight glinted off the knife she held just under her breast. With a shock, the witch realized she wouldn't be able to hold it in about half a minute. She made a clean, wide slice through skin and bone alike, reached into it, and-

With a start, Rebecca snapped back to the present to see Triss, of all people, with her arms wrapped around her. Rebecca's voice was something between a whisper and a croak. "Other witches have asked me what it's like to die. Now, you have some small idea."

”My apologies, Rebecca.” Triss said softly, simple but sincere. She rocked the witch, avoiding eye contact as she swept away the hair from her face. What she had done was low, and she understood that, but it was in the past now and she had already given Rebecca an apology. ”My reaction to your joke was vile, forgive me.”

"Not near as vile as the joke itself. I deserved far worse. I thank you for leaving the worst parts out of it, at least." Rebecca wiped a bit of filth from her mouth. "My behavior was repugnant, and you responded in kind. Let it end here."

Triss nodded, smiling brightly. ”It is in the past now, I think leaving it there is better than stewing over it.” Triss strained, trying her hardest to pull Rebecca up gently. The girl was bigger than Triss, so it was a strenuous task. ”Rebecca, can you stand? We still need to head to the conference…” She laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

Rebecca worked herself to her feet. "Yes, indeed." She rubbed a bit of... something... out of her robes. Best not to think about what it was. She strode off towards the Great Hall, looking far more prim and proper than would have seemed possible just a few minutes ago.

Triss followed a few steps behind Rebecca, watching to make sure she didn't trip and fall. Everyone that shot them looks or laughs at their expense would receive an icy glare in return, and most of the witches that saw what had happened gave Triss a wide berth. Triss realized that she was a live wire, that would sting most of the people around her, and that satisfied her until she realized how horrible she felt after the incidents. I need to talk to Lorelai about this after the meeting.

The Grand hall was an appropriately massive room given its name. Several long tables ran down the length of the impressive room, atop them sat cold-iron daggers. One for each witch they were stabbed into the wood of the table. Cold-iron had a long history amongst witches. A bane against the wondrous fey and the twisted entities of the Tellurian it symbolized the end of dreams, and the beginning of bloody days.

At the head of the room was the seat of the Matriarch, and in it sat Medusa in her ritual finery. Seated to her right was Lorelai and Elizabeth clad in their battle regalia, and at her left were two empty seats reserved for the spirits of the Elders. As the witch's filtered in they whispered amongst themselves.

"What do you think our odds are?" Medusa turned to Lorelai.

"I don't count odds Medusa, I kill our enemies." Lorelai replied cooly. "Leave that to those that have time for it."

Alphonse nodded to himself in silent agreement, one with the shadows of the Main Hall. He spread his awareness throughout the room. Tonight could be tense, it was best to be ready.

Phagora made her way into the room, not daring to meet the eyes of either Lorelai or Medusa. She knew it was her actions that were largely responsible for the necessity of this meeting. She dreaded her punishment. A silver brand, a crown of lavender, or something more... final? She had no idea, and not knowing made it all the worse.

Medusa offered Phagora a small smile as the witch crept into the room. "What do you plan to do with Phagora, Lorelai? I think she realizes her position."

Lorelai shrugged. "I might peel her skin off, or flay her, maybe burn her alive. I haven't decided yet." She sighed. "I'll likely offer her the opportunity to die in the war, that will make my decision easy enough."

She eyed the woman. "She might make for a juicy chew toy for Sousiel, she's been agitated lately." She mused. "No matter, hardly time for that now."

Perhaps one could consider it a piece of luck that the path from Andri's chamber to the Great Hall did not lead through the same hallway Triss, Rebecca, Clarissa and Coraline were using. If the rumor about Triss and Rebecca had already reached his ears, it would have given Khan a terrible 'There you go! Forget about all these lies, at the bottom end people just want to do the same thing I want to do!'-victory. If he had seen Triss using her power on the other witch as a revenge, it would have severely destabilized their relationship.

Now the assassin entered the Great Hall using another entrance, a place where the likelihood of anyone delivering any new rumors to him was dramatically increased, given the number of witches around here. His mood was moderate, mainly determined by the outcome of his meeting with Lorelai. It was great to have found a new harbor, but it also put the bottom line under him not being a hunter anymore. He would continue doing his job here, but the targets would be different. Yet he planned on not giving up his policy of examining the selection before going to work.

Saen was the next to make her way into the Great Hall. She slithered in, looking around at the other witches filing in. Her tongue flicked in and out, tasting the strange odor on the air. Not fear per se, but... nervousness? Yes, that was the right word. She could feel it in the very air around her. So many witches, uncertain about what the future would bring. Whatever happened, it would certainly be interesting.

Alyssa bore a smirk on her face as she strode into the hall. Evidently Triss had elected to mate with Rebecca... the lich. That was rich, even by her standards. Rebecca was nice enough, by all reports, but had too many... shortcomings to be a viable sexual partner. The only conclusion then, was that Triss was psychotic, or delightfully strange.

Her face brightened as she spied Saen's serpentine form. She nearly knocked over several young witches as she made her way towards the lamia. "Good morning Saen! I have the best story to tell you."

"Well, that's ironic. I have something to tell you, too." Her voice dropped to a low whisper. "I laid my... our clutch of eggs last night. Three of them. They're in blankets in my room. I wanted you to see them before I put them in the nest." Saen waited patiently for Alyssa's reaction. This truly would be the moment when she learned whether the other witch was ready to be a parent.

Alyssa's face brightened further, and paradoxicly apprehension came over her features. She was going to be a mother, with children, that would look up to her, and learn behaviours from her. She was elated, but at the same she was very aware of how little she knew about motherhood.

She alternated between dancing and deep breathing, as the two emotions went to war across her chest. Finally she returned her attention to Saen, smiling brightly. "That makes my gossip seem incredibly stupid." She took a deep breath. "Triss and Rebecca did the deed. Can I see them after the meeting?"

"Of course." The first part of Alyssa's statement seemed to hit full force after the second. "Wait a minute... you mean..." All the color seemed to vanish from Saen's scales as the implications, and worse yet, definitely unwanted visuals played merry havoc in her head. "Oh. Oh my. I'm- I'm going to need some time to pry this out of my skull."

"Right!?" Alyssa giggled. "It's so delightfully depraved. I'm half tempted to ask Triss for the details, but I'm pretty sure I don't want them." She grinned. "Clarissa seemed to think it was wonderful, that Rebecca had found a partner or something."

She shuddered. "The strangeness of witches I suppose. Although I guess we should be wishing them well, instead of imagining the specifics of their passion."

"That is true. And we're ones to talk, besides."

"Your charms are self evident." Alyssa's face colored lightly. "Rebecca's would take a great deal of explanation."

At that moment, Rebecca and Triss came into the room, and everyone just... stopped. The entire coven went dead silent, and all eyes turned to them. Apparently, Clarissa couldn't keep her big mouth shut. Rebecca shuddered. She was going to strangle the damned shadowmaster when this was over.

All the witches pointed at them and muttered under their breaths, but they stopped dead when Triss’ eyes flashed a bright green. Most young witches averted their eyes, or turned to go talk in a quiet corner. This satisfied Triss, but she kept the corner of her eyes flashing as a warning. ”Rebecca, you've screwed us.” She hissed, turning to look at the rotting lych.

”Where do we start with damage control?” Triss asked, her eyes sweeping the room in a dark glare. She wanted to make them all scream, just like Rebecca had. No, she wanted to do worse, she wanted to make them have vivid nightmares of their horrific deaths for the rest of the- she really needed to talk to Lorelai.

"Uh. at this point, we're far beyond damage control. I think all we can do is try to play it off as a one-night sort of thing." Rebecca stared down at the stone floor. This couldn't possibly get any worse.

Triss fumed, her nostrils flaring like a bull ready to charge. ”Come now, Rebecca. There has to be something we can do, someone I can maim. Where's Clarissa? I want her to writhe in pain for telling the castle.” She scanned the crowd, but Clarissa was probably still telling the lie. ”This is malarkey.

"There's a few nasty plagues I could give her, but I don't want the rest of the castle getting sick." As Triss complained about how Clarissa was going to scream for her actions, Rebecca had no choice but to agree. "Just leave her alive, please. I want to have some fun of my own with that slimy bitch. And yes, this is a load of horse dung."

"Which slimy bitch is that?" Said Clarissa cheerily. She'd quickly lapped the castle and told anyone and everyone of the joyous occasion. Strangely she hadn't gotten the reaction she'd anticipated, some witches even lost their breakfast. While it was dissapointing she was simply happy to have spread the word. "Does someone dissaprove?"

Triss glared daggers at Clarissa, balling her fists and preparing to attack the witch. ”You! You're the slimy bitch who didn't wait five seconds for me to deny Rebecca's lie! I swear to the Lord above I'm going to hurt you, your mind will be a bigger hellhole than the abyss itself!” The only reason she didn't lunge then and there was because there were other witches around, and she didn't want Lorelai to see. Her eyes glowed brighter than they had in awhile, causing spots to appear in the eyes of witches that were caught in her gaze.

I don't believe this: She did it. With that heap of leaking, rottin' flesh! I really hope she takes a very decent bath before she dares to touch you again! Khan's voice was full of artificial venom. His hosts presence in the Great Hall, pretty much as one could have expected, hadn't lasted long until a young, twirly witch had unwittingly put oil into the demon worm's fire while exposing it to forced ventilation. Khan... You're such a flip-flopper. I can remotely remember you telling me something about 'necrophilia'! You need to understand that even demons sometimes pull off a joke! If only yours would be a bit more fun... Oh... if you would be so gentle to nudge your attention into the correct corner of your view you'd see that the party's boiling over with Triss over there... Khan let go of a low, but rather ugly laughter.

Despite the large number of persons in the hall, it was a really easy task to spot and keep track of him. The hunter didn't wait for witches to make way for him. They had to hurry if they didn't want to be pushed aside by his body - it shortened the time requirement significantly. When he approached the trio, Andri could see that Triss was... busy. The reason was anonymous to him, but not so the anger. He had prepared for a mainly neutral greeting with no amusement about what everyone seemed to be talking about leaking from it, but the new situation made this plan waste paper. "Hey! What's going on here ?" the hunter attempted to get the attention before something probably really nasty took place.

Oh, shit. Rebecca had already gotten her well-deserved comeuppance, but whatever Triss was going to do to Clarissa could be even nastier. Rebecca knew firsthand just how unrestrained Khan was, and if he had heard this story, well, the results would be ugly. Andri himself wasn't wasn't a problem, though. Thank goodness for small favors.

She backed up behind Triss, not wanting to be a part of this any more than she already was.

Clarissa burst into laughter. "I'm so sorry!" She managed between giggles. It took her nearly a minute to calm herself, and when she had she was wiping tears from her cheeks. "Here I thought you and Rebecca were happily mating vigorously. It's dissapointing to discover that you're not."

She smiled over Triss' shoulder at Rebecca. "No worries, love springs eternal and all that. I'm sure you'll find someone that recognizes your charms." She patted Triss' shoulder. "I'll see what I can do to clear this up, but you'll understand if I don't let you wreak havoc in my mind? That just doesn't sound fun at all."

Before anyone else could add to the rapidly escalating debaucle Medusa's voice boomed out over the hall, bringing the witches back to the task at hand. "Brothers and Sisters!"

The lights in the room dimmed except for the one that lit the small podium at which Medusa now stood. "Some of you are aware of a captive that escaped recently, some of you are even aware that the captive was a hunter."

Medusa paused to look over the faces of the witches gathered here, that called her castle home. "We now have confirmation that he'll be leading the hunters of Seren's Folly back to our home." Her voice betrayed her sorrow at what was to come. "They come with the intent to remove what they see as a blight on their world, and they will not show mercy."

She extended at arm towards Lorelai, who was still seated behind her. "I hearby name Lorelai Von'Strauss our Matriarch in this our darkest hour, and invite her to speak to you. Lorelai's long been defending our home, and she'll need all of your help in the coming months. I expect you all to serve her faithfully."

Lorelai nodded at Medusa as the woman returned to her seat. She stood and made her way grimmly to the podium. "I don't have any pretty words for you brothers and sisters, it will fall to each witch to make peace with what is to come, with what must be done."

"What I do have is a promise. If every witch does their part, and staves off despair, we'll see the end of this." Her voice was calm and resolved. "So, to begin."

She removed a roll of parchment from her robes and layed it over the podium. "I need all soldier-witches to report to Elizabeth." She gestured to the huntress. "She'll be using my office in her official role as my General. The lounge of my tower has also been repurposed into a war room. Her commands are mine, and insubordination with her with meet with the expected results."

"Saen, as the coven treasurer and relic hunter I'd like to dispatch you to the Altmeri. Their griffons can ensure supplies long after a possible seige, take someone with you of your choice for your protection, and leave by tomorrow morning." She continued to read from her scroll. "Green witches, I need the flower gardens converted into producing food in anticipation of the same event."

"Summoner witches, it falls to you to maintain the first line of defense. You'll be given a stipend of sacrifices and stones to keep your reserves healthy, I expect you to stretch them as far as they'll go." Lorelai finally looked up from her scroll, her face impassive. "I expect everyone to report for duty after lunch, I'll give you until then to ensure your things are in order."

"Your General would like to speak to you now." She stepped away from the podium and returned to her seat.

Elizabeth stepped up to the podium, wearing her armor, the crests of the Von’Strauss clan gleaming proudly on the shoulders. She had prepared a speech, to try and ease the negative reactions of witches that didn't think she was capable. She wanted them to trust her, not just listen to her because they would be punished by Lorelai.

She had her piece of parchment at the ready in front of her, but like any good Lady, she wouldn't be using it. Her eyes scanned the crowd, passionate but not hard. She wanted to be someone they could get along with. ”As you all know, I have been appointed as the General in this war. This is not because of my ties with Lorelai, but because I am capable.” She spoke with the swaying tone of a politician, her voice carrying across the room.

”I know strategy, I am capable of making decisions for the betterment of those working under me, and I plan on getting us through the war.” A hint of a smile found Liz’s face, a subtle encouragement. ”Yes, I was once a hunter, all of you know me as such. Though that was true, my loyalties no longer fall with our enemies. I am asking you all to accept me as your General, not because I believe witches aren't capable on their own, but because if we are united with a single mission and a well formed plan, our chances of success will increase tenfold. Thank you.” She turned, and walked with a straightened back and a set jaw to her seat.

The lights flared back to full strength as the gathered witches began to leave. Whispered conversations filled the room along with the soft sobbing of the young. Their eyes drifted occasionally to Elizabeth, the first topic of concern. Some gave her nodds of approval, most gave her a wary look, and still others bore looks of contempt and disdain.

Elina glanced between Lorelai and Elizabeth, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Curious isn't it?" A pout curved her lips as she drew herself to her feet, limping lightly on her new leg as she exited the Grand Hall.

Phagora let out a deep, barely concealed sigh of relief. Her status as the one who released Mat was well known, and she'd feared the worst would be her punishment. Now, it seemed like she might get away clean. Then again, she might not. She spied Lorelai's icy visage as she stood to leave, her finger crooked at her in the univeral symbol of 'get over here'.

Apparently, she'd thought too soon. Phagora walked over to the new matriarch wearing an expression that screamed 'Put me in the deepest, darkest pit of Hell for all eternity! I don't care! Just get me out of here!' "Did you have a special task for me, Lorelai?" Phagora asked, trying desperately to play the faux ignorance card.

"Indeed, Phagora, I did." Lorelai's tone could cut steel as she beheld the object of her most murderous desires. "You, my dear Phagora, are going to be Elizabeth's bitch. If she says jump, you jump, if she says die, you die. You will keep her alive and as stress free as possible, and ensure she doesn't receive any undue resistance from the rest of our covenmates."

She paused for a moment, as the overwhelming desire to bathe the woman in fire sent smoke billowing from her nostrils. "...If she says she's satisfied with your service you may yet live when this is all said and done. Are we clear?'

The smoke wafting from Lorelei's nose unnerved the tiefling. What had she done to herself? Be that as it may, Phagora nodded. There was nothing more she could say anyways. She scurried off towards Elizabeth to get her first set of instructions.

Elizabeth was sitting in her seat, her posture perfect as she bashed herself for her horrible speech. She could have done better, swayed more people. She had seen those looks, and while the nods made her feel great, everything else was like a boulder on her back. She jumped as a witch approached her, rushed and slightly...afraid? Elizabeth stood up from her seat, looking at the girl with a great bit of concern. ”Are you okay? Is there anything I can help you with?”

"Actually, that's the same question I was about to ask you. Lorelai has decreed that I am to be your personal servant. Do you have any tasks for me?" There was no snark or sass from Phagora's lips. She was smart enough to realize that her very life was in this woman's hands.

Elizabeth pursed her lips, shooting a loving glance at Lorelai. It was so sweet of her, to have taken the time to pick out an assistant. Elizabeth strolled off the stage, beckoning the girl to follow with her hand. ”I plan to go to Lorelai's office and prepare for the soldier-witches, it would be a great help if you accompanied me. What is your name? I am Elizabeth, Elizabeth C. James.” Of course the witch knew who she was, but it was always polite to address oneself.

"I'm Phagora. Shall we get to work, then, General? I see no reason to tarry here."

”Of course not, the sooner we get this done, the more time we'll have to relax.” Elizabeth took fast strides all the way to Lorelai's office, and when they arrived she opened the door for Phagora. ”So, will you help me clear her desk of scrolls? I need a lot of parchment and ink, too, but I'll get those things.”

Elina and her hulking demonic servitor strode into the room, her eyes scanning the modifications Liz had made since the last time she'd been in here. Her brow furrowed in irritation, she'd liked it just the way it was. Turning to the blonde huntress she performed a small curtsey. "Hello, I'm Elina Ruvina. I'm a... healer. I don't know if that makes me a soldier, but it seems that they'd be who I was working with."

"Might I be of assistance?" She added with a small smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Elizabeth turned to Elina, her smile freezing before it could affect the rest of her face. This was Lorelai's past lover, the one that had put her into a slump. Soon though, Elizabeth's features had returned to normal, and she decided to play it off as though she had been surprised. ”Hello Elina! Come, take a seat at the desk and I'll get some directions written for you. Phagora, would you be so kind as to get me that parchment and ink I was talking about? Possibly a quill, too.”

Elizabeth gestured to the desks before her, and took a sat in Lorelai's chair. She grabbed Lorelai's pipe, stuffing some tobacco inside and lighting it, just for the aromatic scent that filled the room. She wasn't a smoker herself, but the smell reminded her of time in her father's study. ”You would be with the soldier witches, actually. They would be in the front line, and you and the fellow healers would stay towards the castle to take in any wounded found on the battlefield.”

Elina frowned as Elizabeth sat in Lorelai's chair, that didn't set very well with the silver-haired girl, seeing an unfamiliar face looking out from the Von'Strauss' throne. She took a seat in the same chair she always had when she'd come to visit. Her mouth opened to reply, closing swiftly once she saw the nearly blashphemous sight of the blonde whore smoking from Lorelai's pipe.

"That sounds very workable." She managed. "Excuse me, Elizabeth, but what is you and Lorelai's relationship?"

Elizabeth's face was cool under the pressure Elina was putting on her, she smiled merrily and phrased her next words in her mind before she spoke them. ”Lorelai and I are lovers, I am also her Dragon Knight. What was your relationship with Lorelai?” She cocked an eyebrow, inhaling the smell of burning tobacco to calm her. She knew full well what Elina had done to Lorelai, but she wouldn't become aggressive over things of the past.

Elina closed her eyes. So the whore had already seduced Lorelai, she'd applaud her ability were it not so irritating. "I was hoping to win back her affection, but it seems someone's already siezed my seat." She frowned at the woman. "I'm Vespa's sister, me and Lorelai have been close for years. Now I'm her apprentice of sorts I suppose."

She smiled, wanting to tease the huntress a little. "Have you seen her... thing, you know... her penis?" Her eyes sparked with mischief.

Elizabeth kept the same, cool face. She wouldn't let Elina's words break her down, she wouldn't experience jealousy. Last night, Lorelai had given herself to her, not Elina. ”I give apologies where they are due, but Lorelai has voiced her opinion. I hope you two are having fun working together though.” She smiled, but it was weak.

”I have seen her penis, yes. Have you felt her tail?” Elizabeth laughed, but her cheeks went pink at the thought of what had conspired last night.

"Her tail!?" Elina's eyes went wide as her cheeks colored to match Elizabeth's. "Where did she get a tail?"

”She has plenty of new tricks, now that she's conquered her Dragon.” Elizabeth's eyes twinkled and her chest puffed out a little. ”I was so proud of her accomplishment. Enough about that though, what else is there to discuss for the healers? Let me get you some written assignments and rules.”

"Yes, although we'll have to gossip some later." Elina rested a hand on her stomach, hoping for the first time that she was pregnant, that would give her something Liz didn't have. Unless Lorelai had managed to impregnate the huntress as well, the very thought of that sent shivers of rage down the young Rivina's spine.

”Of course, I'll try to find the time. Things are busier now, though.” Elizabeth gave Elina a sad half-smile, dipping her quill into the inkpot before her and writing down some rules on the parchment. ”Since you are a healer, you will not be leaving your workstation unless you are specifically called to the battlefield for a paralysis situation or any other situation where a person can not be moved...such as impalings. You will not refuse service to anyone brought to you, unless they are from the enemy side.” She looked up, watching to see if Elina understood her instructions so far.

"As you wish, General Elizabeth." She replied simply. The rules seemed simple enough, although she didn't relish the thought of being chained to a healing station. "I'll need a steady stream of live sacrifices, or to borrow you lover, to keep my reserves healthy."

Elizabeth nodded, glad to have cooperation. ”No need to call me General, everyone that comes into my office is in equal grounds with me. I'm simply around to give instructions to those who need them.” She smiled, passing Elina the rule form with a few other notes about manners towards patients, and how to focus attention between someone who needs a cut covered and someone with a mortal wound. ”As for your supplies, I will make sure to see to that. Make your souls last, we need to distribute them to every able witch.”

"Of course General." Elina stood, tucking the document under her arm. "If you'll excuse me I'd like to catch Lorelai before she gets to busy, unless there was anything else?"

Elizabeth shook her head, waving Elina off. ”No, I believe we're set. Have a nice day, Elina. Do give Lorelai my best wishes, if she has to leave before I see her again.” Elizabeth focused again on transcribing more rule sheets.

Alphonse was hopeful, seeing that many of the witches were willing to give Liz a chance. He couldn't concentrate on the consequences of the meeting tonight however, as his senses were able to pick up many of the conversations between witches before and after the meeting.
"That's disgusting!" One said, "I didn't even think a Lich could feel anything....down there." another might say. "I'd heard they were lovers from before they came to the castle." Alphonse was incredulous himself, but supposed that it made sense though. The witches of this castle only seemed to open their hearts to their fellow women. Even a male Witch was only truly good for his service. At least he wouldn't have to endure the trials of women in the abyss. Still, it did seem unlikely.

Alphonse pulled himself together behind a pillar, and walked out into the dispersing witches as if he had been standing there the whole time. Quickly, he found Triss.
"You and Rebecca huh?" He said simply. A smile on his face, as if he were telling a funny joke.

Triss was ready to shout a long speech at Clarissa, her words having been held during the meeting. She wanted to maim the witch, but it didn't seem like Rebecca was backing her up anymore. Plus, Clarissa had treated it like a silly joke, and Triss was worn and tired.

Triss turned to leave and throw things in her room, ending up standing before Alphonse. Her heart pounded at his words, she felt defeated. ”No, Rebecca and I never happened. It was a joke that went horribly out of proportion.” She looked up at him, her eyes pleading for understanding. ”You know it's a joke, right? That's why you're smiling? Clarissa and Rebecca will explain it to you.”

"It's true, just a joke I elected to spread around the castle out of excitement." Clarissa picked up on what was happening quickly. "It made for a good story though, but I could understand if you'd disagree Mr. Shadow." She flashed her best apologetic grin.

It did sound just like Clarissa to spread a rumor with absolutely no substance to it. Then again that was perfectly convenient for a conspiracy. Perhaps Triss was trying to make herself vulnerable to the Lich in another attempt to end her life. Alphonse thought too much. He shook his head.
"Who came up with this crazy story?" He said, apparently amused.

Saen made her way towards the conversation. "I don't know, but whoever did has a diseased mind. I approve of it." The lamia's eyes spread around the room. "As I am no fighter, I need someone who is to come with me. Does anyone have recommendations?"

"Ya know, I'd really love to, but I have some previous engagements in hell." Alphonse said, not enthusiastically at all. "Maybe...no, Aeryn's gone.... maybe Alyssa? She seems plenty dangerous."

"No, Alyssa has... other responsibilities I'd like her to take care of. In fact, I need to see her about them. Excuse me." Saen slithered off, looking for the demon summoner.

”Engagement in hell?” Triss asked, unsurprised that he didn't tell her beforehand. She looked longingly into his eyes, wanting to talk to him privately before he left. She ignored the question about who spread the lie, though he seemed amused, he could get upset. ”You should tell me about it before you head out, I'm curious.” She smiled, hoping that would be a good enough invitation, they really hadn't talked in awhile.

Alphonse's smile became more genuine at her invitation. He had been trying to give her some space after their last....conversation. Besides, it would break his heart to say no to that face. If there was ever a time to try to break down barriers, it was now. "Sure, I'll tell you all about it while we're alone."

Triss smiled, the world dissolving around her as she experienced the happiness she felt when Alphonse was around. They would finally get to catch up, and she could tell him farewell before he left to do his task. ”There's no better time than now.” She suggested, taking his hand and leading him out of the room.

Alyssa watched Elizabeth leave the stage with Phagora, with Elina stalking not too far behind. 'That's an explosion waiting to happen.' She thought to herself. She turned to Saen as she approaced, a worried frown on her face. "Saen, I'll pack my things after I see the eggs."

"I don't want you to go with me, Alyssa. The eggs are going to hatch while we're away, and I want their mother to be the first thing they see." A brief spark of an idea seemed to cross Saen's face, but the lamia quickly dismissed it. "You aren't going, and that's final."

Alyssa groaned. "Saen, I can hardly entrust you to anyone else. I've met the den mothers, and they're capable women." She surveyed the lamia's face. "There was an idea there Saen... what was it?"

"Do you have some sort of enchanted item we can use to keep the eggs warm and protected while we travel? Like a thick blanket or something? I'd make one myself, but my skills in that area are nonexistent, to put it mildly."

Alyssa thought for a moment, before nodding. "I'll get Lorelai to loan me her impskin bedroll, that would do the job nicely." She grinned. "Now that that's settled I believe I have eggs to see, and packing to do." She linked arms with the lamia happily

Saen nodded, and the two went up the stairs to the lamia's room. Saen opened the door and said, "There they are." Three nearly perfectly round eggs, bright red in color and looking like they were covered in crystalline sugar. Each was about the size of a man's hand. "They don't look like much, but that's our family in there."

Alyssa gazed at the eggs with wide-eyed reverance. Her hands reached out hesitantly to graze her fingers along the tops. "W-when do they hatch?"

"Six or seven days, though they will need tender care for a long time after that. Children can be such fragile things, regardless of the species." Saen began packing her things. "Hopefully, there will be someone to tend to their needs when we reach our destination."

"If nothing else I can make a pact with a brood demon." Alyssa said, not removing her eyes from the eggs. "Saen?... I've killed alot of people... sometimes for fun. Is it really okay for me to be a parent?"

"People can change, Alyssa. And if you ever take the dark path, I'll keep them, and you, safe."
@Fetzen That would be amazing, I've been struggling to create one with my woefully limited artistic talents. I'll PM you with some details when I get the chance. Thank you very much

in collaboration with @SunsetRoses, @Fetzen, and @Wildeyes

"Pinpricks of Light"

The day after Matrim's escape

It was midday in the castle. Triss was walking back from lunch to the secret place Alphonse had shown her. She enjoyed the solitude there, and the fresh air was a welcome change from the relative stuffiness of her room. As eventful as yesterday was, she was looking forward to a long day of peace and quiet. When she reached the battlements, she found Alphonse himself standing there. Apparently waiting for her. At first she felt elated, but she noticed that his stance was stiff, as if weary. If he were here to relax, he would be lounging on the edge of the crenellation, or even napping in a shady corner. For all the stiffness he bore, he still greeted with a smile.

"Triss, Matrim escaped last night." He said tiredly. He invited her to sit with him. "I spent all last night scouring the grounds for him, but couldn't find anything. Can you please tell me what you were doing with him last night?"

Triss automatically stiffandd, at the news of Matrim’s escape. Then she relaxed, because it was mostly her fault. A small, almost irrelevant particle of her was relieved for the man, he had been so shaken after what she had done to him. She didn't accept Alphonse's invitation, remaining where she stood. ”That is a true shame, he must be in the town then.”

Triss opened her book to a random page, and stared down at it, ignoring his question about what she had been doing. That was something she couldn't say, not because she had been doing it for Medusa...but because she had enjoyed it so much. Making Matrim crazy was something she regretted now, but yesterday it had been all in good fun. ”You know, this book is great.”

Alphonse looked at Triss quizically. It hurt, that she would hide something from him. He had hoped that the intimacy they had shared might....he didn't know what it might. It didn't matter now, he was on business, dammit. Still, he kept his voice soft and steady even as he pulled Triss's book away.

"Triss, you said last night that it was your fault. You went to Mat's room, and a fire broke out. You were tied to a chair. I know for a fact that Matrim had been given relative freedom within the castle, and comfortable lodgings. Medusa wouldn't have given him that if she didn't think he would behave. So what changed? What could have happened that would make you blame yourself? Why are you trying to hide this from me?"

Triss growled as the book was pulled from her hands, a low guttural sound she didn't know she could produce. She looked up, and for a moment her eyes flashed green as her powers surged involuntarily. She had just made her way into Alphonse's mind when she pulled out. He would have seen it, possibly felt it, but the only sign she gave off that something was wrong was the slight raise of her brow.

Triss reached out for her book, slowly and calmly. ”I'm not hiding anything, Alphonse. I came here to relax, can I please have my book?” She placed her fingers on the leather that bound the volume, daring Alphonse to keep it from her. ”It was my fault, because I used my powers on him. Simple as that. Any other questions, before I take my leave?” She had planned to come here and relax, but those plans were ruined, and once she got her book she would return to her stuffy room.

Alphonse felt the intrusion into his mind like a knife hurtling for his throat He readied a defense, but never felt the impact. Alphonse held the book up, close to his chest. "Was it by Medusa's order?" He held the book still, staring at her dead in the eye even as his insides writhed. He wanted to talk to her more. To find out why she had nearly attacked him. What her problem was, but right now he needed to know who was responsible. Fucking responsibilites. Incompetent stupid guards. He needed a drink.

Alphonse was far too close to figuring her out, and as much as Triss wanted him to find out and accept it, she feared he would leave her. The simplest answer was to leave first, but it wasn't as simple when he could follow her in the shadows. She would have to give him an explanation, but avoid telling the full truth.

Looking him in the eyes caused her pain, where it used to make her stomach flutter. ”I apologize.” She said simply, not having to tell him why she was apologizing. ”It was Medusa's orders, but I took it too far.” She took a few steps back, dropping her eyes and observing the grass as though it were interesting.

Alphonse looked at Triss, he could see that there was more than she was telling. He'd seen pain like it before, felt it. Whatever she had done, it had driven the hunter mad. He didn't know why she would do such a thing. Maybe practice for Lorelai? Whatever, there was no need for that anymore. He was glad to have this business behind him. He lowerred the book and handed it to Triss, putting it into the path of her gaze. When she looked up, he was wearing one of his old easy smiles.

"Was that so hard? You can talk to me, any time. I don't mean to be all boogey man, it just sort of comes naturally after so long." He gave her a wink. "

Triss grabbed the book, stuffing it into the pocket on her dress. She looked up at Alphonse, his smile and wink making her heart speed up. She couldn't trust him with her craziness, but she could damn well enjoy his presence. With a grin, she wrapped her arms around him. ”In time, my dear. For now, some things are best kept private.” She realized with a small chill that she wasn't that different from Matrim, but unlike him, she didn't have anyone to bring out the crazy...except herself.

Later that night...

Lorelai made her way to Medusa’s personal garden. A hunter had escaped, and was now leading the hunters of Seren’s Folley to her doorstep. Liz had gone to talk some sense into them, and may die for her attempt. Someone was going to explain what happened to her, and suffer accordingly with what they’d cost the coven. She’d have to take extra from them for what they had cost her.

Medusa perked up at Lorelai’s arrival, her eyes examining the new Dragonmarks across the woman’s arm and leg. They glowed an angry red in the night’s darkness. ”Lorelai, I see you return victorious. I was worried.”

”Yes, and to some startling news. Hunters bearing down on us?” Lorelai’s voice was hard, but she returned Medusa’s smile. ”Who’s head do I get to put on a pike?”

Medusa let out a bitter chuckle. ”Honestly? I’ve been too busy preparing to get to the bottom of this. If and when you find them… well I’ll defer to your sense of justice.” She smiled wryly. ”We are at war after all… Matriarch.”

”Good, I’ll get us through this long night Medusa.” Lorelai grinned wickedly. ”Be it peace, or blood.”

”Somewhere out there is a little witch that is going to discover how hot my fire burns.” She turned and left Medusa to her work.

Medusa couldn’t help but shiver as she watched Lorelai walk away. It was comforting to know that the coven was in the Dragon’s capable talons, she’d never been to war herself, but shuddered at what this may cost them. ”Good luck Triss, better you than me. Make yourself useful and she may spare you yet.” She whispered to herself.

Alphonse was luxuriating, resting his head in Triss's soft lap. Her radiant smile dominated his vision as she fed him another grape. He had never though he could enjoy such peace while in the presence of another person. Simply sharing some one else's presence filled him with a peace that had escaped him for as long as he could remember. Still, a small part of Alphonse was discontent. Despite the time they had spent together, he still felt like there was a lot that she was holding back. Oh well, perhaps later. Bird song filled his ears as a disturbance approached.

"What have we here?" Lorelai said brightly as she rounded the last shrub concealing the two lover's hiding spot. "Excellent! Just the two people I was looking for."

Triss’ head snapped in Lorelai's direction, and with a blush she put down the grapes she was feeding Alphonse. ”Hello there, Lorelai. Might I ask why you were seeking us?” She feigned surprise at the interruption, but she already knew why Lorelai was there. The thing she didn't know, was how Lorelai would approach the situation.

Lorelai smiled softly at the pair, Alphonse looked relaxed, happy even. He deserves at least that much, considering what he may have to do She thought to herself. "Well, I was looking for Al to fill him in on the details of my trip."

She turned her gaze on Triss. "And as you where evidently the last one to see Matrim before his daring escape, I was hoping you might help me find the witch responsible." She grinned. "So I can boil her skin off and make a rug out of it... or likely something more tame, I haven't decided yet."

"Lay off Lore, no need for that." Alphonse said from Triss's lap. He pulled himself up. "Medusa saw fit to have her influence Mat's mind without any sort of security. No doubt as a part of the plot to release your inner desires and reign chaos over the entire convent." Alphonse was relaxed, saying his words with practiced ease. "Fortunately, we both know that that isn't going to happen, so no worries, right? It's not the poor girl's fault that Medusa didn't station proper security for the man."

”Oh, Alphonse is such a dear isn't he? Trying to make things better for me.” Triss got up, catching her bearings and smoothing down the wrinkles on her dress. She moved over to Alphonse, planting a kiss on his forehead before she had to face her imminent doom. She looked at Lorelai, smiling brightly. ”He doesn't know the half of it, Lorelai. It was I who let the prisoner escape, you might as well get the pot boiling. Medusa requested guards but I said no to them, so I could play with Matrim like a cat plays with its mouse. Silly me, ever the clutz.”

Alphonse didn't have time to be stunned and flabbergasted at Triss's sudden confession. Lorelai's eyes suddenly flared with a bright and hungry light, as her splittle dripped from her mouth. Red hot, burning the mortar beneath her. Alphonse suddenly threw himself in front of Triss.

"What she means is, she was caught up in her experiments. You know how it is, glory before caution when we're young." Alphonse turned around to mouth "What the fuck?" at Triss, before continueing.

"Now, I can see that you're going through a lot of changes. Almost like a second puberty. You wouldn't want to do anything rash, while you're all emtional and full of hormones, now would you? Murder buddy?" Alphonse was wearing his most charming smile. Mostly because he felt entirely desperate, and his face had forgotten other expressions.

Triss laughed as Alphonse threw himself in front of her, doubling over when he turned around to mouth at her. When she regained a straight face, she maneuvered around Alphonse, standing before him. She was so close to Lorelai now that she could feel the heat radiating from the woman's mouth. ”Tut tut Alphonse! She seems to be having a grand time, what with the spittle flying from her mouth and all! Let her have her fun!”

Triss winked at Lorelai, who looked to be on the verge of exploding. ”You know, I wasn't caught up at all. I let him tie me up in that chair, I let him throw the torch. Didn't even struggle, because I had made him insane, and I deserved it.” She gestured between them, smiling still. ”I see that the same thing is happening here, so go on ahead, I won't fight.”

Lorelai sent a long gout of Dragonfire over Triss' head, it dipped from there to raze the entire back garden. The view from their hiding place, where they'd shared their first touches, would never be the same. Smoke rose from the once beautiful garden as it burned. Soon witches would come to contain the conflagration, but nothing would survive.

Her eyes dimmed. Snatching the young witch by the arm she snarled. "Come with me welp, and explain to me why you want to die so badly." Lorelai cast a hard glance at Alphonse, in her eyes was the apology she couldn't voice. "I'm not here to fullfill your suicide wish, but you will suffer."

Hearing that, Alphonse finally had time to be stunned. She was safe, for now. That was all that mattered. Alphonse knew that she was grappling with something within her. He'd felt that darkness all his life. The desire to end, to let the next danger just take him. But instead he had pressed on. He had made a shell against the atrocities he had committed. He had hoped that he could protect Triss from such feelings. But it seemed clear that she was far along her own dark path. What were a few more scars on his own soul, if it could save another? He followed in step behind Lorelai.

"Triss, please forgive me. I'm only trying to help you."

Triss frowned as their perch’s view was ruined, it had been such a Nice place, and nonow anyone who looked upon it would see death. She had an urge to hit Lorelai, for aiming at the gardens instead of her. ”Oh Lorelai, you troublesome twit, you were supposed to hit me not the gardens. I suppose fires are commonplace here.” She clicked her tongue, letting herself be dragged along the path by the fuming witch.

When Alphonse began to follow, Triss reached out her free arm and tried to shoo him away with the motion of her hand. ”I do not need help, Alphonse. I'm in the protective hands of Lorelai. Shoo shoo now, darling, else you'll get caught in the crossfire. It's time for me to answer some questions, I suppose.” Her eyes pleaded with Alphonse, begging him to go away, while her mouth danced in a lovely grin.

Triss's expression tore at Alphonse's heart. He wanted nothing better than to turn way, and leave her to Lorelai's cruel ministrations. Perhaps he could offer comfort when it was over. He often did things other than what he wanted. He had hardened his heart against far worse acts. He looked her in the eyes

"Triss, if this is the way it has to be, I'm staying until the end. I only wish you had talked to me. I'm a far gentler judge than Lorelai. But, I will stand by her sentence."

"This isn't the end, not by a damn sight!" Lorelai snarled.

The trio finally arrived in Lorelai's office. It was stark and spartan compared to Medusa's. Tomes and scrolls were tucked neatly into bookcases and drawers, magical tools lined work benches, and in the corner was an odd red mat.

Atop the out of place red mat sat a simple wooden chair, and that chair bore straps. Lorelai pushed the wayward, red-headed brat into the chair, afixing the straps to her arms. Underneath Triss' hands were deep clawmarks, as the previous visitors to this particular corner scratched away at the unfinished wood as they screamed for mercy that would never come.

Lorelai paced the room for a long minute, until finally she pulled her desk chair around to face the girl. "Alright Triss. Tell me about this deathwish of yours, is it new? Or has this been troubling your obviously addled mind for awhile now?"

Triss crossed her legs, sitting up straight in the chair, using posture meant for a queen. She tilted her head at Lorelai, who sat there questioning her. Her eyes found their way to the claw marks, and she giggled frantically. ”What next, Lorelai? Are you going to tell me that this mat was once a beautiful white?” She laid her head back against the unfinished wood, splinters burying themselves in her hair.

”Deathwish, what a strange way to word acceptance.” Triss said finally, after several long minutes of silence. ”Well, it has been around for a small while. Why do you ask? Curious to see how my mind ticks? I'd love to see yours.” She admitted this with a real bit of curiosity, but she didn't seek out Lorelai's eyes, that would be most disrespectful.

"No, I got it in red because I knew what it was for." Lorelai stated simply. "And we're beyond simple threats now."

"You've got some magic that influences minds don't you?" She knew full well that Triss did, Elina had reported as much. "What did you do with it that warrants such a punishment from yourself, next to what I'll levy."

Triss sighed, relaxing in the chair and accepting Lorelai's methods. ”How do you think I got here alive, Lorelai? Sometimes, I feel sympathy for them, others...I keep going until they're shriveled vegetables. I relish in it, too.” She frowned, sneaking a glance at Alphonse. His impassive face broke into an encouraging smile for just a moment, then returned to the mask.

”It's...starting to become addicting, Lorelai. It happened just today, without me even wanting it to occur.” She closed her eyes tightly, so they couldn't see them water. ”That's why I accept the punishments, because I know I've done wrong...I just can't stop. I-I won't stop. It feels good, while it lasts.”

Lorelai stared at the girl for a moment, her features softening almost imperceptably. "It's a dangerous power you have, the ability to dig through a person's deepest desires, darkest memories, and dreg them to the surface."

"You can destroy people, send them over the edge to face things they never wanted to." Lorelai paused a moment. "The world of men and kings is cruel. How many times did you turn your power against someone for survival? Plenty I'm sure."

"Consider this though Triss. You could use that same power to heal, to render whole lost souls." She gestured around her. "Here in this castle you're safe, if you wanted to be a healer you could."

”I've never considered being a healer, I can’t mend the flesh.” Triss said softly, her demeanor shifting into that of a simple young woman. She opened her eyes and out poured many tears, traveling down her cheeks and dripping onto her chest. She took a few deep breaths and the tears stopped flowing, red trails still remaining on her pale face.

”Where's my punishment, Lorelai? You've yet to kill me.” Triss tried to laugh, but she couldn't. The noise that came from her mouth was more of a choked cough. ”I'm no beggar, I will not plead for you. Many men wanted me to do that, before I made them fall crying into my lap. If that's what you wanted, you will be sorely disappointed.”

"Reach into my mind Triss. Give me something to smile about, reinvigor my spirit against what must be done." Lorelai met the witch's gaze. "If you can do that, and control your impulses, I'll allow you to live long enough to become a healer of souls if not bodies."

Alphonse heard everything. Even as he stood to one side, apparently a passive observer, his heart soared even as it was clothed in dread. If Lorelai could give her another path, something to live for, then maybe she could be saved. Even so, Alphonse knew what the witch was capable of, and after hearing of her lack of control, Alphonse feared that he would have to protect his mistress at the cost of his lover. None theless, he was prepared to do what had to be done.

Triss groaned, she could not negotiate with Lorelai. It was this choice, or nothing. Long enough,” she mirrored lazily. ”Means I will die at your hands, no matter what I do?” She didn't really care, but the question was valid.

Lorelai was going to have to examine her relationships. Between Lotte, Abby, and now Liz she was getting soft. She smiled slightly, maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. "I suppose I could let you live beyond that. If you wanted to."

Triss smiled, nodding joyfully. ”I do have good reason to now, think of all the good hearted people!” She winked, before opening her eyes fully and letting her powers come forth. Her eyes lit up in their green hue, and she was inside Lorelai's mind.

The entrance was easy, as it usually was when she didn't have to break down any walls. Triss’ eyes sweeped Lorelai's mind for an moment, looking for the right emotion to pull from. In the center, which Lorelai was currently feeding from, she found a quiet hope. Horribly, it warmed Triss’ heart to see that, so she crept around it in a wide circle.

The next emotions were large and burning bright, love. Two different forms of great and passionate love, one more motherly and comforting, the other a sort of lustful craving. From them came different noises, the softer -albeit larger- giving off the gentle murmurs of a mother. The bright flame was mostly passionate moans and whispered nothings that Triss couldn't understand. She turned to the murmuring emotion and began to siphon from it, then she froze.

A window, to something else entirely, was revealed to her. Fear, potent and seeking. It called for Triss, wrapping around her with cold whispers in her ears. The fear led her to the depths of Lorelai's mind, carrying the stumbling and confused Triss to an emotion she had never seen before.

As soon as it realized a foreign presence, it took shape. Black smoke radiating heat, took the shape of a Dragon. It was wavering slightly, never being able to hold its form for more than a second. The emotions and thoughts it gave off were a hideous, things a human should never even imagine made it up. There was nothing keeping it from floating away, and taking over Lorelai's mind entirely.

It was then Triss realized it was inactive, something Lorelai could call forth when -and only when- needed. Yet, Triss could bring it forth too, give it the power of Lorelai's mind that it sought out. She held out a hand, and began to siphon it. Then she paused, clutching her hand to her chest and releasing the emotion. Something was stopping her, from letting her insanity reign. Not something, really, but someone.

Lorelai had given her an offer, but that wasn't it. She thought of Alphonse's smile, and how he had said she should have talked to him. How he had tried to defend her, time and again. She wasn't sure that he would be affected by her demise, but it was clear to her that she needed just a bit more time with him. After all, she could ask Lorelai for death any time after this, so why not wait a while?

Triss retreated from the demonic impulses, releasing herself from the grasp of fear. She went back to the happy and carefree love, and began to take as much of it as she could. She moved it past the hope, and placed it in the very front of Lorelai's mind, balling it up into a concentration of pure bliss. Then, she pulled out, tilting her head to see how the stone cold Von’Strauss would be affected.

A wash of relief ran through Lorelai's body. Triss hadn't prodded anything during her visit that she shoudn't. Warmth bloomed next, as she recalled every sweet smile Lotte and Abby had favored her with. It burned away her stress and fear. Grinning she stood and collected the small girl from the cot she was sleeping on, Lotte muttered weakly in her sleep.

She cast a glace to Alphonse as she left the room. "Her execution is stayed, see to it that she makes it to her room could you?"

Alphonse nodded to his mistress, his muscles invisibly relaxing with the gesture. Alphonse turned to Triss, and his face broke into the most honest smile he thought he had ever felt.
He offered his elbow to her, and the straps binding her suddenly unhinged. Apparently of their own accord.

"You heard the boss, I have to take you home." He winked. He waited for Triss's response.

Triss flexed her wrists as the straps were removed, and she looked towards Alphonse. She knew what he would have done for his boss, had Triss pulled out the wrong emotion. She couldn't find a way to fault him for it though, so she got up and stood next to him, eyeing him down with a mixture of love and caution in her eyes. ”Yes, you had better take me to my room.” She said simply, motioning towards the hall and beginning to walk.

Alhponse lowered his arm, and followed in step. He didn't know where things would go from here, but he was hopeful that at least once in his life, he could help a soul rise above darkness. For now it was enough to follow in step behind this beautiful woman, who had enchanted him so deeply, fool he was.


Triss couldn't help it, she had stayed outside the room for just a moment to hear what was going on. Her power had been effective, and they had started right away. She left soon after, planning to go around the forest so she would tire herself out.

On her way, Triss came across a giant man, stumbling through the halls in leather armor. She paused, pursing her lips. He was obviously drunk, and needed assistance. Triss decided to help him, when she was finished with him. She sped up to catch him before he turned a corner, and stood in front of him. ”Hey big guy, you lost?”

Andri was emitting a smell of booze that did not only trail behind him, but propagated faster in a forward direction then he moved as well. His irregular and somewhat unpredictable changes of direction dramatically decreased his effective speed, but as Triss had decided to stop in front of him, she now was confronted with a damn heavy man headed for a collission course, his common sense of stopping before hitting any obstacles severely impaired by alcohol. It resulted in the assassin almost stepping onto one of Triss' feet.

"Huh ? Hey there..." Andri's optics were switching between focusing her and focusing infinity, not able to truly stabilize at one setting. He wavered from one side to the other, superimposed by a forward-backward motion. Yes, he was lost. In fact he was so lost that he wasn't able to tell.

Triss had to jump back before the man fell on her, his swaying making her cautious. Maybe she would have to switch things around, and get him into a seat. She took his hand and squeezed it to show she had no ill will, for the time being. ”My name is Triss, and I'm going to have some fun with you tonight. I promise you won't die, in fact, we'll both love it.”

With that happy little thought trying to work its way into his mind, Triss led the man through the halls. She was gentle and quiet, keeping him stable and staying away from his path so she wouldn't be crushed if he fell. ”What's your name?” She asked, annunciating the words carefully. They were soon in the hall of rooms, it was almost endless and she wasn't sure the drunk could pick his out. If all else failed, she would take him to her room. The bed would be cramped for him, but better than nothing.

”Do you know which room is yours?” Triss asked him calmly, she didn't really mind mothering him. It was...comforting.

Khan! Khan! Khan! Your name is Khan!
"Khan... err..." His thoughts had become slow, damn slow. "Andri. Andri Hymir." He sounded confused as if he wasn't sure about his own name while he was carefully guided by the witch. There wasn't much of an active resistance he put against her gentle pull, only the whole lot of inertia one had to overcome in the state he was in.

His brain was degrading into a big lump of inertia, too. It took multiple seconds for him just to comprehend what the witch was actually asking. He raised his arm and if one averaged the directions his swaying index finger was pointing at, the result was a door. "There. Totally... unused."

Triss nodded, smiling and easing Andri over to his room. ”Andri, what a creative name. My last name is Felminah, I doubt you'll remember it though.” She opened the door to his room and smiled. It was a bit larger, to make up for the enormous bed in the center, other than that it was the same as any other room.

”Tonight, we'll use it for the first time. Excited?” Triss asked as she sat him down on the edge of the bed. Then, she pulled up his desk chair and set it down in front of him. Once she had gotten comfortable, she grabbed his hand and held it between both of hers. ”Give me your eyes, Andri. Then the fun will start.”

He saw a bed. His bed. Not a single fold on it. Instinctively, Andri went for it, making Triss' task a lot easier. The demon worm tried to warn his host about making eye contact with Triss. He had some experience with witches and when to be alert, but Andri was just too dazed to listen properly. Looking at her was all that she wanted ? No problem with that...

Triss’ hands found Andri’s cheeks, and she held his face there so he wouldn't lose focus. ”They say I have an addiction, I do. I'm not a fiend though. Just...curious.” She said, sweet like a lullaby. She found his eyes, and made a silent promise to herself. This one would be differenr, just a bit of play, then he could go to sleep and she could keep a watchful eye over him.

With a lot of will, Triss made her power creep up slowly, the green rimming her eyes before taking it over in full. She did this to give him a chance of resistance, but it made the process a bit more sensual than she would have liked. Before thoughts of Alphonse could cloud her, she was in.

The same fog that was in Elizabeth's mind was here, but thicker and more dense. She called out to the emotions, her arms sweeping Andri's mind with fingers outstretched. They were blocked by overwhelming waves of confusion, which was what he must be feeding off of. She could tell it wasn't just the alcohol, but a symptom of what had happened earlier that day. She didn't investigate, instead working towards every small tug of something new.

Finally, she cleared away enough fog to find an big ball of fusing emotions. She jumped back, they were potent and frightening. Personal failure and worry, only being pushed back by the liquor he had consumed. Triss reached for it, maybe pulling it forth could bring the guy peace of mind. It was a worthy cause, wasn't it? Or would it make him insane? The emotions came easily, but she released them, indecisive. Andri was a nice man, she didn't care to hurt him...but then again, it was tempting.

The hunter saw something greenish in front of him. Was that... her eyes ? If he hadn't been filled up to the brim with liquor, he would have put up a decisive resistance right now, as it was apparent that something was happening. But now ? He moaned lowly when the witch started her intrusion, but there were no walls he built up on purpose. He was both paralyzed by alcohol and busy identifying what was going on in the first place. It could just be a weird feeling caused by his current state.

Khan however didn't take long to be aware of Triss. It was an opportunity that probably wouldn't occur a second time! He started relocating his own little realm of thoughts, maneuvering around the mental landscape of his host that he had had time to learn about since he had linked his mind to Andri's. There was plenty of cover he could make use of, and then he was where he wanted to be: Behind Triss. His pervyness was ready to fire. If all went well he would engulf the witch in an outburst of what he was really good in: Thoughts about sex.

Triss felt a presence behind her, something that hadn't been there before. She flushed, as if afraid the memories would catch her peeking. When she turned around, she was met with a sight that made her eyes widen in shock. Her mouth gaped, and she let out a sort of choked squeak. In front of her, was a worm the size of a child. It had rows upon rows of teeth, sharp as razor blades.

It gave off waves of both malicious, and provocative intent. Triss could sense a bit anxiety in it too, but it was majorly overpowered by its current mission. She could use that to her advantage if things got tricky, at least she thought she could. She had never confronted a sentient offense in someone's mind. ”What are you, and why are you in Andri's mindscape?”

Khan's voice sounded strange. It wasn't his normal tone as he distorted it on purpose in an attempt to make it more creepy. "I've infested Andri when Charon pushed him into my coffin. He accepts my presence as I've played a vital role in rescuing the hunting party and today I've saved Elizabeth." Of course that was an exaggeration, but Khan wasn't the one who hesitated in boosting his own self-confidence when the circumstances suited it. "Unfortunately... I'm having my troubles with convincing him that life's a lot more easier if one sets free one's... passion." He put emphasis on the last word. "You wanna try ? Just step into it." His voice had shifted from attempted creepyness to sneaky kindness.

Triss shook her head at the worm, not about to buy into his nonsense. She needed good reason to do anything he asked, and she wasn't sure she wanted to bring out Andri's passion. She cringed to think of what it had done to Elizabeth in that pantry. No, she couldn't do that to Alphonse. Would Alphonse even care? Do we even have something to care about?

Why was she asking herself those things? Because it was tempting, the demonic worm somehow invit- No. She wouldn't do it. ”Sorry, little one, I'm not here to do that. See, I don't deal with incubi.” She had come to the conclusion that the worm was an incubbus, what with all the seduction coming from him.

”If you don't mind, I think I should be off.” She turned on her heel, and disappeared into the fog, searching for some happiness or even an emotion that would give Andri a deep sleep. That ball of worry could give him nightmares, after all.

"Boo!" Then worm spit out a small ball of anger, but the world around him didn't accept it. A transient appearance of protest smashed it back towards the worm. Khan was forced to consume it, settling the anger in his own little realm. He couldn't directly influence his hosts emotions. Displeased at least, the demon started moving away, diving into the haze.

Happiness was a very rare thing in Andri, most of it had been destroyed during the recent events. Triss could see the shattered remains floating around, an armada of debris that probably once had been a glorious fleet. Yet, there was one tiny bit that was still intact. It was tied to what appeared to be a complicated mechanism - Andri's logical thinking. It was a sentence Lor had dropped off that had been to small to grab the assassin's immediate attention. Something about plans the witch had drawn up in order to minimize the carnage. The fact that she had mentioned that made it likely that there indeed was a plan.

Triss found the happiness, a small little ball that could hardly count. She pushed past all other things, taking the happiness and balling up every last drop in her hands. She held it close to her chest, so it wouldn't escape her hold as she worked through the fog. On her way to the front of his thought, she picked up small shards that were found floating around. It was still tiny, a little runt, and she tended to it like it was the most fragile thing in the world.

Andri's mind was broken, there was so much to manipulate. Triss couldn't do it though, all thoughts of toying with him faded as she held the joy. In it, was a mixture of different scenarios that were blurred to the point of making her nauseous. The only thing she could really make out was hope, and pleasure for others. Triss planted it in front of the confusion, weaving it into something a bit stronger, just so it would be worthwhile as it lasted.

Triss pulled out of Andri's head, turning so the drunk wouldn't notice her genuine smile. She wasn't supposed to enjoy this, helping people wasn't something she wanted. She was supposed to be totally insane, yet this man sparked a sort of warmth. It was a maternal blossom, and she pushed it down as quickly as possible. The residue was still there, seedlings waiting to sprout. ”How do you feel, Andri?” She asked, still facing the wall.

Khan was raging, causing some pain in his host's head, but alcohol also could be considered some sort of narcotic. Andri suddenly felt so fatigued. He had been very strained and intoxicated before, but something had changed. He felt as if he could get a rest now and then, perhaps, take another look at the situation when he was refreshed. There was something Lorelai had said, aside from promising him a reward. It was a change so unexpected that it made him a bit suspicious. He had seen the glow in Triss' eyes. And why had she turned her back towards him ? His giant hand reached out for her, but Andri retracted only inches away. There was enough clarity in his mind to think again about what he considered appropriate ?

"Have you done something ? Whatever it was, if it was that that makes me feel a bit better now, I have to thank you." Khan launched another painful strike into his brain. The demon was full of disagreement. Another witch that dared to fiddle with him and his host. His host!

Triss felt a pang of joy, he felt better. It was only a bit of an improvement, but it was something she had done. She turned towards him, unafraid to show her beaming smile. ”Don't thank me, I was going to play with your head. I couldn't do it though, you're different. Let's pray you don't remember me saying that in the morning.” Her eyes sparkled for a moment, and she leapt up from her chair.

For a single heartbeat, Triss hugged Andri, then she shook the man's hair, leaving it disheveled. ”Time to go to bed, Andri. Once your head is cleared you'll face some emotions that can't be fought without a good rest.” She didn't specify, pushing her chair back in at the desk. ”I'll sleep on the floor, if you find it inappropriate to share.”

Andri's eyes blinked. He was fading, rapidly loosing ground to the desire to sleep. Yet her saying that he was 'different' still made him smile. The assassin felt valued. He turned his head so he could see her better, though flipped by 90 degrees as he was already lying on his bed. "On the floor ? That will be too incomfortable to accept." He gathered the strength to shift his tremendous body to a position closer to one side of the mattress and patted on the newly created space on it. "Better open the window, I must smell like shit."

”I wouldn't say excrement, just liquor and a rough day.” Triss said quietly, laughing a bit under her breath. She went to open the window, letting the cool night's breeze fill the air. An owl with feathers as white as snow flew into the room, sensing Triss’ presence. Susanna was here to spend another night with Triss, not seeming to notice or care that there was a male in the room.

Triss didn't shoo her away, accepting the owl with a smile. She crawled into Andri's bed, compressing her body on the edge of it so they wouldn't have to touch. It was a giant piece of furniture, but Triss knew Andri needed all the space he could get. She turned so she was facing him, watching him with a sort of childlke wonder. ”Goodnight big guy, I'll be here to confirm we didn't sleep together in the morning. You know, this is the first time I've shared a bed platonically with a man.”

The next morning

Rays of sunlight were dancing in the room, being interfered by the leaves of a tree that was standing outside and partially blocking their path. The shadow of Andri's nose had been moving across his lower face for quite some time now, but it was only then when he finally opened his eyes. He saw the ceiling and sensed the rather cold air that had accumulated in the room. His head felt as if Khan had spent half the night on digging wormholes through it, but this feeling was familiar enough to him to know that it was just the aftermath of a huge lot of alcohol. He turned his head to see if Triss was still with him in the bed.

Triss rolled around in the bed, her eyes opening as beams of sunlight hit them. She groaned, why did she have to leave the window open? Susanna was long gone, but Triss had the sudden realization she was not alone. She turned, her eyes falling on Andri. She must have looked like crap, hair falling in her face, imprints all over her arms and cheeks from moving so much in bed. She didn't care, she relaxed easily with Andri.

”Good morning, Andri. Happy to have such a beautiful sight in the morning?” Triss snorted, her eyes searching the giant before her. ”So, how's your head?”

Andri blushed slightly. "My head ? Well... It's a dark pit full of pain, but that's nothing I'm worrying about. If I'm honest.. I sometimes do that... Though yesterday was extreme." he referred to his binge drinking. Hopefully that wouldn't push her away from him. "I must have been rather disgusting this night and I'm feeling guilty for it." the giant admitted. "You look beautiful."

”Disgusting? Absolutely not!” Triss rubbed her face, trying to work away the bumps. She didn't know why Andri thought that way, he had been a perfect gentleman. A gentleman that slurred his words and smelled vilely of alcohol, but still a gentleman. She couldn't say anything about his dark mind though, because that was fully true. His mind was a pool of horrid thoughts and emotions, inhabited by a demon, and Triss could do nothing about that.

”If anything, I was the disgusting one. Trying to twist your mind to my whim, but that's a story for another day.” Triss winked, her face going pink when he mentioned she looked beautiful. ”If you really want to know disgusting and beautiful, go to Lorelai. She's a twisted twat, with a major complex. Would have killed me, or made Alphonse do it, if I hadn't made her happy. She believes in me though, so that's a plus.” She left out the part that Alphonse would've done it, with little hesitation.

"Twist my mind ? From my perspective you mended it." Yet he could see the clear implication behind Triss' words: She could do otherwise. But the fact that she did not hide this circumstance voluntarily made Andri feel more comfortable about that. He scratched a mental note to investigate into this later on. "I will have to go to that 'twisted twat's office anyway." he replied. Triss' thinking about Lorelai was rude, but he didn't know the background story of that. Additionally, something told him that it would most likely be better if he kept a very low profile on these two words.

"We're facing dire times, Triss. Just days ago, I would have never imagined to end up in my own chamber in a coven. I'll have to settle in and don't know anything."

”I came to the coven in the midst of the witch’s Civil War, now that's over and done with, and we have to face another.” Triss sighed, sitting up and grasping Andri's hands. She inspected them in her lap, turning them over and talking down to them. ”I've learned to adjust, it's easier with powers but not impossible without.”

Triss looked back up at him, tilting her head and smiling. ”It is dire times, but you act like this place is hell. A lot to say for someone with a demon in their head.”

Shit. He had not intended for his words to be interpretable this way. "Sorry, I didn't want to say that the coven is bad! It is my refuge... and so far I have been left in astonishment by what I am seeing around here." This was honest, and his heart rate was increasing slightly. The giant didn't pull back his hand, letting Triss' examine it as long as she wanted to.

"That demon... I don't know. Basically Khan's the one who got me here - and I'm not talking about teleportation. Most of the hunters won't accept me anymore, and even if I decided to get rid of him now they wouldn't. I'm a traitor, yet I want to believe that my cause was worth it."

Triss nodded, dropping his hands. What an interesting thing he was, every part of him a Hunter except the demon in his mindscape. Triss found herself infatuated with his simple mindedness, and honesty. He really needed a lesson in witch cant though, luxurious and sweet words with petty and malicious meaning.

”Khan is rather adorable, I had a brief conversation with him. Wants you to indulge in your...passion.” Triss made a show of emphasizing the word ‘passion', with the fluttering movement of her fingertips. ”Your cause was definitely worth it, we need all the help we can get. Witches are powerful, but sometimes power can be taken out by numbers. Especially when those numbers are armed to the teeth and trained well.”

The hunter smiled. "Yep. That sounds like Khan." Andri raised his upper body, now sitting on the bed. "I had intended to prevent this onslaught, and so had Liz, but now we're both here and can do nothing but watch." Now he stood up as if he wanted to run away from his own words that threatened to pull his mood back down to where it had been the evening before. Looking out of the still open window, he asked: "What do you think will happen now ?"

Triss stood, leaning on the edge of the bed and considering Andri's question. ”I'm not going to cover garbage in sugar, Andri. Ask an optimist for that.” She spoke to his back, watching the rays of sun blot out his face. Her smile was grim, and hardly kept. ”This is war, and in a war, people die. Those of us that are left will have to grieve, then suck it up and live life.”

Triss scowled, she really was heartless. She knew what Andri wanted, a theory about how they could make peace and be happy. That was an idiotic idea, though. ”If it makes me heartless, so be it. All I know, is that when this dust settles and the grass is red, I'm moving on. That makes me a bigger man than the ones who romanticize this battle.”

She paused, walking up behind him and giving him a firm squeeze. ”I came here for my happy ending, and I will fight claw and tooth for it. Sorry if it makes you feel worse, Andri.”

Andri suddenly turned around, thereby breaking free of her squeeze. "You think I'm doing this because I think that a vicious circle centuries old needs to be broken so everyone can be fat, dumb and happy ? Or perhaps even because I personally wouldn't be able to live with the sight of an entire forest covered in blood ?" His voice wasn't mild anymore. It was rather harsh. "You're right about the first thing, but let me add something else to that: There are witches in this coven that are convinced that something far bigger than this little war is coming, something that will require cooperation if there shall be any place left to continue happily! Ask Rebecca, ask Medusa, hell perhaps even ask Miss' twisted twat!"

Triss looked wounded, for just a split second. Then she put up her walls, and replaced her frown with a crazy smile. Her body tensed, and she knew she was ready to leave. ”Oh, tut. Of course I don't think you tried for peace because your brain is fragile. You had many good reasons to try to make peace between the hunters and witches, but peace may not come.”

Triss’ own voice dripped with venom, her small slice of heaven thrown at a wall and broken into bits. ”You know, Andri, I was not told that something was coming. There's a lot us witches aren't told until it's too late to protect ourselves.” She shrugged, and turned to go sit on the bed. She didn't face him, picking at her nails instead. ”It's about time you go talk to Lorelai, isn't it? Then you can go drink yourself away in pity again, at least I don't cover the pain in liquor or a pretty blonde.”

There were several brief jerks on Andri's face that Triss didn't see because she didn't look at him. The hunter was damn close to hurling some words at her about what he believed she tended to drench herself in in order to compensate for things: Venom. He didn't speak it out loudly however, but instead suppressed his desire for doing so. A conflict with another witch just hours after his permanent arrival wouldn't be a good start...

Andri stepped across the room. There was no need for him to put on clothing, he had never put off his leather armor in the first place. Having already passed the doorframe, he looked back towards Triss, seeing if she wanted to add something or even follow him.

Triss looked up, clenching the sheets of the bed with her fists. I’m sorry, for hurting you more than I've helped you. She thought, too proud to say it. She waited for him to go, but he had stopped in the doorway, waiting for her to do something. Triss inched off of the bed, holding his eyes the entire time. It was both a threat, and a silent apology. At any time, she could use her powers on him, but she didn't.

Soon Triss was standing in front of him, looking up at him as he stood in the doorway. She held out a hand, for him to take. ”I have so obviously wounded your feelings, yet you wait for me? I was right about you being different, your sweetness is a great counterbalance to my horrendousness.” She smiled, still crazy, still wounded.

"You know I'm heading for Lorelai's office ? So you better keep certain words for yourself." he answered in a neutral tone, inspecting her eyes. His mood had shifted too far away for him to be eager to give an answer about his 'sweetness', though he, given the last few minutes, had already to agree on her 'horrendousness', at least when it came to words and the way they were spoken out, and at least when she wanted it to be that way. Triss had proven she could be different.

Triss laughed, at both his neutral tone and the way he told her to keep his words in check. ”You hate me now, don't you? I have a weird knack for that.” She smiled, not allowing herself to show negative emotions. ”Also, don't you worry about me and Lorelai. We know our relationship well.” She stuck out her hand a bit more aggressively, waiting patiently for it to be accepted.

Triss' hand got embraced by Andri's giant one. "So far your weird knack has only been successful in totally confusing and unnerving me. I'd appreciate it if it wouldn't succeed any further." His voice was serious, but not unfriendly anymore. "Let's go." He started pulling her gently.

”I'll try my best, but this is a give and take relationship.” Triss shook his hand in the air proudly, as if it were a trophy she had just won for all of her hard work. They made their way through the halls, and down to Lorelai's office. When they arrived at the door she slipped her hand out of Andri's, and used it to knock loudly. ”Lorelai? May we come in?” She sweetened her tone and looked at Andri, her eyes asking if this was good enough.

Andri blew into his right hand that he had transformed into a bowl-like shape, then pushed the air he had trapped towards his nose to take a deep, analyzing breath. "That will have to suffice." he explained his action, grinning. The smell of liquor hadn't worn off completely, but he couldn't do anything about it. "She won't eat us for breakfast." he added encouraging.

Triss watched Andri check his breath, before pushing open the door to Lorelai's office. She peeked inside, and it was empty. ”She must be asleep, let's go sit down.” Triss grasped Andri's hand, not giving him the time to hesitate. She took him into the room, letting him take in the neat scrolls and other items. She also scanned the room, her eyes focusing dryly on the spot where her chair once sat. ”I'm pretty sure she won't be upset with us.”

Before Andri had much time to react, he was pulled into the room by the other witch. It wasn't the first time he was standing in Lorelai's office, but still he didn't dare to put his hands onto the stuff that was lying around here in abundance. Lorelai could enter the room at any moment and what would she say if he poked his nose into anything that was around here ? So he squeezed himself into one of the seats, offering Triss another chair. "So let's sit and wait."

Triss pulled a chair up in front of his, so they could have a discussion. She noticed how much of a squeeze it was for him to sit, and it made her unhappy. ”We'll have to get some bigger chairs in the main rooms. Or loveseats.” She winked, following that up with a chuckle. ”So, Andri, do you have sex with a lot of women?” The question was inappropriate and abrupt, but Triss had a small reason for it. Khan was full of perverse thoughts, and the little worm did want Andri to be passionate.

The assassin's head went red and hot in an instant. And Khan, for the first time this morning, stole his attention. I want you to relay my words to her! I can't speak directly! You owe me this after all I've done for you! Andri kneaded his lips for seconds, then actually gathered the strength for a rather shy answer.
"Erm... No. At least not before Khan got into my head. Since then however I've... erm... I... have someone I have to satisfy. There are whores in Seren's Folley..." The heat was reaching the tips of his ears, and Khan repeated his demand for speaking to Triss directly. "Khan want's to speak to you."

Triss had an urge to reach out and pinch Andri's red cheeks. It was adorable, the way he reacted to her question. Triss felt herself dissolving again, into her previous peaceful state. ”I bet the whores are fun.” She said with a bright smile. Andri told her Khan wanted to speak, and she nodded slowly. Khan was agressive, but she wasn't afraid of him. ”Of course, I'd love to talk to Khan.”

Okay Andri, it's Khan time! Tell her what I'm telling you or I'll zap your brain or poof you out of your clothes again! On no... please not that again! Andri cooperated, though reluctantly.
"So... what.. do you think that can be improved about my appearance - aside from drinking. Am I too pale, should I gain some more muscle or change my haircut ? And... Khan want's to know if there's enough pressure in my... Oh no forget about that. He says you can't know yet." This was so embarrassing...

Triss bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing, Khan was hilarious. She tilted her head in thought, resting her temple on her knuckles. ”I like the beard, and his haircut is just fine. Makes him look...rugged. His muscle definition is just fine, you don't want him to look like too much of a meathead.” She didn't ask about the pressure subject, she probably didn't want to know. ”I think he's handsome, you picked a good host.”

Being talked about in third person was somewhat strange, and the fact that one of the participants was Khan sitting in the middle of his head didn't make anything better. Andri felt so... exposed.
"Khan thinks that his host is too hesitant, but he thought that picking such a man would be an interesting experience. He's happy to be here, because there are so many women around in this castle. And... he wants to know if you are... interested in him." I told you to ask her if she wants sex! If you are that straightforward you'll never get what you want!

It was Triss’ turn to blush, she looked down at her palms, turning them slowly to inspect them. ”Well, yes, I'm sure you're having a ball with him. Hesitation must be fun to play with.” She waited a few heartbeats to address the other part of the question, it could be interpreted in a lot of ways. Her answer could also be warped if she wasn't very specific. Then she realized it would be fun to have the demon assume, so she went with it, tilting her head up so Andri could see the pink on her pale cheeks. ”Of course I'm interested in Andri. We did sleep together, after all. I wouldn't do that with someone who bores me.” Not too far, think of Alphonse.

Khan grunted. Bah! Hesitation isn't fun to play with! It sucks really hard! If everyone was more direct, things would improve! And no, don't tell her that! Ask for the room! And... she looks so cute when she blushes!
Andri blinked with his eyes multiple times. "You look nice when you're blushing. And what room would you prefer then ? Yours or mine ?"
Remember to ask Lorelai about the loveseats thingy. I think it would be a really great addition to this castle and boost morale!

Triss froze like a deer caught in the sight of a hunter, her blush deepened substantially and a wave of warmth overtook her body. Her mouth opened and closed at least three times before she could work up a reply. ”Oh, I didn't mean sexually. You just...you entertain me. You're refreshing, different. Besides, I have something going with a man named Alphonse. At least I think I do.” She fidgeted with her fingers, shivering slightly though the room seemed warmer than it had been. ”Thank you, for the compliment. You look adorable when you blush.”

These damn men! You should start exterminating them all until there's only you left!
Then you'd be stuck to baby giant hosts once I'm gone.
That's why I am grasping for diversity. More women, more fun! You have to find out who this Alphonse is and find a weak spot! You heard the doubt in Triss' third-last sentence ? There must be one!
Andri sighed mentally, then continued the conversation, pointing out that it was him again speaking. "Since Khan I've got a lot of training in blushing." The giant smiled at the witch. "I'm sorry, he's always that way." He didn't clearly mention that he would not interfere with her relationship to Alphonse, because he was afraid of Khan zapping him.

Triss smiled softly, reaching out and grasping his hand once she was sure Khan wasn't controlling him. She turned it over in her palms, inspecting its surface and imagining him using it to cup the nape of a girl's neck as they made love. It was a strange image that sent a vibrating shock through her body. ”He's fine, he's a demon, they don't bother with boundaries. I can always talk to him in private if I head into your mind, for now it's just you and I.” She squeezed his giant hand, and let it fall onto her lap. ”Why did you need to talk to Lorelai?”

Andri could feel her body vibrate, but the reason was unknown to him. Then he started to do the same, because the thought of Khan being able to communicate with someone else without him knowning anything about it sent shivers down his spine. He tried to suppress it, but wasn't really successful.
"Lorelai made a statement yesterday that there was a plan to contain the bloodshed unfolding within small bounds. I'd like to ask her about it, because... I need hope. She also promised me something for rescuing Liz, but that's very secondary now."

Triss could feel his palm shake in her lap, and she rubbed it softly to soothe his shivers. She didn't feel like asking him about it, because that would make him clam up. ”You could use some hope, and happiness too. I am determined to help you with that, you'll be my first long-term patient.” Triss chuckled, excited to have found Andri. ”I'm so pleased I didn't pass you up in the hall, this is exciting now.”

The hunter raised an eyebrow unconsciously, inspecting Triss' eyes. "You're a healer of some sort ?" How exciting! A healer that didn't mend wounds, but one's psyche. It was now that the brainwave hit him: If things continued to go so badly wrong, Triss was probably one of the best persons he could be around with. The thought of him becoming mad made him shudder again, but if he was honest: He really didn't know how long he could continue taking this punishment reality had started to torture him with. The perspective that probably was opening right here made him partially forget about the darker things Triss' had briefly mentioned this morning.

So he didn't remember what happened last night, to a certain extent. Triss raised her eyebrow in response, before giving him a curt nod. ”Yes, I'm a healer. Lorelai got me into the gig and now I'm stuck, until I tell her I want to die.” Her face was serious, not a single hint of a joke. ”I used my power on you last night to make you happy, and work you off to sleep. I can continue to help, if you're up to it. It won't just be me playing with your brain, we'll talk through things.” Her eyes were hopeful as she waited for him to accept, or deny, her offer.

Andri's body language changed. Both it and his feelings were just like 'Ouch!'. He had hit something, something very serious and Triss' face gave him every confirmation on this he needed. His thoughts were splitting up into two different groups: One the one hand he, theoretically, could consider it a good thing that Lorelai appeared to demand for stern discipline and would not accept a fellow witch doing ugly things. On the other hand: A death sentence ? How cruel was this! He wasn't used to that at all, but now... he was here. He would likely have to live with it.

"As long as you don't do things that you're not telling me about beforehand, I am willing to accept. To be honest: I think I could need someone who can patch me up very soon." He considered adding a few more words about that he would have difficulies with taking away that opportunity for Triss to show that her death wouldn't be justifyable, but decided to skip them because he felt it could add pressure and change the character of what he had said before.

Triss watched as his body language changed, he recoiled like he had been smacked. It made her feel sheepish, and she considered how wrong it was to tell him about her death sentence. She felt like she was just giving him more reason to worry. ”Don't worry about it, okay?” She pleaded, before moving on to the next subject.

He wanted to know what would happen to his head, and Triss found that agreeable. She would have to work a lot with him, testing patient boundaries and limits. He would be a great first experience for her. ”Of course, I won't do anything you don't want. You can't put up any walls though, otherwise it'll be too hard to get in. When we talk, you have to be open.”

"It's hard not to worry about such things for me, if I'm honest. I don't know how things work here and for me, telling that a death sentence is something unusual would be a massive understatement." He noticed how the witch attempted to change the topic again, and given how grim the other one was, he was willing to accept that change without any resistance. "I can agree on that. But... can you deal with Khan ? I have no control over him."

Triss’ body relaxed as he accepted the change in topic, happy that he didn't want to discuss it in detail. ”Of course I can, he has no control over you either. In your head, he has no direct power over your emotions. I'm sure you already know that by now.” Triss grinned, but her lips slowly curled downwards as she thought of what that meant. ”Andri, what does he do to control you? Does he...threaten you?” She chewed on her inner cheek, watching him with a strong concern.

Andri could see Triss' mood deteriorating, but her question was too fast for his own mind to get to the root cause of it. He wasn't sure if he could actually give an honest answer to that question without Khan revolting against it, but he had to try. "He threatens me with eating my brain. And he appears to be able to emit shocks that really hurt." He quickly decided not to mention the more embarrassing things Khan tended to do. The demon's greed for such things was near insatiable, so explaining her could easily give him the idea to do it again. The assassin's voice was rather low, as if he attempted to make Khan miss hearing it.

Triss was amused by Andri's low voice, a futile attempt at a private conversation. Unless Khan decided he wanted to go into a peaceful slumber, he would always hear what his host said. It made Triss feel sympathetic for Andri, he could never escape the perverse thoughts of his demonic worm, or his horrible punishments. ”Does he get upset every time?” She asked softly, feeling guilty about how she had rejected him earlier. Andri hadn't shown any signs of pain, but he was probably just good at disguising it. She wasn't sure she would go back on her decision, but it was more tempting if it would ease Andri's pain. She shuddered, imagining the sharp rows of Khan’s teeth digging into Andri's brain.

Triss' soft voice appeared to Andri as if he had said something that did really influence her. Then the hunter saddened more when he realized that telling other people about a pervy demon residing in one's head probably was something that could influence other persons, even witches. How used to Khan had he already become ?
"No... he gets angry when I'm keeping him away from what he wants for a time too long or if he feels threatened." The way he was looking at Triss now probably indicated that he thought she already knew perfectly what the thing Khan wanted was - and he felt embarrassed for that.

Triss knew what Andri meant, that if he didn't get what Khan wanted from her, there would be a punishment. Triss frowned, unsure of what she would do when the time came. ”Is there any way I can help? Do you want me to find you a girl?” She asked, a hint of jealousy to her tone. She didn't want him to have sex with anyone, not with her knowing. She had already claimed her space in his bed, and she didn't want to give it up. She rested her feet on his legs, silently claiming him.

Andri's head heated up again as he recognized the effect of his last sentence. "I don't want you to feel any pressure because of Khan. I can g..." He started screaming, pushing his flat hands onto his sleeves. Khan, due to the direct link with his host's brain he could feed off, was always in a tiny advance of his host's spoken words. The demon had started zapping his brain, knowing exactly that Andri had been about stating that he could get rid of him here anytime. You know that getting rid of me will cause severe damage. I would be willing to put up as much resistance as I can, even when faced with advanced methods that stupid Fenros you're so afraid of possibly couldn't dream of!
"There are whores in Seren's Folley. I can teleport there at any time..." the hunter altered his unfinished sentence.

Triss panicked, was it her fault he was screaming? She held his head until the noises stopped, wanting to withdraw into herself and leave. ”You can't go back there, you'll get maimed.” It was a fact, but she phrased it as a plea. She didn't want him to go, it wasn't an option. ”I don't want you to go. So you can't. We'll find a way around this.” She didn't want to tell him that he was her new pet, but she was starting to adopt those feelings.

Andri tried to calm down. The Khan-induced pain was still echoing in his head and tiny drips of sweat started forming on his skin, a delayed action of his body to what had happened. Triss' words didn't please him at all, but she was right. "You could be correct about this." he answered slowly, taking his time to raise his view from the floor back to her. "We and especially I will have to find a way around, or through, a lot of things. I'm no witch, I'm just an infested hunter with a view of the world that differed enough from that of the others to put me here."

Triss nodded, craning over to wipe the sweat from his brow with lips pursed in concern. ”That's why I'm going to help you. I'll give you what you need, but you have to tell me first.” She cocked an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to take the offer. ”You just can't go back to Seren's Folly, I don't want you to get hurt over some pitiful whore.” She wanted nothing more than it strangle Khan for what he was doing to Andri, her giant simply didn't deserve it.

The hunter wasn't sure about what to tell her now. He was looking into Triss' eyes for several seconds, unaware that his lower jaw was dropping slowly. It was clear that she was expecting a clear answer, but the assassin was struggling getting to it. "I... I'm not sure what you mean with 'what I need'... If it is what Khan wants, then... I just don't want you to become indirectly enslaved by him as well... Otherwise... I'd fully agree with you." He needed help, that was for sure.

Triss’ gaze followed Andri's jaw as it dropped, she felt his eyes pressing onto her own. Triss leaned in closer, staring up at him with the corners of her lips turned up in the ghost of a smirk. ”I'm no slave, Andri, I'm doing what's right for my giant.” Her hand cupped his cheek, and she tilted her head, waiting for his answer. ”So what do you say, Andri? If not that, I can help you pick a girl...but I have to be there.” Her eyes flashed with something dark, she would be there while the witch girl screamed for him, only to torment her brain when they were done.

He could feel the pressure of her hand. Normally he wouldn't have allowed for this so easily, but her eyes in the middle of his view left him fascinated. There was something around her that escaped his awareness, but not his unconsciousness, though probably even it wasn't correct. If there had been any walls around him before, they now were crumbling to pathetic remains. Khan didn't say anything. He was aware of where this was going to - and that was the reason why he was so silent. The hunter's cheeks rubbed against Triss' hands when he opened his mouth again: "I could just pick you..."

Triss softened, her body relaxing as she placed her forehead against Andri's. ”We're friends, my heart belongs to Alphonse.” She reminded him, planting a silky kiss on his lips. The rough texture of his beard felt foreign as it rubbed against her face and hand, but she accepted it. She got up, her movements slow and steady. She held out her hand to Andri, so he could accept it and they could begin the heady process in front of them. ”Quick, I must return you to Lorelai soon.” She giggled, gesturing towards the door.

Andri was surprised and it was rather obvious. He had not expected things to proceed that fast. The kiss stunned him in a positive sense, and when had someone touched his beard in this way the last time ? He got up from his chair, turning his head back and forth between Triss and Lorelai's office. Then he remembered that she was most likely still sleeping and thus unaware of them having knocked at her door in the first place, so there was no clock ticking for them. "She doesn't know we were waiting for her, and I haven't made an appointment, so..." He smiled at Triss, leaving the meaning of his words up to her interpretation. Embracing her hand, he followed her back into the hallway. They didn't hurry back to his room, but their walk was steady. Andri could feel an increasing amount of happiness gathering withim him, something he hadn't experienced for weeks. Triss went in first, he closed the door behind them and moved the lock in place. He didn't want to have any interruptions.

Meanwhile, Elzabeth and Lorelai

Lorelai hated sleeping on hard surfaces. The floor, the ground, stone altars, it didn't really matter what the material was or how clean. It was annoying, and painful in the morning as stiffness would have settled into her joints. Meaning she'd spend the first hour or so of her day walking out cramps instead of tending to her buisness or hobbies.

Try as she did she'd been incapable of convincing Elizabeth to do anything last night other than make love, fantastically, and then promptly pass out with a grin, somewhat less fantastically. She could hardly carry the substantially larger woman, and wasn't willing to part with the opportunity to fall asleep next to her.

Fortunately Elizabeth's chest made an excellent makeshift bed in a pinch, and Lorelai awoke pleasantly devoid of the small aches and pains she was expecting. She was draped over the nude form of the huntress, using her ample bosom as a pillow.

"Elizabeth? Are you in any condition to wake up?" She reached up to pat the woman's cheek gently. "Or should I get some hangover cure and powdered vigor?"

Elizabeth's hand shot up suddenly, as she went to grab the strange figure’s hand and squeeze it until the bones snapped. She stopped when she realized it was Lorelai, linking her fingers with the witch. Her head pounded, a headache drumming in her ear. When she opened her eyes they were glassy and clouded, and she winced. Her back ached, every time she adjusted pain shot up.

Though these things were true, Liz found herself smiling like a fool. She wrapped her arms around Lorelai, ignoring how stiff they were. ”I'll be fine, what are the plans for today? We need to get to work, love.”

"Unfortunately you are correct darling." Lorelai nuzzled into Elizabeth's embrace. She cast a glance around the room for their discarded garments, not yet making a move to retrieve them. "Current plan is to get dressed, find Medusa, and start making plans before my announcement later this evening."

"Current desire, however, is to stay here, or better yet find a bed," She leaned in to steal Elizabeth's lips with her own. "And find out precisely how vigorous you are, and accomplish next to nothing."

She winked, patting her lover's shoulder as she broke their embrace. "My desires should win more often." She stood and began trying to salvage her discarded clothing. "Nonetheless, thank you for last night. I'll add it to the growing list of my most treasured memories, love."

Elizabeth's body screamed at every movement, but she kept the pain hidden behind her loving smile. She picked herself up, slow and cautious, moving quietly and trying to find her clothes. ”I lost my whip, yesterday. The dart snapped off and hit Flint straight in the chest.” She grimaced, not bothering to pick up her suit of armor.

”Forget that, though. Let us find Medusa. I've yet to meet her, and I must say I've been itching to do so.” She only took the time to button two buttons on her blouse, tossing on her trousers and declaring herself dressed. She had just woke up, but she was ready for bed again. The faster they got this done, the faster she could sleep.

"I'll have the forgemaster make a replacement." Lorelai responded mildly. Sousiel had informed her that Flint had been injured during their escape, and while Elizabeth appeared to be handling it well there was likely more pain hidden behind that smile of hers. Things would only get harder from here though, and Lorelai was powerless to spare her knight from what was to come. "Maybe I'll get a chance to enchant it this time."

Once she'd finished slipping into her gown and replacing her errant undergarments Lorelai sifted around the shelves of the pantry. She turned to Elizabeth with a small jar containing crushed leaves. She carefully selected a small pinch and held it in front of the knight's mouth. "For aches and pains. This was my plan, but you so valiantly saved me from the stone floor. Chew them slowly, and spit them out when you're done."

As Elizabeth was condsidering the offered medicine Lorelai asked the question that most needed answered. "Elizabeth, before we begin, are you satisfied that peace is unattainable?"

Elizabeth took the leaves, inspecting them wearily before popping them into her mouth. She chewed on them like chewing tobacco, going slow so it wouldn't irritate her head or make any noises. She stared Lorelai dead in the eyes when the witch asked her next question. ”There won't be any peace, Lore. Especially not now, with the possibility of Flint's death on my hands. I'm certain.” There was a pain in her tone, masked by determination. The witches would win this fight, if she had any say in it.

"I'm sorry then my love. What we do will be harder for you than I." Lorelai's voice was affectionate, but resolved. Taking Liz's hand she lead them out of the pantry and down the hallways towards Medusa's office. "How well do you know the hunters of Seren's Folley? Enough to perhaps guess at their tactics?"

Elizabeth’s thumb ran up and down Lorelai's hand as they walked, she chewed thoughtfully on the leaves and nodded. ”I can make logical assumptions, but plans change with emotion. If they gather a group, it will be hard to control them all without some tactical slipups.” She sighed, remembering the way they had waited until the last second to plan their attack on the church.

”Scouting teams, if those are successful, search and destroy. There are a lot of things they can do. In the castle, we are stuck as a deffensive unit. Even if we were to attack and successfully take out Seren's Folly, we would be trapped as other troops attacked us from all sides.” Liz muttered a bit more, unsure if Lorelai understood.

"A keen mind as well I see. Someday I'll find a flaw." Lorelai replied playfully. "That's makes things much easier, love."

Their brisk strides and dishevled appearances drew looks from young witches as they went about their morning routines, each unaware of a much larger disturbance looming. Medusa's office was centrally located within the castle, and they found themselves in front of her door within minutes. Without so much as a knock or a voice of warning Lorelai pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"Lorelai, and... Elizabeth wasn't it?" Medusa looked up from a large stack of documents, removing her spectacles she smiled warily at the two. "Making preparations?"

"Yes. My first act as Matriarch in our time of war is to appoint Elizabeth here as my general." Lorelai wasted no time, her tone icy as Medusa's eyes widened. "I expect you to help smooth over any dissonance in having a hunter command our troops." Medusa simply glanced between the witch and the huntress, grasping for a response.

Elizabeth almost laughed when Medusa's eyes widened, but Elizabeth figured it was a choice between her and Alphonse. ”Pleasure to meet you, Medusa. I suppose I'm the new General now? Delightful.” Elizabeth's eyes sparkled, and she went to take a seat at Medusa's desk.

”I presume you have maps of the grounds? Those would be welcomed.” As Liz waited, she tapped the desk and raised an eyebrow at Medusa. ”Does this castle have a war room? If not we can appoint one, plenty of areas that can be shifted from lover’s dens to a proper war room.”

"... Congratulations, General." Medusa looked at Lorelai for a long moment, expecting the woman's face to crack into a smile, to show some indication that she was joking. It never came, instead Lorelai arched an eyebrow in mild contempt. "Very well. I'll ensure you have access to our most up-to-date maps as well as the information from our scouts and spies."

"Good." Lorelai features softened as she turned to Elizabeth with obvious pride. "As for a war room you'll be using my office and personal tower as needed for this endeavor. Would that space suffice?"

”That's great.” Elizabeth said, checking off that item and dismissing it. She turned back to face Lorelai, smiling merrily. ”That space will have to suffice, I don't want any plans in rooms of major significance, such as the cafeteria. That would lower the spirits of the witches.”

Liz turned back to Medusa, her face hardening with little effort. ”Speaking of the troops, we need to figure out what to do with them before breaking the news. If needed, I'll leave you two to discuss that as I prep the tower. You two have a much better knowledge of the skills here, I have the knowledge of tact.”

Elizabeth collected the maps in their cases and departed, leaving the two witches alone. Medusa's eyes lingered on the door after it had closed behind her. "Lorelai... do you truly think it's wise to leave our troop movements in the hands of someone with obvious conflicts of interest?" She said turning towards the older woman.

"I'd sooner leave them to her than you. She's proven to be loyal and stalwart. Not to mention experienced and versed in tactics." Lorelai replied icily. "All qualities you lack utterly."

Medusa sighed. They were at peace, but it was obviously going to take time to worm her way back into Lorelai's good graces. If she survived this war of theirs she'd have to make a concentrated effort. "Very well. What is the plan for now then?"

"Our current best bet is to send out scouts immediately to fill up our stores with the rarer reagents we won't be able to secure during a seige. Meanwhile we'll have servitors and soldier-witches near our wards. When the hunters come upon the traps and bound servitors they'll strike amidst the chaos, thinning their numbers as they approach" Lorelai replied.

"Why not just raze Seren's Folley while it's undefended?" Medusa asked. "Surely that would be a significant blow to their morale."

"Not this early in the campaign. Now all it would do is enrage them." Lorelai smirked malevolently. "Instead we'll wait untill they're scared and hungry, and eliminate their source of comfort and food. Not to mention Seren's Folley will be where they keep their wounded."

Medusa simply nodded. This was a stark and unwelcome reminder of how out of her dept she was when it came to the art of war. "One more question then, why do you need a General? Why not command the troops yourself?"

"Because I won't be here for awhile." Lorelai took a seat. Her grim eyes met Medusa's. "The only way this war ends is if the price becomes to high. I'm leaving soon for the abyss, to raise the Plague Lord. When they're battered and broken, when their precious city lays in ruins, I'll make them an offer."

"Turn back, or face a blight that makes the black death look paltry in comparison." Lorelai's smile never reached her eyes. "Robert Flint has more allies than we can hope to stand against, and this coven won't be dying this season. They'll run, or they'll all die."

Medusa shuddered as Lorelai returned to her feet. Turning towards the door she cast one more glance over her shoulder. "Meanwhile I'll be expecting you to maintain the wards and enchantments on the castle, and bolstering morale. Don't dissapoint me Medusa." The door swung open and closed as she left Medusa to her thoughts.

Elizabeth strolled through the halls, cases containing maps stacked tightly on her arms. She thought about placement and troops as she went, picking up a brisk pace so she would get some alone time. Soon, she had arrived at Lorelai's personal tower. By that time she had decided to use Lorelai's office as a conference group for private units and spies, so there would be only a few maps in there.

After going to the office to collect some supplies, Liz made her way to the lounge. It was lavish and comfortable, all the furniture looked brand new, not a speck of dust there. It was the perfect space to gather and discuss matters. Liz dumped her supply of maps and writing utensils on a nearby couch, then began moving the furniture into neat rows based on size. Couches towards the back, armchairs front and center.

It was a boring task, but once Liz was done, she felt even stronger. Her will to fight was growing, as the pain converted itself into a need. A need to end what she had started. She stuck maps up on the wall with pins she had collected from Lorelai's office, marking Seren's Folly and Castle Bloodrose red and blue respectively.

Then, she opened the impressive book Medusa had given her. It was well kept, but it looked very old. Her fingers skimmed the writings; pits to hell, explosions, certain summons, spike traps, and more. Each made Liz flinch, but she found herself smiling after a while, amused at the thought of all these traps having been laid. Knowing that they were magical, she would have to assume they were still active. She would have to find someone able to sense the active magic in the area.

Taking her time, she marked the traps on the map to the right, writing in neat print what they were supposed to do when triggered. She also pinned down their location in a dark green. On the central map she would mark the placement of troops, and that would come later on when Lorelai brought up the information. She didn't know how long she had been working, her mind rushing from place to place.

"If I didn't know any different I'd say you were enjoying yourself." Lorelai's voice came from the doorway to the lounge. Her eyes scanned the quick modifications to the room Elizabeth had made approvingly. "Leadership looks good on you Elizabeth, very suiting."

She made her way to the map and retrieved a small pen and began marking the ley lines in the area lightly. "These are ley lines, magic works better near them, hence the trap placements. The castle itself in on a foci of most of this region's lines." Her eyebrow furrowed as she looked at her knight. "I need to get your a lens that lets you see these things don't I? An oversight."

"What else do you need? I want to make sure you're well set up before my trip." She asked. "Medusa should act as your envoy, Alphonse will be your enforcer and advisor, and Sousiel will be available to you as need. Coraline's around as well if you'd like to put her to work."

"Lorelai, please, no. I can't stand to be stuck in this castle any longer." Alphonse's voice interrupted the conversation as usual. He didn't even have the decency to show them which shadow he had crawled out from. They simply notice that he was there, near the back of the chamber, leaning nonechalantly. An expression of mock pain on his face. "I've been looking at this place for far too long, far too intensely as it is. Give me a brighter abyss than the politics of plotting witches."

"Just in time Alphonse." Lorelai had long ago become accustomed to his timely appearances. Turning to face him she put on a faux expression of apology. "I'm sorry my dearest friend, but all I have to offer is war and a trip to the literal abyss. So unless you want to help me raise the Plague Lord I reccomend closing your eyes every now and then, but not too often."

"The abyss! Sounds like the perfect relaxation destination to get away from home." Alphonse snapped his fingers and pointed at Lorelai. "I've already packed my basic essentials, anything more esoteric I'll be needing? Profaned crosses? Cold Iron? Strange bondage devices like you have in your room? I assume those are integral for dealing with demons."

Elizabeth smiled weakly at Lorelai, watching as she marked the ley lines on a map. She was just about to comment on the people who would be doing the major planning, and her need for spectacles that would allow her to see the magic, when Alphonse cut in. She gave him a quick glance, before returning silently to the maps.

”Lorelai, you should take him with you. You'll need help to raise the Lord, I'm sure.” Elizabeth couldn't face them, her eyes watering as she thought of Flint's words. He had told her about the Lord and the deaths he had caused, though she already knew plenty about that from her father's tales. Now they discussed raising him, as if it were just a simple task on a chore list. It made her feel sick, but she masked it with a face as cool as stone.

”Seeing as that's what he wants.” Liz added quickly, shooting a hard glance at Alphonse. She began muttering deeply about strategic locations, to ignore any ill feelings. This was war, war meant complicated emotions, it also meant not showing those complicated emotions. She was a general now, after all. The thought almost sent her into hysterics, but she kept muttering and buried it.

"See? Your new bodyguard agrees." Alphonse said as strode around the table. As he came close to Liz, he sat down close to her and joined her in perusing the maps and charts. "You look like you've got big crunchy bug to chew on. Anything I can help out with? I'm a specialist in unpleasant duties." He looked up at Liz as he spoke. Her eyes met his for a moment, before returning to her charts. "Or is it the consorting with demons thing that has you worried?" He let a moment of silence pass. "I bet its the consorting with demons thing." He said nodding, apparently not entirely sure.

Elizabeth's eye twitched as they stared at her, she clenched her fists as an urge passed through her to tear down the maps and stick a pin in Alphonse's eyes. She could feel Lorelai's concerned gaze on her back, her lover obviously wondering just how stable Liz's mental state was. Her head turned fluidly, so she could face Alphonse and smile. ”Oh no, just wondering what I'm going to do with that furniture. I'm not pleased with its placement.” She turned around and began to move chairs, just to move them back a few moments later.

"Really? Because I would be far more concerned about the imminent large scale conflict against people that I once called friends, but cannot help to participate in the shedding of their blood due to their new found oaths and responsibilities." Alphonse said, apparently confused as to why furniture would weigh so much more heavily on her mind. "I'd want to talk about that, maybe just a little bit."

Lorelai glared daggers at Alphonse. Although he was only saying what she wanted to, albiet with much less tact. She sighed and turned to one of the cabinets at the back of the room to retrieve a bottle of scotch and some glasses. She returned to the table and poured out a generous portion for each of them, after taking a long pull directly from the botte.

"Alphonse, and his talent for tact." She smirked wryly, dabbing away the alcohol that had escaped her mouth with a handkerchief. "I told you I'd listen to your opinions love. If you have something to say, or a concern to voice, please don't hesitate."

Elizabeth clenched the arm of the chair she was pushing, as Alphonse put in his two cents. She wouldn't give him a response, but it say on the edge of the tongue, waiting to lash out. She gripped the chair like it was the edge of a cliff, and it came as no surprise to her when the material of the arm snapped like a brittle twig. She looked down at the chair, its plush arm now deflated and weak looking.

She turned towards the others, staring pointedly at her scotch. She could do it, drink away the thoughts for the second time in twenty-four , but it wouldn't get her anywhere. Neither would holding in her opinions, but breaking one habit was more than enough. She strode past the table, grabbing a quill, a jar of ink, and some parchment. She set her tools on an ottoman and began writing.

Lorelai's eyes lingered on the broken arms of Liz's chair, her heart sinking. "As you wish Elizabeth, although I hope you change your mind before I leave." She pushed the knight's glass towards Alphonse pointedly.

"If you're truly set on joining me you'll need Cold-iron and that blade I gave you." Her voice was painfully devoid of emotion as she turned to her shadow. A small part of Lorelai had been hoping that someone would manage to talk her out of her horrific task, but it seemed that no one would. "Some last breath for the crossing, and profaned holy symbols to deal with the angel."

Alphonse let his gaze linger on Liz for a moment. He did not envy her. He was more experienced than most witches in the coven of the outside world, but he still didn't call it home. It made it easier to do what had to be done."I should have a couple bottle of last breath lieing around." Alphonse said casually. "And I think one of my trophies should prove sufficient for the angel."

"The announcement will happen early tomorrow, after that we'll leave." Lorelai sighed. "Sousiel tells me it'll be a few days to a week topside, and I'm expecting a month or so below, so pack some comforts."

"Extra wine, gotcha." Alphonse said. The majority of his attention was still on Liz. She worried him. He trusted that she would stay her course. He just hoped that her emotions would not cloud her ability. "Speaking of which." Alphonse reached into his pocket and pulled out a large bottle that was much larger than the pocket was. "Liz, I think you'll be needing this. I find that it's best to either open up, or drink. Doing neither is a recipe for disaster." He set the bottle on the table. "Well, I think I have business else where. Good night ladies."

Elizabeth didn't turn to face Alphonse, continuing to write in her parchment. She didn't want to drink today, there was plenty of work to be done now that her advisor was gone. Maybe she could call for Sousiel, who wouldn't question anything as long as they were having fun. She waited patiently for the upper layer of ink to dry, thinking about whether or not she would have to work into the night. She set the first piece of parchment aside and began to work on a to-do list.

Lorelai watched Alphonse depart, leaving her and Liz alone. Silence stretched out between them, as the huntress continued to work, and Lorelai struggled for something to say. The tension in the room grew steadily to Lorelai, until it was nearly suffocating. Her love had never asked for this, and Lorelai was powerless to do anything meaningful to spare her pain. She turned the bottle of scotch over in her hand, just like alcohol all she was currently capable of was covering the pain.

Finally the tension became too much to bear, and Lorelai's desire to depart on good terms overpowered her strange paralysis. "Elizabeth? Sweetheart." She struggled to keep her voice calm as it pierced the sound of Liz's quill scratching away at her parchment. "Please talk to me."

Elizabeth froze, her quill slipping from her hand, the ink smearing across the page. She cursed, crumpling up the thick paper and tossing it across the room. ”What is it, Lorelai?” She asked softly, her cheeks aflame. ”What is it you want me to say?” Her tone was a bit more biting now, her brow furrowed as she collected another piece of parchment and began jotting her notes down on it.

Lorelai walk over towards Liz's chair. Kneeling next to her knight she gently plucked the quill from her hand and set it next to the inkwell. Taking both of her lover's hands in hers she looked up at Liz's features, "Please let me share your pain Elizabeth. I don't want you to have to shoulder this alone." She said softly.

"Cry, scream, tell me you hate me, hit me if you need to. Just don't stay quiet, please." Lorelai smiled up at her weakly.

Liz looked longingly at the quill that had been plucked from her hands, before turning her attention to Lorelai. ”Lorelai, I defended you in that bar when Flint brought up the Plague Lord. I pleaded with them, told them you had separated yourself from the evil that had overtaken you.” Her words were dull and emotionless, as she wrenched her hands from Lorelai's and took up her quill.

”Now, you give truth to their words. Now, you will raze their village. Now, you will spark a new legend for yourself. ‘Lorelai Von’Strauss, harbinger of death.’ I can see hear the paper boys calling it now.” Liz shrugged, blowing on the line she had just wrote to make it dry faster. The only part of her that displayed her true emotion was the fire burning brightly in her eyes. ”Will you send for Sousiel when you leave, Mistress? There's much work to be done, before you depart tomorrow.”

Lorelai blinked as tears overcame her cheeks before she could stop them. Mistress, that word from Elizabeth's lips had split her heart like a lance. She nodded slowly, reeling from the pain in her heart. "As... as you wish Elizabeth."

"Before I leave, would you do one more thing for me?" Lorelai asked weakly from her kneeling position. "Ask me. Ask me what I would have done if they refused to turn away when I threatened them with the Plague Lord. Ask me what I would have done had you simply spoke your concerns. Can you do that? So I can answer the questions you should have been free with?"

Elizabeth paused, taking a few deep breaths to keep herself from breaking down. She looked at Lorelai, her eyes softening alongside her features. Her heart pounded weakly, as it tore itself apart and scattered the pieces. She reached out, to touch Lorelai and wipe away the tears, but her hand slowly retracted. ”What would you have done?” She managed, her lip trembling and her eyes threatening her with pinpricks of tears.

"If they'd refused to turn back, I would have returned the Plague Lord to his slumber. Then I'd have let them kill me while you, Lotte, and Abby escaped if needed. I have too much blood on my hands to be able to bear the thought of children suffering because of me." Lorelai spoke grimly, her voice hard. "If you'd asked me not to make the trip in the first place, I'd have honored your request, as my spirit chaffs against the thought as it is."

"Instead you assumed the worst of me, painting me quite the vile woman." Lorelai stood slowly, and turned towards the door. "The whole world thinks I'm a monster Elizabeth, and sometimes I think they're right. I'd hoped the woman I love would know better."

"I'm sorry your service to me has put you at odds with your friends, I'll continue to do everything I can to minimize casualties." Lorelai paused a moment before opening the door. "And I still love you Elizabeth, for what that's worth."

Elizabeth's breath quickened as she tried to prevent the tears. Lorelai's words hit her hard, and they made her realize just how rude she was being. The entire time, Lorelai had wanted her to express her feelings, but she hadn’t. Now they were both hurt, and she could either leave it to stew over the next few days, or fix things now. Her body answered for her, she picked herself up and swayed for a few moments, watching Lorelai in the doorway.

”Lorelai…” Liz croaked out, taking long and determined strides to her lover. She met her in the doorway, wrapping her arms around her waist and lifting her up. Lorelai struggled, flailing her arms and softly grasping the frame of the door. Liz carried the wearily writhing woman to one of the couches, where she gently laid her out. By then, Lorelai had stopped fighting, and Elizabeth knew with a subtle certainty that this was what she wanted.

Elizabeth stood staring at her, tears breaking free from their cage. ”I apologize, for what I said. It must be hard for you to hear those things coming from my lips. I don't know how I could make it up to you.” Elizabeth sat on the edge of the couch, taking Lorelai's hands into hers and gently rubbing them with her thumbs. ”You're no monster, you only do what is best for those close to you. I wish I could be so selfless.”

Lorelai's pride demanded that she let Elizabeth stew, retreat to her own corner, and pout miserably for several days. Lorelai's pride was stupid however, and the witch was aware of that. She allowed herself to be carried happily after a weak and ill-advised protest. Once she was deposited on the couch she looked up at her lover, and smiled. "You're plenty selfless, and you'll understand more of that when and if we have children. You just have to trust me Elizabeth, and when that's hard you have to talk to me." One of her hands escaped Liz's and wiped away the tears from her lover's cheek.

"And I need to be more mindful of you, I should have known you'd have your doubts, and cleared them up before this became an issue." Lorelai sat up, and pulled Elizabeth into a tight embrace. "Love is hard work sweetheart, but I'll keep at it if you will."

"Together we can build something stronger than anything this world has to offer, and I want that Elizabeth, more than anything." Lorelai kissed her love, attempting to convey her wish through that simple act. She pulled away just enough to stare deep into those beautiful sapphire pools she kept getting lost in. "There isn't another person I could imagine at my side than you. I want to deepen this connection we have until I can't tell the difference between us."

"So what do you say my sweet?" She winked. "Can you forgive an old witch her foolishness? I forgave you on the way here."

Elizabeth pulled Lorelai into a kiss, rocking her as she soared to cloud nine. When she pulled away, her tears were dry and she was smiling. ”I forgave you when I went to pick you up.” Elizabeth promised, nuzzling against Lorelai's cheeks. It was a warm and safe place, here she had found her home.

”I will stay true to you, Lorelai. Our children will hear about the real you, just like Lotte and Abby do today.” Elizabeth chuckled, pulled into a thought of children and grandchildren. It was a sweet image, and she wondered if it would ever come true. ”Our love will be eternal, if you could ever deal with me for that long.”

Elizabeth planted a kiss on Lorelai's forehead, sealing the deal. ”Without you I wouldn't be who I am today, it would be an honor to connect with you in such a passionate way.” She shivered with excitement at the thought. Becoming an extension of someone else, someone she could share an eternity with. Someone she could explore the depths of hell with, just to know true heaven.

Lorelai's eyes twinkled with mischief as Liz felt something coiling around her waist. "You know, I'm not the only one crazy about you." Her tail lifted her love into the air gently, suspending her so their foreheads still touched. "I've got a Dragon inside me that wants you as much as I do."

"Well... nearly as much." Lorelai extended a talon from her finger, and pressed it gently against the neckline of Elizabeth's tunic. "Something you'll have to get used to, I suppose, is the fact that I'm a little crazy." She raked her talon through the knight's top, being careful not to marr her beautiful skin while baring her torso.

"That will never change, love." Lorelai ran her hands over her lover's exposed skin greedily. She planted small kisses along her stomach, savoring the warmth of her skin on her lips. "What will change though, is what I'm crazy about."

"Right now, in this moment, I'm crazy about you." Lorelai's claw extended again to slice through the front of Elizabeth's bra, exposing her chest. "Stark-raving mad even. A deep and pervasive insanity that shows no sign of leaving."

"Your face haunts my daydreams, your voice is the song in my heart, and your body dances across my nights, Elizabeth." She kissed a trail over the huntress' jaw before taking her lips lightly. "I don't want to hurt you my love, but I will. When I do, tell me, so that I can change for the better."

She lowered her knight to the couch, and her tail busied itself removing the remainder of the woman's clothing. "I'm not a very good woman, but I want to be. I love you and my daughters more than my heart can bear, and I want to be good for all of you. I want to leave my little ones in a better world that I had." She moved herself over top of her lover, lowering herself gently onto her chest. "When I stumble, you'll pick me up, and when you stumble, I'll always be there."

"My Dragon and I are in agreement about only one thing." Lorelai whispered into Elizabeth's ear, her voice humid and crazed. "You're good for me in a way that no one's ever been good for me. Now, relax, and let me reward you for showing me all the sweet things I never thought I'd have."

Sweet! I'll get to work on a sheet! Did you want sheets PM'd to you for approval or...?
@Midnight Howl I generally prefer advanced, as I'm a collab whore. That being said I don't mind that much one way or the other.
@Midnight Howl I agree completely. Character deaths should come with the consent of their player in my humble opinion.

I like the working for the Red King angle. This could be very fun.
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