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Mostly given up on this post by post business

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The guy literally said we'd be wasting his time because we don't understand what overpowered means. We, as in, everyone (unless he made poor word choice) in the arena sub-forum. He also made the wild assumption that he'd have to water himself down just to participate in the sub-forum (emphasising the generalisation, here), now, this can mean a lot of things, but whatever he's asserting is still a wild generalisation of the community as a whole, from someone who has no real basis on which to make these statements.

I think, considering he hasn't actually experienced much of this Arena unless he's an alt, he's simply been hounded out of other such communities for being a god-modder. His remarks certainly suggest that much. He seems oblivious to the concept of non-interactive powers, which are widely considered broken at all power levels, irregardless of setting.

In any case, I don't think any of us have lost out much if he chooses not to grace us with his presence or his characters. Seeing as how he was already on the way out before I gave him a kick. It's usually a bad idea to preface your knowledge dump with 'obviously I won't be spending much time here because I'd be wasting my time -blah blah-.' Because frankly, no one is obligated to give a shit about your feelings if you've made it clear we're not worth your time, nor do I generally take well to people who feel the need to speak to me in such a condescending manner. I don't bite so much anymore, but I'll happily respond to them in kind.

Glass isn't a member of this sub-forum, and has two posts on the forum in general, read into that what you will, but they have no reason to find your condescending and generalised remarks about the arena community insulting, or amusing, as I did.

Your decision to no longer 'invest your time fixing up a tutorial for 'this' place' anymore, does not bother me in the slightest. You seem to be under the misinterpretation that I represent the Arena in some way, as opposed to just playing in it. Though judging by your attitude to my ribbing, you really weren't cut out for the Arena, or any Arena I've experienced, so I probably just spared you the foreseeable anguish when people challenged you.

If you want people to respect you, try showing some next time buddy.

For anyone who missed it.

I've already expressed my reasons for why I don't plan on participating much here. My characters are ultimately too 'broken' to be used outside of my own setting (which is built around actually balancing them) and I don't feel like wasting my time listening to people call what I post 'god-moding' just because they don't understand that the concept of overpowered or 'broken' is entirely subjective to the setting.

'I work with characters on a very high tier due to the depth and complexity of my project. There's nothing wrong with choosing to do that, and it's not wrong for me to have no interest in taking part in the arena forums due to feeling like I need to water myself down too much.'

I don't think you had any intention on engaging with this sub-forum anyway, bud, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
An ordinary person can wear energy resistant armour, or hunker behind a barricade. We don't tend to allow the ability to cause a lightning bolt to arc down from the sky or for you to instantly incinerate people, powers are expected to have travel time.

In stark contrast, someone who can teleport can instantaneously reach a target, or avoid an attack. If there are no limitations. Someone who can stop time can kill an opponent who does not have the ability to interact with the power to stop time without any complications. Someone who can manipulate gravity can directly crush someone to death unless they too have a power to nullify or interact with gravity. They're called not-interactive powers for obvious reasons, and most fighting systems (including the one we use here, T1 Eden) ban their use.

Most powers can be extended to the point of being broken for Arena, in other words, but irregardless of context or setting, some are almost inherently broken because of this lack of interaction for the target. There is room for subjectivity in literally all aspects of human endeavour, but you can still determine that some powers are far more broken than others. These are the things we label overpowered. I'm not overly concerned with whether you consider your own setting too complex for us and have decided that no one here is capable of understanding said complexity in your setting. I find it funny, but not concerning.
When you refer to a character as overpowered for Arena, it's because they are using one or more of the 'banned' powers, which simply do not allow for fair combat, because they can only be countered by hyper-specific powers.

Examples are: Stopping time, reality distortion, significant gravity manipulation, non-limited teleportation, and the like. At the highest tier, almost everything goes, but even then there are limits, irregardless of 'setting' or 'context'.

It's very easy to create a character that is broken and overpowered at any tier level, and you will find no one is interested in fighting said character.

Down one of the many side streets in the bustling city of Mekkina there was a very large man over-dressed for an ordinary stroll. The mask sat up on his head allowed easy access for the mango he was currently devouring with strong white teeth, while his mixed Afro-Caribbean-Caucasian heritage was plain on his rather unattractive face. One look at him and you’d think ‘bruiser’ or maybe ‘merc’ and you’d be right on the money both times. He was obviously ready for something, because his large six foot two form was donned in Kevlar vest and army fatigues, he had a pistol over his chest, a shotty at his hip, and a baton on the other. Not to mention, he was carrying a damn riot shield for some reason.

The gruesome slurping sound echoed through the otherwise empty side street, passer-by’s giving him a wide berth. He dropped the husk of the fruit to the ground and looked around, sunken eyes staring down the street at an individual who had just crossed the main road. Unmistakable, in his lack of attire and his marked hands and forearms, it was Quebra Carolos. The armoured man began moving, tipping his mask back down across his face, revealing the red motif on the otherwise black exterior, the Rook. His shield bore the same mark, as did he.

Rook began walking down the side street at a leisurely pace. He didn’t feel any need to hurry, after all, he could always call the wrestler back if he got too far ahead. This was not a man inclined to run from a fight, even if it were one he was not expecting. The better question was whether his so-called powers would be a match for strength of arms and some modern explosives, flash and rubber-balls to be exact. That was what Rook was interested to find out, of a sort. Though honestly, this work was small-fry, more of an appetiser before the main course. GCL was his goal.

“Oi, mate.” He called in his thick British baritone. He was stood in the centre of the main street behind Quebra and the plaza, his feet set, the mask concealing his features. “Quebra, you’ve pissed off the wrong people. I’m here to teach you a lesson.” His shield at his side, the shotty was in plain view as he hefted it out of its holster and onto his shoulder, revealing it to be a sawn-off. “Nothing personal mate, but I’m gunna be beating you up, don’t worry though I won’t kill you or nothin.”
Aegis made a beeline for his last weapon as his javelin soared into empty air, the dory spear impaled in the earth. The creature bore down on him, its heavy footfalls and loping stride encouraging the young hero to even greater speed of his own, despite his armour. It was only two steps to the weapon, but the creature gained on him all the while, and as he yanked the weapon from the ground and span it clawed for him. Naturally, his spear shot out in a powerful thrust at the monster’s flank as his shield settled forward at such an angle to allow the weapon’s passage while protecting him. The collision of claw with his aspis was titanic, the momentum and bulk of the beast driving his entire body clockwise as he was threatened with being launched off his feet. Indeed, he did fall, the spear leaving his hand as he sought to plunge it into the creature’s flank for his trouble. Likely, it made purchase before it flew out of his grip, but it might have just been knocked clear by the rampaging beast.

He rolled twice, his armour cushioning him from more than minor bruising, and naturally twisted up onto one knee, as the creature roared past him, getting his bearings as he shook himself. He was without spear, but he still had shield, and the creature seemed to lack the ability to quickly adjust in its stride beyond its frontal charge, so the likelihood of it cancelling out its momentum and turning to him immediately was not great. Instead, it would probably turn wide and then plough towards him again, presuming his spear was not lodged in its heart.

After gaining his bearings, and accounting for the beast and what it chose to do, the hero of Epirus would make his decision. Go for the spear, wherever it may be, or draw his sword. Now he was grinning for real, but there was fear in that youthful face as well.
As far as I'm aware I interacted (or at least commented on, which is still a form of interaction) everything I actually could. No one else has posted yet.
Well, I came up with a reason for Banaari moving forward and being in the camp, seemed reasonable enough.
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