Avatar of MesuOkami
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  • Posts: 267 (0.11 / day)
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    1. MesuOkami 6 yrs ago
    2. █████████ 7 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current Sure are.
4 yrs ago
At best, at worst.
4 yrs ago
Still alive x2. Check back in after Quarantine. If I don't, I'm finally as dead on the outside as I am on the inside.
5 yrs ago
Still alive.
6 yrs ago
This time… I hope for you these will be flowers of hope that never die.
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Casual to advanced RPs are preferred.
Anime fandoms, sci-fi, TV shows, Slice of life, handmade plots.

1x1s are something I also enjoy.

In your eyes

I lost my place

Most Recent Posts

@Virani Everything looks good to me - just go back and add to her Reputation, and then she's accepted on my end!

Rosalina Perova - 1st year - FC = Alessandra Mustronadri
Dr. xxxx xxxxx - Head of Pediatrics - FC = Wes Bently
My body is ready
@Banzai Tracers

Yep, we have a Genin spot that needs to be filled!

Mid Afternoon | Kazami Theatre | Takashi@Tuujaimaa Metsumi@Terminal Akane@Anders

The edges of her lips curled up into a heartfelt smile towards the Yuganori girl, the Clan well known and versed in making beautiful wardrobe. A small wish of hers was to own something fabricated from their most elegant fibers one day. The Theatre always made her want to wear traditional attire - but it wasn't exactly the best to wear during battle. The students settled in, clearly all had exchanged a few words before she arrived. Sitting across from them, she had placed her hands in her lap, Miyako waited patiently for all of her students to grab a plate, and feed themselves before she began eating herself. Watching their movements, how they interacted with each other, body language towards each other. After nothing this Miyako moved her attention to actually notice their features - noticing the way each dressed, how they carried their weapons, etc. These qualities didn't exactly linger in her mind though, it was their dispositions that she was fully interested in. It would be as Metsumi began speaking that Miyako would notice the Yuganori Kunoichi offering her tea - holding her cup delicately with two hands, she would accept the offer. Nodding her head in a grateful thank you, and returning her ocular attention to Metsumi.

"Uhm...hm. I suppose I would like to get to know more about other cultures and their history, maybe? Since as a Kunoichi I might have to infiltrate them, disguising myself and posing as a local! Maybe I should take up a common trade as a hobby I can develop into cover later. Maybe dancing or singing or playing an instrument - like in your clan's shows, Sensei!"

Metsumi appeared to possess a variety of interests - one even being in her the Kazami Clans theatrics. Metsumi held a determined demeanor about herself, one that Miyako was pleased about. It was always great to see the youth hold such joy and wonder about their future - hopefully that light wouldn't dull in the future. Miyako nodded, and exuded a warm smile towards the young kunoichi - "Well, perhaps one day in the future I can walk you through the Theatre. You can maybe find something you're interested in, many of the Clansmen would be overjoyed to teach any of my students, thank you". Her eyes lingered on Metsumi, watching as she grabbed herself some pork. Her attention turning to the ever so dainty Akane as he began to speak up.

"Hey sensei, how old are you? You look a little young. And while that’s not a bad thing, I need someone who’s fully capable of pushing me so I can char my father down to crisp and bone in a few years".

Her gaze paused upon the child, well in reality he was only a few years younger than her. Miyako sipped from her tea cup, and placed it down gently onto the table "...as I'm supposed to..". It sat in her mind heavily and she wondered what that meant, but after a few seconds - she perked up and realized she was taking too long to answer the question placed upon her. "I'm 19 years old - actually, my whole team became Jonin right around the same time. I'm sure you, or your clean leaders may have some doubts - but the Village would not give me the title of Tokubetsu Jonin, if they did not see fit...". She responded, and continued after another quick sip of tea. "I believe it is your teachers who can set you in the right path, but you who should push yourself to the goal that you ultimately desire, I'm only but a stepping stone and I will reinforce any of your decisions. Unless of course you decide to go against the village, then I will 'burn you down to crisp and bone'". Smiling again, this one was different from the hospitable one's she had produced before.

Of course, the Jonin was serious upon making this remark. She would defend her village against anyone, even if it were one of her own students. Amegakure gave her Clan refuge during a hectic time. This Village would always be her home, and she would always protect it - especially the Lady Yogensha. Who Miyako found to be a stoic, and respectable Kage. Akane seemed more interest in making sure he would be the one to get what he wanted. Unless she was hearing this wrong, and pondering to much over the few words he gave of himself - Miyako would note this in her mind. Making sure to keep an eye on how his teamwork skills would be in the future, but on the upside it appeared Akane would be a very hardworking individual. Which would mean plenty of training and Miyako would not detest to. Miyako's eyes stayed on Akane's face for a moment, advancing next to Takashi - who began speaking promptly after Miyako gained Takashi's attention.

" I'm not sure how much I can really tell you about myself, sensei, when it's going to be easier to just show you as we get to know each other! I don't think you can really simplify a person down to a collection of hobbies and desires and expect to know them, you know?"

This response was a delightful one, she agreed with the young girl and nodded as she spoke. Takashi seemed to be malleable and this would be interesting for Miyako, as the young Kunoichi would probably flow with what suited her best and hone in on those skills. Which is essentially what Miyako did herself, until she gave herself the challenge - and succeeded at understanding the basics of Scorch Release. But again, this was also still a path she was on and probably wouldn't detour from for the rest of her life. Takashi then surprised her with a gift, Miyako's hands rose to her lips covering them - her eyes wide with surprise. "Oh my, thank you Takashi!" Miyako beamed, her hands grasping the package and laying it in front of her on the table. Removing the lid, it would reveal a black kimono similar to hers - upon removing it out of the box she would instantly notice the texture was different in some way. Miyako couldn't place her finger on how it felt different, but it would be. Takashi then stated she infused it with futon, Miyakos eyes would snap back to the Kunoichi. "Yuganori Clan...such skilled individuals. I believe you will follow in your sisters footsteps amazingly....and I might just wear this off the stage as well" She chirped happily. Miyako carefully place it back into the box, and stood up from the table. Carrying it to an empty spot on the bookshelf, her hand traced over the gift and to a small book that laid beside the open spot. Her tendrils grasping it and placing the book in her bag behind her. Miyako then turned back to the trio that were still eating, or possibly finished.

"Well, we have some time before the mission. As I stated we will take this time to see how you all work together - see where your teamwork is at. Communication is very important, and I have no problem in halting your missions if I see a lack of it. Without the cell working in accordance with each other, a member could get hurt, or worse...die," Her eyes slowly locked with each students face - of course her mind flashing back to that of her original teammate and his death. "But I'm confident you three will be able to work together fluidly, so....let's head out to the Academy Training field. Hopefully you all didn't fill yourselves up too much".

Gesturing to the door, the Genin would exit first - and Miyako would follow suite, closing the door behind them. She would then take the lead, and flow in front of the youngsters as she led them out down the hallway, down a staircase, and now they were coming out the side of the entrance. Her hands stayed laced in front of her at all times, she carried an elegance about her - one that some saw as too proper for this day and age. But it was the theatre that made her this way, cradled her from her birth to be so dramatic in the way she exposed herself. Upon actually exiting the front doors of the Kazami Theatre, Miyako would open the door allowing the students to exit first again. Her attention would turn to a messenger bird that was sitting, and waiting - for her it appeared. As the sight of her caused it to launch forward and flutter in front of the slim black haired Kunoichi. Raising one hand up, the bird landed and she quickly unstrapped a frail note from the bird. Upon completing its mission, it promptly flew off into the sky to return back to headquarters.

Her fingers unfolded the note out of muscle memory it seemed, so many missions had passed by that these small notes from higher ups were nothing more than stale news for her. Sometimes it was good, sometimes bad, but it never caused her anymore excitement these days. Reading the note quickly, she let out a small sigh - her right hand would bend back with the note in her palm. For only a second it would remain there, the next it would be engulfed in flames and reduced to ash that blew away in the wind. Her charcoal eyes moved to the students - "It appears we are being summoned far earlier than expected. Your first lesson I suppose - expect anything. I'm going to assume you all have your necessary equipment....as it would be foolish to travel without it..." She trailed off as her hands reached down and adjusted the sash around her stomach - loosening the Kimono ever so slightly for her legs to have more room. "Lets go, we don't have much time to meet them".

Swiftly, she would run and jump to the Kazami Clan wall, bounding across the town until they hit the exit and would eventually leave Amegakure as a distant memory, for now. The team would travel at an alarming rate to rendevouz with the traveling merchants in time. As they traveled to the Ridge out West, Miyako would unveil that the traders felt a sense of urgency after hearing rumors of bandits being seen around the area. Instead of waiting around for them to nestle into the ridge and wait - the Team wanted to move quickly.

This was one of the few times that Miyako felt a sense of urgency herself, she now had three lives to look after instead of just her own. She wasn't with a team of skilled ninja who knew how to protect themselves and each other, she was working with well....children. Tree limb to tree limb the cell bounded forward to their first mission, Miyako was sure the three behind her were fueled with anxiety and excitement at the thought of this. She gave no apology at the sudden onslaught of the missions begining, it would be something that they would have to get used to. Being a shinobi meant nothing came timely or easily for this breed of beings. They always had to be ready for the worse outcome. Though, sometimes some things did have a happier ending than some would guess.

Late Afternoon - Sunset | Tsuki Ridge | Takashi@Tuujaimaa Metsumi@Terminal Akane@Anders

It would be within the hour that the team would meet up with the Traders, Miyako doing all the talking with the man that contracted them. "Thank you for trusting us to get you across the ridge safely, I'm very proud of these Genin and am sure of their abilities. I am Miyako - behind me are Takashi, Metsumi, and Akane," Her hand would move to each individual as she revealed their name. "Please, if you have any questions, or feel as though perhaps you have seen something. Feel no worry in calling out any of our names, though again, I am certain and confident in their abilities as well as mine". She gave a small bow, to which the man named Atsushi would give a grunt staring at the children, before turning around and facing his own fleet. They would be guiding two carriages drawn by mules, each possessing one driver - he being the second one. So only two people they had to look after, and ensure their safety to their end goal - but their lives were just as important as what was contained in the carts. Though Miyako could care less to ask, she was instructed and would do her job without further questions.

Turning on her heel, and folding her arms into her sleeves - she peered down at the students. "I am going to assume that from the theatre you all have no questions...since none were asked. This is a pretty simple mission. Yes, bandits have been spotted - but it is possible for us to slip by. I would like for Metsumi to be more towards the front of the caravans, Akane you will be on the right, Takashi the left side. I will walk behind to survey the area and take any attacks from the rear. I will also have a solid view of everything in case we have an attack from the front of either side that you three may miss. Please, do not feel discouraged. Remember, I am here..." Another warm smile was produced from her usual rigid demeanor. She then perked up, her eyes opening wide. "Oh no! I almost forgot!" Miyako exclaimed reaching into her bag and gifting three Omamari's, all carrying the same 'Luck' Totem inside of them. Holding the three in her hands towards the students, "Please! Take one, and tie it around your bag". Miyako cooed to the team. What came off as a small sentiment, was actually the start of them seeing first hand how superstitious she could be. She reached behind her on her bag and showed the two tattered ones that she carried, "These have been with me ever since the Academy..." - and as she trailed off into thought, Atsushi would signal for them to begin to move forward through the cloudy and rocky path towards their goal.

The first hour of the trip would yield nothing, the seemingly easy escort through the hazy ridge would put them ahead of schedule. The Team would have to help the traders pull the cart wheels out of holes in the road occasionally - as others stood by watching the treelines and mountains around them for any signs of movement. But so far, nothing. The sun was setting, and this set Miyako's stomach to churn a bit. As she did not like traveling after dark, again this would lead into her superstitious ways. Though, she refrained from piping up after the man told them they would be arriving soon - she would just pay for somewhere for the Team to stay instead of traveling through the night and possibly getting lost.

It would be a shriek from Miyako that would set the team onto high alert "Renga no Jutsu!" , her hands would clasp together and a wall of earth protruded from the ground behind the caravans. A small explosion could be heard on the other side, "Quickly, you three continue moving along....I will catch up shortly Miyako demanded of her Team. Swiftly jumping to the top of the 10 ft tall wall she had crafted and leaping down on the other side to face the enemy. Though, the young girl should have known better than to leave her team to move forward on their own...this could be a set up after all.....

Miyako would be dealing with her own battle, that ended quiet quickly unbeknownst to the team, as the Genin would deal with their own. The carts would move in a quicker motion as they all would with them, the Genin at this point having to make sure the Carts weren't getting stuck or bothered by any obstacles along the way. A clearing would open up ahead and Atsushi would proclaim that "Its just over that hill!, he pointed ahead to what seemed to be another mile stretch. But it was closer than expected, maybe a sigh of relief - but the battle was just beginning. The team would move forward, ensuring the carts of any relief needed - the thick haze around them and setting sun would create a scene maybe something similar to that of a horror movie.

As they continued forward with no sign of Miyako or enemies - in the mist before them a girl would unveil herself. She looked sweet enough, but something about her randomly being in this treacherous ridge alone should send the Genin into high alert. "Have you seen my brother? He might actually be looking for you guys....You all are so young....This is going to be easier than we thought!" She exclaimed, a wicked grin spreading across her face. Reaching into her bag, she produced two handfuls of Kunai - some with tags, some without. Throwing them towards the carts and Team it would be up to them to hopefully deflect the Kunai leaving no damage behind on the convoys. During this explosion, she would jump back into the mist, and flicker to Takashi's side "BOO!" She exclaimed and disappeared again, a shuriken flying forward at Takashi at an alarming rate would be noticed by her once the girl flickered away again. It would meet its fate with a kunai disabling its path towards Takashi and both would fall to the ground a mere few feet away from her. Miyako appearing again, her face held no warm or welcoming smile - surveying the area again. The female had now disappeared out of sight. They were using the fog around them for cover. Though Miyako felt uneasy about the situation, she refused to let her face show the slightest bit of worry she had.

A figure walked forward on Akane's side this time - the presumed brother the girl was talking about. The bottom of his staff smacked the ground a few times, before he wrapped an arm around it and leaned against it for support - "I'm not fond of taking the lives of children....but you have what I want". His tone held no remorse, no excitement, just dread and boredom - and slightly muffled from the mask he wore. He then swiftly flung the staff around a few times, rolling it down his arms and in the air in a performance style. If this hadn't been a fight - Miyako would probably applaud him for his fluid movements. But she had no compliments to give to those wanting to hurt her students.

The female appeared opposite to her brother - both of their demeanors were confident enough to take the Cell down, just the two of them. She was now armed with a katana and taking in her appearance you would notice she was riddled with Kunai, shuriken, and other miscellaneous weapons. One could maybe pull that she was strictly a bukijutsu user, probably close range. As of for the brother, it appeared for now - he was the same. But this would quickly change "Look...I can make this real easy...you give us the stuff...we kill you quickly....or you do the complete opposite and still meet your fates. Either way, one will be quick - the other I'll make you watch their deaths..." Quickly, he performed handsigns jumping back - releasing small fireballs towards the caravans and team - Miyako would combat these quickly with a large gust of air. Some of the fireballs diminishing, others falling short into the ground and smoldering away. His face hidden by the mask he wore would show no change in his emotion, but body demeanor showed his hand gripping his staff tightly. Immediately he would lurch forward to Miyako and the two would become intertwined in a close ranged battle via her metal fans and his staff.

The team was now left with the female, who watched her brother and Miyako fight on the otherside of the caravans. The two moving at an alarming rate - both combating fire against air and coming dangerously close to scathing the other. Miyako not once being slowed down by her Kimono as most would think. Miyako's goal was to keep him away from the children and hopefully take him down alone. For now it seemed the three might be able to ward off the female until Miyako was finished. If anyone from the team wasn't paying attention to the sister - this was her chance, and she took it. If a first move was made against her the female attacker dodged it effectively and continued to launch shuriken tagged and untagged in a frail ruse. "Lets see if you runts can really play..." Flickering towards Akane, his gut would be met with a her knee - only enough to really knock the air out of him and bring him to his knees momentarily. Clearly, she could've knocked him out in one swift move, but she was toying with them. She would then look to Metsumi - "C'mon, lets see if you can use that" Her Katana extended and pointed to his Tanto, her devious smile had never left her face. Only becoming more toothier as she played with them like cat and mouse. Looking over her shoulder she would call out to Takashi "You can try too scarf girl, two against one is nothing for me!"

The three were now left to figure out a way to combat the girl, keep her from the carts - and hopefully keep them mobile towards the end goal....

Early morning | Amegakure Shinobi Academy Courtyard | Brief interaction with Koko - Surveying Academy Students

The rain didn't stop Miyako from finding the beauty and blessing in today - Graduation day. Though, it wasn't her own Graduation - it was her future pupils, so excitement still raced through her. She had yet connected with them, but was already so proud of them for their first accomplishment and could only writhe in anticipation for what they would accomplish with her. The scene was that out of a movie as the rain befell the students, Yogensha had a knack for really putting the emotion behind this adrenaline filled moment. "Hmm, intriguing..." Miyako was adorned in a usual black kimono - this one would be laced with an elegant ivory obi to tie it all together. Aside from the families, she was probably the only Jonin dressed up for the cause. Well, what others saw as a lost one Miyako would see the light in it. No bad omens had been received today, or in the past few for that matter. She could only assume that her future team would be successful and flourish in the garden of life!

Miyako was slightly lost in her own theatrical thoughts as she pondered on what her students looked like, what they were already capable of, who they would become under her watch. A nudge on the shoulder would break her train of thought and her attention would soon turn to the old friend, their history dating back to before their own Graduation. Gray eyes took in the red head next to her, knowing that she was falling asleep from the boredom - a chuckle erupted past her lips. "It's rather beautiful, the way Lady Yogensha brought the rain down as they tied their headbands back. So graceful....such a deep meaning to it....Yanno, I remember our graduation. I was so excited that day," Miyako trailed off as she stared out into the Graduates, then looked back to Koko with a devilish grin, "But then me and you were teamed up and well...the moment was gone". Her hand shot up to her mouth as she chuckled, her humor mostly only amusing herself. The side-eye from Koko only added another element and cause her to have to stifle the remaining laughter that was bubbling up.

The ceremony was rather brief - getting down to the point whilst still retaining a proper stoic right of passing. She would stay briefly after Koko and the others. Instead of trailing off into the crowd to meet her team like some Jonin. Miyako would stand on the sidelines eerily, her eyes moving from freshly birthed Genin to Genin. Trying to decide which 3 could possibly be hers. After a few moments, she would disappear off back home to her Clan compound. Duty still called as she had to preform for a show that day.

But first thing was first - she would return to her home, promptly starting on a task that would be executed later in the week.

Kazami Clan Entrance. 0900.
Be prompt or you'll miss the show.

These 3 written notes, would all be strapped individually to their own messenger bird and flown out to the students homes the evening before their meet. So it is easy to assume that maybe some students would become worried as they hadn't heard from their Sensei quiet yet - while others had. But timing was everything to her, especially a dramatic one. The pouch carrying the scroll would have the clan seal imprinted in black on it. It may be recognizable to those who have entered the compound to partake in viewing a show at the theatre. Or maybe from just basic general knowledge of all clans in the Village - who knows. Either way, it would have a formality to it. Each messenger bird would also carry a small umeboshi (pickled plum) in a bag - another note would be found in the bag.

Enjoy with your breakfast.

What would seem like a sweet gesture - was really just the small first glimpse at her neurotic superstitious behavior. Believing a pickled plum eaten in the morning would ensure protection throughout the day. Though she didn't eat them every morning herself, it was frequent - and mainly on days that seem to require the protection.

0900 | Kazami Clan Entrance | Takashi@Tuujaimaa Metsumi@Terminal Akane@Anders

hey, listen~!

The rain would be mist this crisp morning - the weather would change its mind later for a downpour of course... But for today, it was a blissful and calm start. A slender and pale girl would await at the gate for the arrival of the brimming youth. She would be dressed in an all white Kimono - her black straight hair contrasting heavily off of it. The gate on either side of it - painted on the wall would be the same Clan Mon from the messenger bird the night before. A Traditional Edo feel would be noticeable immediately. Compared to the tall and steel buildings of Amegakure - most Villagers found a small solace in roaming the grounds that laid before the Theatre and Clan homes. The girl looked left and right, her fingers grasped tighter around the umbrella handle as the time neared the Team to gather for its first time.

tap, tap, tap

The young maidens foot would clasp against the stone as she sighed. Oh, the first one. The next. And the third. All arriving simultaneously. As they neared her, and all gathered, the girl would bow and smile warmly at the Genin. "Good morning, glad to see you all made it. So timely," She would compliment, giving a closed eyed warm smile - yanno, the typical head tilt thrown in there. A few patrons and Clan members would be active amongst the gate - ushering people inside the Theatre for a 5 part Noh show today. The first to start in a matter of 30 minutes. Scanning the faces, it seemed the lady would almost be studying them before breaking the silence after a few seconds - "If you'll follow me, I'll escort you inside the Theatre..." Turning on her heel, she would elegantly walk towards the Kazami Theatre Entrance - passing a gloomy looking Koi pond. One could fancy that it would be a bit more beautiful in the warmth of the sun, and light. But the gloomy overcast of Amegakure resonated so harshly - it almost took away from the beauty of it. Limbs of cherry blossom trees reached over it, giving shade to the few storks that waded proudly in the waters of their home.

Currently, they were all near the edge being fed by a few Clansmen. The snapping of their beaks, and happy screeches could be heard in the distance as they caught their breakfast greedily. What would also be noticed, the amazing arrangement of gardens placed before the Theatre. Adding another dramatic layer to the building before them. It stood wide, rather tall as well - clearly about 3 stories high. Above the theatre would essentially be a very small apartment system, for Clan members only. Apart from the storage areas. Miyako would reside above the Theatre, taking her first step away from her family.

The students would be led inside the Theatre, all eyes on the youth. Receiving a few bows here and there, and mostly big, warm smiles from the elders of the Clan. The girl would lead them up the stairs to a private booth, where they would take their seat, the maiden would take her leave. And well now, the students would just......wait.

Before the show began, there was a small opener. It was 3 girls, all with fans - whilst music was played on the side by two men. The dance of the fans would last approximately 5 minutes, and if the students memory served them right. They would recognize the women that greeted them in the center of the trio. It was an elegant dance, the movements fluid and gracious. There would be 5 different plays that day - the one the students would watch be of the tale of Shinobi from the past. An inspiring message could be pulled from the performance, if they so chose to pay attention, that of teamwork - trust - growth. I'll let you imagine as to the story, and details.

Fast forward, the show would end and they would be retrieved by an older gray haired lady. She was finely dressed in a very formal Kimono - and would ever so slowly with her old bones, lead them out of the booth, and up the stairs and to what appeared to be a library. In the center of the room was a table with 4 cushions on each side. "Please, take a seat. Your Sensei will be in shortly," the elderly woman croaked, as she slid the door shut behind her and took her leave as well.

The newly formed Team 3 would be alone for about 5 minutes, before the door slid back open. Revealing the same woman from this morning, She was now dressed in her traditional every day wear of her simplistic black kimono, crimson sash and obi, omamari could be seen tucked under the obi with a keen eye. Taking her seat at the table across from the Genin, she would delicately place her hands in her lap - her gray eyes looked at each face before another thin lipped smile spread across her face.

"Good afternoon Takashi, Akane, Metsumi - I am Kazami, Miyako. I will be your Sensei and guide you through this new endeavor. You have chosen quiet a rigorous path - but I believe it will be very fruitful for you". She paused for a moment as her smile faded "The life of a Shinobi is not always marvelous, we do not always get the sentimental moments we deserve. As a Team now, it is your duty to find loyalty amongst each other. A bond. In order to effectively finish any missions we must work as one - this is the utmost importance". She glanced around the room, which was filled with books ranging from newer to more ragged looking ones. "Out of everything I have read, it is notated that communication is key. Without this, the cell can fall apart and travesty can unfold right in your lap" Her tone had changed from pleasant, to a rigid one. The last few words held a different emotion behind them. As she spoke Miyako would stare at each student in the eyes for a few moments before moving to the next. Hoping the minor theatrics of these gestures, and her words would be instilled into them.

"But for now..." Miyako breathed, and looked to the door as it slid open again. A few clans members bringing in some plates of food. "Let us eat, and get to know each other. It is noon, and I do apologize for making you wait so long. This was my last show until I am done being your Sensei, I do hope you enjoyed the show. It is one of my favorites - so I watched in the crowd beneath you". Smiling widely this time, it dropped quickly and her attention turned to Takashi, "Please - send word to your family of the Kazami's pleasure to wear the finely weaved Kimono's during this show. Your clan never ceases to amaze us at the beauty of each work of art".

Rice, a fully cooked salmon, chunks of pork, vegetables, noodles with a savory pork broth to accompany the chunks, and tea were all placed as a spread on the table before them. "Thank you," Miyako acknowledged her clans members - giving a sharp eye to the students as to follow suit. Once they left, she looked back at the students, "Enjoy!" Her delicate hands opened up over the table of food, beaming with a warm aura that could be picked up on even if you weren't a Shinobi. "As we eat, please - Mestumi. Start with yourself, let us get to know you. Tell me a few things about yourself... Hobbies, what do you wish to hone in on, your end goal..." Miyako trailed off, making herself a plate of vegetables and salmon. After Metsumi's interlude, she would ask Akane, and then Takashi. Each having their own spotlight, giving her a chance to get a small glimpse into who they could be. Most importantly. Who they wanted to be.

After these questions were answered, and everyone was enjoying the spread - Miyako would put down her cup of tea, and turn to a more serious tone as she laid a scroll out onto the table. Sliding it sensitively towards Team 3. Whoever was eager enough to read it first - would be upon them. "We have our first assignment, and we will leave in 2 days. I would like for us until then, to meet every morning at the Academy Grounds. You three will spar, train, get to know each others weakness', and strengths before we leave..." Her voice mimicked that of a robot. "We will start today - and end mid afternoon the day before we leave, so you can rest at home and spend time with your family. Please, read the mission and address any questions you may have". Her hands grasped her bowl of rice, as she ate a few more bites whilst they read, and conjured up any thoughts on the task laid before them.

He's flamboyant u mong.

Location: Lil House on the Prairie - Interaction: Businessman Shinobi@BladeSS4 Fish Shinobi@Odin Designer Kunoichi@schadenfreude - Squad 4

The rain crashed around the team, Miyako taking notice to Sakana's ankle - but it appeared Koko was already in the lead of taking care of it. She wasn't a medical ninja anyways, she wouldn't have been able to do much but recite some information she had read and retained from some medical book. Though, she could think of a few things she kept to herself and turned her attention over to Shinji. Who was taking initiative in trying to find refuge from the downfall of rain. "Good job," Whether he thought he was doing this out of his own will, or subconsciously from Miyako's previous suggestion - the small pat on the back would suffice. Looking towards the house - at first glance looked to be abandoned and withered away from years of lack of attention. Her focused on all the clones as they scoured the place, if something were inside it possibly would have already attacked one, or a clone would hopefully of already sensed it. She didn't want to go to the this perfectly placed abandoned house next to their crash site, it was what horror movies were made of. But, they needed to get out of the rain, regroup, and depart farther into the unknown. "Lets move forward to the house, dry off, and plan from there". Grabbing the bottom of Kimono that was becoming heavier and heavier from the rain, she was the first to move forward towards the housed.

The closer she got the more it seemed like a decent idea - but she should know better than to judge a book by its cover. The rain seemed to of cleaned any immediate dust from the outside, but it was still tattered and torn, small pieces of rubble laid around it, but no fresh marks or signs of new arrivals. Climbing up the steps to the front door, Miyako looked behind her to see three figures in the rain behind her, it seemed despite if it was a good idea or not - her team was following her. Good. She could already tell that later one it may be hard to manage everyone as they all were headstrong in doing what they felt necessary. But she was more a guide on this trip, not the enforcer of rules. What rules do you play by in the unknown anyways? Reaching the door, Miyako peered inside a window to see....nothing. It was dark in the first room - which to her was a good sign of it still being abandoned. Though the trip further inside may reveal a different outcome. Dropping the bottoms of her Kimono, and reaching inside the sleeves she revealed her two bladed fans that went with her whole gothic girl aesthetic. Black my eyes and slight my wrists kind shit, yanno? Anyways, the sound of them opening up was comparable to that of her katana unsheathing - a nice and light metal against metal sound. It always sent a small chill through her, as she anticipated anything that was to come. Slowly, the door pushed open with the force of one fan - keeping the other ready for a quick strike if need be. Nothing. Bleak. Dark. Her eyes squinted fiercely as she tried to see into the dark, the clouds outside bore no extra sunlight to help her see inside. Taking the first few steps inside, she kept her fans ready in front of her as her head snapped back to see that her team was close behind.

"It appears to be safe..." She called out to them, then looking to Shinji - "Did your clones find anything from the outside? She came back to the doorway, standing and waiting for each team member to enter. Her gaze focused out on the land that lay beneath the house - her eyes shifting to the smoldering wreck that was their VTOL only moments ago. Smoke rising high in the air, she could only hope that whatever or whoever was around would assume nobody survived the wreck and pick through the wreckage than move on. One could only hope.

Location: VTOL to crash site - Interaction: Businessman Shinobi@BladeSS4 Fish Shinobi@Odin Designer Kunoichi@schadenfreude - Squad 4

It appeared the consensus was in and she was given the spot as Team Leader - but for some reason, her gut slightly tightened upon receiving this position. With the realization sinking in she had little to no knowledge of what was to unfold in front of them, Miyako would begin to feel nervous looking forward. The curse of bearing knowledge consistently, was the burden of not having it when needed. Her rising nerves were halted by Sakana asking to be put on the front lines - her face remained unchanged as he revealed what laid under his vest. Nodding in agreement - "I already had in mind to have you there..." she spoke to him softly, her attention then turned back to thinking. Starting to replay the brief in her mind over and over again, she would seem to awaken from this trance inside the VTOL. Her head panned over to see that everyone had promptly taken a seat at an adjacent window from the other member - Shinji's eyes were closed, appearing to be asleep.. 'I wonder how long we've been in the air'. Next to Sakana, his eyes skimming the ground beneath them as the VTOL soared above the town.. 'What should we do upon landing...'. Her eyes lastly came to Koko - 'I have to ensure we all return..but that is a promise I cannot ke--'

"Anyone else feel like this is a suicide mission?" interrupted her already bleak thoughts. Her eyes met Sakan's for a mere moment, before turning back out to the window, the rain caressing the window so heavily it almost appeared to be melting from the outside.

An alarming crunching sound arose from somewhere in the cabin, Miyako sat up and looked around cautiously as did all her teammates. Her eyes darted back outside the cabin window as she tried to stare past the rain into what laid below them. Emergency lights then began to flash blindingly in the cabin, she sat towards the edge of her seat as the VTOL was now beginning to descend at a roaring rate. 'Miyako, shoot me to the ground' It was clear he already had a plan before she was able to form one, she quickly calculated the idea in her head and nodded. Rising and following him to the door that was now sliding open, allowing rain to begin to coat the inside of the VTOL. "Okay, the rain is heavy - I'll use a bit more force to ensure it doesn't slow you down, be ready..." Miyako sternly stated, making him aware he'd need to assert his body more forecefully. Standing behind him, she clasped her hands together - air compressing in her palms building up strength as rapidly and effectively as she could. Her arms would then extend forward to Sakana, palsm open and he quickly disappeared from sight through the wall of rain.

Turning her attention to the rest of her cell, she barked "GO!" Shinji was already on his way out the door - making a slide for himself, her face in dropped slight irritation for just acting. Then again, death was staring them right in the face - she just took the role to ensure their death wouldn't be before hers. It would be after Koko jumped that Miyako would follow suit, briefly stalling as she grabbed her Omamari's and closed her eyes for a quick prayer - finally her feet left the metal and she was weightless. This was nothing new for the wind adapted being, a sense of comfort almost enveloped her for the first time upon leaving. As she began her rapid descent, squinting through the rain she could barely see Koko beneath her. Miyako began to release small balls of air into the arches of her feet to cushion the meeting of the ground. Quickly, an attempt to send a small ball of air from her hands to Koko was made to do the same - unaware that she too was Futon user. But, she would come to learn this sooner rather than later.

The torrential downpour of rain quickly soaked into her kimono, causing it to gain a few more pounds. It didn't do much in hindering her movement though. The ground then momentarily shook after they all landed - as the VTOL finally met with it. Miyako turned over her shoulder to see the smolder of it behind them - surely the pilots didn't survive. Pieces of the VTOL flew throughout the air, landing in all directions, even around the team. A small metal piece landed with a loud thud near Miyako, looking to it she could make out one number. Her eyes widened, and stomach dropped, 9 How did she not see this before? If she had, she probably would have asked for another VTOL. "Kutsuu..." Her lips parted upon breathing this word - Pain. Shooting her hands up into the air, for less than 30 seconds, Miyako made a small umbrella of wind over the team and herself. Everyone was now in view, "Is everyone alright? Any injuries?" She called out to everyone - it would be after they all answered that she would drop the faux umbrella and rain would come crashing down on the individuals again. As she know could see everyone position, Miyako would make her way towards everyone - trying to keep her demeanor calm. The good luck charm from this morning was now cancelled out by this stroke of bad luck. She breathed in as deeply as she could without sucking in any of the rain that was gushing down her face, trying to calm herself with deep breaths. "Can anyone see anything? Perhaps shelter? We are too exposed out here without any idea of what is around us".

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