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Current Posted an interest check in 1x1, so excited to have time to write again!
8 yrs ago
Oh video games, when did I lose time for you?
9 yrs ago
Check out my general interest check! This will be a fun RP roleplayerguild.com/topics/8..
9 yrs ago
Feeling good about my latest interest check, hope you guys feel the same way! :D


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Its still there but its much weaker due to Pahns current conflict, it'll only make her feel kinda weak so she can walk through it without any real problems. Itll feel more like a really cold air rather than water at this point.
*THWOOOOooosh! Jingle-Jingle!* With a gust of wind and rattling metallic doors, both silver and crimson eyes faced each other once more on the street just outside of Dino's Italian Eatery. Things weren't quite so friendly upon this revived encounter, the air heavy with what is to be portrayed as 'anger' and 'fear'. By this time, most all human residents had retreated indoors. Their instincts screamed to flee and hide, so most all of them did, faster than they likely ever believed they could. Our two masculine figures now stood roughly three meters apart atop a road strewn with debris and cars that had swerved far from their native pavement. Scenery liken to an apocalypse had already been enacted here, and neither had yet to make a move.

"Why do you want this, Ephrin?" Severe words demanding an answer slip from our relaxed pedestrians lips.
"Well, Pahn, you aren't exactly my favorite person." The grey man chuckles, running one callous hand through side-swept hair.
"If thats how you want it." Pahn would say, his body pushed to take action when receiving an unsatisfactory answer.

*BOOOM!* The ground quakes as Ephrin catches a forceful punch inside his left palm, Pahn having now closed the distance.'Shit, I could feel that throughout my body. Still, it's not to be unexpected..' Pahn takes this opportunity to stare the boy down, analyzing him from less than a foot as opposed to more than a meter. Stones are tossed from the Earth below as pavement cracks beneath grey legs, boulders levitating upwards for several seconds when caught inside the profoundly dense aura's of these two godly beings.

"How unoriginal Pahn. Don't tell me you got your titles by swinging these little fists around." Ephrin goads through gritted teeth.
"Okay." Pahn replies. This one word, paired with solemn expression, was something that said 'yes, I'll show you some of what I can do.' With that, he dashes backwards to stand where he previously had before offering the first move. Ephrin stands ready at this word, choosing to observe the mythical strength about to be summoned as opposed to taking hostile action.

*.....wub....wub...wub..WUB.WUB!WUB!WUB!WOOOOOOOOSH!!* Ambiance liken to a generic star-ship powering it's engines could be heard as waves of what look to be compressed air rush from Pahn with each surge of magical strength. The air grows twice as thick as it had before, most all natural humans within a three-hundred meter radius now struggling to breath whilst coping with indescribable panic. Powerful silvery luminescence projects from either of the mans iris's.

*RUMBLLEE!* The ground beneath Pahn quakes and cracks, a very minor earthquake emanating from where he now stands. All aforementioned vehicles in the street surrounding him are pushed back by an intangible and colorless force flowing freely from his form. He takes a step towards Ephrin, the boy takes a small step backwards out of instinct. Whilst our grey man curses under his breath for succumbing to such a thing, Pahn initiates his offensive.

Pahns left hand moves backwards, his body shifting to emulate that of a practiced baseball pitcher ready to launch a curve ball. His right leg lifts whilst his left hand begins to glow. "Is our catcher ready!?!" He would shout, that once human voice now booming at such a frequency that windows attached to all surrounding structures nearly shatter. "Aaaaaand TOSS!" Said windows explode to pieces at that last bellowing howl, Pahns right leg lifting higher just before his body twists violently to propel whatever force had gathered in his left palm forward.

One silvery sphere speckled with blueish hues rockets towards Ephrin in utter silence, said target initiates a move at launching himself upwards when seeing this. Pahn winks at the boy just as his evasion begin. *BOOOOOOOM!!* The sphere explodes prematurely, it's energies blasting as a cylinder of smoke and white flames for several miles before dispersing by crackling multi-colored beads liken to cheap fireworks. Ephrin was near-instantly swallowed up by the inferno. People may begin thinking a holocaust was occurring, even with none having been harmed by some miraculous feat as all destructive force had been contained in between whatever structures humanity had taken refuge in. Nevertheless, carnage unspeakable had been left in the wake of this attack.

"I'm not so weak as I was before." Ephrin gasps between labored breaths. He stood inside a singularly preserved sphere of pavement, his left hand being extended forward. Crimson fluids spill from a humanoid mouth that had split open just inside his gaping palm.

Pahn is beyond words, only speaking when it humored him to joke about Ephrins destruction. He'd already begun gathering winds around his right arm. Spinning tendrils emulating a myriad of colors swirl ferociously about him, something bigger than that last attack already nearing completion. Those of greater training would realize that it had only just begun, that last 'pitch' being more of a stretch than an actual movement.


*Thwack!* Her attacks were successful, the genuinely panicked beast already feeling far too flustered by extreme insecurity to make any moves at avoidance. She was not it's focus, regardless as to whether or not she should be. Gold shackles enraptured by crackling purple energies make each frightened lurch to escape something far bigger than this young woman more theatrical.

"GRAAAAWL-*gurgle*!!!" The beast howls in protest, puss and slithering insects oozing from it's jaw. This detestable roar would end in a sizzling gurgle as Anora's knife makes semi-accurate contact. Surprisingly, the beast would lurch backwards, carelessly tearing it's throat open to move away from the girl. It would make several more thrashes, each weaker than the last. It's body slowly loses strength, all 'living' facilities appearing to be gradually shut down. This would continue for roughly ten seconds before the Aldit is reduced to a twitching mass laying flat upon the Earth below.

This is likely when the greater Aura would surround and consume Anora. She would feel as if she were a child passing under a bridge, needing to hold her breath out of a superstition more tangible than all known life. This aura does not threaten her as it may others, yet she'd still feel slightly petrified at it's sheer magnitude. There could be a titan the size of Earth looming above her, it's fiery eyes gazing directly upon where she stands, and it would only make sense.

The masculine figure in her mind wouldn't become any clearer than before, but the it's silvery outline would certainly have changed. Rather than just a faint glow, there would be a liquid light spilling freely into her memory's and imagination coming directly from his form. One could almost say it's as if he'd always been connected to her dreams and visions of distant, fantastical worlds. One distinct, and utterly unquestionable word arises in her memory. 'Pahnjaka'
He hasnt regressed so much as he's beginning to use his actual strength again. The poison hasnt taken full effect in the least but he realizes what it will eventually do and it's caused him some anger. Being someone who's rarely pushed towards distress by physical circumstance, this is something he wont take lightly. He eminates such an aura, that even when he's faintly disturbed, all who are unprepared will be overcome with an exagerrated and powerful form of whatever emotion he projects. Typically he's far more in control than in this specific circumstance, but it's been nearly one billion years since last he's utilized more than ten percent of his strength. Right now hes riding on about 15-20%, but thats still a hell of a lot when he's consciously whithholding much of it's residual effects even now. Also, the grey man threatened to steal something very precious to Pahn, and with the poison being something that could make such a threat possible in the future, Pahn's mind is racing.

I'll send you plot details in the PM's, sorry I never discussed my plans with you on that one! I definitly should have bee thinking to tell you all about it xD
I FINALLY finished my post! Regrettably, I need to sleep. Though, I will hint, things are about to get CRAZY for another post or two. I'm thinking Pahn and Anora might meet soon, we'll see how 'the craziness' turns out and where she is by the end of it. If you have any questions, critiques, or suggestions for what comes next please speak up, the magic storm's about to hit.
~~~In a restuarant just down the street, roughly eighty yards from Anora's current point of conflict~~~

*Ding-Ding!* Metallic frame collides against rusted bell, an atypical sing-song chime denoting another patron to have entered a place of culinary acquisition. Our relaxed pedestrian had entered his refuge, 'Dino's Italian Eatery'. They were famous for lasagna, but of course, he never arrives here for such a thing.

"Ah! It's the young man!" Dino would shout from within the kitchen, his eyes having instantly recognized one highly loyal customer through the rectangular opening into where food is constantly prepared. He rushes from a recently powdered ball of dough, those aged eyes moving to silently order one of many workers into resuming what the master chef had yet to finish. The care-free man anxiously scratched the back of his head, chuckling lightly towards what he saw as one rather hilarious old cogder.
"It's good to see you my boy!" Dino embraces the man with carefree enthusiasm, the two of them seeming to know each other well in the eyes of a packed-out dining area. It is true that he was one of the only customers to arrive for nearly a year just as Dino appeared to be headed towards bankruptcy. After said point, Dino slowly but surely found himself to be largely successful for no discernible reason. He attributes it to 'the man with silvery eyes', and surprisingly enough, he wouldn't be entirely wrong.
"Are you finally going to try my lasagna?!" Those brown eyes surrounded by care-worn wrinkles are nearly swallowed up by the force of two massive dimples created by years of genuinly joyful smiling.

"No, no. I'm here to see a friend. But you know, I could never say no to-" That soft voice repressed all conflict, it's presence forever something to be treasured and anxiously awaited by those to whom it's grown familiar.
"-Sausage and pepperoni!-" Dino would finish the sentence for him, the both of them chuckling amidst another quick hug before the stout chef rushes back to his place in the kitchen. A leathery hand slaps our mans back several times before departure, one of it's five callous fingers waving mischievously about with each step. "-I'll get you to try my lasagna one day!" He shouts, as he did with practically every word.

This joy was only to last a short while, one nearby booth having been partially populated by a grey gentlemen. Pinstripes curl against arched elbows, two hands having laced their delicate ligaments just in front of a pale face. The crimson eyes belonging to this body hadn't left our relaxed pedestrians form throughout the aforementioned encounter. The mind behind hig sullen expression would have made no move as to interrupt, he was too classy for any venture of that nature.

"You came, that was fast." Frank tones reach the silver eyes which move to sit across from their reddened counterparts.
"You hate fruit sauces." Equally blatant, yet hardly relevant truths did such a miracle as to push a smirk into the thin lips of the recipient of those words.
"True. So I suppose you 'are' who I've been meaning to find." Once having recovered, the gentlemen continued his subject.
"Maybe. But, what's the occasion?" Ivory iris's once again examine the luxurious exterior of he who sits across from them.
"Theft of your most prized possession." These words sent chills into the air, everyone in the room suddenly growing slightly more quiet than they had before without them realizing as to why such a thing had occurred.
"Okay. Your style is still lacking, but you've impressed me so far." Lively features would laugh lightly, as if all such threats were highly comparable to average interaction.

*Clatter!* A flustered woman would drop a plate with two slices of pizza upon their table, her body feeling rushed for reasons she couldn't verbally express to leave the presence of these two ominous men. She knew one of them well, but by queer logic, even he seemed intimidating on this day.

"So, what's your plan?" Warm lips would embrace the first treasured slice after speaking.
"You just swallowed it." After waiting several seconds, and riding on the distraction of flavor, cold tones could again be heard.
"You whelp..... Have I been complacent that long?" A friendly tone turns sour for only the briefest of moments when it's respective body registers what was consumed.

This is when all realizations collide. An old being is now to awaken, and even our grey man couldn't understand what this means. It may be true that none are safe, especially considering how effective an unnamed poison will be...

It goes without saying, profound, fairytail conflict is here to reawaken. Powers long dormant take their first steps towards materialisation. *Thwop* Sausage and pepperoni pizza lands flatly atop grease-coated plate. Powerful tastes mean nothing to one who's experienced all this world may offer. What feel as needles shoot into the skin of all who dwell inside the restaurant, nearly everyone for roughly one hundred meters would feel panic surround them as a cloud. Hostile lions could be standing before them and it's likely they wouldn't feel quite so scared as they do now. Anora would have some resistance to this. But nevertheless, it's as if some large hand looms over her, power untold rearing it's head upon Earths surface for the first time in the Fifth age.

"AHH!" *CRASH!* Screams and crashing vehicles now populate a panicked and chaotic city center. Scenery will change quickly in the next hour or so, should nothing be done to stop the source of this.


"GRAAALLLLGH!!!" The ghoul had charged directly into Anora's netted shield. Something about it's offensive appeared reluctant, as if having been commanded against better instinct to inflict this result upon itself. Death-born fluids of various type simmer and dissolve against the girls defense for several seconds before a counterattack is made.

During this charge, both previously described snakes had retreated into our ghouls skull. Two small glowing dots filled each eye rather than what typically may be observed as an iris from any other beast or man. Whilst being inflicted heavily with damages such as heavy scorching and turbulent waves of solid wind, one of these two snakes sacrifices itself to lung forward and use it's non-poisonous fangs to slash at Anora's chest. Regrettably, the attack would miss. Still, damage is certain to be inflicted upon her right shoulder whilst the willful strike is pushed away by fear-born energies powering all present defenses. Aside from this, not one hand could have reached the girl through her improvised fortress.

The beast would then release it's assault, being flung backwards roughly eight feet by the powers it was once pushing itself towards. The opponent would take hardly a breathe to recover, during which time another ominous feminine chuckle would fill the air. Overall, the Aldit doesn't appear to be severely harmed, all bodily functions still obviously intact aside from one missing 'eye'.

"Not too shabby, maggot. Perhaps I'll savor you for some time to come." Just after such words were permitted, the presence of those two men in Dino's would be felt. Though the relevancy of Anora's situation is undiminished, the stimulation it causes may likely push most present convictions aside. A force truly unknown to this point had shown itself, even the sluggish creature across from our young woman had felt this. It froze, backing away slightly, as if in fear... If such a monster could even feel named emotion. Perhaps survival?

For Anora, this aura wouldn't appear quite so 'life-threatening'. She would likely feel as if some relative had grown fiercely enraged over current personal circumstance, or that a deeply-connected brother were about to act upon an undeserved rage towards someone she knew but did not entirely care for. She would fear for those involved more-so than herself, something of resonance being felt towards that which projects all of said calamity. She could likely swear she knew what was responsible, even going so far as to say it was a 'who' rather than a 'what'.

Something of a cold, silvery outlining to a masculine figure far in the distance could be pictured deep in the recesses of Anora's mind should she focus in on what was engulfing all surrounding life. The being perceived was faint, but the warmness and deep respect for him was unmistakable. He had given her, or someone she knew, something irreplaceable. Safety and fear simultaneously collide, but whether these things were born of Anora personally is likely hard to distinguish in such a turbulent moment as this.
Ok, NOW my post is finished. And yes he does quite like pizza, you could even say his taste for it is 'ageless' *Slaps my own knee repeatedly* xD
'The bitch, she's really just an idiot after all.' Jaded eyes pace their emerald form across an approaching woman chasing one well-empowered minion. The 'aldit', or 'ghoul' as Anora would have it, easily matched pace with our young human female even whilst running backwards so as to never miss locking it's gaze upon her. Though, curiosities were peaked upon witnessing the varied energies clinging fervently against two clenched fists. 'I wonder...' Towards an alley Anora would be lured. Presumably, she'd follow the mangled beast into shadowy bowels so long as it maintained the previously established distance. Regrettably, what is to be found here was far more than just one decayed figure.

*THWAP!* Immediately upon entering or coming close to said corridor an unregistered force would snatch Anora from her feet. Someones hand had gripped her left wrist, lifting the hapless woman from balance with superhuman strength. Upon registry, the assailant's supernatural form would be made clear, and once more, without any passerby noticing.

Scaled skin cakes a near-naked form, no, a tightly-clad form. Green snake scales are the exterior to a snug suit adorned by one rather voluptuous feminine figure. The toes of her feet end in sharp claws, the soles of her stiletto's having been lifted as if she constantly postures on the front ends of her feet rather than the heels. Her legs are to be expected of most human forms, albeit, blatantly muscular. Her core speaks of similar training regimes, her waist being lined in what appear as turtle shells. Upon closer inspection, these 'shells' may actually be large jade stones carved in such a way as to mirror the aforementioned animal group. Her breasts and shoulders are lifted and lean, her left arm being visible and clawed just as her feet are. Her right arm is currently tasked in lifting Anora from the Earth. Her neck is lined in a massive collar splitting as a V inwards to the chest. It's been popped upwards, nearly rising past the top of her scalp as a fashionable wall of green scales. Her features may dwarf most all previously witnessed Greek sculptures, each facet appearing as symmetrical in beauty despite all malice and seething ego. Her emerald hair flows as if submerged, shimmering in light that hardly exists. Several long strands nearly collide with Anora, their beauteous movement to remain unquestioned by all natural standards.

Anora would have by now realized that she's paralyzed aside from movement of the eyes and mouth. From the moment her eyes had caught the quick movements of this woman grasping her fore-arm, she would have been defenseless. Something of an unnatural and unseen fluid could be felt flowing against each inch of her skin. This fluid would be cold, but never acting as something to prevent breathing or speech.

"You're what Ephrin tasked me to destroy? I slay godly beasts, not slithering worms." She sneers at Anora, that elegant face mirroring the tone of her near-musical voice. Despite being spoken as plain word, each syllable bled of perfect verbal training. Her free hand snaps to clasp Anora's cheeks, turning the girls head from side to side as if examining some piece of raw meat to be later purchased.

*Thwop!* Anora is suddenly dropped the two feet she's been lifted towards the Earth below, her paralysis ending just before said event. The tall green woman would vanish while this occurs, a faint breeze flowing from her previous place of standing. A callous chuckle fills the air, that sing-song voice sliding into Anora's ears once more. "Let's see if you're more than a worm, little maggot." She would have said, the ghoul still having stood forty feet down the alley suddenly takes a rather active position on things as opposed to it's previously silent composure.

*Grrrssshh* The beast would deeply moan, it's jaw sizzling with puss and bugs unseen but on corpses or in swamps. It's eyes light up in an odd way, two small tendrils extending from what can only now be perceived as hallow sockets. What can be registered as thin snakes in the faint light writhe from it's skull, acting as mobile viewing apparatus's. They lock upon Anora as both clawed hands extends forward. Labored steps carry an unholy fate towards a girl who's been tossed into more than she's known she could be. She has ten to twenty seconds before the beast reaches her, but should she attempt to walk backwards that cold and unseen fluid would overtake her, causing paralysis once more. She has only forward to move, only fears to face.


'What's 'he' doing here?' Our relaxed male pedestrian thinks whilst taking the final bite of a long-treasured pizza slice, his hands lightly rubbing themselves together afterwards as to be rid of crumbs and grease. His thoughts were spurred by the spotting of a grey gentlemen roughly thirty yards down the street. Recognition was instant, rather than something to be sought inside the cavernous bowels of past acquaintance. This observed pin-striped man had taken it upon himself to walk into the nearest Italian eatery, looking as if he were full of some deep and meaningful purpose.

'Has he FINALLY acquired a taste for pizza? No, something's off, he's never liked fruits as a sauce. The male nods, as if culinary preference were the explanation to all things in the universe. After taking several seconds to breathe the scenery surrounding him, he stands. 'He looks tense, I should help put him at ease.' With pure intentions in mind, our pedestrian set off towards one of his many preferred restaurants. It's not as if he were really heading in that direction to acquire more food, the man couldn't possibly be that simple, could he?
Hope that post is okay, I was struggling to write it properly for some reason. Had a little bit of writers block I suppose.
*Snicker* Twisted laughter reverberates throughout a shadowy corridor. "You think she's some kind of threat?" Feminine, malice-tainted vocals push said question towards their respective recipient, one masculine figure standing opposite of a corrupted woman known only as 'The Second Gorgon'.

"Of course. She's connected to that man." He responds by frank tone, either crimson eye looking down upon pedestrians via dirt-caked glass. His six foot stature, coated in grey pinstripe suit, leans laxly against peeling floral wallpaper.

"Are you serious?! That's just some distant relation. No ones seen him in millions of years anyways.." Lady Gorgon blurts towards her cohort. Her posture displays annoyance, feeling unhindered in speech as they both stand alone in a condemned apartment complex.

"You can only say that because you're young.-" Another retort coated in apathy draws deep aggravation by the woman standing across from himself. "-But if you feel that strongly, just take care of her." His words of allowance towards this girls wanting for conflict push away all further means to fight one another. She's sated, or at least, she feels she soon will be.

"I will! Just don't poke your head out while I'm having my fun you greedy bastard." The gorgon sneers, clenching her fists tightly in remembrance of past relations with our grey and mysterious gentlemen. She vanishes from sight, moving by expedience to address her latest source of entertainment.

"What an unoriginal child. Abandoned human housing... She couldn't have just enslaved half the town for comfort? somethings got her on edge. Perhaps he truly is nearby." He thinks aloud upon the gorgons departure, feeling now emboldened by privacy. He wasn't to stay here long, the man named in his contract feeling nearer than ever before. 'I've heard he quite delights in what modern man calls 'pizza'? Perhaps I shall start by searching respective establishments.' The hunt begins.


Anora would have safely entered her vehicle, departing towards aforementioned grocery outlet as she might any other day. But, as she has already felt, this hour was not liken to 'any other day'. During travel, the air would have grown thicker and slightly more unnerving than previously experienced. Maybe someone was watching her? Of course the actual oddity of it all didn't occur until entering Piggly Wiggly's parking lot. This would be her first contact with that strange other world, the place of magic that's remained hidden for most all other pedestrians.

After having exited the BMW, something out of place unnoticed by all would likely be spotted. Near the road, roughly 40 feet from where she now stands, is what could firstly be described as one partially rotted ghoul. There it silently stood, wheezing faintly and constantly jittering within it's upright position. Flayed skin and torn raiment cling to maggot-caked exterior.

Perhaps Anora may gasp at her distant company, but surprisingly, none would join her. All surrounding sapiens pass by this being as if he weren't there. Not one eye nor ear is lent to it's existence as if she were the only to know of it's queer threat. Should Anora attempt to approach the beast, it would match her pace in retreating from her. If any attempt to run can be committed, the ghoul would follow in due form. Anora now had a second shadow, likely as untouchable as what she firstly possessed.

If Anora is yet brave enough to enter the store, so to would said zombie. Employees and people may only remark at how the automatic door seems to be malfunctioning. Company loves misery, and she wouldn't be without either for several hours to come.


'Whats an 'Aldit' doing here?' A nearby being would casually think, sitting atop dilapidated bench with a near-finished slice of pizza in hand. His silvery eyes pace one shivering ghouls form, soon to alight over the girl it's vigilantly observing. 'She reminds me of someone...' Another thought to be traced over a massive sea of past experiences.

"Nope, not possible." He says aloud, affirming a belief that this ebony-clad girl is not what he thinks her to be. He was far too distracted by the finishing of an item long put into creation for any true attention to be paid towards another victim of some gorgons schemes. Besides, his pizza was also important, and he most certainly wasn't finished savoring it.
Working on my post now. I loved that video! xD
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