Avatar of Mortim


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3 yrs ago
Current Posted an interest check in 1x1, so excited to have time to write again!
8 yrs ago
Oh video games, when did I lose time for you?
8 yrs ago
Check out my general interest check! This will be a fun RP roleplayerguild.com/topics/8..
9 yrs ago
Feeling good about my latest interest check, hope you guys feel the same way! :D


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He looks twenties, like, late twenties.
Ok I posted his description, sorry I left it out in the first place xD
You aren't missing anything, those are all the details I've given thus far. SORRY ABOUT THAT!
I'll add his description tomorrow when I wake. For now I gotta sleep.
Pahn visibly ceases his escalation to closely observe the convulsing mass of energy before him. The silvery magics swirling about came to rest as spiraling rings of shimmering luminescence around his right hand whilst an eagle wreathed in purple and gold sprouts from sundered pavement between two godly duelists. 'I was wrong...' Recent memory's of a girl running towards danger in a shadowy alley haunt a once relaxed mind. Our named man despairs at his blunder, showing this outwardly as a grin in Anora's direction whilst she speaks through one glimmering familiar. Words would reach the girls ear, reassuring tones seeming to fill her with vigor and stamina to continue. "I'll end this quickly. Don't worry, I clean up after myself rather well." Surging energy's had been invisibly transmitted to her, powers to better withstand raging aura's filling a flipped gut. His mouth hadn't moved, but, an understanding that this message was given by him alone felt somehow clear. His promises attracted profound sensations of trust and security, as if one were young before memory and their parents had promised to give them something they knew beyond doubt they'd receive.

Ephrin laughs aloud, lowering his hand whilst regaining composure, an aura of darkened malevolence beginning to seep from him. Shadows grow longer, sighs grow deeper, warm air retreats as if to be intolerant of what stands before it. This wasn't quite so palpable as what emanated from the ivory-eyed man, but it was felt nonetheless.

"You're just full of surprises, Pahn! There's still a guardian or two lurking about?-" Ephrin's tone jokingly dances around the subject, his eyes moving towards the car Anora hides behind. His gaze was like a force, penetrating all solid matter, nearly feeling to tangibly wrap it's slimy fingers over each inch of her flesh-bound vessel. She had most certainly been discovered by all present immediately upon attempting to cast her spell. These were no minor wizards, they were well versed in the mechanics of magic in all its forms. nevertheless, she appeared to strike something in both of them, having created a conversational pause in something that was about break out in full swing.
"-I thought I'd ended that era with your lovers heart on my masters table?!" Ephrin continues his words, making an attempt at striking another chord in Pahn. Regrettably, this is exactly what he accomplished. He'd brought up a subject the man had buried for many eons. Especially after discovering Ephrin was related to a rather tragic period, things certainly weren't about to end quietly. Pahn opted to wait for now, knowing the scoundrel before him had something prepared. He'd let the beast take it's action before ripping it's jaw wide open.

Ephrin points with his left hand towards the heavens, a spell he'd been stealthily preparing since the beginning of this eagles rise being now fully enacted. This spell would take less than a second to fully activate, regardless, it's magnitude of size and detail are not to be withheld.

*WOOOSH!* All splotched clouds in the sky above split spherically with a gale felt clear down to Earth's surface. One could say some meteor had just entered it's final descent into the atmosphere, but there was no such object to accompany current events. A swirling mass of darkness spreads from the epicenter roughly ten miles above where warring participants stand, expanding as an ebony mass before ceasing it's growth upon reaching a size to dwarf any average american town. This black mass would mold into having all the features of a face, it's six-mile girth somehow never creating shadows to darken the streets below; though, it did certainly blot out the sun. Upon reaching maximum diameter it's mouth would open wide with all other features remaining closed, a howl mixes with what sounds of many revving automobile engines to create an otherworldly resonance. At the center of it's gaping mouth accumulate rays of reddened energy, eventually projecting one super-massive crimson beam downwards. They were all in it's sights, Ephrin succumbing to his inner demons by relinquishing a maddening grin in his targets general direction. When all of this had finally occurred, nearly one full second had passed.

In response to this, Pahn tosses the rings of silvery energy he'd gathered upwards. These small spiraling dots of light seem to fade into the sky before, all at once, *BOOOM!*. They collide, creating a blinding light equivalent to that of a star reaching deadly proximity with our habitable world. Color fades from existence for several seconds by a wash of pure white before the sun can reclaim it's rightful place in splotching solid matter with myriads of hues and shades. Due to Pahn's 'enchantment', Anora would only be blinded for a few brief moments even if she were to look directly into all conflict. *WOOOSH!!* Five seconds after collision, another profound gale would wash over human civilization, this one feeling far warmer than the last.

Crimson powers gather inside the orbiting face once more. Pahn snaps his right hands fingers when this occurs, the residual vibrations feeling more like a clap of thunder than anything one human hand could produce. *SKEEEE!* Sounds of grinding metal fill the air, the space above aforementioned mass of darkness having warped suddenly. Towering spears of pure white had blasted completely through the levitating weapon, that monstrous incantation dissolving away once being run through by more than thirty of these rods that could match the width of most skyscrapers. *BOOM-BOOM-BOOM!* Each spear crashes somewhere far in the distance, plumes of smoke rising at their base of collision, sending veritable shock-waves throughout surrounding county's. The length of these bland towers birthed of combat reach easily into where clouds should rest far above.

Ephrin begins dissolving into his shadow whilst his offensive dissipates, Pahn moving faster than human sight could perceive to intercept him. A massive cloud of smoke birthed from broken cement fills the entire street. When it settles, Pahn can be seen standing at the center of a seven foot deep crater slowly being filled by muddled water from a broken pipeline. His eyes are distant, and his fists are tightly clenched. Blueish fluid seeps from the corner of his mouth. Should Anora notice this fluid, some distant instinct deep in the back of her mind would flare up without any immediate explanation or control. She would feel as if she needed to protect him from harm or anything that demands hostility, perhaps even from the wind itself should our current situation deem it necessary.

Pahn would stand in his bowl of destruction, completely still for many moments to come. Silence and fear take hold of his world should none come to intercept his current train of thought. He would stare down at where his enemy once rested, being consumed by contemplation of this person and what he'd spoken about. His powerful aura had lessened, though it was still certainly potent enough to keep any average onlooker at bay.

Should Anora approach, she'd see that his body and features were to be marveled over, much like the reptilian woman to whom she was held captive only a minute earlier. How odd, that strange female offender seemed to have disappeared, yet some distant thought about her dreadful eyes seemed to linger on what was happening here. Was she still observing Anora somehow?

When close enough, the physical details of this godly being would be provided resolution. Upon his feet were tan moccasins clinging well to porcelain ankles in all their smooth, arching curves. Tattered blue jeans covet his legs, flapping faintly in a breeze still lingering from recent chaos. Through denim tears and well-fitted fabrics could be spotted faint hints to thighs lacking not in lean musculature. A brown belt rests just below a blue button-up, keeping his pants stable whilst faintly augmenting the shades of his shirt. The shirt is loose-fitting, being pulled this way and that against a body which yielded as little to the world in it's lack of movement as a marble statue. The greedy breeze provides slight peaks at shadowy valleys of physical prowess, the lower half of his abs and the upper sections of his collarbones liken to a flexing celebrity in the middle of posing for photos. His arms are smooth and unscathed, looking to practically be polished before having entered our sullied Earth just above two tightly clenched fists. His neck muscles strain out of stress over current circumstance, his face looking to be fairing no better. Even in their perplexed rage each feature seemed to be pulled directly from some beauteous Greek sculpture, leaving one to almost wish for his face to change expression so they may observe the separate facets of his outward emotion. Silver eyes, faintly luminescent even under the afternoon sun, rest just below Ivory hair. His hair was light, flowing nearly as water in the wind, and cut to be rather short aside from one wisp of strands resting just over his forehead. Overall he was rather tall and skinny at around 6' 5", perhaps it was the sheer definition of his traits that demanded awe.

How these details werent clear before is due to a thick haze of an invisible substance sorrounding him. It could not be felt, but once whithin a five foot radius of the man, his faculties would be revealed as if emerging from some blurry shroud of super-heated air.
Oh my gosh I love all of your characters and desire to do this, but I must be the bearer of bad news and I figure its better to do this now rather than later.

I've been working to join a branch of the U.S. military and work has been eating up all of my time. I really only have time for one or two 1x1's as they don't require managing multiple other characters at once. I'm sorry to say this after you all put so much excellent work into things, but I won't be able to GM this RP. when the dust has settled a bit more and I'm not quite so occupied by life I should have the time for this, but right now it's causing me to stress out and I don't think I should be putting that on myself. Again, I apologize, but I just didn't want to drag this out for anyone.
You should be fine. I may interrupt some of what happened but it won't change your post much, if at all. Also, I had a thought on the guardians.

What if they were originally created just to protect Pahn during his rest and scour the Earth for anything that may corrupt him or cause a disease of the mind. During this time they would naturally transition into protecting the Earth, assuming that as their duty upon his awakening in the third age. It just makes more sense to me since Pahn never really cared for Earth in the beginning so I doubt he'd make a force to protect it. I know this might not be a huge detail, but it was just bothering me a little ;D
Its still there but its much weaker due to Pahns current conflict, it'll only make her feel kinda weak so she can walk through it without any real problems. Itll feel more like a really cold air rather than water at this point.
*THWOOOOooosh! Jingle-Jingle!* With a gust of wind and rattling metallic doors, both silver and crimson eyes faced each other once more on the street just outside of Dino's Italian Eatery. Things weren't quite so friendly upon this revived encounter, the air heavy with what is to be portrayed as 'anger' and 'fear'. By this time, most all human residents had retreated indoors. Their instincts screamed to flee and hide, so most all of them did, faster than they likely ever believed they could. Our two masculine figures now stood roughly three meters apart atop a road strewn with debris and cars that had swerved far from their native pavement. Scenery liken to an apocalypse had already been enacted here, and neither had yet to make a move.

"Why do you want this, Ephrin?" Severe words demanding an answer slip from our relaxed pedestrians lips.
"Well, Pahn, you aren't exactly my favorite person." The grey man chuckles, running one callous hand through side-swept hair.
"If thats how you want it." Pahn would say, his body pushed to take action when receiving an unsatisfactory answer.

*BOOOM!* The ground quakes as Ephrin catches a forceful punch inside his left palm, Pahn having now closed the distance.'Shit, I could feel that throughout my body. Still, it's not to be unexpected..' Pahn takes this opportunity to stare the boy down, analyzing him from less than a foot as opposed to more than a meter. Stones are tossed from the Earth below as pavement cracks beneath grey legs, boulders levitating upwards for several seconds when caught inside the profoundly dense aura's of these two godly beings.

"How unoriginal Pahn. Don't tell me you got your titles by swinging these little fists around." Ephrin goads through gritted teeth.
"Okay." Pahn replies. This one word, paired with solemn expression, was something that said 'yes, I'll show you some of what I can do.' With that, he dashes backwards to stand where he previously had before offering the first move. Ephrin stands ready at this word, choosing to observe the mythical strength about to be summoned as opposed to taking hostile action.

*.....wub....wub...wub..WUB.WUB!WUB!WUB!WOOOOOOOOSH!!* Ambiance liken to a generic star-ship powering it's engines could be heard as waves of what look to be compressed air rush from Pahn with each surge of magical strength. The air grows twice as thick as it had before, most all natural humans within a three-hundred meter radius now struggling to breath whilst coping with indescribable panic. Powerful silvery luminescence projects from either of the mans iris's.

*RUMBLLEE!* The ground beneath Pahn quakes and cracks, a very minor earthquake emanating from where he now stands. All aforementioned vehicles in the street surrounding him are pushed back by an intangible and colorless force flowing freely from his form. He takes a step towards Ephrin, the boy takes a small step backwards out of instinct. Whilst our grey man curses under his breath for succumbing to such a thing, Pahn initiates his offensive.

Pahns left hand moves backwards, his body shifting to emulate that of a practiced baseball pitcher ready to launch a curve ball. His right leg lifts whilst his left hand begins to glow. "Is our catcher ready!?!" He would shout, that once human voice now booming at such a frequency that windows attached to all surrounding structures nearly shatter. "Aaaaaand TOSS!" Said windows explode to pieces at that last bellowing howl, Pahns right leg lifting higher just before his body twists violently to propel whatever force had gathered in his left palm forward.

One silvery sphere speckled with blueish hues rockets towards Ephrin in utter silence, said target initiates a move at launching himself upwards when seeing this. Pahn winks at the boy just as his evasion begin. *BOOOOOOOM!!* The sphere explodes prematurely, it's energies blasting as a cylinder of smoke and white flames for several miles before dispersing by crackling multi-colored beads liken to cheap fireworks. Ephrin was near-instantly swallowed up by the inferno. People may begin thinking a holocaust was occurring, even with none having been harmed by some miraculous feat as all destructive force had been contained in between whatever structures humanity had taken refuge in. Nevertheless, carnage unspeakable had been left in the wake of this attack.

"I'm not so weak as I was before." Ephrin gasps between labored breaths. He stood inside a singularly preserved sphere of pavement, his left hand being extended forward. Crimson fluids spill from a humanoid mouth that had split open just inside his gaping palm.

Pahn is beyond words, only speaking when it humored him to joke about Ephrins destruction. He'd already begun gathering winds around his right arm. Spinning tendrils emulating a myriad of colors swirl ferociously about him, something bigger than that last attack already nearing completion. Those of greater training would realize that it had only just begun, that last 'pitch' being more of a stretch than an actual movement.


*Thwack!* Her attacks were successful, the genuinely panicked beast already feeling far too flustered by extreme insecurity to make any moves at avoidance. She was not it's focus, regardless as to whether or not she should be. Gold shackles enraptured by crackling purple energies make each frightened lurch to escape something far bigger than this young woman more theatrical.

"GRAAAAWL-*gurgle*!!!" The beast howls in protest, puss and slithering insects oozing from it's jaw. This detestable roar would end in a sizzling gurgle as Anora's knife makes semi-accurate contact. Surprisingly, the beast would lurch backwards, carelessly tearing it's throat open to move away from the girl. It would make several more thrashes, each weaker than the last. It's body slowly loses strength, all 'living' facilities appearing to be gradually shut down. This would continue for roughly ten seconds before the Aldit is reduced to a twitching mass laying flat upon the Earth below.

This is likely when the greater Aura would surround and consume Anora. She would feel as if she were a child passing under a bridge, needing to hold her breath out of a superstition more tangible than all known life. This aura does not threaten her as it may others, yet she'd still feel slightly petrified at it's sheer magnitude. There could be a titan the size of Earth looming above her, it's fiery eyes gazing directly upon where she stands, and it would only make sense.

The masculine figure in her mind wouldn't become any clearer than before, but the it's silvery outline would certainly have changed. Rather than just a faint glow, there would be a liquid light spilling freely into her memory's and imagination coming directly from his form. One could almost say it's as if he'd always been connected to her dreams and visions of distant, fantastical worlds. One distinct, and utterly unquestionable word arises in her memory. 'Pahnjaka'
He hasnt regressed so much as he's beginning to use his actual strength again. The poison hasnt taken full effect in the least but he realizes what it will eventually do and it's caused him some anger. Being someone who's rarely pushed towards distress by physical circumstance, this is something he wont take lightly. He eminates such an aura, that even when he's faintly disturbed, all who are unprepared will be overcome with an exagerrated and powerful form of whatever emotion he projects. Typically he's far more in control than in this specific circumstance, but it's been nearly one billion years since last he's utilized more than ten percent of his strength. Right now hes riding on about 15-20%, but thats still a hell of a lot when he's consciously whithholding much of it's residual effects even now. Also, the grey man threatened to steal something very precious to Pahn, and with the poison being something that could make such a threat possible in the future, Pahn's mind is racing.

I'll send you plot details in the PM's, sorry I never discussed my plans with you on that one! I definitly should have bee thinking to tell you all about it xD
I FINALLY finished my post! Regrettably, I need to sleep. Though, I will hint, things are about to get CRAZY for another post or two. I'm thinking Pahn and Anora might meet soon, we'll see how 'the craziness' turns out and where she is by the end of it. If you have any questions, critiques, or suggestions for what comes next please speak up, the magic storm's about to hit.
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