Avatar of motherconjurer
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 46 (0.02 / day)
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    1. motherconjurer 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current helljumper, helljumper, where have you been?
7 yrs ago
the fact that my debit card is locked is the only thing keeping me from impulse-buying an xbox one right now
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7 yrs ago
passed out at work today after working 40 hours in six consecutuive days, taking the rest of the day off. tomorrow morning, first thing, i will do all the replies i owe and get to everyone. sorry.
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7 yrs ago
@Nevix I played the first Dishonored and loved it. I might replay it. Thanks for reminding me that that game existed.
7 yrs ago
recommend me good video games that aren't 40+ dollars and arent undertale


they told me to give her a star & i chose to give her a galaxy.
motherconjurer | she/her | high casual/advanced rper!
1x1 interest checkoc listgeneral rp guidelines

Most Recent Posts

※ oh, lazarus, how did your debt get paid?

In that moment, the only thing he knew was fear. To see his sharp, handsome features bathed in a terrifying red light, it took everything in the young man's power not to scream in agony, fear, or anger. His jaw set, the escapist gripped his blade in a self-defensive stance, and his boots dug into the dirt of the barracks around him. "Blessed," he whispered, gripping the golden necklace of Jesus Christ's cross that hung from his neck, "are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them." Soft, fearful eyes closed as he pressed his back to the metal wall of the barracks, feeling the cold against his wounded shoulder. "God in Heaven, guide me with your strength... heal my wound... let me lead myself out of this hellacious country..."

With his wounded arm bound and slung properly, the young man turned the corner, blade out of the hilt that hung from his waist, poised to strike anyone who fought him. To think of something so awful as what he had witnessed brought a sickness to his stomach, and he wanted to vomit. However, the young man continued on in his escape, jaw clenched in pain with every movement that his wounded arm made...

➳ hello, and thank you for checking out my interest check! this interest check is based around my favorite oc, sebastian delacroix. you can find his character sheet on my oc masterpost, but i will conveniently link it for you here. to give you a general overview of sebastian's history, he is a modern-day bastard prince, a refugee prince.

➳ in sebastian's story, he is injured by his younger half-brother, jaune delacroix, with a dangerous injury to his shoulder after being named royal commander of the military (arguably putting him at the same amount of power as the brother, who has socially shamed him out of his birthright for the throne) by his mother, the current queen. as sebastian is in the hospital, he falls in love with one of the nurses, laura, and plans to marry her when he is well again; before he can do so, jaune kills her and frames sebastian. this is only the first event in a number of events that places the small country of elescotia into a panic, forcing sebastian to leave the country with the help of a catholic priest-in-training named antonio and his old commander/godfather, cassius.

i'd like for you to play someone in america who helps sebastian out a couple of months after he finds himself. antonio's 'care package' includes the deed to a dingy studio apartment in a large city as well as a couple of hundred dollars to assist with food and medical bills. when your character finds him, he seems to be healed, albeit weak in his right arm as he hasn't been to physical therapy.

we can talk a lot of details inside, but i'd prefer to keep a lot of this platonic. some romance is fine, but i don't want to be swarmed with a whole bunch of female characters wanting to play alongside sebastian because he's a) attractive and b) a prince. i've seen it happen too many times, and i'd prefer to keep seb's character true to him. if this is a romantic rp, there needs to be chemistry and buildup. anyways! i'm getting a bit too demanding with this; be sure to read my general rules (you can find it in my bio, but i will link it here) before pm'ing me about this! please only pm me about this! ♥
↪ bump / edit ( 11/16 ) : added ' suikoden ' , ' vindictus ', and ' destiny ' to fandoms list! ♥
The only reason I didn't do apps is because I've seen on other forums and tumblr rp how they can be. Would everyone prefer to do apps instead of FCFS? I don't mind to change, seeing as how this is my first rp build.
Edited my original post to reserve the executioner role, but for more visibility, I'll post again.

added to the list! thank you for updating with a separate post!
Casting my lot for the hunter/huntress.

Added to the list.

I apologize if I'm being redundant with this message, (or, if t's not, for the open-ended-ness of my previous one) but I would like to make sure that I have reserved the role of the ancient.

Of course! Added to the list.
Important update: if you are interested in reserving a character, please explicitly state only ONE character. You will then be added to the reserves on a first-come-first-serve basis.

✦ the greater the light, the larger the shadow.

in the world monterra, humans have eternally been in a battle for righteousness over the dark. light and dark are omnipresent, omnipotent forces that have gained religious following, akin to deities. while light and dark are locked in magical stalemate with one-another, their champions (knights, mages, warriors, rogues) fight hand-to-hand with one-another on the earthen soil. in an attempt to turn the tide in its favor, light named six champions to fight in its name, to destroy the four horsemen of the darkness and finally bring a calming peace to its creation. will these heroes come together and fight as one united force, or will internal affairs and frustrations shatter the champions of light with darkness?

reserve system is currently on hold !!

as you can probably already tell, this was inspired by the events of vindictus. all roles are open right now and will probably be given out on a first-come-first-serve basis (with the exception of the magician, whom i would like to play!). all plotline has already been written out, and the four antagonists will be played by the GM (hey! that's me!). rules for battle and the like will be explained more in detail as the OOC comes out, but there is still a bit of planning to do.

in this thread, you can claim characters if you are one hundred percent certain you will be active enough for the OOC/IC. questions are more than accepted, and i will try to answer with the proper answers as quickly as i can. this is a HIGH CASUAL/ADVANCED roleplay, and i will not accept anything less than that level. thank you for showing interest; please only respond with questions to this thread on this thread. i'd like to keep my PMs open for other things. thank you! ♥

↪ champagne, cocaine, gasoline (& most things in-between).

hello! hola, bonjour, guten tag, & all that good shit-- if you don't mind, i'd like to tell you a bit about myself. i'm motherconjurer, pronouns are she/her (i'm female!<3) i've been roleplaying for 8000 years, pretty much, and like to consider myself a high-casual/advanced roleplayer. on average, my starters can start at 7-9 paragraphs, and my average reply length is 3-6 paragraphs, depending on the nature of the scene and the amount of dialogue. please read my general rules.

i really enjoy the following!:
- fantasy (high fantasy, urban fantasy, eldritch comedy (a la ephemeral rift), etc)
- 'other world' scenarios (steampunk, cyberpunk, etc)
- science fiction (tron, mass effect, star wars, star trek, farscape)

but in all seriousness, i'll probably enjoy something as long as i can actively worldbuild and have something to write with. ❤

this is where the bulk of my ideas are. for the most part, i'm down for any of the following worlds:

- high fantasy
- low fantasy/"urban" fantasy
- apocalyptic & post-apocalyptic
- modern-day/non-"magical" worlds
- steampunk/science fiction/cyberpunk

of course, i have a number of my own worlds, such as reincarnates (link currently unavailable), the pantheon (link currently unavailable), world unburnt (link currently unavailable), and coup d'etat that i can tell you about until i get proper sheets going for all of the worlds. please ask about them if you're interested.

and here's where i begin to get unnecessarily lazy, because i'm in a whole bunch of lazy fandoms. so, the fandoms that i am currently interested in are:
- elder scrolls
- fallout
- red versus blue
- persona
- final fantasy / kingdom hearts
- dangan ronpa
- dragon age / mass effect
- overwatch
- rwby
- wizard101 / pirate101 (i know, it's a game for children)
- suikoden
- vindictus
- destiny
- repo! the genetic opera

' bastard crown ' - with sebastian delacroix
' repo! the genetic opera ' - various ocs in a repo! universe
' what has become of you? ' - generally nsfw 1x1 ideas, oc-heavy. triggers abound.
' a slice of life! ' - 1x1 slice of life ideas, oc-heavy.

i have a number of ships in each of these fandoms-- all you have to do is ask for my ship lists for each of these fandoms! if there are any video games, shows, or animations that are similar, i'm probably into them as well. be sure to check out my oc list and just generally come into my PMs if you find a character that you'd like to RP against.

this is super vague, i'm well aware-- for a little "tl;dr", if you see a fandom or world here that you'd like to interact in, hit me up in PMs and let me know and we'll hash out a plot. interest checks for my other worlds will be created soon (maybe in the next couple of weeks or so?) and then linked to here for easy access. thanks for stopping in!

➸ they too will know the joy of creation.

➸ hello, and welcome to my oc masterpost ! at this post's creation, only my existing characters will be included, but as i create more characters to be included during my roleplay travels, i will include them here as well. they are organized by world / setting / universe existing, and i hope it's easy to navigate. all of these character sheets are created via google docs so that i can edit them as i need them. thank you for viewing ! - mc.

disclaimer: not all of the characters on this masterpost have completed character sheets. please be patient as i construct them. ♥

abel deroche
sebastian delacroix
➸ angela berkeley
valaine belladonna

➸ nemcorp primary model #0457, "candi"

➸ nomore vestia
➸ seun-gri ban
➸ seun-gri ran

➸ hashimoto takaya (shsl special ops)
➸ tanaka rui (shsl visual kei)
➸ wakahisa misaki (shsl exorcist)
yamamoto reiha (shsl tv personality)

dahlia roman (courier six)
➸ callum bennett (fallout: new vegas)
➸ callum bennett (lone wanderer)
➸ dakota bailey (sole survivor)

➸ mary
➸ sherlock

sato akita

agent montana

➸ selene lacroix
➸ tarasios barathon
➸ xiannas culeon
➸ yannis pelopon

aeton karas (hades)

➸ heo nuri

➸ celeste
➸ cain
➸ artemis
➸ gabriel
➸ eriz

Welcome to the Guild you cringy fuck. What genres of fiction do you like?

Hey there! I love pretty much all sorts of fiction: high fantasy (Elder Scrolls, Tolkien, etc.) but I am also a blatant glutton for science-fiction (TRON, Mass Effect, URBANCE, etc.) as well as "modern fantasy" (magicians in urban settings - I have a couple of OCs who are developed in this type of setting) and eldritch humor/fiction (like the works of Ephemeral Rift on YT).
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